Bottle fixtures

In the modern world, lighting is indispensable. But not always store lights fit the idea of a home designer. Handy materials will help to solve the problem. Without special material investments from wine and plastic bottles, you can get a beautiful and original lamp for any room. It will help to make the interior unique.
First you need to remember that the lamps are divided into several types:
- desktop;
- floor standing;
- ceiling;
- wall mounted;
- street;
- portable.
Part of the fixtures is powered by the mains, so you have to provide for connecting the cord to the lamp. Some lamps will run on batteries.Lighting devices in the country can operate on solar panels. And to create romance, you can use candles.
In addition, lamps for lamps, too, are different. And before the manufacture of the electrical device should consider the issue of security. Conventional incandescent bulbs are very hot, which means they do not need to be used close to a plastic lampshade.
LED lamps or ribbons, fluorescent lamps, fluorescent and neon light bulbs are safer.
Since the glass bottle is stable, it is often used as a leg. The main problem of such lamps - bring the cord to the light bulb. There are several ways to do this.
Hole on the wall
Close to the base on the wall of the bottle, a hole can be made to pull the cord.
Before you start, you need to clean and dry the bottle, mark the place for the hole. For further work, you will need a small amount of water, a piece of clay, a drill and a drill with a diamond crown. To the place of the future hole you need to stick clay. In the course of drilling you need to gradually pour water on the clay so that the drill and the bottle do not overheat.
When the hole appears, remove the clay, sand the edge with sandpaper and wash the bottle again. After complete drying, they pull in the cord to which the cartridge will be connected. The plug is attached to the other end of the cord and remains "on the street."
In a transparent bottle, you can put small multi-colored stones or garlands. So hide the cord.
A cartridge is fastened on top of the wire, a light bulb is screwed in. A self-made or ready-made frame for the ceiling is installed on the bottleneck.
Bottom removal
Need wool or natural twine. The thread is abundantly moistened with alcohol or gasoline. It should be wound in 2-3 layers around the bottle in the place where there should be a cut. For further action need a small container with cold water.
A bottle with alcoholized thread is taken in hand in a horizontal position. The thread is set on fire, and the bottle is twisted around its own axis, so that the burning is slow. As soon as the thread burns through, the bottle must be drastically lowered into the water. From the temperature drop the glass will crack. But this is not always the case from the first time.
Edge sanding. Through the bottom of the bottle is placed inside the cord with the output through the neck,It is beautiful to place the Christmas tree garland for the whole bottle volume, or you can put a low lamp for which the bottle will be the ceiling.
In all cases, the cord should be flat and thin so that the bottle is securely on the table.
From under the lampshade
The third option for the supply of electricity is the easiest, but not always aesthetic. The lamp wire does not get inside at all. On the neck of the ceiling is attached, which hides the cartridge with a light bulb and a wire. Thus, the cord goes directly from under the lampshade.
Of plastic bottles often make lampshades.
Since the floor lamp - a thing more often high, you will need additional materials: wood, wire, metal fittings.
The palm luminaire is brown plastic bottles mounted on a metal pole. The base will make the cross, decorated with "grass" of green plastic. Palm leaves are cut from it. Kokosami-lamps can make glass beer bottles in the form of kegs, inside which are placed small LED lamps.
But the floor lamp can be just floor. Some plastic bottles need to be cut in half.Bells are carved from the top. Through the neck you need to skip the white Christmas-tree garland or LED strip and put the structure on the floor, bending it with a fancy shape. Such a lamp will give a diffused light and decorate the living room. You can also make a garland or floor lamp from the bottle.
When creating such a decor, the lamp can be coated with acrylic paint or use colored plastic.
In a large room it will look great hanging wooden lamp with glass bottles that are inserted into the holes of the wooden frame. It will take several dark or multi-colored wine bottles. Inside each cartridge is placed with a light bulb and derived wire. The whole structure is powered by one or several switches.
Glass bottles can be cut in half and use the top. The cord pulls from the chandelier through the hole and attaches a cartridge with a light bulb.
Such a ceiling lamp for a chandelier will look even more interesting if the bottles are cut at an angle.
And if you manage to pick them up in the same color scheme, for example, yellow-orange-green, then it will be a very beautiful chandelier.Multi-chandelier can be built in the form of a ball or a trapezoid.
But the bottom of the glass bottles can be used in the form of glasses. Only you need to melt the upper edge of the burner - and the glass is ready. By the way, it can be used as a candlestick.
Ideas to create a chandelier
But the ceiling lamp can be made of plastic. Here are a few ideas.
For the embodiment of an interesting option will need:
- five-liter canister;
- a large number of disposable spoons;
- stationery knife;
- hot glue gun (or liquid nails).
At the five-liter capacity cut bottom. All spoons are handles cut off, leaving about 1.5 cm each. Starting from the bottom row, the spoons are glued tightly to each other in a circle of capacity. The next, higher row is glued so that the scales effect is created. Thus the bottle is pasted over completely.
The neck can be decorated with the same spoons or use parts from the old chandelier. Bottom wire through a bottleneck is threaded through the bottleneck. It remains to connect the structure to the ceiling.
The chandelier can be made from a single large capacity, or 2-4 horn from smaller bottles. For this you will need:
- bottle (s);
- twine or colored thick threads;
- PVA glue;
- tassel;
- acrylic paints;
- furniture lacquer;
- stationery knife.
The light bulb will be mounted under the neck. Determine the length of the ceiling. Cut the bottom of plastic. The upper part of the container should be coated abundantly with glue and immediately tightly wrap it with a string. After the glue has completely dried, the twine can be painted with acrylic paints and varnished. But using colored thread, do not have to paint the ceiling. If the wool threads, then varnish them also do not need.
Another idea - and again, on one or more ceiling lamps. You will need:
- bottle (s);
- hot glue;
- glass pebbles of different colors;
- stationery knife.
The bottom of the tank is cut off. The whole bottle is plastered with stones. About a day later, you can install the cartridge and fix the cover to the ceiling.
In the manufacture of several such lampshades can be hung on different levels.
Wall sconces
If the old wall lamp has a broken ceiling, then it can be made of plastic bottles. To do this, you need to cut a large number of leaves of yellow, green, orange. With the help of wire leaves twist around the lamp.A pleasant diffused light will appear in the room.
For an Oriental-style room, a Chinese lantern above the bed will do.
- To do this, a flat plastic bottle must be cut from the throat to the bottom into very thin strips.
- Through the strips hand should stretch the wire from the bottom to the neck. The wire is fixed in such a way that the bottle becomes well below its height. Strips turned the capacity into a flashlight.
- It remains to install a cartridge with an energy-saving light bulb through the strips and pull the wire through the neck.
- It is enough to attach a beautiful hook to the wall and hang a wire on it, stretching it to the socket. Wall lamp ready.
Street lights
Beautiful and unusual lighting can be made with your own hands for a gazebo in the garden.
To do this, you need a large glass bottle of dark glass with a hole along the length, about 2/3. Moreover, the hole may be with jagged edges.
The bottle should be put sideways in a decorative container filled with river sand. Inside the bottle is placed horizontally cartridge with a cone-shaped light bulb.
With the help of shells, old coins, sea stars, artificial algae, shiny elements, the bottle is decorated in such a way that both sand and small objects are inside the container.The bottle itself, too, partly need to drown in the sand.
The wire to the outlet is passed through the tabletop. This lamp will remind you of the sea and adventures. And if you also decorate the arbor with a fishing net - the neighbors will envy you!
But if there is no electricity in the country, they will help out with candles. Plain thick candles should be covered on top with a glass colored bottle without bottom. This will be the protection of fire from the wind.
Solar lamps work without a network, and this is their advantage. During the day, they are charged from the sun, and with the onset of darkness they turn on themselves. Such lamps are simply stuck into the ground where it is needed. Round bulbs decorated with colored plastic petals will bloom in the evening with multi-colored daisies and bells.
And you can also make a kerosene lamp from a beautiful bottle. Bay kerosene and inserting the wick, it remains only to mount such a lamp on a tripod on the wall of a brick house or fence.
The difference between portable lamps - in the absence of connection to the mains. In fact, these are lanterns, but decorated with lamps. An example of such decor may be the following option.
It will take several paired colored bottoms from plastic bottles.Each pair is an “apple” or “pepper.” Inside the bottom of the pair is set the lamp on the batteries in the form of a candle, which is tightly covered with a second bottom. From above it remains to attach a branch with a leaf on a hot glue.
Even one such “apple” will look beautiful in a dark room, and if you make several of them, then the baby will fall asleep more easily in his room.
If you insert a candle into the neck of a plastic cut-off bottle and beautifully decorate the container itself with an open-cut cut, the fire passing through the plastic will be hidden on the walls in fancy patterns.
How to make a bottle chandelier with your own hands, see the next video.