Bedroom air conditioner

When choosing a place for air conditioning, many do not even take into account the bedroom. It is believed that in this room the air conditioner will be superfluous and completely useless. However, everything is just the opposite: air conditioning for the bedroom is not only useful, but even necessary.
Do I need air conditioning in the bedroom?
Everyone knows that in a dream passes the third part of human life. A healthy full sleep - a prerequisite for the restoration of the body after a day's work. Authoritative scientists and doctors believe that such a dream is possible only under the following three conditions:
- optimum temperature and humidity;
- no loud noises;
- qualitative composition of air masses.
Most often, it is simply impossible to fulfill the first condition without using an air conditioning system - especially in apartments with a central heating system.
One of the arguments against the air conditioner in the bedroom is the possibility of hypothermia and cold. However, experts believe that the question must be put not "to install or not," but "where and how to install."
In addition, it is important to choose the correct parameters of the system so that the other two conditions are also met.
Tips for choosing
Currently, manufacturers offer consumers a wide range of air conditioners. However, not all of them can be suitable for the bedroom. To make the right choice, it’s worth to start with what the system should be able to do.
So, the air conditioner for the night rest room should:
- Have a temperature control system with a minimum error.
- To serve as a filter for air purification from dust particles and mites, odors.
- Give the ability to control the strength and direction of air flow.
- To have an optimal level of noise in order not to disturb the peace of sleepers. Here it is important to take into account that the system produces a different amount of noise in different operating modes, so the manufacturer must specify all possible options.
In addition, choosing an air conditioner, you should consider the size of the room in which it will be installed, as well as its quality characteristics.
It is worth paying attention to:
- energy saving functions (for example, "Sleep" and the establishment mode of the cooling function);
- convenience of access to filters that need to be periodically cleaned;
- functionality (is it possible with its help not only to cool, but also to heat the air).
The best solution to meet all these requirements is considered to be a stationary air conditioner with split-system. The indoor unit of this system is installed in the room, the outside - from the outside of the house.
As for the most suitable models for bedrooms, these include:
- Mitsubishi "Electric MSZ-GE25VA" - the quietest device with an inverter drive. It is equipped with an antioxidant filter and a sophisticated louver system that allows air flow to be directed at optimum speed. The functional package includes “Econo Cool” modes for cost-effective cooling and “I-Save” for stand-by heating.
- Daikin "FTXS25D". With a noise level of 20 dB, it is practically silent, but at the same time powerful enough and functional. This device is equipped with modern technologies for energy saving, a sensor of movement in the room and a multi-level filtration system.
- Panasonic "CS-XE9JKDW". It is considered a more budgetary model - compared with the previous ones. At the same time, according to its characteristics, such a device is almost as good as the more expensive options. This device is equipped with an inverter motor, a sensor that records the degree of air pollution, a three-stage cleaning system with an ionizer, a dehumidification system. You can set the silent mode.
- Electrolux "EACM-9 CG / N3" - a mobile air conditioner. It differs from previous models in its compactness and installation method. Such systems do not need to be installed on the wall - they are equipped with special wheels that allow you to move the device on the floor (in any room of an apartment or house). It has all the necessary functions for dehumidification, air purification, for energy saving. In this case, the noise from it is much stronger than from conventional split systems - up to 46 dB.
World-famous companies Hyundai, Ballu, Kentatsu, LG, Toshiba Fujitsu General and others also offer models that are equally suitable for bedrooms.
How to install?
To obtain a remarkable effect, it is important not only to choose the air conditioner itself, but also to correctly determine the place where it is better to place the system.Here, much will depend on the type of air conditioner, which can be windowed, wall-mounted or outdoor.
It is very simple to decide on where to hang a window-type device - on a window window or in a balcony opening. When deciding where to hang the device, it is necessary to take into account the main requirement: the air flow from it should not fall on the bed.
If the layout of the room does not allow to install the inside of the split-system away from the bed, then the unit is mounted directly above the bed. In this case, a protective screen is installed under the air conditioner, reflecting the air flow and directing them parallel to the bed. In this case, the indoor unit should be located at least 10 cm from the ceiling, and at a distance of 2 m in front of it there should be no obstacles (for example, furniture). These conditions will ensure the correct operation of the temperature sensor of the system and prevent possible malfunctions in its operation.
As for the external unit of the split-system, the optimal solution would be the location outside the window. For this purpose, special brackets are used. When planning the placement of both units, their interconnection is taken into account - in the form of a route consisting of two copper pipes of different diameter, electrical wiring and drainage.
No fewer questions arise about where to install a mobile outdoor climate system. There are also several mandatory rules. It is not recommended to install the system closer than half a meter from surrounding objects. It is necessary to connect directly to the outlet, and not to adapters and extension cords.
So that everything was done with high quality and the air conditioner brought the maximum benefit, many prefer to contact the installers, however, this task can be done on its own. The main thing is to read all the instructions and adhere to the basic safety rules.
And in the next video you can find out where and how to hang the air conditioner.