Adjustable tables: features and specifications

It is difficult to imagine our life without such furniture as the table. Indeed, whether we have lunch, work or study, all this is closely connected with this piece of furniture. Aware of the length of his stay at the table, one cannot but agree that he should be comfortable. Such convenience is achieved primarily by matching the parameters of the furniture with the characteristics of the human body. An adjustable table helps to achieve this.
Features and options for mechanisms
Externally, the transformer is an adjustable base and different in shape, design and color of the tabletop. Countertops can also be adjustable and adjustable at a certain angle.Such options have different adjustment mechanisms:
- Mechanical mechanism is the most reliable in mind of its simplicity. This group includes:
- screw the mechanism involves tuning by rotating the table legs;
- stepped the way to change the height is to move the tabletop into grooves prepared in advance at different levels or to adjust the height of the legs by inserting special plugs into the holes of the internal and external table supports.
- Electric gear - the most convenient, easy and fast option. Therefore, if during the day you have to work both sitting and standing, or often adjust the height for different family members, then a table with automatic adjustment is the best choice.
In models of children's furniture, tabletops can be stationary inclined or also be able to be customized.
Worktop adjustment can also be mechanical or electrical. Mechanical involves the movement of the tabletop support, due to which the required angle of inclination is achieved.
Advantages and disadvantages
You may have doubts about the need to purchase such furniture.To confirm or deny them, you need to decide whether the benefits that such a purchase brings to your life are essential for you.
- The ability to maintain the health of the spine. Such furniture adapts to the growth and ergonomics of the person, which allows him not to slouch while working at the table and is an excellent prevention of various diseases of the spine.
- The opportunity to save. By purchasing an adjustable table for a child, you not only take care of his health, but also avoid significant expenses in the future for furniture change due to the growth of the child. The market offers many models that “grow” with the child. Many of them are designed for a very long period of operation - from primary school age up to graduation.
- The solution to the problem of uneven sex. You no longer have to put paper and cardboard under the table legs so that it does not swing. To do this, adjust each leg to the desired level.
- Reason not to worry about changing chairs. Replacing the old chairs with new ones, you do not have to worry about choosing the necessary height.After all, if necessary, you can adjust the height of the table to the desired value.
The only drawback of a quality transformer table is that it can simply bother you or become irrelevant because of the desire to change the style of the interior.
Who do you need?
The correct posture is considered to be when the feet of the seated person are on the floor, and a right angle is formed between the calves and the lower leg. The tabletop must be at such a distance from the eyes that it is equal to the distance from the tips of the fingers of the hand to the elbow. All this can be achieved using the capabilities of an adjustable table.
Such furniture is simply necessary for schoolchildren. The child often has to sit at the table at school and at home, doing homework. The children's organism at this time is in a stage of growth and formation. A disease of the musculoskeletal system is easier to prevent than to cure.
Therefore, adjusting the height of the table will allow you to avoid various spinal curvatures, and the additional possibility of adjusting the angle of the table top will save your neck from overloading and pinching. After all, this function will allow you not to lean over the tabletop, and keep your head straight.
Office workers or people whose activities are associated with long-term work at the computer, for example, programmers, also need such furniture. Of course, you can try and buy a table that will fit perfectly and without adjustment. In this case, it is good if you are of standard height, but we are all different in constitution, and the model of the required height may simply not be found.
In addition, you do not have to worry too much about the height of the chair, since you will have the opportunity to adjust the table. In addition, if several family members are engaged at the same table, the ability to customize will allow you to choose the optimal height for each family member.
If the room is clearly expressed unevenness of the floor, the table with variable height - just salvation. But such a table should have the ability to regulate each leg separately.
How to choose?
Choosing a table, of course, it is better to give preference to natural materials. Metal is considered very strong and durable. In the manufacture of supports, manufacturers often use it.
Glass tabletops look very stylish and noble, but they are very sensitive to damage,and scratches are almost inevitable. Therefore, acquiring such furniture in the kitchen, carefully weigh the pros and cons. Save the situation will help individual napkins for dishes and appliances to avoid contact with the glass surface of the latter.
As for the colors, of course, they must be in harmony with the overall color of the room.
When buying furniture for a child, you should not give preference to bright models, as this greatly distracts children from the thought process. For children, the ideal will be a wooden table - naturally, eco-friendly and nothing distracts from their studies.
With plastic, you need to be careful, as poor-quality materials can evaporate harmful substances into the external environment.
When choosing a regulatory mechanism, think about how often you will have to use it. If you just need to adjust a certain height of the kitchen table, you can choose a mechanical mechanism. If you prefer to work while sitting, then standing, then the best option is an electrical control system.
Children's table with adjustable metal legs "Trapeze" have a stepped tuning system.Trapezoid-shaped tabletop allows you to create similar tables, making optimal use of space. This option is relevant for kindergartens, libraries and houses of creativity.
UNO A Model - table with electric control system. The table has one support, so it looks very compact. It is ideal for a complete set of a working zone by several tables. The change in height occurs in the range from 88 to 118 cm. Therefore, it is possible to work behind it both sitting and standing. If you want to raise the tabletop higher, it is not at all necessary to release it, since such a table can lift a weight up to 100 kg.
This option has two fixed heights. You can use it as a coffee table, or choose from two heights desired. The table-top in this model is made of red-hot glass. However, the market offers various options for countertops for similar models, both in form and in terms of material production.
Version of the model with a screw mechanism for adjusting the height. However, it does not mean the rotation of the supports, but of the table top itself. The model looks very compact. This option is more suitable for public institutions, for example, for a quick snack in a cafe.
See the following video for the benefits of height-adjustable tables.