Polycarbonate Greenhouse Sizes: Selection Criteria

Greenhouse is a great place to grow greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, and even flower crops. In the spring, it helps to get an early harvest, autumn - to keep the summer weather. From the size and design depends on the quantity and quality of crops.
Features and advantages of the material
Greenhouses may have a different coating - film, glass, polycarbonate, plastic. But the most popular are greenhouses made of polycarbonate - a monolithic polymer with a different structure.
- Honeycomb - it is a sheet inside which cells of different sizes are located, allowing to diffuse light perfectly and retain heat, which is very durable.
- Monolithic sheet - it is a simple flat sheet of polymer, resembling glass, but much lighter, has excellent flexibility and light transmittance.
Fox consists of layers such as:
- solid is a durable sheet that protects against external influences;
- the cells creating heat-insulating properties. Thanks to them, the material is lightweight and durable, as the edges of the cells give rigidity;
- dense solid sheet that is coated with moisture protection.
This material wins consumers with the following benefits:
- ease;
- impact resistance;
- high transparency;
- high thermal conductivity, and also heat holding;
- transmits the UV spectrum;
- flexibility that allows easy transportation and construction of arched or corner greenhouses;
- ease of care - it can be washed, cleaned from the remnants of leaves, disinfected;
- fire safety - the material does not have combustible properties;
- durability.
The minus is fast scratching. However, this does not affect the main function, but the appearance suffers.There are different sizes and thicknesses of polycarbonate. However, the optimal thickness for a greenhouse can be called 6–8 mm. 6 by 2.1 m is a standard size. The length can be 12 meters, but for work such sheets are inconvenient, therefore users prefer six meters.
Sizes: standard and optimal
The size range of greenhouses is diverse. They are large, small, under fruits, flowers, berries, vegetables.
The division of sizes is carried out on the following types:
- standard, specified by the manufacturer;
- optimal, suitable for certain areas.
Standard greenhouses have the following dimensions, depending on the size of the sheet in 6 meters: height 1.9 m, and accordingly the radius of the greenhouse, as it has the shape of an arc or arch. From here it is easy to understand that the width will be two radii - 3.8 m, and length - 6 m. The optimal size is dictated by a special document - Appendix No. 85 of the Construction Rules and Norms (abbreviated SPiN) of 02.10.2004, for which the maximum for width is 260 centimeters, and at a height of not less than two meters.
The size of greenhouses depends on planting crops and, accordingly, they build a future design.
- Width. When calculating the width should consider the following necessary parameters. The width of the door is the minimum value corresponding to the width of the shoulders of an average gardener - 56 cm. The width of the racks is 97 cm, and the passage between them is at least 60 cm for ease of operation. Thus, the minimum width is 2–2.5 m, all other calculations are individual and are based on functionality.
- Length. It depends only on the desire of the owner. We take into account that the width of a single sheet of polycarbonate is 120 centimeters, and then simple addition and construction of the required length. But be sure to note that the longer the structure, the harder it is to maintain the optimum temperature. It is especially difficult to do in the winter.
- Height. It depends on the wishes of the user. The design may be low if the person does not enter there, and you can work from above, removing the cover. High, if you plan to plant tall crops, and those that need constant care. It is necessary to take into account for this parameter, that plants should have a maximum of space for favorable development. The standard height is 1.8 m. It is sufficient and optimal.But if the greenhouse is equipped with your own hands, then it is better to choose an integer value - 2 m.
2x3, 2x2 m are small, compact greenhouses that are perfect for small plantings: for seedlings and berries. In the future, can be used as flower beds or for a small number of fruit crops. However, in a small greenhouse it is often very hot in the summer heat.
In this case, it is necessary to provide access to fresh air to maintain optimum temperature values. If you plan to grow cucumbers, tomatoes or any high-growing vegetables, 2 m. 10x, 2x4, 2x8, and 2x6 m are enough. These are the optimal sizes. Especially these options are good for sections of long, but narrow.
If you plan to plant a large number of plants, then you need large sizes - 3 by 4, 3x6, 3 by 8, 2, 4 meters, 3x4. They fit under the zucchini, eggplant, strawberries, creeping cucumbers. If the owner farmer grows crops in large volumes, it is better to choose large and wide greenhouses - 6x3, 6 by 12 meters. Basically, all sizes depend on the amount of building material and prices for it.
Parameters: interrelation with constituents
When installing polycarbonate greenhouses you need to take into account all the nuances and binders. Width and length may be of no benefit if the structure, foundation, materials and their interaction are not calculated.
Frame material
The frame may be wooden, metal or plastic. Each material has its pros and cons. The tree is eco-friendly and inexpensive, however, it is very dependent on temperature drops and humidity. With increased moisture, it rots, shrinks and cracks. And for the greenhouse such flaws are unacceptable. The service life is a maximum of two years with constant updating and repair.
Metal is a strong and durable material. However, working with him is more difficult. There will have to apply and welding, and pipe bender, and grinder. However, such a framework will be eternal. Corrosion from moisture can simply tint paint.
Plastic is an easy material to work with. However, its lightness can play a cruel joke in the winter. Such a structure may simply break, and from gusts of wind and completely scatter. When installing it is necessary to take into account the size of the frame and add it to the drawing.
The foundation
Setting the foundation depends on the size of the greenhouse.If it is a low hothouse greenhouse, then there is no need for it. But if you plan to build a high greenhouse, then it must be connected to the ground through the foundation. It can be wooden, brick, flood. Often the manufacturer suggests using pins to hold the greenhouse in place.
The method of strengthening depends on the size. For an average greenhouse, point-like reinforcement with pins or a wooden beam is suitable. But high greenhouses strengthen concrete foundation.
Sheet sizes
From the size of the sheets depends on the distance between the arcs of the frame. It should be borne in mind that the sheets should have a minimum number of joints when connecting. They need to be installed so that excess water can easily flow through them.
Greenhouse shape
There are several types of greenhouse shape.
- Arch. The most convenient and economical option. It is easy to install. Such a construction is convenient because in winter time there is no accumulation of snow on it, hence more exploitation time. The weak side is a narrowing towards the edges, which limits the planting of certain crops.
- With a sloping roof. This is the classic shape of the house. With this design will have to work longer.However, the convenience of planting plants and the absence of restrictions will be its strength. The slope can be both from two sides, and from one.
- Greenhouse bread box. It is presented in the form of a low semi-circle greenhouse with a sliding cover. It is convenient for planting undersized creeping crops, often used for growing seedlings.
- Dome. Difficult to install, but has a beautiful appearance that will help her beautify the site. This design is well lit.
- According to Mitlayder. This is a popular form, but difficult to install. In the greenhouse, the north side is forty centimeters higher. Such design has high ventilation and does not allow cold air to get to the greenhouse.
Taking into account all these nuances, you can proceed to the construction of the drawing and installation of the greenhouse. All work begins with the construction of a drawing. The first is to designate the foundation, namely, to calculate the width, length and height of the structure. Further, all leading from him - the frame, doors, windows, while taking into account all the components.
Installation and installation
At installation it is worth paying attention to the place where the greenhouse will be located. The ends should be directed to the east and west.In this case, the lighting will be uniform and maximum throughout the day. It is necessary to choose the places illuminated by the sun all day, so that nothing would interfere with or set off, this is a guarantee of warmth and quick seedlings of the harvest. And also need to avoid places with a draft. A prerequisite is that the size and space reserved for the greenhouse with a smooth surface.
DTo begin, you need to prepare the base - level the ground, remove excess vegetation. The foundation is set by driving the pegs in at the corners and the thread tension is calculated at right angles. For measurements it is worth using a tape measure. Next, fit the foundation of the selected material. Then the frame is installed depending on the drawing. Be sure to connect it to the foundation using staples. For the frame should stock up profiles.
Next, you need to start to connect the sheets of polycarbonate with the frame. The most important point is the installation of the first sheet, because from it everything else goes. You need to install it with a release of 5 cm low. For attachment, self-tapping screws with a cap or rubber seal are used.
The following sheets are installed with an overlap on the installed.The carbonate sheets are attached to the base last, so that you can adjust the position. You can seal joints with a sealant or aluminum tape. This is especially necessary to do if the greenhouse is all-season.
You can install drains to better get rid of moisture between the gaps. At low temperatures, water can freeze, and polycarbonate from constriction to burst.
For installation of windows and doors the sheet is cut to the desired size. Do not neglect the additional ventilation holes, as polycarbonate does not allow air to pass through.
This should be done in the least of the remaining materials. In case of shortage, it will be possible to purchase it. The internal arrangement depends on the wishes of the gardener. It will be beds or shelves for flowers, pins for climbing or special threads - only the owner decides, and the culture for which the greenhouse is built. In all-season greenhouses you need to bring electricity and make a wall outlet.
Successful examples and options
The classic arc-shaped greenhouse is always welcome in the plots. Despite its shape, it is roomy and allows you to assemble different cultures.And also create small greenhouses for half a day for seedlings.
Cone greenhouse will decorate the site. And if you install it in the yard, it will be a beautiful flower garden. This design allows you to create entire ensembles.
Gable and single-pitch greenhouses are suitable for tall plants.
For greater roominess and decoration of the site create polygonal greenhouses. Their top can be five-, six- or octagonal.
A well-executed construction will be not only a heat preserving component, but also an ornament of the vegetable garden. Greenhouse - a necessary object on the site. The crop depends on its design. Holding light, heat and moisture, it allows you to collect a greater number of crops grown. A big plus in self-assembly - you can independently choose the shape and size, which is important in non-standard areas.
In this video, you will find the installation of polycarbonate greenhouses.