Bedroom in gray tones

Monochrome interiors of bedrooms in the dominant palette of countless gray shades: pearl, silver, ashen, steel, smoky, anthracite, do not lose their relevance. As it turned out, that dull and monotonous, according to many, gray suddenly found itself in a trend and did not give up its position for several seasons in a row. Let's figure it out. Let us find out what explains the phenomenon of gray color and how to use its capabilities in the design of your own bedroom for 100%.
Meaning and features of color
The color palette, due to its characteristics, due to a combination of seven key colors and non-spectral shades, affects our emotional state.The latter are considered to be imaginary colors, which form spectral and achromatic tones with their arbitrary mixing. These are purple, brown and gray shades. In psychology, each color has its own characteristic. Neutrality and even some ordinariness of gray is interpreted as an inability to provoke emotional outbursts.
Gray is the border color, which was originally formed by a contrasting, "rival" black and white combination. Therefore, the negative characteristics of this symbol of sadness, illness, melancholy, fatigue, retreat, fear and depression are balanced by positive - stability, harmony, realism, sanity, awareness.
Through the prism of the spectrum, a person perceives the surrounding reality. Psychophysical predisposition to a depressive state is a reason to refuse monochrome interior of a bedroom. But for most people who, to varying degrees, are affected by stress (an inevitable component of modern active life), this design fits perfectly.
The possibilities of gray, as a true neutral:
- restore energy;
- remove the functional stress of all body systems,
- harmonize the emotional background;
- to give peace and tranquility.
If you beat the bedroom in calm gray shades, observing the balance of colors, the interior will turn out not only restrained, noble and elegant, but also act as a generator of positive emotions, tuning to the desired wave before going to bed. This is especially important for people whose professional activities require large nerve costs associated with excessive emotional stress.
The versatility of gray makes it a universal background in the interior of rooms with different style solutions. But the unbalanced use of the gray palette can make the image of a room dull, boring, and even frankly surly. When making a bedroom in gray tones, the color itself is secondary, and it is important how skillfully the designer owns the art:
- combine textures;
- combine matte surfaces with a glossy, crystalline sheen with a metallic one;
- create winning contrast combinations;
- use partner colors with different temperature, intensity and gradient reception;
- observe the general balance in the proportions of color combinations.
Gray bedroom can be trimmed with any materials. The most common option for wall decoration is wallpapering. Regardless of whether the wallpaper with / without a pattern, they must be in harmony with the finishing of the other surfaces - the floor and the ceiling. When choosing wallpaper with a guideline serves as the area of the room. If the bedroom is of a modest size, it is advisable to give preference to a small unobtrusive ornament, and large patterns will look in a spacious room.
Another option for wall decoration is painting. It is advisable to resort to this solution if the bedroom design excludes patterns. One wall, most often at the head of the bed or with a window or doorway, is made accent to create a stylish contrast, decorating it with a touch that is darker by several tones than the background one. The rest of the surface in the room left monotonous.
Regardless of whether the ceiling is painted or whitewashed, its color palette is always lighter than that of the walls. Deep shades of gray for the ceiling cannot be used, as they will visually reduce the height of the room.The multi-level ceiling is suitable for spacious rooms, and, in this case, you can use a contrasting design of the tiers. In small bedrooms glossy stretch ceilings with spotlights look advantageous. Glitter gloss and lighting, enhancing the shine of a mirror-smooth surface, will create a visual effect of volume.
When choosing the color of the flooring also repelled from the design of the walls. For the floor a darker shade is chosen, richer than the walls for at least a couple of tones. As for the materials, it is usually used floorboard with a beautiful natural wood pattern or laminate. Fashion trend - the use of porcelain. Gray laminate is extremely popular.
The richness of the palette of gray shades allows you to create the most noble color solutions of the floor covering, using a light, silver and dark saturated range of anthracite shades. Laminate flooring looks different under different lighting conditions. Select the tone of the laminate need, guided by the side of the world, which overlook the bedroom windows. If the side is west or south, in the evening the floor will look more succulent than in a room with windows facing the opposite side of the apartment.
The versatility of gray allows you to integrate it in a variety of style directions - from classic to trendy. We find out which tandems of style and color are the most successful.
The most exquisite interior solutions of the bedroom in gray tones demonstrate the design in the trends:
- renaissance;
- Baroque and Rococo;
- English classics;
- romanticism;
- palace style.
From modern trends, the best helpers for creating the original design of a gray bedroom: urban, futuristic, avant-garde. Loft, hi-tech and fusion deserve no less attention.
Choice of furniture
The neutrality of gray simplifies the choice of furniture in the bedroom, which is dominated by a gray palette. Luxurious bulky furniture will organically fit into such a solution in almost any style design. A harmonious pair for a gray background finish can make up the furnishings of a black, snow-white, rich chocolate color.
Any of these three options is universal in itself, and in combination with gray they will help to achieve 100% harmony in the interior. Noble gray is a worthy setting for an exclusive furniture ensemble of expensive woods.Do you want the situation turned out refined - create a set of furniture from the minimum number of objects.
For a long time, the use of gray in the design of children's rooms was treated not only skeptically, but also with caution. In our country for sure. Some parents made an analogy with the bleak and dreary existence in such a room, others were afraid of the negative impact of gray on the psychological state of the child, especially when it came to the adolescent. The puberty period is inevitably accompanied by hormonal "storms", against which depressive disorders often develop. Over time, the gray color was fully rehabilitated.
Five arguments in favor of gray interior for the nursery.
- Increases the level of psychological protection, causing a feeling of stability.
- Does not interfere with concentration when doing homework.
- A practical solution in terms of cleaning, because gray is non-marking.
- This is a unisex color. The variety of shades of gray palette allows you to arrange a room for a teenager of any gender.
- Many teenagers prefer nano-style. Gray palette is ideal for creating high-tech interior.The same applies to classic design and retro style.
Making the nursery, it is best to use a light furniture ensemble, which is complemented by accessories of a similar tone. A wardrobe, sofa or bed in a rich gray version will balance the interior is too bright, making the situation more balanced.
What is combined?
A neutral gray scale is an ideal base for creating very beautiful color duets. The main thing to comply with the measure: the bedroom - the territory of psychological comfort and tranquility, and your health depends on the availability, as well as the absence of these components.
Examples of the effect on the perception of color pairs from gray:
- With green - promotes relaxation and stress relief, allows the "eyes to relax." Gray-green interiors are rare, but the atmosphere in such a bedroom will definitely be very pleasant and inviting.
- With blue or blue - harmonizes emotions, adjusts to a philosophical mood, neutralizes the effects of emotional overload. This interior looks cool but refreshing.
- With red - causes excitement, and therefore this pair is perfectly suited for the role of accent.Although the popularity of such a duet confirms many stylish and luxurious interiors in the style of art-deco (art deco) hi-tech and stylized baroque - neo-baroque, dominated by red and steel shades.
- With brown - harmony reigns in an ambiguous union of two neutrals if you play on contrasts: a combination of cold dark gray and warm light brown.
- With yellow - increases the degree of heat, gives peace of mind, liberates. Beware: dominant yellow can cause a depressed state.
- With white - has an extremely positive effect, “refreshing”. In this case, appetizing shades of white are added to natural soft gray, combining it with caramel, cream, milky and nuanced brown with an admixture of milky white, that is, coffee with milk.
- With black - a magnificent tandem, which contributes to the awakening of sensuality and allows you to feel free. Gray-black combinations emphasize the geometry of forms, neutralize excessive aggressiveness in the design, caused by excessive brightness of screaming shades.
- With burgundy - if the priority is a strict interior solution, then the combination of a light gray palette and burgundy will be able to provide this, and with the inherent gray tones delicacy.
- With orange - you get the original design, regardless of whether it is a gray background and orange parts or gray elements and orange trim.
- With peach - feminine and active peach palette balanced with gray will add an eclectic interior of grace and expressiveness, at the same time increasing the color temperature.
- With mint - relaxes, soothes, gives a feeling of coolness. The mint-gray bedroom, thanks to gentle mint tones, acquires the property not to pall with time.
- With purple - annoying: such a pair will absolutely not help to relax, but it is quite capable of causing discomfort. At the same time, purple accents on a background of silver wallpaper or in combination with satin textiles produce a favorable impression.
- With turquoise - gray-turquoise elegant classic bedroom, where the gray palette is chosen as the basis, will have a bright personality. The courage, brightness and attractiveness of the refreshing turquoise hues of furniture, textiles and decor will be the perfect complement to a gray background.
- With lilac - provided that a medium gray tint is used,which neutralizes the negative characteristics of lilac, like purple or lilac, the union will be successful.
Putting bright accents
If we are talking about the gray interior of the bedroom, you can not underestimate the importance of accents. So, what color combinations are perfect for this role.
Gray + pink - interior classics. Plain pink decorative pillows, a pair of lamps, gray wallpaper with a pinkish print will make the setting more delicate and harmonious. Feminine pastel pink shades are indispensable for creating romantic interiors.
Cheerful yellow color range will be able to refresh the neutral gray atmosphere by sharing the warmth and light of the sun. Yellow accents guarantee instant transformation of the monochrome interior design of the bedroom, adding dynamics.
Any rich hue of the blue palette can become an accent color: sky blue, indigo, cobalt, turquoise. Black or white will provide stylish contrasting combinations, giving the design a sophisticated look. Orange or salad accents often beat modern monochrome interiors of bedrooms.
Now, classical chandeliers are increasingly being replaced by spectacular diffused lighting, which is used as an addition to the chandelier or as an independent solution - suspended ceilings with built-in spotlights. Such lighting systems are modern, functional and fantastically beautiful.
To create a romantic setting, place bedside lighting with indirect light that creates visual symmetry. Outside of competition - multi-tier lighting systems that focus on certain elements of the situation.
Do not neglect the possibilities of colored lampshades, and the colors of the light bulbs themselves, which are able to transform or completely change the design of the room. Against the background of a monochrome interior design, you can create incredible color accents using colored lamps.
Textile elements, curtains and accessories
Saturated and rich colors of the details will change the temperature of the cool interior in the dominant gray version. The gray scale is well diluted with calm pastel tones: soft pinkish, mint, milky, sky blue, ayvori.Since the gray tones harmonize with almost any pastel shade, use this opportunity when choosing accessories made from natural wood or stone or imitating them.
As for the curtains in the gray interior of the bedroom, it is worth saying a few words about the windows themselves. According to the designers, it is ideal if the bedroom has large window openings, a bay window and a loggia, when the beauty of the glazing is underlined by the complete absence of draperies. Another option: there are light curtains on the windows exclusively as a functional element. And in this situation it is better to refrain from excessively bright or variegated textiles, which will begin to contradict the background finish.
In a small room, use the power of mirrors to create optical effects of increasing space. Here decorative pillows from iridescent fabrics will be appropriate. Luxury silver decor looks advantageous against the background of glossy textures.
Interiors in shades of gray choose self-sufficient personality, which took place both in his personal life and in his career. The noble gray palette testifies to the excellent taste of the owners, guided by a practical approach,preferring versatile fashion trends to universal interior solutions that never lose their relevance.