Cedar log house: advantages and disadvantages

At all times, cedar was highly valued not only for its beauty, but also for high-strength wood. Today it is widely used in the manufacture of musical instruments, sports equipment, pencils and other various things. Cedar wood is especially valuable in the construction industry.
Cedar has a high aesthetic and environmental friendliness. According to these indicators, only pine can compete with it. That is why these two tree species are most often used for the manufacture of a log house. Cedar tree has a pleasant yellow-brown or light brown shade, which eventually becomes monotonous. The sapwood is narrow, contrasting white.
Tree rings are always easy to distinguish by their color. And in Siberian cedar bark grows so deep into the sapwood that so-called pockets are formed - such wood is especially valued by craftsmen.
In construction, cedar was fallen in love for its high thermal insulation properties, resistance to adverse conditions, external influences. In addition, it is easy to handle and is considered one of the most ductile rocks. After the first treatment, the surface of the tree becomes slightly oily, but this does not interfere with its performance. Cedar always keeps nails well, is easy to paint and varnish.
In addition to external beauty, this type of wood also has healing properties. Resinous wood with a pronounced aroma disinfects the air. It is believed that not a single tree is sick next to cedar.
Advantages and disadvantages
The most popular in construction are the Siberian and Canadian cedar. The advantages of using are as follows:
- high strength properties;
- relatively low weight due to the porous structure;
- resistance to moisture, mold, fungus, insects;
- high level of sound and heat insulation.This indicator is considered the highest in comparison with other tree species;
- simplicity of processing - wood is soft and supple;
- after drying the wood does not crack;
- attractive appearance.
Of the minuses can be identified too strong smell, which some people suffer with difficulty. In general, cedar wood has no flaws.
Application in construction
As a rule, cedar is allowed to cut, getting from it materials such as:
- parallel bars;
- bars;
- logs;
- boards;
- clapboard;
- planken
Less commonly, it is used as a rafter and for the construction of floors, since the material is too expensive for such purposes.
Log houses
Today, only a handful of craftsmen can perform a real log house and, probably, only in Siberia. In modern construction use rounded logs, erecting houses, cottages, villas, baths from it. Such a log is made at the factory, and at the construction site it remains only to assemble the structure, adjusting the chopped round logs using a special technology. Modern manufacturers do their work so well. Not everyone can distinguish a real log house from a building.
In old times, log cabins were built without a single nail using large diameter cedar. The construction of such a house took up to several weeks. Today, any professional can collect a log house in a few days. In addition, the thorn-groove fastening system allows tightly fitting logs without cracks and drafts.
It should be noted that the structure of cedar can not be warmed.
Finishing work inside the building is also not carried out. In any room, built of cedar, has its own unique atmosphere.
Of the minuses, two factors are noted at once:
- cold;
- high energy costs.
Large diameter log house
Cedar is often used to make logs of large diameter. Standard sizes are 260x320 mm. For the construction of log of logs of this size is used special equipment. In general, such construction costs much more than usual, since the material and labor intensity are different from the standard ones used in ordinary construction. But despite this, in many regions of Russia cedar log houses are very popular.
If you compare the walls of the log of cedar large diameter with other materialsthen a wall of 100 mm can save as much heat as a double brickwork, approximately 510 mm in thickness.
In addition to the walls of the log house, cedar serves as material for the manufacture of various elements: cornices, racks, platbands, balusters. Due to the softness of the wood and the ease of processing such interior elements turn out to be original. The only negative is a short shelf life. Cedar log house of large diameter impresses with its appearance. Real masters of their work are able to make him true masterpieces of art. Regardless of the parameters, the house always turns out warm, beautiful and durable.
Thick cedar logs are characterized by high bearing capacity and durability, and their thermal insulation properties are completely out of competition.
Cedar houses
Due to the high resinous content of the cedar, you can build a house from it in any climatic conditions. Wood, resistant to external negative factors, tolerates both frost and heat. Cedar is often used in the construction of residential buildings because of its high thermal conductivity and ventilation. Wood is a set of the smallest hollow tubes, so the walls “breathe” and do not give in to festering, do not accumulate condensate and do not deform.At the same time, the healing properties of cedar have a positive effect on the atmosphere inside the house.
Hand-made houses are erected using special technologies, the essence of which lies in the careful fitting of all wooden parts. From the same logs it turns out a delightful facade, which, moreover, does not need further decor.
The advantages of log houses are as follows:
- ecological cleanliness;
- air disinfection;
- high aesthetic qualities.
Of the minuses, you can select only the high cost of such houses.
Cedar Bath
Not surprisingly, cedar is considered the best material for the construction of baths. Its technological properties are the best suited for such purposes. The level of thermal conductivity of the walls of the bath is 10% higher than that of larch and pine. But at the same time the construction of a bath of cedar will cost much more.
To save a little, some experts prefer to engage in the construction of baths in the winter, when the cost of all building materials falls a little. It is worth noting that the softness of the wood makes it not too durable. Therefore, a big role is played by the processing of logs during the construction phase and after, as well as the correctness of their installation.
To learn how to build a cedar bath, see the following video.