Arrangement of furniture in the bedroom

Arrangement of furniture in the bedroom for many of us is one of the most pressing issues. If you are going to visit the furniture salon, it would be nice to make a detailed layout of your cozy “nest”, where you will be truly comfortable and convenient. After all, the bedroom is the very place where a person recovers spent energy and spends one third of his life.
Location selection
It is very important to correctly identify the room in which the bedroom will be furnished. To make your sleep calm and deep, the best solution would be to choose the northern or north-western part of your apartment or house. But to place a bedroom in the north-east is not recommended, because it can cause insomnia, restless sleep and even health problems. For the same reason, it is highly undesirable to equip in such a place and children's rooms. The art of feng shui gives some tips for certain categories.
For example, newlyweds are encouraged to equip their cozy "nest" in the eastern part of the house.
But couples who have been married for a long time and want to revive their cooled relations are recommended to move their bedroom to the south side. With this arrangement, you should arrange the design of the room in gentle and warm colors, you can not use bright and intense colors here so as not to cause harm to your health and not earn yourself insomnia.
Southeast bedroom will be a great place to relax after a busy working life for businessmen and large leaders. If your life has become a bit bland and you want more drive, experts recommend placing a bedroom on the west side.
Starting planning, it is necessary to consider the useful area of the room. As a rule, it is much more difficult to equip a small bedroom than a larger room. To a small room visually seemed more, when arranging the furniture should take into account some important recommendations.
First, it is necessary to leave narrow passages free and not to clutter the space with unnecessary objects. The second rule is the proper use of lighting and mirrors. This will help create the visual effect of a spacious room. Light and delicate tones prevailing in the overall design of the bedroom, will also help create the effect of greater spaciousness. Remember: no matter how small the room, you can not leave too narrow a gap between the bed and the rest of the furniture.
If you are a happy owner of a large bedroom area, you also should not neglect the basic rules of its arrangement, because an illiterate arrangement of furniture can visually reduce even a spacious room. It is advisable when arranging furniture in such a bedroom to try so that it is located along the walls.
It is highly undesirable to install a bed between bulky pieces of furniture (cabinets, dressers). In a spacious room it will be appropriate to use bright, saturated colors of upholstery, curtains or wallpaper. Here it is very important that the furniture is in harmony and combined with the walls, windows and ceiling, creating a single space for a good rest.
When you think over and plan your bedroom, you can proceed to the direct placement of furniture. For the decor of the bedroom there is a necessary set of furniture, which includes:
- bed, couch or sofa;
- spacious wardrobe;
- dressing table or dressing table;
- bedside tables.
This is the main set of furniture that must be properly placed in the recreation area. If you want a small or medium-sized room along with a bed or a sofa to fit also wardrobes, bedside tables, armchairs, dressing table, and even a table - you need to choose not too bulky items. In this case, it is desirable that the closet in your bedroom is large enough, so it will be better if you choose the built-in product - with a large mirror on the door.
Remember that in order to move freely around the room, the minimum distance from the bed to the objects located next to it should be at least seventy centimeters.
When you make a room large area you have a lot more design options, but in this case you should not ignore the basic rules. In order for the bedroom to be designed in the same style, the best solution would be the decor using a headset. It all depends on your preferences and financial capabilities. On the walls of such a room you can place all kinds of shelves with books or decorative elements.
You should be very careful when placing indoor plants in the bedroom. It must be remembered that not all flowers are suitable for a person's resting place, the scent of many of them can increase excitability and interfere with a calm and full rest.
It is worth paying special attention to the selection of curtains on the windows and the lighting of your bedroom. The light in the room should be soft and relaxing, and on the windows it is desirable to hang curtains of dense light-tight fabric. This simple rule will help you to wake up exactly when you yourself want it - and at the same time feel awake and well-rested.
Sleeping place
The most important place in the bedroom, of course, is given to the location of the bed, since it is the main piece of furniture in the room designed for relaxation. Therefore, it is necessary to furnish the room after the sleeping place has been determined.
For supporters of Feng Shui, there is a main rule when planning a bedroom - sunlight should not fall on the person sleeping. According to this principle, the best location for a bed is near the window, and it is better to put the bed to the window with the side part and not the headboard. Meteorological people are also important to properly establish a bed. Often, an incorrectly set bed is the cause of frequent headaches for households.
If two people are sleeping on a bed, it is important to choose a position for her so that she is approached from two sides.
There should be enough free space around your bed. Such an arrangement greatly facilitates cleaning the bed and changing the bed linen, and also allows the spouses not to disturb each other's sleep. For convenience and comfort, bedside rugs can be placed on each side of the bed.
If it is assumed that a small child will sleep in your bedroom, then it is advisable to place a cot directly next to the parents' bed. There should be free space between them so that parents can comfortably approach the child at any time.
And how to arrange the furniture for Feng Shui can be found in the video below.