Finishing of the log house: features of exterior works and interior design of a log house

In spite of the fact that wooden houses are beautiful in their own right, a properly selected lining will give them a more attractive appearance. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that finishing materials should be selected correctly. You should focus on personal preferences, as well as financial opportunities.
On the peculiarities of exterior works and interior design of log houses we will discuss in this article.
When to do?
A wooden blockhouse made of a log or timber and placed under the roof must stand for at least six months before the finishing works. During this time, the main shrinkage of the structure will occur.Therefore, if the height of the walls changes as a result of the material drying out, then this will hardly affect the functionality of the house.
Trim outside
The approach to the issue of exterior plating at home should be balanced and carefully considered. Sheathing performs several important functions:
- protects walls from external influences;
- acts as a barrier, protecting the house from heat loss;
- decorates the house.
Choosing options, you need to take into account some of the nuances:
- Do not make the casing completely airtight, it must be vapor-permeable;
- Do not chase cheap materials, they are not always of good quality;
- Check with the seller certificates of quality material.
It is best to think about the process of exterior plating at the design stage of the project at home.
Causes and preparation
In general, the wooden house looks great and without additional finishing. But if the construction was carried out from an old timber, the appearance of which leaves much to be desired, it is possible to carry out external and internal decoration. Finishing is not limited to decorating the walls, it often represents events without which it is impossible to fully exploit a wooden house.
For a start, let's deal with the preparatory work that needs to be done before the decoration.
- Caulking iron The procedure is carried out in two stages. The first is carried out 4 weeks after the completion of construction, the second - after 8 months. The process is simple: all the gaps need to be filled with insulation, which can be moss, flaxvatin, etc.
- Perform grinding. Due to this procedure, the tree becomes smooth, acquires a natural color, and the areas affected by fungus or mold disappear.
- Antiseptic treatment. It is produced in order to protect the log house from germs and bacteria.
- Fire retardant treatment. Protects the log house from fire. You need to handle any wooden buildings, not just residential.
As we see, preparation for finishing is a whole complex of works that should not be ignored.
Requirements for materials
There are a number of standard requirements that must be met for cladding wooden houses.
- Resistant to moisture.
- The material should not be exposed to weathering and leaching by precipitation.
- An important requirement is resistance to efflorescence.Together with moisture, mineral salts should not protrude to the surface, exposing the material to loads and spoiling the appearance.
- Resistance to temperature fluctuations.
- Resistance to aggressive agents.
- Inertness to various fungal diseases and mold. Some materials are prone to this, so the processing of bactericidal drugs will not be superfluous.
- Presentable appearance. Despite the last position of this item in our list, this criterion often becomes fundamental when choosing a material.
To these requirements we add another cost of finishing material. You should not buy the cheapest materials - such a finish will not last long.
Consider the best price / quality ratio.
First of all, decide what type of cladding you want to use. There are plenty of options:
- sheathing siding;
- processing of the facade with special paint;
- brick cladding;
- the use of ceramic granite;
- use of clinker thermopanels, etc.
In any case, before beginning the installation of cladding, the surface of the house is leveled and cleaned, and also treated with antiseptics.
Most often used for siding of wood buildings siding. Siding panels can be vinyl or metal. If there is a high risk of fire, it is better to use concrete siding.
Installation work can be carried out regardless of weather conditions, and the process itself is usually not difficult.
Sheathing a house outside can be done with such material as a block house. It is very popular with those who are an admirer of old Russian subjects. A house lined with this material looks like chopped logs. The material itself is a wooden plank having one convex side.
There are a lot of advantages when using this material:
- the facade becomes aesthetically appealing;
- material is easy to install;
- a high level of noise and thermal insulation is established;
- A block house serves for many years and does not lose its positive qualities.
If desired, when covering, you can use imitation of timber, which is a type of wooden wall paneling. Installation can be performed by inexperienced builders, and the material will hide the defects of the walls (if any).
Brick cladding - a very aesthetic finish, which is superior to budget options and has a lot of advantages:
- high resistance to low temperatures;
- extended service life;
- material is durable;
- increased level of thermal insulation.
However, it should be borne in mind that the installation procedure will be quite complicated, you will also have to strengthen the foundation.
And the cost of such facing small can not be called.
Another option - clinker thermopanels, which are relatively new material, which managed to win the hearts of homeowners. This case has the following advantages:
- relatively low cost;
- environmental Safety;
- ease of care;
- UV exposure to material is minimal.
Such panels are mounted on the crate.
And now let's talk more about porcelain. Porcelain tiles in their composition contain dyes and clay. This material is almost ideal for mounting on the walls of the house.
- high level mechanical strength;
- high resistance to frost;
- fire resistant material
Many owners of wooden houses also prefer to paint the facades with special paint.. There are several undoubted advantages:
- weatherproof walls;
- protection of wood from temperature extremes;
- under the influence of sunlight the material practically does not fade.
To these functions performed in full, carefully select the coloring composition. Pay attention to such options:
- paint that can be diluted with water;
- acrylic emulsions;
- varnishes and azure.
Let's sum up the intermediate result. For covering the house outside, you can use different materials.
The plating work is quite painstaking, the materials should be carefully selected, and the installation nuances should be strictly followed.
Interior design
Modern technology allows you to arrange a house in any style. If the interior of the wood inside the house will be combined with other materials, the effect can be incredible.
When creating the interior of a wooden house you need to take into account the external architecture of the building. The space of the house from the inside and the house itself from the outside should be a single ensemble.And every detail and element of the interior should be combined with each other and form a harmonious image.
Making a house out of a bar is a rather complicated task. However, if you manage to correctly and profitably emphasize the color and texture of a wooden house, you can get a very interesting interior. For example, you can successfully apply in the interior wall paneling. If desired, it can be combined with tile, plaster, etc.
With the help of clapboard, you can create an interior in the Scandinavian style: make everything in bright colors, and make the floor of a rough board.
The interior of the house is also a large number of options. At the same time, low ceilings and small windows have long ceased to be relevant. Your home can be:
- a huge hut;
- fabulous terem;
- Old Russian chambers, etc.
It is not necessary to be limited to one stylistics, it is possible to make each room in the inimitable style.
Style selection
There are several styles that are ideal for decorating a wooden house. Consider them in more detail.
- Hunter's house. Brutal style, masculine. It is appropriate to design in this style office, billiard room or rest room for the head of the family.Use leather sofas, wrought lamps, etc.
- Country Rustic, bright style. Color curtains, various souvenirs, antique furniture fit perfectly into the interior.
- English retro style. A bit stiff, strict and at the same time luxurious. Shows the social level of the owner of the house. Paintings on the walls and porcelain dishes - the necessary details.
- Japan. Use wallpaper without patterns, mats, wooden screens, etc.
- The Mediterranean. Important details: beams on the ceiling and ceramic tiles in the kitchen.
- Ethnic style. It suits you if you want to emphasize the originality of your home. A tree in such an interior turns a house from the usual into the exotic.
As you can see, choosing your own style is not easy, but very exciting. It should be remembered that the tree will make the house warm and cozy.
Design details
There are some simple design rules.
In order to solve the problem of decorating a house, consider what elements can decorate the surface of the walls.
If your home has a stove or fireplace, then they can be veneered using materials such as:
- onyx;
- marble;
- granite, etc.
And the use of natural stone in the design will give the interior a solid and rich look.
To lining pick up accessories: eaves, curtains, chandeliers. But do not forget about harmony - the jumble of expensive interior items will not make a positive impression on the guests, but rather indicate that the owner of the house does not know the measure.
To complete the ensemble, you can choose wooden furniture, since the glossy surfaces are not quite appropriate for such an interior.
Accessories made of bamboo, olive, etc. are becoming increasingly important. Decorative lamps, vases, hangers and tables fill the house with warmth and luxury.
Successfully applied in design:
- jute rope;
- natural skins;
- rattan;
- ropes;
- branches and whole trees.
Beautiful examples
And now we will consider some unusual interiors. Here is a room in the style of an alpine chalet. The walls are made of wood combined with stonework, large windows, high ceilings - everything speaks of the wealth of the owner of the house.
In the second photo - a room in the style of Provence. Country house style, inconspicuous colors of finishing materials. Walls and ceiling in bright colors.
The following photo shows space and simplicity.Scandinavian style in all its glory. Mostly white color, but you can use beige, gray, green.
For finishing, stone, metal and natural fabrics are more commonly used.
You can find out how to build a log house by looking at the video below.