Brick masonry mix: selection and use

Private house is hard to imagine without the presence of a traditional brick oven or a modern fireplace. These inherent attributes not only provide the room with warmth, but also serve as a decoration for a fashionable interior. To create a solid monolithic brick construction, special mixtures are used, which have fire resistance, plasticity and very high strength.
When building a brick stove or fireplace, special formulations are used, to which special requirements are imposed. Heating constructions are operated in “extreme” situations, where the temperature changes to very high rates.The duration of this effect may be several hours, so the material must be adapted to such effects.
In this operation, the design should pay particular attention to the composition of the mixture. It should not contain toxic components that could be released into the environment. Also important is the absence of any specific odors. These products must comply with sanitary standards.
The special composition of the mixture allows you to fill the openings between the seams, which is a reliable barrier to the penetration of carbon monoxide into the heated space. Due to the absence of cracks, there is no air dispersion and the thrust is not disturbed.
These solutions are used in the following works:
- laying brick exterior surfaces;
- device of a furnace chamber;
- the design of chimneys, including the surface that goes outside;
- foundation casting;
- facing;
- the creation of additional elements exposed to high temperature.
Depending on the destination type and proportions of the composition.
There are ready repair solutionswhich contain all the necessary components in the right proportion. Also, the composition can be prepared with your own hands.
Below are the types of solutions.
- Clay sand. The mixtures have medium heat resistance and high gas density, they are not used outdoors. For their preparation requires special skills. They are used for laying heat-accumulating part of the furnace and the initial part of the chimney.
- Cement-clay. Solutions have high strength. Used for laying the heat-accumulating part of the furnace and the base of the chimney.
- Cement. The mixtures have high strength and low gas density. Used for laying the foundation.
- Cement-lime. Solutions have higher strength, but are endowed with low gas density. They are used for laying the foundation of the stove, fireplace, part of the chimney, which rests against the ceiling, the main and final parts of the chimney.
- Lime-clay. Mixtures have strength, have an average gas density. They are used for laying the heat-accumulating part of the furnace and the base of the chimney.
- Chamotte. Solutions endowed with high heat resistance and durability.Used for laying the furnace of the stove or fireplace.
- Limy. Heat resistance, fire resistance and gas density are below average. Formulations can be used outdoors. Used for laying the foundation of the stove and fireplace.
In addition to the main components, the compositions may contain plasticizers, salt and other additives that increase the quality of the material, making it more plastic, durable, heat-resistant, airtight, and resistant to high-temperature environments. The purpose of the composition is determined by the quantitative content of one or another component.
Ready mixes for brick treasures are divided into regular and improved versions. Their difference lies in the operating conditions of the heating structure. The improved formula contains additional components that allow you to withstand temperature changes, as well as temperatures reaching 1300 degrees.
Below are the most common ready-made formulations.
- "Terracotta". Heat-resistant mixture has environmental friendliness, strength and plasticity. The structure includes components such as kaolin clay, sand, chamotte.The maximum operating temperature of the material is 1300 degrees above zero. According to reviews on the Internet, the solution has high strength, reliability, plasticity, uniformity and ease of use. However, there are opinions that the mixture must be sifted, as in the composition there are large grains of sand. There are identical packages with a composition that may differ slightly, for example, more clay is present. It is also noted that it is difficult to work with dry brick and it is better to use it soaked.
- "Pechnik". Heat-resistant mixture based on cement and clay is characterized by refractoriness, durability and high water-holding properties. The maximum operating temperature of the material is 1350 degrees above zero. Among the reviews on the Internet there are both positive and negative opinions. Of the benefits noted high strength, reliability, heat resistance and ease of use. Among the drawbacks, users notice a high consumption of material, fast freezing and high cost.
- "Emelya." The mixture based on kaolin clay contains additional components that increase the strength, adhesion and ductility of the material. Also, the solution is characterized by heat resistance, moisture resistance and the absence of odor.The allowable temperature of the material is not more than 900 degrees above zero. Among the positive judgments, noted are heat resistance, low odor and ease of use. Among the negative reviews noted the low strength of the material and the lack of moisture resistance.
- Vetonit. The mixture based on clay has heat resistance and durability. The composition also contains cement, sand, additional additives that increase the quality of the solution. Not applicable for laying ceramic bricks. Maintains temperature up to 1200 degrees above zero. Among the positive reviews can be noted good strength, ease of use and high quality products. Among the negative aspects there is a slight flowability of the material after drying.
- "Borovichi." The clay mixture contains quartz and molding sand. The solution has plasticity and heat resistance. The composition is used for laying red brick. The temperature of the material should not exceed 850 degrees. User feedback suggests that the solution has durability, strength and high quality.Among the negative aspects there is a lack of plasticity.
It should be noted that to obtain a high-quality solution, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for use. Any deviations can lead to undesirable results in the form of heterogeneity of the mixture and its rapid solidification. In order for the mixture to retain its strength properties for a long time, it must be used for its intended purpose.
Therefore, before using any composition, you should consult with a specialist.
- Clay. The natural element contains aluminum, silicon, sand and other components. The color scheme is very diverse. The main characteristic of clay is the indicator of fat content - it determines such properties as strength, gas density and adhesion.
- Cement. Mineral powder is characterized by high strength properties. The material is obtained from clinker by grinding it. Then minerals and gypsum are added. Portland cement, which is obtained by roasting, is often used when laying stoves — this method improves the quality and performance.
- Lime. The building material in the process of getting burned at high temperatures. Lime does not contain any chemical additives, therefore it is considered an environmentally friendly substance. It consists of carbonates and minerals. When laying stoves or fireplaces apply lime paste. Dense mass is obtained by slaking lime in water.
- Fireclay. Refractory material is obtained by deep firing. It consists of such components as high-alumina clay, zirconium, and garnet.
The quantitative content of one or another component significantly changes the properties of the solution, making it more viscous, for example, with a higher content of clay, or strong with a higher content of cement or lime. Chamotte materials significantly increase the heat-resistant performance of the mixture.
Ready mixtures must be diluted with water according to the proportion specified in the instructions for use. Sometimes for this purpose special solutions are used. This is the most convenient option, but the cost of such compositions, unlike home-made mixtures, is much higher.
For cooking you will need a container and a mixer. First, prepare the required amount of liquid, and then gradually add the mixture. The amount of water is indicated on the package, but it should be remembered that when the ambient humidity is high, the amount of water should be less than in hot weather. The liquid consistency is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous slurry is formed. Then the solution is infused for one hour and mixed again.
To prepare the solution with your own hands you will need to purchase all the necessary ingredients, then mix them in the right proportion. This method is much cheaper. The advantages include the ability to use environmentally friendly products. However, difficulties may arise with the search for the necessary components, as well as with the preparation of the desired proportion.
Kiln walling involves the use of different compositions depending on the type of surface. When forming the base, which is underground, suitable cement formulations. For the formation of the side walls of the furnace, where the greatest exposure to high temperature occurs, you need to use a refractory clay solution. The mixture should be prepared every day, cleaning the components from dust, dirt and foreign particles.
Clay soaked in advance. The material is kept in water for up to two days, during which the substance is stirred. The amount of water is determined from a ratio of 1: 4, where one part of water fills four parts of clay.
To prepare a cement solution, cement powder, sand and water are required. The ratio of powder and sand is selected depending on where the composition will be used. The mixture is added to water, stirring thoroughly until smooth. For mixing use special tools, such as a trowel or a mixer. In some cases, crushed stone is added to increase strength.
Clay sand mixture is prepared by mixing clay with sand. The proportion is selected depending on the purpose, as well as the initial properties of the clay. Before mixing the components, the clay is thoroughly cleaned and sieved.
If the clay has an average fat content, then the approximate proportion may be 4: 2 - 4 liters of pure clay are poured into a pre-prepared container, then 2 liters of sand. The components are mixed, then water is added in small portions, carefully stirring the mixture. The result should be a homogeneous gruel, the consistency of sour cream.
For the preparation of lime mixture will require lime, sand and water.The proportion is chosen depending on the purpose of the solution. Before preparing the mixture, the lime is thoroughly cleaned and sieved. First mix the dry ingredients, then gradually add water, stirring the composition.
Cement-lime mortar is prepared from cement, lime, sand and water. The proportion is selected depending on the purpose of the mixture. Dry components are mixed. Then gradually add water, carefully stirring the solution.
Cement-gypsum mortar is prepared on the basis of lime, gypsum, sand and water. Before working, the lime is cleaned and sieved. The ratio of components is selected depending on the purpose of the solution. First mix the dry ingredients, then add water in small portions. The composition is thoroughly mixed, bringing it to the desired consistency.
Lime-clay mortar is prepared on the basis of lime, clay, sand and water. Before work, it is necessary to carry out work on the purification and sieving of lime and clay. The ratio of dry components is selected depending on the purpose of the solution. First mix the dry ingredients, then slowly pour the liquid in small portions.In this case, the mash is thoroughly stirred, bringing to a homogeneous mass.
Cement-clay mortar is prepared from cement, clay, sand and water. Before starting the preparation of the mixture, the clay is thoroughly cleaned and sieved. The approximate ratio of dry ingredients is 1: 4: 12, where one part of the cement is mixed with four parts of clay and with twelve parts of sand. Then slowly add water in small portions, mixing thoroughly, and bring to the desired consistency.
To prepare fireclay masonry mortar with increased strength, you need Portland cement M400, sand, rubble and chamotte sand. The approximate ratio is 1: 2: 2: 0.3, where one part of the cement is mixed with two parts of ordinary sand, two parts of rubble and 0.3 part of chamotte sand. Then add water, slowly stir until a homogeneous consistency.
It should be noted that the process of making the mixture with your own hands is a rather laborious and responsible exercise. Poor quality material or incorrect proportions can lead to undesirable consequences, additional money and time expenses.Therefore, in case of uncertainty in a positive result, it is better to entrust the work to professionals or to use ready-made compositions.
Application tips
When working with your own hands, you should carefully prepare everything. Capacities and mechanical devices will be needed. The base must be cleaned from dirt, dust and foreign particles.
It should be noted that the mixture is prepared in such quantity that is enough for an hour of work. After this period of time, the composition begins to harden, losing its properties. Chamotte solutions can be used for 40 minutes, and lime compounds - within 24 hours.
The masonry mix holds the liquid well, so there is no need to wet the base before working with it.
All work is recommended at a temperature of 10 to 35 degrees above zero. The exact temperature is indicated on the package.
The layer of the applied mixture should not exceed 10 mm. When designing chimneys, especially the part that goes outside, as well as when laying the foundation, it is not recommended to use a pure clay solution, since the substance quickly collapses under the action of evaporation.In this case, a mixture with the addition of lime and sand.
When adding clay to the mixture, it is necessary to take into account the degree of its fat content. To check the quality you can try to roll a thick strip of wet material. Then you need to carefully try to stretch it. The formation of ragged surfaces will indicate the content of a large amount of sand - such material is better not to use.
To check the quality of the clay, you can use the tool for mixing. When the substance sticks to the surface, it is considered that the clay is oily. If after a while a liquid appears on the surface of the clay, the substance contains too much sand.
A mixture based on poor-quality clay may soon lead to deformation, destruction of the brickwork, as well as shrinking of the surface.
It should be remembered that the mixing of medium-fat clay with cement leads to an increase in the strength of the joints, and when lime is added, the mixture hardens faster. To obtain a refractory composition using baked clay.
After laying the stove or fireplaces, it is possible to start firing up not earlier than in three days. This time is necessary to harden the mixture completely.Brick masonry can be lined only after one month of use of heating structures, and the furnace heating should reach a temperature not lower than 300 degrees for an hour.
When using the solution should follow the instructions for use. Accurate adherence to the sequence of actions will ensure a positive result and high quality of the exploited surface.
Masonry ready mix is recommended to be stored in a dry room, the temperature of which should be in the range from -40 to +40 degrees. However, some compounds are not afraid of either moisture or severe frosts - they are able to retain their properties under any adverse environmental conditions. Individual storage conditions are indicated on the packaging.
Depending on the brand and purpose of the components, the shelf life of the mixture may vary from one year or more. There are refractory mixtures, the shelf life of which is unlimited. Exact information is indicated in the instructions for use.
The prepared solution can be stored from 40 minutes to a day - it all depends on the purpose, as well as the constituent ingredients.
It should be remembered that the use of an expired product is unacceptable.
To learn how to prepare a clay mortar for the oven, see the following video.