Toilet design: optimal solutions for a small room

Very often in modern apartments there is too little space for a bathroom, where it is often impossible to accommodate anything other than a toilet. If the living conditions do not provide great opportunities for the improvement of such zones, it is important to know exactly how you can cope with the problem and what techniques to use. Repair work and toilet design in a small area should be carefully thought out and planned taking into account all the characteristics of the room, then it will be possible to make something beautiful, functional and comfortable in the toilet.
Special features
A bathroom is provided in any modern apartment, but the older the building, the less space was given to it. The minimum size of such a room is 1.2 m², which is why it is difficult to place something other than a toilet bowl in such a room. To create the design of a small toilet in the apartment correctly, you need to take into account its specific dimensions, height of ceilings and the number of objects that are in the room.
The simplest version of the design idea is the game of colors and textures. For small rooms, traditionally a suitable option would be light colors and a combination of bright with pastel shades. The use of accent spots in the optimal amount helps to dilute the space and visually make it more voluminous and interesting.
When planning to repair the toilet, you need to ensure that all materials that will be used in work, and plumbing are of the highest quality, which directly affects the comfort of their use. Proper design of all the details of the toilet room will provide an opportunity to place everything that is necessary in it, without overloading the space and making it even more functional.
Types of rooms
Each era is characterized by its own characteristics in everything, even in the construction of houses. So, in the "Khrushchev" traditionally small toilets and conditions are far from ideal living, but if you want, you can change everything. In a panel house, the situation is no better, and in some ways even worse. Due to the small size of the bathroom and toilet, it is very difficult to install a washing machine or any other equipment in such rooms.
For small-sized space, the most appropriate solution is to re-plan the space. Sometimes, to increase the size of the bathroom, it is necessary to connect it to the bathroom, although not in all cases it is convenient. To place the toilet, you need at least 1 square. meter of space so that you can comfortably use the services of the room. If it is possible to expand it, there is a need to put a bidet next to the toilet. In the bathroom, you can clean the bath and install a booth to make room for a washing machine.
If the shower and toilet go like two autonomous, but very small rooms, they can be joined by removing the partition. This will increase the space and place in it a lot more objects that were previously unavailable.Combining the premises, the location of the plumbing also makes changes that relate to the location of each of the objects. The toilet is usually rotated 45 degrees, with a diagonal in the corner.
The advantage of connecting these zones is the convenience of placing everything you need, it is easy to connect a sink and a washing machine from the bathroom water pipes, and the toilet itself is not always necessary to be moved, it is simply unfolded as it is most convenient.
A feature of the old premises is the problem of waterproofing. After the demolition of the partition, it is necessary to completely cover the entire combined space with insulation, whereas in new houses it is enough to process only the area of the demolished wall.
How to make?
The small dimensions of the toilet affect what kind of interior it is best to do. In order for the room to be not only functional, but also attractive, it is important to find the optimal ratio with the existing design of the other rooms. You need to push off from how exactly the repairs are made in the corridor and the kitchen, as well as those premises that are closest to the bathroom. They play a significant role in the choice of material and color of the room.
If the toilet room has small dimensions, then it is important to decorate it in bright colors, because they help to visually expand the space, and the presence of bright accents in a small amount will only emphasize the originality of the room. It is easy to make repairs in the toilet with your own hands, the main thing is to decide what exactly should be there.
Depending on the wishes and possibilities, you can decorate the walls with wallpaper, tiles, drywall or euroboard. It is best to maintain the entire room with a single material that was selected, but add additional details or decor to it. If this is a eurodosk, then you can paint the individual elements in a different color to highlight a specific zone. For tiles, the original will be the use of patchwork tiles, which will give a pleasant color to the room. Wallpaper or paint for walls can be different shades or have minor differences in print.
To make the room functional, it is important to highlight the niche area.where will be located all the necessary household items. You can make such a niche with your own hands, for which drywall is best suited, with which you can completely finish the toilet room.This option will allow you to create a holistic space in which everything is in place, niches and shelves are located inside the structure, thereby not hiding the space visually. If there is an opportunity to place some furniture in the toilet, then the room with the closet could solve the main task of accommodating everything necessary in one place.
The toilet plays an important role in the repair of the toilet. In addition to the functional components and convenience for the apartment owners, it can have an interesting design. There are options for the execution of this object in different colors and shapes, which makes it stand out in the interior. You can additionally select the zone where the toilet is located to make a complete image. This is important in the case when the toilet and bath are together and there is a desire to visually separate each of the zones, for which the use of color spots is best suited.
The design of the toilet should be in harmony with its functional component and not interfere with it. So, if a room with a water heater, then you need to find a suitable place for it or arrange it so that this element of technology does not catch the eye and seemed to dissolve in the room.It is convenient to construct for this design the type of cabinet or shelving, which either closes or masks the water heater.
Thinking through the stylistic options for the design of the toilet, you can select the most suitable for this type of rooms.
- Scandinavian style. It assumes simplicity and brevity, light colors and a minimum of objects in the room. The main focus is on the naturalness of all materials from which the repair is made. You can combine different types of finishing materials, wallpaper with tile or paint, which will make a small room visually large.
- Hi-tech and modern. These styles involve the use of non-standard materials, shapes and colors. The brighter and more unusual the finish, the better the style is emphasized. You can complement the interior with pictures or photos with extraordinary content.
- Provence. Finishing materials are selected in a specific style and color. The choice of plumbing should be subordinated to the main idea, which means that the toilet, sink, bathroom should have different curved shapes with obligatory decorative elements.
Creating a unique space of a toilet or combined bathroom, it is important to find a place for each object in the room and place them in their places.It is the correct placement of furniture and plumbing will make the room comfortable and beautiful.
Walls in the toilet
For a beautiful design of the walls of the toilet, you can choose different materials, but you need to know what is best and what types will be more appropriate. The most simple and inexpensive way would be wallpaper, the color and texture of which can be absolutely any. Based on the fact that the toilet has high humidity, the best type of wallpaper will be vinyl, which serve for a long time and have a very beautiful appearance.
Before doing pasting, it is necessary to carry out all the basic work with the walls. In addition, they should be as smooth as possible, it is important to apply antifungal agent to avoid the development of fungus and prevent wallpaper damage. The choice of pattern depends on the preferences of the owners of the premises, their taste, temperament and other features. Everyone chooses the color and design. This may be an abstraction, flowers or clear lines, the main thing is the presence of light spots that make the room large. The more light colors will be located in the toilet, the more it will seem.
If we talk about color, then white, green and blue wallpapers are best suited for the toilet room, especially with small sizes. Photowall-paper will look very beautiful and original. They can be selected under the general ideological sense of a room, tied to a decorative solution of a corridor or a bathroom, in order to get a general concept, which in this case will be distinguished by individual features.
Other finishing materials are ceramic tiles.
For her to choose the right toilet, you need to pay attention to such indicators:
- size - the value should be convenient for laying, which minimizes the number of cut pieces;
- shape - non-standard room or individual decorative elements can be laid out with unusual square or rectangular tiles;
- type of installation - based on the first two criteria, the option of work will be determined.
For small toilets, a selection of small rectangular products would be most appropriate. A tile of small size works well, because it perfectly masks seams. The use of tiles of complex shapes and designs is not recommended.
The laying process itself can occur in several ways.
- The diagonal view involves laying the tile from top to bottom diagonally, which makes the space larger, expanding it.
- If the room has narrow sides, then for their artificial visual magnification it is necessary to use rectangular tiles, laying them in thin, but long rows.
- Laying tile in two levels: on top of the light, then separating a thin tiled strip, and a darker, visually increase the room.
- You can visually raise the ceilings using colored tiles, placing them vertically.
Especially beautiful, although quite expensive is the use of liquid wallpaper. To work with them, it is very important to bring the surface of the walls to a perfectly smooth state in order to apply the wallpaper next step. The process of coating the wall is quite complicated, so it is recommended to use the help of specialists.
In order for the liquid wallpaper in the toilet to have an original appearance, you can add various glitters or silk threads to their composition. Usually nothing is added to such a covering, but they decorate walls with the help of mirrors and statuettes, but only if there is room for them or they logically fit into the room.You can choose stylish furniture with expensive-looking furniture, accessories for toothbrushes, soap dishes, shelves for small things that will create an ensemble together, decorating and not cluttering the space of the toilet walls.
If the walls of the room are very uneven, and the work on their alignment is almost impossible, it is best to apply drywall. This option is available where there is a small stock of room dimensions and it does not significantly decrease due to the installation of new walls. As soon as all sides are updated, you can apply any paint on the drywall from above, creating interesting drawings, abstractions or playing with colors, glue wallpapers or even lay small tiles. The choice of options is quite wide and depends on the preferences of the owner of the toilet room.
Bathroom floor
The most practical, reliable and durable cover for the toilet on the floor is tile. The tile maintains constant contact with water, is easy to clean and retains its original appearance for a long time. So that the room is always warm and cozy, you can make the installation of a warm floor, and even in the winter it will be nice to stand on a tile.If there is a desire to give the room a more comfortable look, then the use of special rugs or even carpet can easily help with this.
It is recommended to use a square tile for laying on the floor.Which will serve more reliably due to the uniform distribution of weight on the surface of the square. In addition, laying such material minimizes tile trimming, which reduces the amount of costs for it. The color of the coating can be any, but it is best to choose an option that will be in harmony with the walls and emphasize the design idea.
Marble tile is considered to be the universal and most popular type of floor covering for a toilet. It will look equally good with a wide variety of wallpaper, paint color or wall tiles, and if you wish, you can hide it under the rug for a while.
Required materials and tools
For a good and high-quality repair of the toilet, you need to choose the right materials and choose the right tools for them. The best finishing material for both walls and floor is tile. It is durable, not afraid of moisture, and modern designs will help create a unique design of the room.To work with tiles, it is necessary to have a mixture for installation, a spatula with teeth for applying the mortar and a grout for joints.
The most elegant option for finishing both the bath and the toilet is natural marble. It is very expensive, but it will serve for a very long time and will never lose its relevance, delighting the owners with a chic appearance. Installation is almost the same as in the case of tile, so the tools will need the same. If it is not possible to allocate a significant amount for the repair of a bathroom, then you can use a cheaper, but no less interesting option, like plastic panels. They are perfect for decoration and protection of walls, and thanks to different textures and colors have the opportunity to embody any design decisions. For its installation you will need profiles, screws and a screwdriver.
Moisture-resistant wallpaper can be considered a simple option for wall decoration, they are inexpensive and easy to install. To glue them, you need to have a container for glue, scissors and a roller. If the walls in the room are smooth, then you can work without prior preparation, although it is desirable to treat the surface with antifungal agents.An interesting option would be to use wood, but since it does not tolerate moisture well, it is better to minimize its amount in the interior.
A convenient option for wall finishing material is drywall. Covering the walls with panels, you can get rid of the significant irregularities of the walls, making them perfect and ready for any decoration. To work with plasterboard need a joiner's knife for cutting sheets, a solution for installation on the wall, which is applied with a spatula.
It is necessary to choose material for finishing taking into account features of the room and material indicators of the owner of the room.
Designers recommendations
The decor of the toilet room can be very diverse and depends on the capabilities and imagination of the owners of the room.
If the toilet has small dimensions, it is possible to increase them due to certain techniques.
- Dismantling old-style plumbing and installing a new, modern, streamlined shape will make it possible to free up some space and give the interior a new, attractive appearance, while the installation option will emphasize the uniqueness of a particular room.
- A toilet with space for storing small items in the form of cabinets and shelves in a small space should be logically justified and serve specific purposes.It is best to place them in an area where there are sewer pipes on the wall, so you can hide them and at the same time make the area functional. In order not to take away space, it is necessary to use narrow cabinets and shelves, you can equip the doors with a mirror or make them fully mirrored, which will create the illusion of a larger space.
- You can equip a beautiful and functional toilet with the help of properly selected materials and colors. Wall and floor decoration can be using the same material or different combinations. Using accent spots on light walls, it is possible to emphasize the design of the room, making it easy and interesting.
Modern ideas and options
- Due to the availability of modern technologies and materials, you can create unique design options for any room, including the toilet. Real examples that can be seen on the Internet are proof of that.
- The use of white tiles gives the room ease, and the pattern of oblong shape visually lengthens the space. The minimum number of components of the room makes it spacious and comfortable.Storage area and access to pipes neatly closed built-in locker.
- Wood decoration will very well look in country houses. Both natural wood and plastic panels with wood imitation can be used for repairs. The convenient location of all elements allows you to make a small space completely functional and beautiful.
In the next video you will find a review of the original toilet with a wardrobe and illuminated niches.