Design bedroom area of 16 square meters. m

A bedroom is a place where a person rests from all problems, gaining strength for the next day. It should be as relaxing and comfortable for a good sleep. Nowadays, there are many interior moves to satisfy the individual needs of each person. Consider the average option with an area of 16 square meters.
Special features
There are many nuances in the repair and filling of rooms with furniture, depending on their area. In a small space it is difficult to arrange a lot of furniture and you need to optimize the space as much as possible.In the large room there is the opposite problem, which is that it is necessary to plan everything and place it so that there is no void that catches the eye. In the form that is considered here, there are their "pitfalls". It is not so clearly a question of too small an area: 16 square meters is enough for a bedroom.
However, any person wants more, so for this kind of problems there are several interior moves that, although not physically, but visually expand the space. This is the use of lighter shades in the design of walls, curtains, the absence of massive accessories, the optimal arrangement of furniture.
Stylistic decisions
One of the most important moments in the repair or decoration of the main resting place, is the choice of a general stylistic design. The concept can be developed from scratch, but at the moment there are many ready-made and popular design trends. Several of this variety are the most popular:
- classical;
- rustic;
- high tech;
- minimalism;
- ethnic;
- modern
The most common is the classic design option. Everyone understands it in his own way, but it is based on all the symbolic appearance. This pastel colors on the walls, ceiling and curtains. Wood furniture of various shades and light notes are more preferable. The situation in the bulk of cases is a large double bed, bedside tables, a wardrobe and a wall lamp. Such a design decision is more often chosen by people of conservative views who value solidity, comfort and coziness. Pastel, wood and the muffled light from the sconces have to pacify.
Rustic style will suit those who want to relax in a simple but at the same time close to nature setting.. This type of design involves not only referring to the Russian village, but also to the French, English and many others. Also it is also called "country". The features of this solution are wooden, slightly rough furniture, natural materials for all interior details. A wonderful addition will be homespun, patterned embroidery, which will be partly present in the elements of curtains, bedspreads, decorative pillows.
High tech - option for lovers of modern and progressive.Maximum simplicity, conciseness, regular geometric shapes. The interior is quite functional, practical, there is nothing superfluous. The color scheme of such a bedroom is no different, and the basis is black, white and gray. A feature of this direction is the insertion of a brilliant, chrome-plated metal in the elements of the situation. This example is suitable for people who keep up with the times and look to the future.
The situation, the minimalism corresponding to the current, is generally similar to hi-tech, but even more ascetic. Here the same colors are mainly used, although they are often diluted with a bright insert. The main distinctive feature is the most useful use of space. Often furniture combines several functions. For example, a bed is used as a dresser, and a bedside table can be transformed into a table. This choice is suitable for those who do not like to fill their surroundings in the room with unnecessary attributes.
Ethnic direction is close in spirit to the "country" rejection of the use of artificial elements, but the difference is in a more colorful and pronounced design in the style of the heritage of any ancient culture. Often used African, Indian, Arab motifs.Also there is a variety of colors with a predominance of brown, red, green and yellow. Naturally, all this is complemented by decorative elements, sustained in the general concept of the chosen nationality. In favor of this original, energy-saturated design, people with non-standard vision and thinking make the choice.
Those who choose modern for their bedroom prefer soft lines, without sharp corners. The palette of shades is soft, as in the classics, prone to light tones. At the same time, more and more rich and refined. The presence of various accessories that emphasize charm, complete the image that came from the past. This noble concept fits well with modern realities, combining sophistication and smoothness with modern materials and a harmonious appearance.
Bedroom planning and zoning
Prior to the design of the future room, it is necessary to take into account the individuality of each house or apartment. Depending on the number of rooms and their geometric shape, there are several outputs for optimal planning. First you need to consider the options for planning:
- one room;
- multi-room;
- a private house;
In the first embodiment, it is intended to combine a place for sleeping and a hall in the same room. This option is difficult for a classic bedroom, but nowadays there are lots of ways to make two full-fledged places out of one living space, in accordance with the tasks. This can be achieved plasterboard structures, which will clearly divide the room into zones. Also one of the options to highlight each part of the room can be a color accent on the place of the necessary separation. Each half will have its own boundary and a clear understanding of each area in this room will appear.
In the case when there is a separate area specifically for the necessary room, you can afford to fill it with some additional elements. This will expand the usefulness of the used space. As an option, a small table or any furniture. A very interesting solution would be a bookshelf or shelving unit. Most people like to read before bedtime, so having books in close proximity will make this habit more enjoyable.
Depending on the shape of the space, the filling with accessories is slightly different.If the room is rectangular, the bed should be placed parallel to the window, in the nearest half, and the remaining elements should be placed on the remaining space. Another small rule says that you should not arrange furniture along long walls in order not to overload space.
With square geometry, the bed should be located in the middle, near the window opening and everything else should be placed around. Therefore, the arrangement of furniture in such a room is simpler, since there is more space left.
Private houses have a peculiarity in that the bedroom can have an original shape. For example, a sloping ceiling or windows on two walls. Accordingly, for all this, individual design solutions are required.
Design project
The general concept of repair must be chosen before the start of finishing works. Naturally, you need an understanding of what colors, materials and general style should be present in the main place to stay in the apartment. Later, accessories, decoration parts and furniture will be included in this model. Developing a complete, phased repair plan will ease and speed up its completion.After all, having an awareness of your preferences, you can choose everything else during the repair, without fear that it will look out of place in the future interior. In this case, it is preferable to trust a professional who, taking into account all wishes, will transfer the vision to paper and then to the computer.
However, it costs money, which will help save the Internet, but it is not so reliable. There is a huge amount of design work on this subject and there is an opportunity to simply choose a ready-made interior option. If there is no doubt of one's own sense of taste, there is a way of partial borrowing from different works, in order to make up something of your own. Such a choice will add individuality and originality, although at the same time, in the case of the wrong combination, this will lead to a loss of a sense of integrity.
In such a case, every detail is important.
Choosing a color
The overall color scheme in which the bedroom will be designed, determines the stylistic orientation and the idea of the entire design. In most cases, a warm, calm palette is chosen for this room to create a relaxing atmosphere for a good rest.. This is the predominance of pastel shades and soft shades of other colors that will not “cut” the eye. There are colors that go well together. For example, white and beige, just as it would look nice pink and purple.
One of the points of choice of the main idea may be the location of the windows in relation to the sun. As one of the options consider the shadow side. You can not use dark shades, more permissible in bright rooms. In this situation, you need to maximize the clarification of the room to compensate for the effect of windows in the shade that steals the area. The designers often use a bright accent. This can be a colorful picture over the head of the bed or any color inserts in the interior details. Such a solution will help to slightly dilute the monotony of calm decor and add freshness.
Also, depending on which side of the world windows are looking at, some combinations of shades should be avoided. If a window openings face north or west then the interior should not include green, yellow, gray and burgundy colors.
In the opposite case, that is facing east or south It is not recommended to use blue, pink, brown colors. The fact is that during sunset or sunset, these shades create a feeling of staleness.
Wall, floor and ceiling decoration
For each part of the room for sleeping has its own characteristics. The key point in the decoration of the ceiling is its height. The larger it is, the more room for design decisions. In the usual "Khrushchev", where the height is about 2.5 meters, they usually simply line the top and then paint. There are also wallpaper, often used in such cases, which also require a very smooth surface. But, even with the most smooth and precise gluing, there is no way to get away from the joints. Saving can gain popularity "liquid wallpaper"that can cover the ceiling smoothly, without joints.
Another way to bring the ceiling in order can be tension structures. True, they "eat up" and without that small height, but in return they give a perfectly flat surface and partial protection from flooding from above. This is explained by the fact that the material used here is stretched onto the frame and when leaking from the neighbors, water collects in this frame and does not flow into the apartment.The gaining popularity of this technology is becoming increasingly cheaper, due to competition, and relatively quick installation.
In the case when room dimensions allow, many use multi-level plasterboard structures. Using them, you can create an individual decor, lighting and surroundings of the entire room.
Wall decoration in modern renovation may seem simple, although it is not always the case. Because now the wallpaper does not dominate, as almost the only option for this type of design. Now it is very widespread painting walls or the same paper coating, but it is for painting. For particularly original ways in the interior using fabric.
Modern wallpaper market has a huge number of variations in texture, material, color, style and pattern. Due to the diversity of species, each type is unique in its own way, but there is a main division according to the type of material used:
- paper;
- vinyl;
- non-woven;
- textile;
- glass wallpaper.
The first option includes the cheapest and short-lived wallpaper. They are made of plain or matte paper and are single and double layered.They serve 2-3 years and quickly become useless, therefore it is better to use them in rental housing, during temporary repairs or in that period of life when children like to paint on the walls.
The second type is more practical and durable. It consists of an inner paper or textile layer that provides adhesion to the surface and an outer one made of plastic. More practical and convenient, as it can be washed and periodically repainted. The disadvantages include the fact that plastic does not allow the walls to “breathe”, because it does not let in either air or moisture and may smell at first.
The following type consists of two-layer, interwoven cellulose fibers. Because of their microporous structure, they are more environmentally friendly than the previous ones and adhere perfectly to the wall.
Textiles look expensive and luxurious, but care must be taken when applying them. With excess glue on the fabric will remain stains that will spoil the whole look. They also need to be vacuumed from time to time.
The last option is very durable, environmentally friendly and is a structure consisting of thin, rigid glass fiber filaments.In addition, they can be repainted up to 10 times, which will help to easily change the design in the future.
Floor coverings in the modern world also have many variations. Each decision depends on the individual preferences of the person. The main division into types of a floor goes on the used material:
- parquet;
- laminate;
- carpet;
- ceramic tile;
- linoleum.
Parquet has always been an excellent option for a warm and practical flooring. Shades have a wide choice, and the noble tree is perfectly combined with the classic variant of the interior of the bedroom. But since the tree can be very easily scratched, this solution is not suitable for pet lovers. A more wear-resistant coating will be laminate.which is an artificially made coating, which is made of HDF board, with a polymer layer applied on the surface and a protective film. Its main advantage is good hardness, and it is also easy to remove all household dirt from it.
A very popular option for the bedroom is carpet. It's so nice to walk on a soft, fleecy material.Its main differences from the carpet is that it occupies the entire area of the room, and not its part. The downside for many becomes complex care. It needs to be vacuumed often and with severe pollution it will take a lot of effort to clean.
Ceramic tiles, as a type of designer outlet in the bedroom, previously seemed absolutely incredible. The bottom line is that due to the high thermal conductivity the stone did not hold the heat and the floor was cold and uncomfortable. But with the advent of heating technology from below, this view began to rise in the rating. It practically does not get dirty and does not scratch.
The cheapest and most popular in its time could be called linoleum. This direction of flooring focuses on price, ease of operation and the fact that anyone can put it without special skills.
How to furnish a room?
For rooms with a small area at the same time simple and difficult to choose the situation. Simply - because in any case most of the time will be occupied by the bed and there is no need to think about how to fill the remaining space. And it is difficult - because of the desire of everyone to squeeze the maximum out of the provided conditions. According to the classical scheme of the furniture in the room to sleep should be present:
- bed;
- cupboard;
- bedside tables;
- a mirror with a mirror
Each of these elements carries its own functional load. The bed is the center around which everything else is built. It is selected based on the personal preferences of each: height, softness, overall style, size. All that matters for the perfect bed. Of course, the primacy here is mattress. Big ratings have orthopedic, due to adjusting them to each person.
Wardrobe and its location is better to choose based on the shape of the room. When square, it is worth buying a corner keeper for clothes. In that case, if the geometry is rectangular, it is better to buy a standard wardrobe and put along the wall. Here you can equip the shelves under the book.
Bedside tables, in close access to a place to sleep, play an important role. They mainly store various small things that, for the most part, do not leave them. These are books, magazines, medicines, some hobby devices. They contain a lot of things that you can use without getting out of bed.
The pier-glass is a detail of the interior, which is mainly used by women. And this type of furniture in our time is absolutely necessary in each bedroom. This, like a little treasure trove, of each of the fair sex. A pierum holds a lot of time to achieve the perfect look.
Curtains, textiles and decor
After the repair and placement of furniture comes the final stage of any design project. This is the introduction of details in the interior, which will bring any bedroom to perfection. Naturally, all this should adhere to the general style and complement the concept built earlier. However, if before the choice was made in favor of moderate colors, reserved shades, then the various elements, out of the general color gamut, will add originality and color to the gray design. And, of course, these points of diversity will be parts of the decor, such as inserts on decorative pillows, paintings or photographs, which can become bright accents.
Curtains perform an important function, separating the bedroom from the noise of the surrounding world and from the bright light, which does not allow to relax. The texture, material, color and style of the fabric for the curtain can be in the general stylistic concept and at the same time have individuality.For such a move, you should choose fabric half a shade darker or lighter than the basic color range. Another thing that allows us to beat the curtains in a special way, is the texture and pattern on them. Of course, for small rooms you should not use them with a large pattern. This will visually reduce the space. But a small drawing, not too elaborate and cutting eyes, will help add personality.
Of course, do not forget about bedspreads that adorn the bed in the assembled state. Ideally, they should be combined with curtains and decor elements to withstand the overall design idea. A good addition will be small ottomans, covered with the same or similar in color and texture of fabric. Small pillows will add comfort and a feeling of softness in a relaxing atmosphere.
Ideas in the interior
Here you can see the classic bedroom. The color scheme is designed in white and light green color. This palette is in vogue, as environmental topics are at the top right now. That confirms the presence of both living plants and the field, there are smooth lines, a minimum of sharp corners. The accent over the bed is framed by mirrors so that, firstly,to separate the picture from the primary colors, and secondly, to slightly expand the expanses of the images above the headboard, which plays the role of an accent. Looking at the ceiling, it is clear that they used a drywall construction, which limited part of the ceiling to underline the green part at the top.
In all elements of the interior there are smooth lines, a minimum of sharp corners. The accent over the bed is framed by mirrors in order, first, to separate the picture from the primary colors, and second, to expand the space a little. All the furniture in the general concept is made of light wood, which gives a feeling of good quality and comfort.
If someone wants to create something individual, a good way is to mix styles. In this design sample, the presence of classics can be noted, which is expressed in the general palette. Beige and pale brown shades create a warm atmosphere. By high-current can be attributed to metal elements, the decor of the ceiling with zoning lighting, the use of lighting lines of ceiling structures and lamps located around the perimeter of the frame. Also in this direction is the wall opposite the bed and curtains.
To a partial manifestation of minimalism can be attributed the combination of the bed and the complex of the closet and shelves. The flooring is made of laminate with the image of the parquet of light wood. The room is functional enough, does not look small and has both a common style and pronounced individual parts.
In this case, using shades of brown: from very pale to coffee. Due to the play of colors, the room is visually expanded. The use of wood in the decor gives a sense of reliability and durability. Corner wardrobe is located optimally. It has quite impressive dimensions for a large number of things, but at the same time it does not take up too much space. Thanks to color solutions and calm, distributed lighting, such repairs and furnishings will be an excellent option for a place to sleep.
Due to the excellent location of objects, the room does not seem cluttered, and does not appear a sense of small space. Every detail creates and complements the picture and everything looks as interconnected and complete as possible. This design option will appeal to more conservative people.
You can see even more ideas for making a bedroom in the next video.