Winter Garden: spectacular projects of construction and design

The wildlife corner of the house is what many housewives dream about. Create it at home is not difficult. Whoever dreamed of having a bit of summer in his house, can simply build a winter garden, filling it with both greens, familiar to the eye, and exotic plants from different parts of the planet.
A bit of history
The winter garden was first built a long time ago. The first similarities of green oases originated in ancient Greece. Later they spread to Europe. The best way was to apply new approaches to growing plants and caring for them in England.The most important change at this stage was the invention of new methods of space heating. In addition to the pits filled with hot coal, they began to use a water heating system for heating. Due to such rapid development, it became possible to equip winter gardens not only in private houses, but also in high-rise buildings.
Over time, winter gardens appeared in Russia. The very first such oasis in their Spaso-Preobrazhensky monastery were arranged by monks. It was a stone building that was used not only for growing beautiful flowers and pleasant looking trees, but also to have access to tasty and fresh vegetables and fruits for a whole year. In the harsh climatic conditions, this is what has become a very important point.
During the XIX century, the winter gardens spread throughout the territory of Russia. True, they were mainly settled by nobles. In their estates, they could surround themselves with strange plants and flowers, creating an atmosphere for recreation and small talk. The fashion for winter gardens spread very quickly, new trends appeared. For example, extensions began to fill with fountains, unusual figures and even songbirds.
At the peak of the development of winter gardens there was a revolution and the coming to power of the Communist Party. During this period, naturally, rooms filled with exotic plants were considered an unaffordable luxury. Now, fortunately, the situation has changed, and almost everyone can build a winter garden and fill it. There are many materials suitable for building a garden, its insulation and the creation of ventilation. So you can equip a convenient place for rest and plant breeding in almost any latitude.
Special features
The winter garden is a cross between an ordinary garden and a room. From the greenhouse, it differs in that the latter is aimed solely at growing plants. A more simplified version of the greenhouse is the greenhouse. As for the winter garden, it is at the same time a place for recreation and for gatherings in the company of loved ones. Greenhouses and greenhouses are located separately in the backyard. But the winter garden is, as a rule, an extension to the house. In city apartments he is often equipped on a balcony or loggia.
The winter garden allows you to keep a summer corner in your home. It protects flowers and all kinds of plants from adverse weather conditions at any time of the year.However, unlike greenhouses, in which climatic conditions are rather specific and aimed at growing some unusual plant varieties, the microclimate in the winter garden is neutral. It is selected so that all the plants planted in the room and the people who rest there will be comfortable. The winter garden should be well heated, have full ventilation and a humidification system.
In addition, when designing the space, attention is also paid to aesthetics. Winter garden should be attractive and pleasing to the eye. If possible, the room should also be supplemented with comfortable furniture.
Types of designs
If necessary, a winter garden can be either built separately or attached to a residential house. There are many interesting options for the shape of the room.
- With a lean-to roof. The most common option is a classic extension to a house with a lean-to roof. This is the simplest form, with the installation of which even a person without experience can cope. Building such a room, you need to pay attention to the fact that the roof was large enough slope. So it will not accumulate snow in the winter season.If you want to make an extension extension, the roof is recommended to do a gable.
- Polygonal. This is a good replacement for round greenhouses. The number of corners can be anything, depending on the preferences of the owner and the number of plants to be placed in the room. True, in order for the building to be strong and reliable, you need to find a good and durable frame.
- Corner. In some cases, in order to save space, this type of extension is used as a corner. If you choose such an option, it is worthwhile to place it in a place that remains very well lit throughout the day.
- Mortise. This option is used less frequently, but is more convenient. The essence of this room is that the winter garden is combined with some living spaces. For example, with a dining room or kitchen. It turns out a cozy and beautiful room in which it is pleasant to rest. The main disadvantage of such an extension is that it takes a lot of time to spend on the construction and equipment of the room.
- Separate. If there is no possibility to attach a winter garden to the house or you just want to locate a “green oasis” away from your home, then you can give preference to a building resembling a greenhouse.It should be well insulated, especially from the cold north side. The roof in such a building can be sloping or pyramidal, depending on the needs.
Regardless of which form is chosen, it must necessarily have heating, lighting and a ventilation system. When it is warm and light inside, the winter garden will really flourish.
As for the dimensions of the winter garden, they can be different. As a rule, the size of the room depends on how much free space is available. In a small area it is better to arrange a small glazed garden, and in a spacious courtyard - a large greenhouse.
You should also focus on what kind of plants will be grown there. For example, for breeding exotic palm trees or spray roses, choose a larger room. And for flowers in pots or boxes it will be enough for a small room.
Layout options
It is very important to find the right place to accommodate the winter garden. The country house is definitely more room for planning. In an apartment building it is usually necessary to equip a balcony or loggia for a mini-winter garden.But in a private house you can arrange it on the roof, veranda, terrace or make a full extension. If there is an opportunity, then it is worthwhile in determining a place to build to heed the advice of professionals. It is believed that it is best to have the structure in the east.
You can also position the structure and so that it faces west. This solution also has its advantages. In such an extension, heat can accumulate throughout the day. True, in the hot summer this can turn into a disadvantage. As for the rooms located on the south side, they are considered very impractical. In the hot summer, the plants there will overheat very much, and in order to save them, you will have to spend a lot of time on the ventilation and watering devices.
If you make the building transparent, then there will be enough light in it, and at the same time the room will not overheat.
In the case of the annexes on the north side, money will have to be spent on heating, since the room is quite cold.
These are the basic rules for planning a winter garden, which will be relevant even at the dacha, at least in the cottage, even in the kindergarten.Next, you should focus on whether the garden is located in one-story rooms or is located on the second floor. If the winter garden is at the top, then you need to additionally calculate the weight so that the walls do not have too much load. Only if you do everything correctly, the room will be a safe haven for plants and a great place for a family holiday.
Actual styles
Winter Garden can be arranged in different ways. There are several styles that are currently very popular.
- Provence. This is one of the most comfortable and charming destinations. Provence is characterized by the use of wooden boxes and tubs, in which flowers and herbs grow. Also in such a winter garden there should be a lot of decorative trifles - exquisite textiles, wicker furniture and so on. The plants themselves are better to choose simple, not too exotic. It is possible to combine a huge number of flowers with herbs or green plants in one room.
- Japanese. When you make a winter garden in the Japanese style have to adhere to the rules. First, you should choose certain plants. Most often it is bamboo, orchids, sakura - that is, all that is characteristic of the Japanese islands. In addition, a lot of attention should be paid to the design of the room.Decorative stones and pebbles, low stools and chairs, lamps painted with hieroglyphs will fit well into Japanese style.
- Minimalism. The style of minimalism is one of the favorite trends of our time. It is characterized by the use of a small number of plants and their correct placement. In a minimalist winter garden, everything should be clearly organized - and plants, and decorative things should be given a certain place.
- Romantic. Another style that is loved by many is romantic. If you want to have a place in the house where you can relax your soul or relax in the company of a loved one, then you can arrange a winter garden accordingly. In this case, the romantic corner will be complemented with delicate flowers, and the furniture will be chosen as comfortable as possible. It is logical to use vintage lamps or candle-shaped lamps as decor.
Review of materials
For the construction of the frame and the foundations of the winter garden are used different materials.
- Glass. Very often, for arranging a winter garden, shock-resistant glass is used as the main material. The use of glass is considered quite an economical option, especially if it is an extension, and one of the walls is the wall of a house.
It should be borne in mind that despite the fact that glass constructions seem very light and airy, in reality they turn out to be heavy. So, you need to make a very strong foundation.
- Double glazing. More modern material is double glazing. They are multi-layered glass. Between each layer is an air gap. Due to this, the room turns out to be warmer. So, it is necessary to spend less time for heating the winter garden.
- Tree. This material is used to create skeletons. Wooden buildings with glass paneling are now very popular. Yes, and they look very stylish.
- Polycarbonate. This material is used for trim extensions. Polycarbonate is an excellent material for thermal insulation. It is good simply because it consists of cells that are filled with air. Due to this, heat is retained inside the room. True, this material has its drawbacks. The fact is that polycarbonate reacts negatively to exposure to sunlight, becoming too fragile under the sun. Because of this, the service life of polycarbonate is reduced to 8-10 years.
- Metallic profile. This material is much more durable and stronger. True, when making an extension on your own, you have to tinker with the finishing of the profile for a long time, since it is not so easy to cut and process. You also need to process the frame with the help of special anti-corrosion agents.
- Aluminum profile. This material is even stronger than the previous one. For strength, it can be compared even with steel. In addition, he himself is not subject to corrosion. Most often, such a frame is combined with double-glazed windows, isolating the room from the cold.
Independent creation
The construction of a winter garden and its equipment with your own hands is a difficult task, but it can be realized. It is very important to arrange everything so that inside the room there is a comfortable temperature and normal lighting. The first stage in any case is the planning of the room and the design. It is necessary to calculate the load on the foundation, the size of the extension and its location. The sketch must always be imprinted on paper and get permission to build an extension.
When the planning and construction is completed, you need to deal with the issue of lighting. The most important point - the presence of natural light.It is for this reason that very often the rooms, which are allotted for the winter garden, are made of glass or double-glazed windows. Regardless of whether it is attached to a winter garden or a separate one, care must be taken to ensure that the room has good ventilation and a heating system. In the case of an extension, the issue of heating is solved easier, and if the building needs to be built from scratch, the task becomes more complicated.
Along with the manufacture of buildings and installation of various shelves and racks plays an important role and the choice of plants that will be located inside the winter garden. It is difficult to advise something, because the choice is always individual.
If you just want to add some bright colors, you can use flowers in pots or wicker baskets. And if there is a desire to receive from the winter garden and some practical benefits, in this case, you can grow seedlings, herbs, or even bushes with berries. The main thing is to create the necessary conditions for the normal existence and development of all of their “green friends”.
Furniture selection
Equally important is the choice of suitable furniture. Organic furniture looks most natural in such a room.It can be made of rattan or ordinary vines. It can be used with a set with chairs and a table, and rocking chairs, and sofas. You can add wicker things with soft pillows, blankets. And the furniture itself, and textile additions to it can be bought or created manually. Such exclusive things and look more original, and are more valuable.
In some cases, the winter garden also serves as a dining room. Then you need to supplement the room also with a full-fledged dining table. It can be either oval or rectangular or square. The number of chairs, and the size of the table itself depend on how many people usually dine after it. If the room is small, then it is better to choose a transforming table, which will not take up much space when not in use.
In order to have a good time in the room, you need to take care also of the choice of beautiful decorative trifles. The most obvious option decor - statues and garden figures. You can buy them in stores or supermarkets, and you can do it yourself. Also as a decor can be used and lamps.There are very beautiful forged products or lamps decorated with floral prints that will organically fit into the interior of the winter garden. After all the shelves and fixtures have been installed, ventilation and heating are installed, and the plants are placed in their places, repairs can be considered complete and use the room to relax or grow your favorite flowers.
Beautiful design examples
The first option is one of the most versatile. It will appeal to those who want to turn their winter garden into a cozy place to relax. The extension is small. Both the walls and the ceiling are glass, which is very practical, because in sunny weather the plants will receive enough light.
The room is filled with things that are associated with a homely atmosphere and comfort. - wicker chairs, carpets and colorful pillows. It has everything you need for a holiday. Decorate the space with flowers in large pots, climbing plants in hanging baskets and a tree in the corner. Greens are not so much, but the fact that there is enough to create a relaxing atmosphere.
The second example is a small attached room, designed exclusively for growing plants. As in the previous version, there are large windows and a glass ceiling.This, again, is done to ensure that the plants have enough heat and light. There are not so many plants in the room, but they are all arranged neatly and located on the shelves and on the floor. Such a winter garden becomes a real part of nature surrounding the extension from all sides. Therefore, furniture, and all sorts of decorative details here are superfluous.
If you want to “house for plants” was not only beautiful, but also functional, the room can be supplemented with a table, benches and a chest of drawers. Such a simple arrangement of the interior allows you to have lunch or just gather for tea drinking in this room. There are not so many plants here as in greenhouses or greenhouses, but they are all very original and beautiful. The interior is complemented by the correct design - a picture of a green garden on the wall, a chandelier-fan and original flowerpots. Such a room is both practical and aesthetically appealing.
There are many more different ideas for the design of a green garden. The choice ultimately depends only on the preferences of the owners of the house and on the budget that they have. However, even without having huge funds, you can create a beautiful project, if you properly apply your design skills and knowledge into practice.Using the available materials, for example, old frames or previously used polycarbonate, you can save a lot on the construction and create a winter garden without practical investment. Exotic plants can also be brought from vacation or independently grow fruit trees from the seeds of fruit purchased on the market or in the store.
On the intricacies of the arrangement of the winter garden, you will learn from the following video.