Installation for a bidet: variety and installation

The range of plumbing items deemed necessary in household use is gradually expanding. Recently, it includes such a novelty as an installation for a bidet. Moreover, the developers managed to come up with a variety of versions and versions of this important device.
Special features
The lack of space in the bathrooms until recently limited the popularity of the bidet. A small demand led to the fact that the trading companies, it was almost not needed. Only occasionally on the windows and shelves of stores there were similar devices that only enthusiasts bought. But the situation has changed, and what remains unchanged is that the bidet is supplied, if not bundled with a toilet, it should at least "play with it in unison." This requires the aesthetics of the room.
Installation for a bidet can be installed in the toilet in two ways: some models are placed on the floor, others are hung on the wall. The first option is more familiar, the construction is bolted to the base of the floors or put on glue. A distinctive feature of such a system is a hardened "leg" - as a result, the product is difficult to distinguish from a simple toilet. Embedded devices are deprived, of course, of massive fixing parts. Suspended fasteners are used for them, most often masked by fake walls of plasterboard or plastic panels.
Installations for the bidet with the two in one function are now at the peak of popularity. This solution is especially attractive for small-sized bathrooms, where literally every square millimeter has to be obtained with difficulty. The differences are relatively small: the bowl becomes more oblong, and the overall dimensions of the device inevitably grow. But compared with a pair of separate devices, a substantial saving of space is still achieved. The total water flow through the combined toilet will be higher than through a simple one.
In addition to the mechanical (plumbing) part, the electronics coordinating its work is also placed inside the combined apparatus.The water supply in the bidet is made using special nozzles placed either on the fittings at the rim, or inside the side of the bowl. When the bidet stops working, the nozzle moves under the bezel and is flush with it. If, according to the scheme, the nozzles are placed in the rim, the water supply starts simply when it is turned on. Only cold water still goes to the toilet, but for the bidet it is also necessary to provide hot water.
In a more complex version of the bidet, combined with the toilet, can warm up the incoming fluid on their own. In addition to the components already listed, sometimes there are hair dryers, small elevators under the seat, water intake regulators, and pendulum devices in the nozzles.
Such additions make using the device more comfortable, but if you refuse them and choose the simplest model, you can save a rather large amount.
Toilets combined with a bidet, mostly made of porcelain and faience. The increased cost of porcelain structures is justified by their strength and increased reliability. There is no risk that any raids, crusts or ugly spots will appear on the surface.In addition to practical performance and reliability, increased attention should be paid to the compliance of selected options with basic sanitary requirements.
In addition to these two materials, can also be used:
- cast iron;
- stainless steel grades;
- plastic;
- a rock;
- glass.
The size of the floor bidets can vary within fairly wide limits, but the dimensions of most models are 35.6 cm in width, 40 cm in height and 50–54 cm in depth. The suspension devices do not have any special differences, because their protruding part is mounted in the same premises. Installations most often occupy 82 x 50 x 13.1 cm. If you choose a toilet with a bidet function, its size will be approximately 77 x 36 x 63 cm.
The latter option, as can be seen from the figures cited, really turns out to be more compact than a pair of autonomous vehicles of the same purpose.
Style and design
There are a huge number of options on the market, including those painted in the most unusual colors, sometimes not often associated with plumbing.
The range of leading manufacturers now have versions that can decorate the interior of a variety of styles:
- retro;
- high tech;
- modern;
- minimalism;
- Provence
As for installations, they improve the quality of the design space and allow you to disguise unsightly mounting details. An original step is the choice of bidets contrasting to the white walls of the bathroom - bright colors or even black. Thinking through the features of the design project, it should be borne in mind that it should not degrade the reliability of the device. It is the game of colors that allows you to realize your ideas without any problems.
The latest trends dictate a shift in favor of minimalism.
Selection and installation
Block installation is suitable only for bathrooms with main walls. Positions for fixing the reinforcement are initially provided in the housing. In the frame versions, as the name implies, a steel frame is used. Half of the four mounting points located on the floor, the rest - on the wall. Such structures can be attached not only to the main walls; sometimes for them and partitions are suitable.
The distance (height from the drain to a clean floor) is not regulated by any standards. For floor bidets, the bezel should be about 0.4 m higher than the floor.But more accurate figures can be obtained only by “trying on” a specific device. It is necessary to try it, imitating a typical application, and it will immediately become clear at what height it is convenient to put a bidet.
Adjustment using special extensions allows you to add 12.5–18 cm.
Manufacturers and reviews
Brand products Geberitthat appeared earlier than others on the Russian market continues to delight consumers with its high quality to this day. The company manufactures bidets and supplies them with secure fasteners. The range includes floor and suspended devices of various sizes. The main part of products is equipped with low installations, which are the most popular. The Tece brand, which began its commercial way back in the 1950s, knows a lot about the practical use of products.
Consumers buying bidets and installations of this manufacturer, note the high level of design solutions, convenience and ease of installation. Products Grohe once again they confirm that the German quality is preserved even in the second decade of the 21st century. Installations supplied under this brand are quiet - it was achieved,using the company's patented technology.
Company Vitra delivers the hidden systems of washout of water on 3 or 6 l, with depth of installation from 90 to 120 mm. You can also buy frames for hanging bidet, suitable for installation on plasterboard walls. Alcaplast - Advanced Czech brand, carefully preserving its reputation. Among the latest developments of the company, it is worth noting the movable holders of runoff knees, as well as devices for connecting to hygienic showers. Viega - Another German concern, whose products are considered quite decent.
All of it belongs to the elite category. Users mark the thoughtful device and the minimum expense of connections. Villeroy boch delivers almost universal installations that are ideal for attaching bidets from other manufacturers. All necessary items are always supplied. Cersanit - world-class brand. The installations sold to her can be found both in private houses and in the most reputable institutions, the quality of the materials used is no worse than that of the “grandees”.
Winkel delivers high-quality frame fastenings for bidets and toilets.Polish engineers managed to create systems that are well connected to the main walls and partitions. Consumers mark long life and stable use of designs. At the same time, the cost of Eastern European products is quite sparing.
Among the goods of the budget class is the best choice.
About the features of the installation of installations for bidets can be viewed on the video below.
Successful examples and options
A bidet with a built-in installation type can look quite attractive. This is how two separate devices (toilet and bidet) look, and there are no elements spoiling the view.
And here it is clearly seen that against the background of a wall of a dull reddish material, everything is perceived even more refined. Due to the high-quality installation, suspended bidets are very strong and consistently perform their function.
And this photo shows one of the best options for the mounting frame.