Folding laptop transformers: features of choice

Modern man likes to surround himself with stylish and functional things. Among other household items, folding laptop-transformer tables, which obey certain features of choice, are especially popular with customers.
What is it?
Folding table for a laptop - a portable stand with moving parts of the structure. Externally, this is a mini-table with a small tabletop and a folding device. In the market, this item is presented in a wide variety of models, but any product is configured for functionality. Such furniture is radically different from the usual massive computer tables: it is a necessary minimum, which is necessary for working at a laptop.
He does not have mounted racks, like a desk for a computer, he is deprived of supports for CDs, organizers, side compartments for a heap of trifles: everything is strictly functional and does not accept anything extra.
The choice of models is based on consideration of merits and weak points.
Among the best features of this product are:
- Ergonomics: the transforming table has enough space to work, is devoid of unnecessary space;
- Convenience: the design is thought out in such a way that the user was comfortable in any position;
- A variety of model range: the accessory can be simple or structurally complex, while stylish and harmoniously fit into the overall design idea;
- Functionality: most models have adjustable height of the table and the angle of the working surface, built-in lighting, external hard drive, USB ports;
- Mobility: if necessary, the table can be removed in a closet or taken with you (for example, on a trip, a hike or to a dacha);
- Development of the cooling system: some models have coolers, thanks to which the laptop does not overheat;
- Noise isolation: the products are equipped with a sound system for operating the device;
- Versatility: the design accommodates any laptop, regardless of its size.
Transforming tables for a laptop are often equipped with a non-standard stand in the form of a tabletop and a small shelf for the keyboard. In this case, the "two-story" model eliminates the need to lower the head in the process of typing. It is convenient and allows you to use a laptop with a graphics tablet, compactly organizing the user's workplace. In fact, the rulers have stationary models (for the home) and options for working on the road. Most accessories have a perforation for better air circulation.
The tabletop does not allow operation with a tablecloth: it impedes the operation of the table.
Some models provide several user positions during operation (sitting, lying, reclining). Such structures are transformed under the desired, including the vertical position of the laptop. Due to the reasonableness of the device, the gadget is securely fixed to the surface of the tabletop, so the user experience is as comfortable as possible. In this case, the table supports are stable and comfortable, so you can use the design, including in the bed.
The dimensions of the models allow placement in a backpack, a typical bag.
The table can be used as a stand for a tablet or a book. He is able to become an alternative to the easel, if the case requires. Convenient data tables that often have a tabletop separation: elements for the laptop itself and its components. Specially designed models are equipped with miniature drawers for storing the necessary office and supports for smartphones.
However, such models are a rare version of the line.
Not every model is convenient for work. Some products are limited by functionality. For example, models made of wood more resemble a school desk in a mini-version, in which the rise of the height of the working surface is a transformable element. As a latch, these devices have a wooden plate, which makes it difficult to work on the keyboard. Even if we consider a separate area for the mouse, the table is not convenient. In addition, it can not be called mobile.
Not all designs provide for the location of the mouse. This often requires a special stand, made in a similar design of identical material, as the folding table itself.The fitness for comfortable postures of the user is not always an advantage of the transforming tables. Despite the assurances of manufacturers about the convenience of compact products, often in their operation a person is in the wrong posture. On the one hand, it is convenient for him, on the other - the body is harmed.
Lying and reclining to use the laptop is harmful, so an enormous load is created on the eyes. Often, a relaxed posture is not correct: the spinal column does not have a smooth line. Therefore, it is impossible to call tables for a laptop useful.
They should be chosen taking into account the most correct natural posture, observing the height and functionality: the product should not be a distraction when searching for the right items at work.
Usually, the weight of the transformer table does not exceed 2 kg, while the product is reliable: it is designed for 15 kg of the maximum permissible weight load. Most models are made of high-strength plastic, steel and wood, complement the design with steel supports, often of an extraordinary shape and a 360-degree turn. This approach allows the use of the table for different surfaces, including it is suitable for immobilized users.So a small table can adjust to the location, while creating the most comfortable conditions for a person, eliminating the appearance of pain in the back and neck.
The design is thought over to trifles: at desire it is possible to work at a little table standing.
Features of the mechanism
It is impossible to select a product without examining the transformation mechanism system. Simplicity of work, reliability of a design, and also its durability depends on it. Transformable elements of a folding table are equipped with special type of limiters, thanks to which they clearly fix every position.
The system of model transformation is different:
- Some tables when folded look like a narrow case, which when unfolded forms a tabletop in two parts;
- Others are a tabletop with folded legs or on hinges, in this case, only the supports are involved in the transformation, turning 360 degrees;
- The third products are a high table on one strong support with two table tops (horizontal - the length of the mouse, vertical with a slope - for a laptop);
- Some devices are even more creative: the table is located on one support with twotransformable rods fixing the laptop and tablet (alas, they do not have a mouse stand).
The classic is the simplest type of transformable tables: either the tabletop rises up to the desired angle, or the cross-shaped legs are transformed.
Choose: what else to take into account?
Buying a table for a laptop is a solid matter that needs the right approach. Such accessories do not get hastily, you need to take into account the parameters of the equipment, correlate them with the necessary functionality, take into account the location of the mouse (for left-handed or right-handed).
It is important to know that the tables for a laptop are divided into two types:
- Bed (sofa);
- Bedside.
The difference between the models is that some can be put directly on the bed, fixing at the same time as you like. Others stand on the floor, they are taller and more like tables, although they are rather compact and almost always have a small tabletop. They move to the sofa, beds, mobile, in most cases have wheels on supports, can be equipped with height adjustment, the angle of inclination of the working surface is about 30 degrees. Some models are designed in such a way that in the folded state they replace the laptop case.This is especially true on the road (different trips and business trips).
We buy
A folding table is not a toy, and in order to be useful, reliable, durable, attention must be paid to several factors.
- The choice is made in a reputable store with a good reputation: the risk of buying a fake is thus excluded;
- Material matters: it is preferable to model with a frame made of steel, aluminum and wood (there should not be a lot of plastic, it is unstable to significant mechanical damage);
- The model must be stable and reliable: it is worth choosing a model with powerful supports with limiters (the risk of accidental injury is excluded);
- The indicator of the maximum permissible weight load on the tabletop in the unfolded state is important;
- It is worth exploring additional features: you do not need to overpay for features that are not needed by a specific user;
- It is preferable to choose the organizers with the cooling system of the working surface and circulation, the presence of USB ports and a small mouse stand (often not without it);
- Not the last place is occupied by the design: the model should correspond to the status of the situation and taste preferences of the user (this sets up a positive).
When choosing it is worth starting from the method of operation.If a model is needed for working at a table, it should be portable (a compact bed-type on the principle of an accordion - three knees with a length of about 25 cm each). Due to the small legs on the hinges and convenient functionality, it will delimit the workplace, will allow you to easily select the desired tilt of the laptop. In order to save space, you can purchase a small product that fits in the locker of a computer desk. Choosing a product to watch movies, work sitting, you should prefer the model of the bedside (attached) plan.
If you want to work, sitting on a chair, you should think about the bedside model with adjustable height and angle.
Detailed overview of one of these transforming tables, you can look at the video a little below.