How to make a cake out of towels with your own hands?

Despite the variety of choice of goods on the shelves of stores, some craftsmen prefer to create masterpieces with their own hands. A homemade thing is capable of expressing love and tenderness to a loved one who is celebrating a birthday or some other important event.

Especially popular are cakes from towels, with which you can present everyday things in an unusual way.

How to choose the texture and color of towels?

Before you begin work on creating a cake from towels, you need to choose the right material. When choosing the color of a textile product, it is important to consider not only the sex and age of the recipient, but also his color preferences. In addition, the importance of the event must be emphasized with additional details. For example, if the cake is a gift for a wedding anniversary, then you can decorate it with a number indicating the number of years together.

The best look products in pastel colors.You can make a cake from multi-colored longlines, which will add to it brightness and solemnity. When choosing a color range, you need to consider the compatibility of colors to create a harmonious composition:

  • white with black are the best combination, symbolizing the unity of opposites;
  • blue with yellow personify understanding and emotional independence;
  • red with brown or pink wish the recipient of the execution of all ideas;
  • orange with green will allow you to express joy to the upcoming event;
  • yellow with green will fill the gift with vital energy and positive;
  • gray with purple personify aesthetic sensitivity and a developed sense of beauty.

There are many color combinations that can not only express their emotions to the recipient, but also create a harmonious gift. It is not necessary to pay attention to the recommended combinations, you can use for this your own fantasy. Selecting the texture of towels, you need to consider the purpose of the gift.

If it should look like a real cake, then silk or velor textiles should be used.

If the cake should reflect the solemnity of the event, then it is more appropriate to purchase terry textiles.

Master class for beginners

The easiest step by step instructions for creating a cake from towels suitable for creating a gift in a short time. For its manufacture, you will need to purchase several 50 by 100 cm textiles, thin elastic bands, sewing pins, satin ribbon and decorative items. This product may consist of two tiers. First you need to make the bottom layer. For him you will need to take four towels, put them a little on each other, roll along and twist into a roll. The top layer is made in a similar way, but to create it you will need only two towels.

Fix twisted towels need with rubber bands and pins, which after decorating with a ribbon can be removed. The upper tier is superimposed on the lower tier and decorated with satin ribbons of different colors. You can decorate the top of the cake with openwork napkins or a soft toy.

If desired, the cake can be made three-tiered, making for this the bottom layer of eight towels.

Additional ways and ideas

There is a more complicated way to create a towel festive cake. To do this, you need to prepare several towels of different sizes, cardboard and decorative items. First you need to make the frame of the future product. It should consist of three cardboard cylinders of different heights and widths. For example, the lowest tier should have a radius of 200 cm, and the top one should have a radius of 70 cm. Each tier is wrapped with towels. It is necessary to start the process from the bottom layer and use the largest towel for this.

Fix towels on the frame, you can use satin ribbons or threads. After the cake is ready, you can decorate it with decorative flowers.

In addition to a full cake from towels, you can make only a piece of the product.

Such a gift can be an interesting addition to the main gift. To make a piece of cake, you will need to cut out a special cardboard shape.

After that, you need to fold the triangle, take a towel and fix it on the form with the help of sewing pins. The protruding parts of textiles need to be hidden at the bottom of the triangle, which can be closed with an openwork napkin.Decorate a piece of cake can be a satin ribbon and decorative elements. To fix them you need a small invisible.

    To make a cake from towels as a gift for the birth of a child, you need, in addition to towels, ribbons and cardboard, to use diapers and toys. In this case, the number of tiers is chosen by the craftsman. It is necessary to begin work with the preparation of cardboard tiers of different sizes. After that, each layer is wrapped with towels, which are fixed on the frame with sewing pins.

    Inside each layer, you need to fold the diapers and close them with waffles on top. You need to decorate the cake with one big toy or several small ones. In addition, to decorate a gift, you can use pacifiers, rattles, socks or baby bottles. To make a beautiful cake out of towels, you can use not only your own ideas, but also see photo lessons and detailed training videos.

    How to make a cake out of towels, see the video below.

    Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

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