How to choose a set of solar panels to give?

As soon as spring begins, the townspeople endeavor en masse for the city, to their summer cottages. Well, if such a dacha is located near the trunk lines and safely connected to them. And if not, then the important problem of electrifying your own country house can be solved in three popular ways - by installing a gasoline generator, using a wind power installation or buying a small solar power station. Of these three options for solving the problem of electrifying a house, the third option is optimal. It will not require large financial expenses from you, and there will be enough 3-watt solar batteries in the country,to ensure a comfortable stay in a country house throughout the year.
What it is?
A solar battery is far from being a single device, as many ordinary people imagine, but several components that together can convert the energy of the sun's rays into electrical energy.
The solar power station works silently, does not emit harmful components and the electricity generated by it is completely free. The service life of solar panels can be up to 25-30 years. But for the successful operation of the entire set, you must first imagine the feasibility of this purchase, take into account many parameters when choosing the right solar cells.
It is also worth paying attention to the low efficiency of many modern solar cells in a certain season of the year.
Consider what is included in the usual kit for the electrification of a country house.
- Solar panels. Their number can sometimes be completely different depending on the tasks. The connection can be both serial and parallel. It will directly depend on what kind of voltage is required for the inverter.
- Charge controller.It is connected in series between the battery and the solar panels in series. Its role is to ensure the quality of the constant voltage on the inverter.
- Inverter. Required for current conversion. It must be connected in parallel to existing batteries.
- Batteries - may also differ significantly from each other.
- Wires, various connectors and other additional details.
Principle of operation
The transducer panels consist of two thin plates of pure silicon, which are folded together. On one plate will be a layer of boron, and on the second - phosphorus. In layers that are coated with phosphorus and free electrons arise, and in those that are boron coated, there are missing electrons.
Under the influence of the sun’s light, the electrons begin to move their particles, and an electric current appears between them. To remove the current from the plates they are gently soldered with thin copper strips. One plate of silicon will be enough to charge a small flashlight. Accordingly, the larger the area of the panel itself, the more energy it can generate, and the more it can provide sufficient electricity for your home.
Advantages and disadvantages
The undoubted advantages of this unusual type of equipment include:
- the opportunity to purchase their own autonomous source of electricity - and thus gain independence from the operation of the local power plant;
- savings on electricity bills;
- Solar panels can go without maintenance for many years, which means they will last you as long as possible and will be reliable;
- conventional power plants cause irreparable harm to the environment, but solar panels are considered to be environmentally friendly devices that do not affect the environment.
There are solar applications and negative points:
- quite high cost;
- dependence on weather factors, time of day and time of year;
- the risk of acquiring a not-so-high-quality product and inviting unscrupulous installers to install, since the installation service for such systems is not yet very common.
Time will tell whether solar panels are a worthy alternative to centralized electricity or not. And at the moment, solar panels are just starting their “path” to ordinary homes.
Today, of all the available range itself enjoy great demand 3 subspecies of solar cells that are made of silicon.
- Single crystal products. They can be easily “identified” by their appearance, since these panels have angled corners. Photo cells are square and black in color. They can "look" only in one direction. Their efficiency can be called high - from 15 to 25%. These panels should always be turned with their face to the power source - the sun. If the day is overcast, if the sun has set or has not yet risen, the device will have minimal power. With the help of these panels it is possible to use the area quite effectively, while obtaining maximum power parameters.
- Polycrystalline products. These are also square plates that have a dark blue color; sometimes they are embedded in silicon crystals. Compared to other subspecies, they have a large area and are well suited for mounting on large-scale surfaces. Efficiency, however, will be lower - from 12 to 15%. But such batteries will work quietly even in the most rainy day.
- Amorphous silicon devices. This type of battery is much cheaper than the two previous subspecies. Each panel is very similar to a film with photovoltaic cells in blue. Their efficiency is quite small - about 6-7%. The deposited layers of silicon will quickly burn out under the rays of the sun. But they well absorb scattered light and infrared rays, so you can easily install them in places where it is often too cloudy. Because of the flexible base, the mounting of these plates is quite simple. But they will serve you much less time than single-crystal and polycrystalline panels.
- Micromorphic panels. This subspecies is a symbiosis of amorphous devices in which there are micro-inclusions of silicon crystals. Their efficiency will be 8-12%, and they have a long service life.
Popular manufacturers and reviews
Today, solar panels are produced by hundreds of manufacturers, the panels themselves differ from each other most often only by a label and assembly area. Photovoltaic cells of almost all known panels are produced in the PRC. The best-known Chinese brands are: Yingli, Jinko Solar, JA Solar, ReneSola; Japanese: Sanyo, Sharp Solar, Kyocera; American: First Solar and Sunpower; Korean Hanwha Solarone; Canadian company Canadian Solar.Western and Japanese manufacturers compensate for the high cost of their products with a guarantee of quality and unusual characteristics. For example, this is an improved absorption of light that is highly dispersed, or the highest efficiency. There are also Russian companies on the market, among which are Hevel and Solar Wind, which use photocells of their own production for the panels.
Yingli Solar Green Energy Holding
One of the world's largest manufacturers of solar modules. Their total number today is almost 10% of the world market. Buying solar panels from Yingli Solar, you choose quality, many years of experience and equipment of high international prestige.
The company began producing solar cells on amorphous silicon in 1975, more than 40 years ago. Since then, thanks to the incredible research efforts, many innovative products have been developed and implemented.
The company's specialists have achieved the best quality and high reliability of the modules, using many years of experience and continuous improvement, so the modules are adapted for long-term work for decades of operation.
First solar
American brand of solar panels.The creator of First Solar is the famous scientist Harold McMaster, who is the author of more than 100 patents and who is considered one of the pioneers of research in the field of home use of solar energy. The company is one of the leading three companies in the production of solar batteries and is in 6th place in the ranking of the most innovative corporations in the world. One of the activities of the corporation is the development of solar power plants.
Hanwha solarone
Included in the top ten manufacturers of photovoltaic modules. Today, the production capacity of Hanwha SolarOne is increasing in order to fully meet the needs of the global market. The company produces high-quality solar cells using state-of-the-art technologies and under strict quality control.
Real solar
Petersburg manufacturer Real Solar has a great experience in the design and installation of autonomous power supply systems in holiday villages, country houses and cottages. For an oversized country house, it is enough to purchase a 3 kW power station. With a small load, this helium installation will be able to provide you with around-the-clock autonomous power supply.Its capacity is quite enough to support the work of an oversized refrigerator that has “A” energy saving and lighting class with energy saving lamps.
To such a load, you can also add TVs of absolutely any model, a radio receiver or tape recorder, a stationary computer, power tools (the starting power of which should not be more than 4.5 kW), a garden pump or a submersible pump for pool equipment, as well as various gadget chargers.
Helios house
The specialists of Helios House have chosen the main focus of their activities as the design, as well as the delivery, quick commissioning and maintenance of solar power supply systems for any objects. The company offers power plants of different configuration and power, which are designed to implement certain functions. For example, for the implementation of autonomous lighting at the dacha, to maintain the efficiency of electrical appliances in the country (refrigerator or TV). There are also kits in the company's assortment, with the help of which it is possible to provide the most comfortable living in a country house not only during the spring and summer period,but with such a need - and in the autumn-winter season.
Each kit can have its own name, which will reveal the purpose of this installation. For cottages or cottages, in which the energy consumption per day can be from 3 to 5 kW, the company offers to purchase a kit called "Country House". It is perfectly suitable for power supply of a small country house or cottage in the period from March to October and will work only from the energy of the sun's rays. The kit can also be used in winter, but in the conditions of obtaining much less solar heat, experts advise using a hybrid system - with connection to the central power grid or from additional generating devices.
Judging by the numerous reviews, ordinary people buy to the country sets with 2 or 4 modules having a power of 200 watts. There are those who can independently assemble such modules, and in general, the entire power system from individual parts and components. To do this, of course, you will need the skills of competent handling of a soldering iron and other complex tools. A lot of time can also be spent on this. But in this case, you can really save.Solar modules, assembled independently, will cost you several times cheaper than the finished products. However, if you are not cramped in finance, it is better to take ready-made kits. Then you definitely will not have problems with the installation of equipment.
Almost in all existing reviews of users of full sets of solar cells it is said about the approximate payback of financial expenses over the course of 3-4 years.
The choice of a standard kit is made on the basis of the available budget and the tasks.
- The economist. For a comfortable life in the country in the summer, using electricity to recharge the batteries of an electric tool, laptop and phone, lighting the room in the evening with the help of LEDs will suit the standard set with a power of 100-200 W, which is equipped with one 12 W battery about 100 Ah, PWM controller 300-600 W and an inverter.
- Standard variation. It can provide basic electricity needs from March to November - LED lighting, charging devices, the refrigerator and TV; in winter time it becomes economical. For these purposes, a package with a capacity of 300-600 W, equipped with an MPPT controller (24 V), an inverter with a power of 1 kW, and two batteries of 200 Ah each will fit.
- Maximum option.For the full provision of your home with electricity. However, in winter time it will be necessary to reduce the use of serious loads, such as the work of a microwave, iron or boiler. For this purpose, a kit with a power of 1.5-3 kWh with a MPPT controller (48 V) and a 400 Ah operating battery, 48 V is suitable. In addition to an inverter, you can use a sinusoidal UPS of 5-10 kW.
Recommendations for selection
We will understand what you should pay attention to when choosing solar panels for a country house.
- Power. This is one of the most important selection criteria. The higher the power, the wider the area of use of the battery.
- Autonomous operation time. The greater the capacity of the selected battery, the more electricity can be accumulated in case of cloudy days.
- Natural conditions. Cloudy and rainy weather will prevent batteries from operating as efficiently as possible. In winter, energy will not have time to accumulate. At night, the situation will develop in the same way.
- The scale of the area for installation.
- Real load.
- "A" class of performance (it is more durable).
- Manufacturer.
For information on how to calculate the power of the solar system you need, see the following video.