Why choose a transforming table?
Due to the existing life rhythm, the peace of mind at home has ceased to be commonplace. The scope of the dwelling is often narrowed, since it is advantageous and practical to live in a small apartment with one or two rooms. Often, in such a home, they combine kitchens and rooms for bones, a bedroom and a study. The owners of these apartments are trying to save space. For this purpose, they usually reduce the number of household items, including furniture, to a minimum quantity.
Due to the development of technology in recent years, the problem has been partially solved. Designers have been created to meet the needs of the market pieces of furniture that have the ability to transform. Due to this decision in the rooms there is much more free space.Transforming tables became the most popular and most frequently used furniture. When more space is required, the table remains folded. When a large surface is needed, for example, if a large company is assembled at home, it is laid out.
This modification is distinguished by increased functionality, but a higher price. The transforming table is a special model, which is distinguished by the ability to transform in accordance with the needs of the owner. For example, some options can be changed in height, tilted at the right angle and otherwise change the parameters in accordance with the wishes of the owners.
Thus, a compact and mobile bedside transforming table is a really useful piece of furniture. A modular shelving unit and ottoman can be supplied with it.
Considered designs are presented on the market in a huge number of variations: with legs or castors, sliding or reclining, and so on.
Depending on the material of manufacture, the following types of transforming tables are distinguished:
- Furniture made of metal. The designs created from this material are distinguished by rigor and a certain sophistication of the appearance.Since this is a transforming table, it can also be described as a piece of furniture, allowing you to save free space, involving the manufacture in different shapes and sizes. Also, the construction of the metal does not require special care. Such models have a disadvantage - the design weighs quite a lot, so when cleaning or rearranging it will be difficult or almost impossible to move them.
- Vine or rattan. The table may have a wicker structure, however, they make such models only on request. This is an additional plus in terms of the choice of shapes and sizes, but their cost will be slightly higher. At the same time furniture made of wicker or rattan will be different originality and unpretentiousness in the care.
- Plastic variations. The disadvantage of this design is fragility. Moreover, in the event of a breakdown, it is not possible to restore it, it will be impossible even to replace broken parts. Therefore, the service life of transforming tables made of plastic is small.
- LDSP. Such models are the cheapest, so pretty common among buyers. The composition of the material includes a certain amount of compacted chips with resin.The construction of chipboard is not reliable, and therefore is also quite fragile and fragile.
- Products made of wood. Such a model is perfect for those who prefer the classic style - the natural design of the tree will perfectly fit into it. It looks very stylish wooden table wenge. A piece of wood furniture will have an expensive and massive look. With it, you can decorate any room. However, the fact that it is necessary to handle it very carefully and care for products without chemicals is important.
- Transforming table from glass. Modification is expensive and whimsical in care. To compensate for these shortcomings can be due to the charm, sophistication, gorgeous appearance. If it is transparent, it will also be possible to expand the room visually with its help. At the same time opaque, transparent or color glass can be applied.
If we talk about the size, it should be noted that the dimensions are not set in advance. The manufacturer, realizing that each customer needs are individual, provided an opportunity for self-selection of size.On average, when using a table-transformer for one person requires about 0.6 meters of the surface. You can choose a longer option.
There are many species that differ from each other in size. There are transforming tables, the design of which provides the ability to change the height by changing the length of the legs. This option can rightly be considered multifunctional. But if you do not need to change the height, it is not necessary to purchase a table with this parameter.
Transformer table models may also vary in their colors. When choosing a variation of a suitable tone, one should remember about the harmony between the general appearance of the room and individual pieces of furniture. That is, the furniture should be combined with the general interior of the room. In this regard, it is proposed to stop the choice on contrasting shades or vice versa, to do everything in one color.
For example, if the room is dominated by cold colors, the table can be made in bright colors - blue, red, black or burgundy shades will do. Thanks to this choice, the room "will play." However, the most popular colors include shades of white, black, peanut and coffee.And since the transforming table is often made to order, it remains only to order a piece of furniture with the desired colors.
The form
Transforming tables can also be made in different forms.
A popular variation is presented in the form of an oval.
This option may be suitable if the room has enough free space. Also, the modification will be useful in the presence of small children, since the risk of hitting one of the sharp corners will be reduced. The advantage of the oval transforming table will be the presence of a sophisticated appearance and some charm in combination with statism and simplicity.
Another variety is also not standard - this is a transforming table in the shape of a circle. Its advantages are similar to that described above. It is also distinguished by elegance and uncomplicated.
A more standard will be a transforming table of square or rectangular shape. The appearance of this modification is very good and combines power and high cost. And it can be placed in the corners of even a small room, for example, in the kitchen. Therefore, its advantage, without a doubt, will be the saving of free space in the room.
Usually the kit is standard: base, legs, guides and fasteners. Also among the components can be wheels. Choose furniture with wheels or without them, it's up to you.
As a rule, wheels are required if you plan to move furniture from one place to another, from one room to another. Therefore, to decide whether you need this function or not, you need to based on the availability of relevant needs. If desired, the wheels can be added to the finished kit. However, this will entail additional cash costs. If necessary, the wheels and, if available, mount on the base of each leg.
The style decision of the transforming table should correspond to the style of the room.
If there is minimalism in everything, it is better to opt for metal or plastic products. Also well suited to the style of minimalist wicker tables. If you use light colors in the design, it will be possible to create a cozy atmosphere, and a properly selected transforming table will organically fit into the interior, becoming a comfortable and functional piece of furniture.
Quite popular is the interior in the style of country.Some variety in it will allow to make a transforming table, made of natural material. Such material can be, for example, wood, rattan, stone or metal. In this case, it is desirable that the design was massive, since the airiness and refinement will give the room a ridiculous look.
If the design is using English, Japanese, French or Italian style, choosing a transforming table, it is better to follow the general style direction, apply design solutions of the selected country. For example, Japan and France are most often characterized by the refinement of shapes and lines. And England and Italy are usually characterized by more massive and static structures.
The least unpretentious is the Scandinavian style. It is believed that almost any transforming table can organically fit into it, so long as it is combined with other pieces of furniture that will be in the room.
Also popular today are the styles of modern and loft. Furniture for them should be original, without frills, for example, in gloss.
Transforming tables with decorative surfaces or details look much more effective.One of the ways to decorate is to use decoupage. This is the decoration of surfaces using patterns on paper or fabric. You can also create an original design using mosaic - pictures made up of small pieces. Also popular is such an option as craquelure - artificial aging of the surface. For this there are craquelure varnishes, the main components of which are egg whites or glue. The surface is painted and lacquer is applied on top to dry, which can be replaced with vinegar or gelatin. The result is a cracked surface with the effect of aging.
The design of the table as a result can be quite original. This will affect the overall appearance of the room. Overall matching style and the presence of decorative elements will create harmony. Coffee tables, book tables with drawers, butterfly tables, with swiveling, sliding and folding mechanisms will look great. As the wall table is best to choose a retractable option.
How to choose?
Before you choose a transforming table, you need to measure the dimensions of the room. It is better to subtract from the total area already occupied.In accordance with these calculations, you need to choose a transforming table of one size or another. The choice should be related to the beauty and practicality characteristics. In this case, both these qualities must be combined. It is important to remember that an attractive appearance does not always guarantee ease of use.
Pay attention to the quality, manufacturer, material and form of the table. In addition, it can be important to adjust the height, the presence of wheels, footrest, and so on. An important point is the reliability of the design.
It should be taken into account when choosing and the intended appointment. So, the tables can be coffee, writing, dining. Do not do without the transformation mechanism.
In general, taking into account the desires and needs, financial opportunities and availability of free space will help to make the right choice.
Advantages and disadvantages
For tables, transformers characterized by the presence of positive and negative characteristics.
The advantages of tables are indisputable and there are quite a few of them, which is why transforming tables are becoming more and more popular. As a first advantage, I would like to mention the characteristic of small size - the ability to install in rooms with almost any size.Also, the cost depends entirely on the desires and needs of the buyer. That is, if necessary, you can find a fairly budget option. Depending on the number of people, the transforming table can be made larger or smaller. When folded, it does not take up extra space. Also, transforming tables are multifunctional, compact, create the possibility of limitless creative realization in terms of design.
There are, however, transforming tables and disadvantages. These include the fact that folding mechanisms break quite often. And repair them, as a rule, almost impossible.
Famous manufacturers and customer reviews
In the modern period it is impossible not to pay attention to the manufacturers of furniture when purchasing them. Let's try to consider several manufacturing companies.
Famous manufacturer is company from Italy Cleiwhose products are distinguished by beauty and elegance, it has the ability to create in the surrounding space a certain aesthetics.
The next company - Ommiproducing furniture from natural materials.In particular, the company produces orthopedic school transformers for schoolchildren.
Pretty famous in the market also "ASM Furniture", "Dolphin", "Leader Array", "Levmar", Calligaris, "Demi", "Lots of furniture". Today, German transformers are becoming increasingly popular.
It is better to choose proven manufacturers with quality certificates. You can also read the reviews of those who have already purchased and use the tables-transformers.
Many buyers point out that they liked the modern look and conciseness in the design of modern products. You can buy a fairly large table. Also pleased with the availability of warranty, detailed instructions for assembly, as well as manuals for use. Included are metal parts. There is an opportunity to turn a small table into a large dining table. Modern products are easy to assemble, transformation, and quite reliable to use.
Unique options in the interior
One of the interesting options - a table with retractable benches in the design. This is one of the most convenient options that you can take with you when traveling in the countryside.
Another interesting variation.Such a design will not only create a unique interior, but also become a container for various household items and objects. Unusual designs are best suited for the style of loft.
Another unique solution will be a transforming table with shelves. Special design allows you to push if necessary shelves from the surface of the table. The undoubted advantage - ease of use. This option is ideal for corner placement.
How to make a sliding table with your own hands, see the next video.