Curtains for a small bedroom

The interior of a small bedroom consists not only of properly selected and arranged furniture in a room with a certain finish, but also of appropriate textile design. The textiles used in the design of the window, namely curtains, is the final and important stage in the design of the interior.
There is a huge variety of different types of curtains suitable for a small bedroom.
Classic curtains
The most common type is classic curtains. The window is decorated with two types of panels of different density and transparency. Closer to the window opening there is a thin and transparent fabric covering the entire window, and on the sides there are canvases made of thick and opaque fabric - curtains.
Curtains in the classic version can be attached to the eaves in various ways. Intermediate elements between the main canvas and the eaves can be loops, eyelets or a special band:
- The hinges are made of fabric, the suspension is carried out by inserting the eaves in them.
- Grommets or metal rings are inserted along the edge of the upper part, the eaves beam is inserted through the holes of the rings.
- The band is sewn to the upper edge of the curtain, the suspension is carried out with the help of small loops located on the ribbon to which hooks with rings are attached.
Roman curtains are strengthened on a special ledge and are suitable for small windows. Curtains themselves are a straight canvas with weighting on the bottom edge. When raised, beautiful folds form at the top. Great solution for a small bedroom.
The French version of the curtains is a fabric, gathered in folds, located along the entire length of the canvas. Folds or festoons are formed by a band running along the entire web. The fabric collected in beautiful flounces can be both with the lifting mechanism, and without it.
Japanese curtains are straight canvases, moving thanks to a special ledge and having rigid inserts both at the top and at the bottom, which do not allow them to fold when moving.
London curtains consist of a rectangular canvas, fixed on top of the cornice. Raising this curtain is due to two ribbons running along the right and left edges, through which the cords are passed. When raised, deep folds are formed, and when lowered, a hidden pattern opens.
Crossed curtains are two panels, connected at the top of the eaves and diverging at the bottom along the sides. This option is most often used for the design of bedrooms.
For the Italian version is characterized by incomplete separation of the panels, each of which is pulled together by a cord passing through the rings located on the wrong side of the curtain. The Italian version is suitable for decorating tall windows.
In the style of "Cafe"
Curtains in the style of "Cafe" can be fixed both at the top and in the middle of the window on a special rod of small diameter. They can be combined with long curtains.
A very original option for small windows is an hourglass curtain. The canvas is stretched and the top and bottom, and in the middle is connected with a cloth, ribbon or other finishing fabric.
Rectangular canvas, characteristic of roller blinds, rises with a special mechanism and is assembled on a roller. This type can be mounted both on the wall and on the window opening.
Design Tips
Making out the window in the bedroom, it is advisable to adhere to some rules that will avoid many mistakes and make the bedroom cozy:
- In a small bedroom it will be better to look with plain curtains in light colors or white. Fabric with a pattern will attract attention, and in a small room to focus on the window is not worth it. But there is an exception: a horizontal strip on the fabric will help to expand the space, provided that it coincides with the style of the bedroom itself.
- Complicated drapery and pelmets are also better not to allow, making out the room. Folds and flounces visually reduce the space and make small windows even smaller, so simple shapes are more preferable.The absence of a large number of flounces will help compensate for the asymmetry of the lines.
- Ceiling cornice will be, by the way, if the room has a low ceiling. Thanks to him, the room will seem higher, and to expand the space it is better if the eaves are wall to wall. With an asymmetrical arrangement of the window, you can hang a cornice with an angular approach and a slight extension on the adjacent wall.
- If the ceiling in the bedroom is suspended, then the eaves can be hidden in the niche of the ceiling. Thanks to this design, the bedroom will expand visually, and using soft flowing fabric as curtains will give the interior a light, airy look.
The style of the bedroom involves the presence of curtains in harmony with the interior. Each style has its own characteristics and nuances, given that you can achieve excellent results.
- For the classic style fit curtains of thick fabric of maximum length, coupled with translucent tulle. The color of the curtains should be a little darker than the translucent fabric - literally 2-3 tones. This combination will help visually increase not only the size of the window, but also the entire bedroom as a whole.In addition to the classic curtains in a bedroom fit Roman or Austrian versions.
- Curtains in high-tech style should be in silver or blue color and it is better if they are attached to the eaves with eyelets or loops. The main thing is that the shade is not too dark, so as not to visually reduce the space of the bedroom.
- Very often, a room designed for a bedroom is designed in a modern style. Curtains for this style have smooth lines and soft pastel colors.
- Country style, provides for the presence of curtains made from natural fabrics. Linen or cotton of light shades will not only help to emphasize the style of the room, but also visually add to the bedroom light and air.
An important addition when choosing curtains in the bedroom is the right color. At curtains it should be a couple of tones lighter than the finishing material of the walls.
Colors and prints
Very carefully in small rooms you need to use different prints and patterns on the curtains. If there are already various patterns in the bedroom, it is better if the curtains are plain and in the same color scheme with decoration. If the interior of the room is monophonic, then a low-key, blurred ornament is quite acceptable.As the pattern on the curtains will look good wide stripes. The smaller ones are not exactly suitable for a small bedroom.
Dark curtains can be used in a small bedroom if the interior contains elements of the same color, for example, a bedspread on the bed or a carpet on the floor. In addition, the dark versions should be with a lifting mechanism.
The color scheme can be used both in cold and warm shades. It all depends on the type of curtains and interior style. Cold shade and transparent fabric or warm color, coupled with a thick fabric. These combinations are suitable for French curtains. The Japanese curtains happen, as a rule, dark shades.
If you really want to give the original look to the curtains, then you can decorate not the curtains themselves, but the cornice. The main thing is that all the elements of the decor are in harmony with the overall style of the bedroom.
And in the next video you can see how to visually make the room more with curtains and other textiles.