Street lights with motion sensor

A street lighting device with a motion sensor is nowadays a very effective and economical tool for the most efficient use of electricity for legal entities and organizations, as well as for individuals living, for example, in a private house. After all, now technologies that automate some household processes are becoming particularly popular.
Naturally, the main and most important advantage of such a device is significant energy savings due to the fact that a street lamp works only when there is a person or another living object in its coverage area.In other cases, after some time, after which nothing happens, such a lantern turns off.
In such systems, a variety of sensors are used, which have a number of their advantages and disadvantages.
- Infrared motion sensors. Among the advantages one can single out their safety, the operation of sensors only from living large and rather warm objects and a large range of work over the area. Among the shortcomings are the following: natural factors can disrupt the operation of such a sensor, and if the object has protection from IR radiation, the sensor will not work.
- Ultrasonic detectors. They can react to any object and do not depend on natural factors. Also relatively cheap. Of the minuses should be noted the negative impact on some animals, low range and lack of response to the smooth movement of the object.
- Microwave sensors. They have a very good sensitivity, which allows them to respond to objects behind thin partitions, they are compact in size and do not depend on external natural stimuli. The disadvantages include the high cost, the possibility of false positives and the danger of microwave radiation to humans.
Also the advantages of such street lighting include the following characteristics:
- convenience;
- universality;
- durability.
After setting up the street lighting system with sensors, it switches to automatic mode. In addition, such a system is suitable for any type of light elements and can work for years. If the lighting system with motion sensors is also wireless, then it has an undeniable advantage, which is independent of the stationary power source.
Sensor Types
Among the most common motion sensors used in outdoor lighting devices, the following types can be distinguished: microwave sensors, ultrasonic, infrared and combined.
Microwave detectors are small and highly sensitive.. The safest sensors are right infrared. And by type of work, they are divided into active and passive, responsive to changes in temperature. Also among the sensors are combined options that combine the characteristics of different detectors.Such a sensor is the most accurate and at the same time the most expensive.
By type of sensor it can be divided into wired, wireless and hidden. Wired sensors are among the cheapest and are installed in the building during the repair process by security services. In wireless, radio waves are used to transmit a signal. And hidden sensors can be either wired or not.
According to the location of the sensors can be divided into ceiling and wall.
How are they arranged and how do they work?
A motion sensor is a device that receives external information, converts it into signals and then either triggers and turns on the device or not. It should be said that the principle of operation of such sensors does not constitute any difficulty. For example, in the case of an infrared catcher, it responds to the thermal radiation of large living objects in its area of work. Then the signal enters through the system of mirrors on the sensor, which performs the switching on of the lamp.
Ultrasonic detectors send waves of a certain frequency (usually 20-60 kHz) into space, which, being reflected from objects, return with a different frequency.Depending on the parameters of the reflected wave, the sensor starts to operate and turn on the lighting device. The microwave sensor works on the same principle as the above-mentioned one. The only difference is that such a sensor sends microwaves (1-1000 mm long) into the space, and not ultrasound.
It should be noted that all sorts of sensors, regardless of the principle and device of their work, have a certain set of technical characteristics, namely: light sensitivity (2-1000 Lux), detection distance, operating voltage and frequency, response speed, scattering angle and light power flow, as well as operating temperature.
These sensors include delay timers for triggering the device and operating time controls. And its sensitivity directly depends on the number of lenses in the sensor: the more of them, the better.
Types of lamps
For street lighting, you can find several parameters by which they should be classified.
- One of these parameters is the appointment. According to it, lamps are divided into outdoor devices, household appliances and devices for industrial and working premises.
- By the color of the light flux They are divided into lamps with a yellow glow, with white neutral, and also with cold white light.
- By their design differences Lighting devices come in the form of street lamps, spotlights with motion detectors and LEDs.
An example of a wall-mounted street lamp with a motion sensor.
- By used power source Street lighting devices are divided into stationary, autonomous (they use batteries) and non-volatile (solar batteries with batteries are used). It should be noted that only LED elements work on solar panels, as they consume less electricity.
Light Elements
It must be said that the lamps also differ in the type of light element used in them. From this depends directly on what technical characteristics will be present at the device.
The following types of light elements can be distinguished: classic with incandescent or energy-saving lamps, LED, halogen and gas-discharge light sources.
- The most profitable of them in their characteristics should be called LED, consume a minimum of energy and do not emit heat radiation.These lamps, despite their considerable price, are the best suited for use with motion sensors.
- Classic incandescent bulbs for use in conjunction with motion sensors are poorly suited, since in such modes of operation with frequent inclusions, the lighting element quickly deteriorates. The only advantage of this old version of lighting is its low cost, which, however, does not negate all the significant shortcomings of incandescent bulbs.
- Halogen lamps This list is a cross between LED and classic, since, on the one hand, they consume less electricity than incandescent lamps, but on the other, they produce their own heat, unlike LEDs.
- Mercury lamps are a kind of gas discharge. But they use mercury vapor, which is their disadvantage, since such lamps have to be disposed of in a special way.
These include also xenon, metal halide (high cost) and fluorescent lamps. In the latter, a phosphor substance is used on the inner surface of the lamp.
Application area
It should be noted that at present the scope of such motion sensors is very extensive.
When choosing a luminaire with a motion sensor, consider its area of application. After all, a number of some of its characteristics directly depend on it..
- Because of their good economic performance, motion sensors have found application in the following areas: street and office lighting, device management in an automated home, security systems and alarms.
- Also, motion sensors for lighting are used in conjunction with wall lamps, street lights and spotlights.
- It should be noted that the lighting with motion sensors has found its application in home gardens. It is used as a decorative garden lighting or for lighting, for example, pools.
How to choose outdoor lighting for a country house?
Currently, outdoor lighting in the form of lamps with motion sensors is becoming more widely used. Such lighting devices are used in private and country houses, in industrial and working areas and in park areas.
When choosing a lamp for your home, you should consider its protection from the external environment (for example, waterproof, dustproof, etc.).), the method of mounting on the wall, as well as its nominal capacity and dimensions.
From the power of the device, for example, depend on the dimensions and method of installation of the lamp.
And depending on the range of motion sensor you need, the choice of its type depends. Also, when choosing lighting with a motion detector, it is necessary to consider the power factor of the device. It can be wireless from batteries or solar panels, or wired from a conventional electrical outlet.
If you use batteries, then they take into account the parameter of their operation time.
Also, when choosing such a lamp, the factor of appearance and aesthetics is taken into account. Indeed, in your garden such a lighting device should not attract attention.
It is also necessary to take into account the important parameter of affordable and convenient maintenance and repair of lighting devices. And the glass of such a lamp should be shock resistant and durable.
An overview of a solar-powered street lamp with a motion sensor can be found in the following video.