Masonry mixes: types and their features

Mortar mix is ​​a material without which neither the construction nor the finishing process is complete. Therefore, planning repairs, you need at least a little to know about them. The quality of this product depends on how durable will be created by the design.

Special features

Masonry mix is ​​called dry material, which is used for finishing joints and for laying bricks. In the process, the dry mixture is diluted with water, turning into a dense solution. It should not be too liquid, but on the contrary, elastic and durable.

As part of the classic masonry mix there are several mandatory components, regardless of what brand products purchased. The main component is naturally a binder.Without it, the solution will not be thick enough and elastic. As a substance for the bond, either cement or simple clay is most often used.

Also included is a filler. As a rule, it is either keramzibeton or ordinary sand. Most manufacturers complement the dry mix with various mineral additives.

In order that the walls could be finished without risking to spoil their appearance, colored mixes are also present in the assortment. In their composition there is a natural high quality dye. There are not only a mixture of shades of brown or terracotta, but also brighter options.

There are several basic requirements for dry mix. First, it must turn into a solid solution. This is one of the most important moments. After all, the strength of the solution depends on the strength of the solution, and how long the wall will stand. The most durable is the cement composition. Use it for exterior decoration. Such a solution is good because it quickly hardens and is durable.

It is worth noting that the strength of the mixture is especially important when working with the facade of the house and when pouring the foundation.True, if there is an opportunity, it is better to choose different products.

Professionals recommend using colored blends for facades. The fact is that the facade is the “face” of the house, and it definitely must be beautiful. In the case of colored mixtures, you can choose a material that will be perfectly combined with the color of bricks or finishing materials.

There is no such requirement for the mixture used to fill the foundation. Most often, you can limit the classic cement composition with a minimum of additives. The main thing is to be as durable as possible.

The second important point is the plasticity of the mixture. This is especially important if it is necessary to apply a thin layer of mortar. For example, trim the base of the fireplace. The fact is that the dense layer of the product will be difficult to distribute over the wall surface. In addition, the ductility of the mixture facilitates the process of finishing the suture gaps.


There are several main types of mixtures. Each of them has its own characteristics that must be considered when searching for a suitable material.


This type of dry mix is ​​used during the construction of houses. Through the use of such a product can increase the insulating propertiesthe premises. A classic red brick house will be warm and cozy if you choose a quality product. For example, crumbly masonry mix, in which sand is combined with cement. The same solution is used for laying paving slabs.

In some cases, additional components are added to the optimal mixtures, which make it possible to extend the solution storage time. This means that if the construction process lasts a long time, then such a product is perfect for work. The composition can be prepared in the morning and fully used throughout the day.


Another option mixes for installation work - mixed compositions. Such a cement mixture is much more elastic and plastic. In addition, it provides room protection against moisture. The composition of this type is a product based on Portland cement, in which there are a lot of impurities and mineral or lime additives.

Mixed options include clay-chamotte or perlite mixture, for example. They can be called the "winter" option, because the use of a solution on such a basis makes it possible to warm the building very well.


In addition to the main products of gray and white, there is another interesting option - it is colored masonry mix. Adding dye in no way affects the density of the solution. Color mix is ​​a real find for the designer.

They allow you to decorate the wall and turn a simple brickwork into something bright and original. Most often, the color solution is used to make the brickwork look more interesting.

By the way, it is not necessary to buy ready-made color mix. You can create it yourself at home. For this you need to take a cement base. If you need a light shade, then the cement base should be white. If you want to get a tone darker, gray cement will do. Dyes diluted in water are introduced into this base, which change the shade of the solution.


Special attention deserve special mixes. They are used not for work on the house, but for the construction of large enough buildings. One of the most popular types of masonry mix - M200.

This product has received such great popularity due to the fact that it makes the building resistant to temperature extremes, it retains heat indoors and is quite suitable for use even by inexperienced builders.

Scope of application

Masonry mixes and solutions prepared from them can be used for different purposes. They are suitable for a variety of construction works, starting with tile laying and finishing with the facade of foam blocks, for example. Here are some of the most popular areas in which masonry mixtures are used:

  • Arbolite manufacturing. From the workpiece, which can be bought in almost any store of materials for construction, it is possible to make such affordable building material as wood concrete. Later it is used either for interior decoration, or for creating wood concrete blocks.
  • Floor screed. Making a complete repair in an apartment or a private house, you have to redo the floor. To prepare the base for laminate, parquet or any other type of finish, use screed solution.
  • The construction of walls and partitions. To divide the space into several separate zones using walls or partitions, the dry mix is ​​also useful. It can be used for mounting tongue-and-groove gypsum boards, which are well suited for creating modern partitions. Also, the solution from the dry mixture keeps well and foam blocks or gas silicate blocks of cellular concrete.
  • Installation of the foundation. Economical mixtures are also widely used for the installation of the foundation. The fact is that this material is not only resistant to temperature changes and high humidity, but also does not allow the foundation to sit down.
  • Finish. Mixtures are also suitable for laying ceramic plates, as well as for sealing joints. Colored masonry mixes will make the walls so that they do not lose their visual appeal. In this case, the shade of the product can be selected and the tone of the brick, and just at its discretion.


Today, there are many different manufacturers of masonry mixes. But buyers tend to prefer proven brands.


This brand produces high-quality mixtures, in which, in addition to cement and clean sand, a set of mineral mixtures is added. Due to this, the final product is more plastic, resistant to moisture and strong.

During the work with these mixes it is worth considering only that solutions of them should not be kneaded in cold or frosty weather. The rest of the mixture from Brozex very good. They get a lot of positive feedback from buyers.Almost everyone who used them in the repair process is ready to confirm that the preparation of the solution is a fairly easy process. Mixes are kneaded without problems, if you precisely follow the instructions on the package.

The main thing is to thoroughly mix the solution and give it the necessary time to settle. The resulting product is equally well suited for filling joints, and for final wall finishing. The range of the company is quite large, so you can find mixtures that are suitable for a variety of purposes - from floor screed to brick masonry.


Among the manufacturers of color blends is to highlight this brand. Pleasantly pleased and the reaction of buyers to their product, and a rich selection. In the assortment of the brand, you can find 14 different shades that will help to translate into reality a variety of creative ideas.

By the way, all color mixes are presented in two versions. One summer, another winter. The first option is suitable for hot weather and can withstand heat up to thirty degrees. The second can be used in the cold. Such the solution withstands a sharp cold, which is ideal for our cold country.

The composition of the mixtures produced by Perel is good.There are no additives in cement that spoil the quality of this base; fractional sand is used. The basis is supplemented with polymer additives and mineral pigments. The material is consumed economically, so a 20 kg package is enough for repair.

In addition to these brands, firms such as "Terracotta" or "Founds". They are quite common, so finding the masonry mixture from the manufacturer in the store building materials is not difficult.


Mortar mix is ​​widely used for the preparation of solutions. It is very easy to make it yourself, and even a novice builder can cope with this task. The most popular solution that is prepared at home is the one that is used in the process of laying bricks.

To prepare the solution you need a very small set of basic tools. First of all, it is a metal strainer. Even if the mixture is very good, it is still worth sifting, so that nothing superfluous will definitely get into the solution. A sieve with very small cells up to 3 mm in size is suitable for this. From the containers, you will also need utensils to mix the base, and, if necessary, also to add dyes. You will also need a shovel and, of course, the mixture itself.

Another important recommendation is that you always need to calculate the amount of the mixture that will be used. Due to this, you can not only save money, but also simplify the repair process, because you don’t have to postpone work to go and re-buy everything you need for construction. If you cannot calculate the required amount of materials, you can contact the consultants in the store.

The kneading process is one of the most important. After all, it depends on this how well the work will be done. First of all, it is important to adhere to the proportions indicated on the package. The mixture is stirred with water, and then left alone for a few minutes. This time is enough for all the components to swell.

Retain the solution is not worth it. Similarly, it is not recommended to mix too much product at once. Due to the fact that the mixtures have cement, the solution hardens very quickly.

In order not to transfer the product and not to increase the consumption, before preparing the solution, it is necessary to once again calculate the volume of the room and estimate approximately how much solution will be needed.

Separately, it is worth noting the work with color blends.Coloring agents are added to the solution separately. They, too, should be pre-prepared, dissolved in warm water. This colored liquid is poured into the main tank, where the mixture itself is added.

It has already been said that it is preferable to choose a product from a proven company. Best of all, if the brand has a certificate confirming the quality of the goods. If possible, when confronted with an unfamiliar manufacturer, it is advisable to check what feedback about it is left.

Safety rules at work is also very important. Of course, the solution of the masonry mixture - it is not too harmful product. But you still need to be careful in the process of construction or installation of walls and partitions.

This is especially true if some modifying substances are added to the solution, for example, additives that contribute to a more rapid solidification of the composition. Of course, they are necessary and useful, but can harm the human body.

For safety, you need to knead the product in gloves, working as carefully as possible. You also need to use for stirring either a shovel or special tools.

It is very important to determine not only the quality of the mixture, but also how good the manually prepared solution is. In order to understand whether it was possible to cope with the task or not, simply look at the mixture. Quality mortar from masonry mixtures always has the consistency of thick cream. Additionally, it is worth scooping up a little product with a shovel and see how quickly the solution spreads. Drip drops should be slow.

Further, the product, as already mentioned, should be applied confidently and quickly, so that the product does not freeze and harden. Regardless of the purpose for which this building material is used, fast and efficient work will only improve the result.

Mortar mixes are different, and it is worth buying them, clearly focusing on their needs. It is from this, as well as from the responsible attitude to the preparation of the solution, that the result of the repair will depend. Knowing all the features of materials, to cope with the task of choosing the ideal composition is much easier. So you can not worry about the lack of experience as a builder and work with masonry mixtures on their own.

How to prepare a color mixture for masonry, see below.

Information provided for reference purposes.For construction issues, always consult a specialist.