Recessed ceiling lights

The design of the room is not only beautiful walls and selection of furniture, but also the creation of comfort with the help of light. Modern technologies allow to make lamps elegant and invisible, if the interior requires it. It is possible to choose a suitable model of the built-in ceiling lamp both in price and in appearance.
Characteristics of built-in models
Unlike conventional lamps, recessed lights look like they were made on the ceiling with the ceiling. They do not stand out strongly on it and are most often used in interiors that tend to minimalism.
An important feature of such models is the strict condition: non-heating.If it is broken, the device can easily damage the ceiling design, disable it, deform or cause a fire.
To pick up a model from a huge range of electrical products is not difficult. This product is widely represented both in online and offline stores.
Find what suits even the most sophisticated ceiling can be, if you know exactly all the necessary parameters. About what they can be - the information below. It includes the types of fixtures, their design, shapes, colors, mounting features, combinations, possible compositions of fixtures, as well as interesting interior solutions with their participation.
Advantages and disadvantages
This modern device has a large number of advantages compared to other similar devices:
Long service life. Often, lamps consisting of LEDs can work for more than ten years and do not fail. Other lamps can not boast of such a long service life.
Do not heat up during operation. When the lamp is lit, a small amount of heat is released. It is because of this property that they are used with materials that do not tolerate high temperature. These include drywall and stretch ceilings.
Electricity consumption is much lowerthan similar devices.
Experts note that savings can reach 95%. In lower-quality models, energy saving is rarely more than 50%.
Reliable work. In incandescent lamps, the most brittle elements are glass and tungsten parts. They burn the fastest. Since there is no tungsten in the design of LED lamps, they serve longer and more trouble-free.
Unlike mercury LEDs safe to use. There are no harmful substances in them, so there will be no unpleasant health effects. In addition, the device does not emit unpleasant odors. Such lamps can be used in conjunction with plastic, wood, fiberboard, chipboard, various types of panels and not be afraid that they will break out.
Do not blink when the lamp is operating. The undeniable advantage is that they turn on instantly, without delays even in a few seconds. Usually this incandescent bulbs sin. Light is emitted evenly. Due to the absence of flicker, the eyes do not get tired if you work under these lamps.
- Variety of forms. Products have long been produced in all shapes and colors, so it will not be difficult to choose a model suitable for the interior.
The ability to choose the right glow. Among such ceiling luminaires there is a wide variety in the color of the light emitted. Cold bluish (the second name, which is more known and recognizable - fluorescent lamps) are good for office space or home offices. In addition, this color is used in desk lamps. It allows you to tune in to the working mode, and with it you can more accurately consider the shades.
The feature of the lamps of warm white color is that they disperse calm yellow light, which is very pleasing to the eyes.
Usually they are placed in living rooms, since such light is most comfortable for a relaxing environment. In this light, the room seems to be more comfortable and relaxing. White light bulbs are intermediate between the other two. They are popular among those who prefer something in between. This color of lamps is divided into two types: neutral white and cold white.
Types of recessed luminaires very much. When buying in a store, people run up. To make a mistake and buy the wrong model is very easy.
Mortise point double lamps - a very popular option.This is due to the fact that the design of the lamp is the most simple, in the care they are unpretentious. In addition, their price is the lowest compared with similar designs.
In their design there is a reflector, a braid and a lightbulb mounted inside. At the same time the braid is not only a decorative element, but also a functional part of the device. Its part contains a structure for mounting the device to the ceiling. Few people know that the second name of this type is cardan.
The same devices can be used as furniture.
This is very convenient, especially if the lamp turns on and off when there is no movement. Thus, when you open the wardrobe will turn on the light and the contents will be clearly visible.
Such a cabinet with lighting can be not only wardrobe. A thin lamp can be placed in a bathroom cabinet to see clearly all the bottles and jars in it. Often they are powered by batteries or rechargeable batteries, so they do not need to carry ugly electrical wires.
Moisture-proof models are used in conditions of high humidity, for example, in showers or bathrooms.Their design reliably protects the light bulb from splashing, so they do not fail for a long time.
Swivel and stationary
Also, the built-in light sources are rotary (their other name is spot) and stationary.
The difference between them is that the first ones allow you to change the angle and position so that you can create a special atmosphere. The second is set once and for all. Changing the position is possible only after reinstalling the structure.
Most often they are placed in hallways, bathrooms, common areas. Their light can be general or directional. The light is very bright, saturated, it allows you to beautifully zone the space, adjust it to the special needs of the owners. The space becomes more ergonomic and comfortable for living.
Rotary lights, as a rule, are not the main sources of light in the room, they are only decorative and additional lighting. Their design allows you to direct the flow of light there. where it is required, thanks to it lighting becomes more effective. With the usual chandeliers this effect is impossible to achieve.
To the result was better, experts advise taking devices with LEDs.
Such models have the highest efficiency, easy to operate, reliable. They are easy to connect and easy to care for.
These options are good in those conditions when the ceiling can not be lowered even a few centimeters, and the light design needs to be changed. Design solutions easily solve the problem.
Street lights are built into the ceiling on the veranda or on sturdy construction. Find such large options only in specialized stores.
Linear bulbs are designed to construct very long rows of fixtures. As a rule, such models are placed on the territory of industrial premises. Their design is very simple, installation does not take much time and does not require large labor costs.
As mentioned above, the recessed fixtures have a great variety of forms, which can be selected for a wide variety of interiors.
Depending on the shape, they can be attached in different rooms and conditions:
LED lights in the shape of a semicirclehaving large receivers, cover a large area with light. They are often placed on terraces, platforms and large halls.
- Most often in the interior are used all the same. round fixtures. This form is standard and the most popular.
- Oblong shape The luminaire allows you to highlight objects, since the light turns out to be narrowly focused. Meet these lamps can be in the galleries. Pictures or various decor starts to play with new colors.
Light fixtures in the shape of a cylinder, or cups, are fixed on the swivel stand. Thanks to this, you can change the direction of light. Often they are used to create special design interiors, when you need to highlight the special design furniture. The luminous flux can be directed at virtually any angle. In the botanical gardens so you can select special flowers.
Sometimes designers use interesting solutions. with panelsin which LED lamps are installed. With their help, you can create lamps of almost all forms.
Rectangular and square The options are good for creating an unusual light design.With their help, you can custom highlight the ceiling, creating a diamond on it from the light. Guests will certainly pay attention to the unusual design. You can support it by repeating this form in the interior - on the walls, furniture, carpets.
Large options are used, as a rule, in office premises or common areas. They fit beautifully into the pattern of a tiled false ceiling, since the sides of the luminaire are perfectly proportional to the sides of the plates on the ceiling.
- To create some interesting effects, designers use led strip. With their help, it is possible to recreate the starry sky on its ceiling or to make an application in the form of a single constellation. In addition, it is possible to highlight individual objects that are on the ceiling.
When the issue with the choice of the lamp and the lampshade to it is solved, the problem of choosing the right light bulb arises. There are a lot of them on the electrical goods market, so it’s very easy to make a mistake when choosing. So, there are light bulbs:
Glow plugs. Of course, they are very cheap, but due to the fact that they emit a lot of heat and heat up a lot, they are not suitable for use in built-in luminaires.Such devices very quickly deform the ceiling structures. Moreover, sharing them can be extremely dangerous because of the possibility of ignition of ceiling tiles. Another disadvantage of such a lamp is a large consumption of electricity, and therefore a large monthly charge for resources.
Halogen in point luminaires are more common. They are not advisable to use with flammable materials, as they are decently heated. Experts do not recommend to acquire more than 40 watts of power, otherwise the lamp will heat up and may cause a fire. In addition, in no case should the light bulb be touched with bare hands, since there will remain particles of skin and sebum on it.
Quartz glass is not good for it, it can be deformed or get some other defect. In other words, these lamps are not always suitable for recessed ceiling lights.
Fluorescent Light bulbs have long established themselves as first-class devices. They can work for a very long time, their life is very long. Despite the fact that there is a drop of mercury in their composition, they do not harm a person if they are free from defects. They require careful disposal, but they work fine.At the core of their work is the luminescence effect, which is caused by the chemical reaction of mercury and gas in a lamp bulb.
Another indisputable plus is the high level of light output.
Energy saving, as their name implies, is very economical in terms of power consumption. Their price is not very high, but due to the fact that the dimensions of the device are not miniature, it is not always convenient to use them for recessed ceiling lights. In addition, for flammable materials used in the manufacture of ceilings, such lamps are not suitable. Though they do not get very hot, this is enough to deform the ceiling.
- The most optimal for recessed ceiling lights - LED (LED) lamps. They save energy best of all, so they are the most economical option. Diode lamps do not heat up, which means that as embedded recessed they are safer than others. They do not deform the ceiling and will not cause an accidental fire. The only negative is a difficult installation, but any master electrical engineer will cope with it.
For some, the cost may seem to be a disadvantage, but it is important to remember that the life of these lamps is ten times longer than the time of others, so the savings will be long-lasting.
There are only two ways to position fixtures - external and built in.
The first option provides a uniform light, similar to ordinary chandeliers. This light captures areas far below the level at which they are located, so they are often placed on multi-level ceilings. Due to the fact that they do not heat up during operation, they can be used with suspended ceilings that do not tolerate high temperatures, which is why it is unsafe to use them in conjunction with incandescent lamps.
The second arrangement allows not to scatter light, it is directed to a point. It is very often used by designers, creating unique interiors. But the built-in lamps are only a decorative element, and they cannot be used as the main lighting in the room, because there is too little light from them. You will need to take too many fixtures, so you should still use them as a supplement to the main one.
Constructions are divided by size, which directly depends on the functions that they should perform. So, for example, miniature light bulbs are good for decoration.
Small lamps serve as an addition to the main lighting. They can be arranged in long lines or placed pointwise. Their diameter can be no more than a few centimeters, so the light from such a model will not have to wait long.
Larger options already scatter light more. Large lamps are installed in suspended ceilings, but there is no danger that they will damage the structure. Provided, of course, that the lamp is chosen correctly and does not heat up during operation.
Modern recessed ceiling lights are made of a variety of materials.
As a rule, the main part of the construction is made of special plastic or metal, on top of which a brilliant, smooth coating is applied. Regardless of what surface you plan to place the base lamp, it will look about the same. Differences, rather, will be in the individual characteristics of each model, and not in the design itself.
Recently, crystal pendants that are attached to the base of the lamp are very popular. Crystal options are perfect for the living room. But not everyone can afford them.If you still want to decorate a basic simple lamp, but you want to save money, you can buy glass pendants. They will be as elegant as the crystal, but much inferior to them in price.
Much attention should be paid precisely to the main structure. The better the device, the more expensive it is and the materials used in its manufacture will last longer. Here, the buyer should choose between price and quality.
A variety of colors allows you to choose the right model for a variety of interiors. This feature of recessed ceiling lights is a great advantage that designers especially appreciate.
Most often, buyers acquire designs of silver or gold color, since these universal colors are combined with almost all the others. The demand for white models is not far behind, but it is quite logical to use them only with light ceilings.
If there is a black stretch ceiling in the room, then it will be more difficult for the owners to find something suitable, but you can even buy such extravagant models in specialized stores of electrical goods.
If a tree light is required, this problem will also be solved. A large selection of large stores represent it, especially the network. In small shops of the format "at home" to find a quality and beautiful version is often akin to a miracle. There you can buy only a temporary option, which will function for several months until the next repair, if it does not fail even earlier.
How to choose?
Proper selection of the model of the built-in ceiling light is half of the successful repair.
First of all, before buying you need to understand what functions, in addition to lighting, should perform the lamp. For example, for the bathroom need a high-quality waterproof option. The size and color is important in this case is not as much as this quality, because it provides security.
If you plan to place light bulbs on a wooden ceiling, then it is important to check the quality of the wiring that is supplied to the model. This is also a safety issue, because any small spark can cause a fire. And in the second place you need to pick up the color and shape.
If you want to highlight the stairs at home, then you need options with high-quality lighting and excellent power.
It does not matter what kind of lamp is needed: rack or point; where it is planned to place it: on a plasterboard construction or on plaster, the safety of the device is important.
Choose only high-quality models with all the necessary documentation, marking on the packaging. Do not hesitate to ask the seller to show related documents and be afraid to personally verify the quality of the purchased goods.
Beautiful modern interiors
Experts advise to accurately calculate what is required degree of illumination of the room. It depends on the purpose of the room.
Measurement is carried out in lux or LK, as it is written abbreviated. For example, for a corridor there will be enough light level from 80 to 100 lx per square meter. For the kitchen - from 200 to 300 Lx, the same level is suitable for a bathroom. In the living room, this degree is in the range from 300 to 400 Lk, and in the bedroom - from 200 to 250 Lk.
In addition, designers offer solutions for each individual room.
In the bedroom
Even small spotlights built-in lights - this is the main lighting of the room, since a lot of light is not required.Often, designers offer customers to distribute identical fixtures in several rows across the ceiling. As a highlight or accent add a pattern of lamps. This decision will revive the room and give it a unique charm.
In combination with the chandelier, such lamps allow you to zone the room, highlighting the functional areas. For example, you can put them above the bed, dressing table, near the cabinet. And designers use them as decoration, placing them in niches or on the eaves. Together with dimmers, you can adjust the brightness of the backlight.
In the living room
There should be a lot of light in the living room, so designers suggest placing a lot of small lamps around the perimeter of the room. Thus, all corners will be highlighted, nothing will remain in the shadows. For a comfortable reception, it is recommended to place a large group of recessed lamps above the sofa, above the table.
Compositions above the sofa and chairs provide good lighting for lovers of needlework.
Miniature lamps emphasize the beauty of the ceiling, which is organized in several tiers. In addition, if the room has arches, then they just need to highlight separately, so that additional accents appear.
On the kitchen
Light design of the kitchen will be especially spectacular if you use spots in which the direction of light changes with ease. If the design of the kitchen involves a bar counter, then on the ceiling it makes sense to repeat its shape in the form of a line of tiny lamps. Quite often, the interiors of kitchens are made using natural materials: stone, wood. It will be nice to look if you repeat the shades in the design of the lamp.
In the hall
In the hallway the light should be bright in order to have a good look at the clothes on yourself before leaving the house. Experts advise installing structures well protected by glass. Looks nice in the form of cups. Very effective will be the option of framing the mirror with tiny light bulbs that are equidistant from each other. This lighting will not be basic, but it will be good to emphasize the style of the room and the taste of its owner.
In the bathroom
In the bathroom, it would be appropriate to embed the lamps in the ceiling, which, if not mirrored, then at least partially reflect the room and the light. Opaque cloths will not increase the space, so they rarely pull in the bathroom.Often, ceilings in bathrooms and toilets are covered with PVC panels, choosing from which is suitable is not difficult.
Lightly silvered panel will be beautifully combined with walls of any shade, as well as with a lamp with a chrome bracket.
The most important thing to remember when buying is the choice of high-quality electrical goods. Of course, the desire to buy a really high-quality thing can relate to any object, but it is in the issue of electricity that is most important, since the issue of security is solved.
Recessed ceiling lights will help the owners to divide the room into several functional areas, mark accents, add zest to your apartment. This modern device does not require special care or frequent replacement of lamps, it fits perfectly to any interior, but especially fits into a minimalist style.
How to install and connect recessed ceiling lights, see the following video.