Metal legs for the table: the shape and design

Many people, choosing a kitchen table, do not pay attention to his legs at all, and meanwhile, this detail is very important for the further use of furniture. As a rule, a classic kitchen table has four supports and a tabletop. However, in stores you can meet at least stable designs with three legs or an x-shaped underbody. Today we will talk about these parts made from different materials.



Metal - an extremely common material for the production of supports for kitchen tables. Since this is a very strong raw material, then the legs, made from it, are extremely stable and durable. Additional stability is given by plastic or rubber plugs, which are put on supports to prevent them from sliding on the floor.Also, this material is in demand among craftsmen who make the tables themselves. This is due to the low price and durability of the metal. Such under stands are often subjected to staining or chrome plating.

It is worth mentioning the models with iron forged legs. This version of the support is extremely stable, durable and, as a rule, does not need to be repaired. These legs are versatile and easily fit into any interior design, always look advantageous and expensive. This choice is also convenient because it does not need special care. There are no special recommendations for their use or cleaning.

Metal legs often consist of pipes whose diameter is up to 60 mm and the wall thickness of the pipe approaches 1 mm. A metal core is inserted inside such a part, and the whole space is filled with filler. In expensive tables, support material is often stainless steel. Not less popular raw materials are aluminum, iron and chromium.

The surface of the metal legs can be:

  • brilliant;
  • matte;
  • tinted bronze, gold or other more expensive metal;
  • painted with enamel.

Bearings made of steel are shaped pipes, so you can make them yourself, not forgetting about the plugs at the ends. Rectangular tables can be equipped with such legs. For a desk or computer desk in the loft style, only carved metal underframes are suitable. For chairs it is also best to use metal to create a complete set.


The tree is the most common version of the legs. A huge number of adherents of old traditions chooses wooden tables. In addition, such decor material fits well into the most fastidious interior. Many consumers appreciate the environmental friendliness of this material. The simplicity of wood processing allows you to create supports of any size and shape: from round and square, to carved.

Models with beautiful carved legs look sophisticated and elegant. Often, these supports create a general impression of the furniture, allow you to choose a simpler material for the countertop, focusing on yourself. When creating wooden supports for the purpose of beauty and durability, they are ground and covered with several layers of varnish.The amount of this composition will take as much as is necessary to obtain a smooth surface.

For the manufacture of wooden poles using a timber width of at least 5 cm. More democratic tree species for the legs - pine, walnut, ash, beech, birch. Expensive species are mahogany, oak or wenge.


Plastic designs are also popular and common, as they are made of inexpensive material. In addition, it is easy to work with him. The technological process of plastic manufacturing has now reached such heights, which makes it possible, using special additives or creating special conditions, to obtain a material with completely different properties - from extremely elastic to very hard, similar in hardness to stone. For example, furniture legs made of polyurethane are very durable. They withstand heavy loads and vibrations, and the properties of polyurethane make it possible to give them any desired shape.

The supports of such material are well combined with any types of tabletops, which increases the variety of choices. The durability of such materials is due to their immunity to moisture and fumes.This allows you to use them for the tables of bathrooms, as well as on the street. But it is worth considering the thickness of the support: the greater the thickness of the plastic, the more reliable the support.

A good choice of such structures and in terms of fire safety of the room, because such materials are slow-burning, that is, in the event of a fire, they will prevent its spread throughout the area of ​​the house.

Plastic supports have a large selection, since this material is easiest to deform and create the desired shape. But, unfortunately, the strength characteristics of cheap plastic can not compete with those of materials such as wood or metal.

Making plastic of special strength or plasticity is a time consuming and expensive process. Therefore, most often in this case, plastic does not benefit from other materials in the cost. And choosing between familiar materials or plastic, users make a choice in favor of the first. This is due to the environmental characteristics of the material and partly to the usual traditions.

For glass worktops

Great attention is paid to the design of the table legs when the customer selects a transparent (glass) tabletop.In this case, the table takes on a truly unusual look and the legs play a major role in its design, because with the help of their shape, size and color, the overall style direction of the object is created. That is why often a metal box bent at a right angle with a cross section is used as a support.

Luxurious look metal legs with openwork weave. It can fill all the space under the tabletop or be part of a common intention, for example, be in the form of a branch with leaves beautifully wrapping around the main part of the support. Forged supports are more resistant, and products from a metal profile are lighter and more affordable. The choice of those or other options is a personal matter.

With glass top, models of legs from solid wood X - shaped from a bar with a square section look very extravagant. Harmoniously look such support, inclined at an angle and converging in the center.

Other materials

The extraordinary African spirit in the overall design of the room will make the legs made of bamboo. The complicated labyrinth of bamboo stalks of a cunning interweaving makes even the most fastidious connoisseurs of luxury to admire.Also quite popular material for braided legs can be willow twigs or a vine. Perhaps the use of other materials with sufficient flexibility. Furniture with such ornate legs are more often ordered for cottages and houses outside the city. A similar version of the supports brings the overall style of the room to the village or eco direction.

A completely glass dining table looks very expensive and unusual. This is especially true for interiors of rooms in which a large amount of glass or porcelain tableware is included. These tables are more fragile and are suitable for people for whom beauty is in the first place, and not the functionality of the item. The color and shape of the legs of glass is also quite diverse. Often the shade of glass legs is radically different from the color of the tabletop.

A good option would be to combine different materials when creating legs, for example, glass and wood.

In the interior

Many designers prefer chrome legs. Such supports successfully fit into hi-tech and minimalism styles, as well as refresh retro style. The latest design of the legs amaze with their unusual performance.Often, manufacturers play with the shape of the legs, creating very wide or as narrow as possible options for the table. Popular curved supports or products decorated with all kinds of decor.


Experts say that the pledge of tabletop stability lies in the proper table assembly and proper installation of supports. Forged products in this matter are an order of magnitude better than any other, and artistic forging creates such masterpieces of metal that not every human fantasy is capable of. Paint these supports in shades of black, bronze or gold. This further emphasizes the elegance of individual parts, the nobility of the product and protects it from external influence.

Do it yourself

A new popular trend is the manufacture of household items with their own hands. Similarly, tables are created. In this case, folk craftsmen advise the use of ordinary water pipes. Indeed, seeing the images of furniture made from such pipes, you realize that it looks quite original.

How to make a table with your own hands, see the next video.

Metal pipes are very durable.Making your own hands guarantees the lowest price of such products. Thus, having set yourself the goal of making the table yourself, you can end up with a solid, durable thing for a penny, but in this case it is necessary to take into account that this is a very long and difficult process.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

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