What should be the height of the bar stool?

 What should be the height of the bar stool?

For the first time, bar stools, in fact, like bar counters appeared in the Wild West in pubs. Their appearance was not connected with the new fashion trend, but as an additional means to protect the bartender from violent guests. It is for this reason that the racks were much higher than ordinary tables. Chairs, respectively, also differed from the usual. First of all, tall. Currently, bar counters are very often found in ordinary apartments. Therefore, determining the height of the bar stool is an important task that will allow you to operate this kit with convenience.

Special features

Externally, a bar stool resembles an ordinary stool on one leg.However, there are so-called semi-bar options that look like a regular chair. But seating for bar counters is almost always higher than regular chairs. This is due, first of all, to the height of the tabletop itself. There are kits where the chair is just below the table, but there are optimal dimensions of the height of this object, which provides the greatest comfort during its operation.

Optimal size

The standard option is considered such a height bar stool, when between the lower part of the bar and the upper part of the seat remains a distance of about 30 cm. This value will allow you to most comfortably spend time at the table. Leaning on it will be more convenient than in a higher chair. Also, there is no feeling of tightness of the legs. So, for a bar counter with a height of 100-120 cm, you will need a stool with a height of about 70-90 cm. This is considered a very high option.

However, this standard is approximate because we are all different.

If one of your family members is very tall, you may want to choose a lower bar stool height.


Bar stools can be classified according to several characteristics.

By design

There are bar and semi-bar options:

  1. Bar look like a stool on a high leg, can have a symbolic back or do without it.
  2. Half-barrels are full-fledged chairs, but higher than usual ones. As a rule, it is 60, 63 or 65 cm.

The number of legs varies, as a rule, their 3 or 4.

Availability of additional functions:

  1. The possibility of rotation of the chair around its axis.
  2. The ability to adjust the height of the legs. Typically, these options are equipped with an elevator gas system.

Possible loads may also vary.

According to the material

  1. Metallic furniture has high wear resistance and durability. It is fairly resistant to damage, exposure to temperatures and UV rays. But the seat, made of metal, will be cold. This is a minus. Therefore, the best choice is a soft seat on a metal frame.
  2. Wooden furniture is considered the most environmentally friendly. She is quite patient with temperature fluctuations.
  3. Plastic chairs - a very common option. Among the advantages include lightweight and resistance to temperature fluctuations. Cons - instability and fragility.
  4. Glass not everyone will decide to buy chairs.Despite their elegant appearance, they are quite fragile and require careful attitude. Although it is worth noting that they are made only of their shockproof glass. Good for small rooms, as they do not visually clutter up the space.

By style

Today, designers offer a variety of stylistic and color solutions that can satisfy the needs of even the most demanding customers.

  1. For classic models characterized by the presence of carved parts, the use of natural materials. Forged items will look expensive and noble.
  2. Hi-tech style you will not find anything extra. He is known for his minimalist orientation. It is characterized by the presence of metal parts. Often furniture made in this style is made of artificial materials.
  3. For modern style characterized by bright prints. Some interior items should be made in bright colors and catch the eye. They can be your chairs. Of course, in general, all this should look organic.

How to choose?

Choosing a bar stool, first of all it is worth paying attention to safety. After all, its height is quite large.In the event of an accidental fall, such an object can damage nearby objects or the floor, not to mention a person.

This is especially true for those who have children. Here it is important to take into account not only the possible fall of the chair itself, but also try to minimize the fall of the child from the seat. Therefore, the choice of a semi-bar seat with backrest, armrests and straps is not at all a superfluous measure. The stability of furniture is the main criterion for its safety.

If your family members vary greatly in height, choose chairs with adjustable legs. Otherwise, there is a chance that not everyone will be comfortable at the table.

It is also important for what you choose chairs. If this is a public institution, then they must withstand greater loads than objects intended for home use. When buying furniture in a small studio or kitchen is better to choose a compact model.

When in doubt about the choice of material from which the chair is made, pay attention to their characteristics, which are listed above. The better they are, the higher the price, respectively. So the choice is yours.

If desired, the bar stool can be made by hand. About this video below.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

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