How to choose a table-book?

The table-book is a favorite attribute of furniture in our country, which found its popularity in Soviet times. Now this product has not lost its relevance and is quite in demand. What are the advantages of such a piece of furniture, and how to choose the right table-book, let's see.
In the furniture market there is a huge range of tables, books. They are a folding design. When assembled, such an attribute does not take up much space, and its appearance resembles a cabinet. But, spreading it, you get a table for receiving guests, at which you can easily accommodate up to 10 people.
Tables-books can be divided into several types.Basically they are divided by destination.
- For living room Typically, such products are a rectangular design, where two doors open upwards, forming a large dining table. These doors are based on legs.
- For kitchen the design of such a sliding table is almost the same. Only the stationary part can be additionally equipped with a chest of drawers where you can store kitchen utensils. Often, kitchen tables are made on a metal frame, and the side flaps rely on thin metal legs when opening. Their sizes are slightly smaller than those used in the living room, while their design can be equipped with wheels. Often, using such a table in the kitchen, it is pulled close to the wall, and only one flap is raised.
This saves space, while getting a dining table, behind which a small family can fit.
Tables-books are made of several types of materials.
- Solid wood. Pretty durable material, products from which have a long service life. Furniture from it looks rich. In most cases, it is quite beautiful, has decorations in the form of artistic carving.The tree is not afraid of moisture, the product of this material is not deformed and does not swell, and if such a table and lose its appearance, it is pretty easy to restore.
But there is a flaw in solid wood. Products from it are quite heavy, and their cost is high.
- LDSP. This is a cheap substitute for wood, which is made from sawdust pressed using formaldehyde resins. Unscrupulous manufacturers in the manufacture of this material may use toxic glue, so do not be too lazy to ask for quality certificates for products from chipboard. By its appearance, this material is ideally smooth plates that are not subjected to any processing. At the same time, they are covered with a film on top, which imitates the surface of various types of wood, for example wenge or sonoma oak. In addition, this material does not tolerate increased moisture. Under the action of water on the chipboard, the plate surface is deformed and bubbles appear.
Return such products to their original form will not work. But everyone can afford to buy a table-book of this material.
- Metal. Of this material is usually made frame or legs of the table-book.It is durable, durable, eco-friendly. You should not be afraid that such a product will break under the weight of dishes.
- Plastic. They are usually covered with kitchen table tops. This material is quite durable, well resists damage, is not afraid of moisture and water. Plastic table can be used outdoors, for example, on the veranda. Such products are inexpensive, and their service life is quite long.
- Glass. This material is rarely used for the manufacture of this attribute of furniture. Glass tables-books are mainly made according to individual projects of designers to order. This is due to the fact that glass is a rather fragile material, and by raising and lowering the flaps, they are easily damaged.
Now tables-books can be found completely different sizes. And they vary in all parameters: height, width and length.
In Soviet times, the table-book for the living room was produced in one dimension. In principle, the size of models in most cases has not changed much now. When unfolded, such a piece of furniture has the following parameters: length - 1682 mm, width - 850 cm, height - 751 mm, length of the fixed part - 280 mm.
However, it is now possible to meet the increased size of the dining table-books. Their parameters correspond to 1740x900x750 mm.
The largest attribute can have dimensions of 2350х800х750 mm. Such a table will allow a rather large company to fit in, while no one will disturb anyone.
Standard for kitchen tables are the following dimensions: length 1300 mm, width 600mm, height 70 mm.
For small-sized kitchens, you can purchase this piece of furniture with mini sizes of 750x650x750 mm. Despite such small dimensions, it may well be equipped with additional storage places.
Modern designers offer tables-books, which when folded are rather narrow, and practically do not take up space, while in the unfolded form they have the dimensions of standard tables.
Choosing a table-book, you will encounter a wide range of colors of this product.
Here you can find a huge selection of products for the living room with natural wood coloring; tables such as Italian walnut, ash, bleached oak are quite popular. In this case, the coating can be both matte and glossy.
Also, there are monochrome products of various shades. White, black tables, as well as bright colors, for example, red or turquoise, are relevant here.
The attribute for the kitchen countertop often has an ornament. There may be an imitation of marble or photo printing with the image of still lifes or cities in the world.
The form
The shape of the table-books are of two types:
- oval;
- rectangular.
Both that and other kind can be executed both for a drawing room, and for kitchen. But still the classics of this piece of furniture for the equipment of the hall is a rectangular shape, although the oval tables are quite comfortable, you can accommodate more guests behind them.
For small kitchens, the oval-book table was slightly reduced in length, making it round. This allowed us to further win a few centimeters of free space in this room, while maintaining the number of seats for the attribute.
In the manufacture of tables, books used various kinds of accessories. And here the basis of high-quality functionality of this piece of furniture is the reliability of the hinges.
In Soviet times, for the manufacture of this design used piano hinges. But they were rather unreliable, and at the most crucial moment the table top with dishes covered with it could simply fall off.Modern manufacturers have gone from the use of this hardware, going to more modern and reliable components.
Most models use butterfly loops that are reliable, and since each part is fastened with several such elements, when one of them fails, the load falls on the others.
Mechanism arrangement
The mechanism of the table-book can be of three types, although the basic idea does not change. There is a stationary part and two rising doors. The side parts of the tabletop, rising on hinges, are mounted on a support. In this case, you can expand only one leaf, or both at once. The legs are here as a support. There may be one or two. In the second case, the design is more stable, and therefore reliable.
In that case, if the movable part of the tabletop is installed on two supports, the legs can be rolled out and hide inside the stationary part, or be screwed on to certain places. And if the leg of this attribute of furniture is one, then it is usually withdrawable, and is screwed to the hinges to its fixed part.
In most cases, tables, books, especially with regard to products for living rooms,have a simple look, strict forms. This allows you to install them in both classic and modern interiors. But there are also design models that will suit certain stylistic decisions of the premises.
- So, for the living room in Provence style worth buying this attribute in white.
- For high-tech kitchen perfect glass table.
- In country style kitchen it would be appropriate to look at the table-book made of natural wood of light colors, perhaps not even varnished.
In Soviet times, tables, books did not differ much diversity. They were made of wood and had either a matte finish or shine with gloss. Now this attribute of furniture is decorated in a different way.
So, for the dining table in the living room often used decoupage technique. Original patterns will help to make this attribute of furniture a highlight of the entire room.
For kitchen tables, photo printing is increasingly used. It does not matter if these attributes of furniture or plastic are made of glass, this type of decor looks quite modern and stylish, as long as it is in harmony with the rest of the room.
Although modern tables, books do not always require additional decorations. For example, a black polished table made of natural solid wood is in itself a rather aesthetic item that does not require any additional decor.
The design of the table-books is quite simple. And more often quite similar.
For rectangular models, the corners of the table top can be straight or rounded.
In the stationary part, drawers can be built in, and access to them can be either on the side of the product or under the lowered sash. The tabletop of the stationary part can also be raised, where storage places for dishes will be hidden.
How to choose?
The choice of the table-book is quite simple and depends only on several factors.
- Determine for what purposes do you need this attribute of furniture. If for installation in the kitchen, it is worth choosing more compact options. If, however, for the reception of guests in the living room, then you should pay attention to the tables larger.
- We define type of support. Remember that the most reliable option would be to install each part of the tabletop on two twisted legs. Although the design on one leg is quite suitable for a small kitchen table, especially since it will minimally interfere with sitting at the table.
- We define budget. Depending on its size, you can choose the material and design in which this furniture attribute will be made. So, a folding product without additional storage places, made of chipboard, can afford almost everyone. But on the products of expensive wood or glass will have to spend significantly.
Advantages and disadvantages
There are a lot of advantages at the tables of books. These products when folded take up little space. They can combine several functions at once: a desk, a dining table, a chest of drawers.
The disadvantage of this piece of furniture is that in some models there is not a sufficiently stable structure that can be easily tilted.
Famous manufacturers and reviews
In our market, tables, books can be found from various manufacturers. They are produced both in Russia and other countries of the world, for example, Italy and Germany. Polish models of this piece of furniture from the company are quite popular. Goliat. According to buyers, this is a fairly high-quality product at an attractive price.
Modern examples and options for furniture
In furniture stores you can find a wide range of tables, books.Here are some interesting models that will be a highlight in the interior of your home.
A clear glass product will be an excellent option for a kitchen in a modern style.
For a small kitchen a perfect book-table complete with folding chairs, which are retracted inside the stationary part of the product.
A coffee table made of solid wood will decorate any classic interior, and its design in the form of a book will allow it to be placed both in the middle of the room, giving a rounded shape, and attached to the wall, dropping one or both of the table top panels.
For more information about the varieties of tables, books, see the following video.