Textured plaster: types and application

Textured plaster is a demanded finishing material, which is actively used for decoration of premises both inside and outside. With its help, you can realize the most diverse designer fantasies. To choose the most suitable variant of this substance, you need to know what the textured plaster is, what are its types and methods of application.
What it is?
Textured plaster is a mixture with a heterogeneous viscous consistency, which is designed for decorative interior decoration.It may include various fillers that perform the function of viscous elements. As additives, small stones, sand, crushed brick, gypsum, wood fibers or other elements are used. Each version of the finishing material creates an individual texture, allowing you to eliminate visible flaws on the walls and ceiling. Starting to perform work on the design, it is necessary to analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of this material in order to obtain the desired effect.
Special features
Like any other finishing material, textured plaster has its own characteristics:
- the absence of toxic substances in the composition;
- ease of use;
- elastic consistency;
- resistance to fire and mechanical stress;
- resistance to moisture and sudden changes in temperature;
- excellent sound and heat insulation qualities;
- impeccable functionality and practicality.
The appearance of the surface depends on the granularity of the mixture, as well as the features of the tool used and can create roughness, grooves or other decorative marks.This material is considered to be universal, as it can be applied absolutely on any surface, creating beautiful and original decorative elements on it.
Before you begin the process of creating an external or internal decoration of the room, you must select the appropriate option of finishing material.
The main types of textured plaster include:
- Acrylic. Its basis is acrylic resin. The market is represented in plastic containers of different sizes. It does not require dilution, as it is fully suitable for use. It is recommended to immediately use the entire mixture, but if necessary it can be stored in a closed container.
- Silicate. Liquid glass is used as a binder. This mixture has a perfect vapor permeability, therefore it is actively used for finishing concrete. It has an increased level of resistance to mechanical stress, retaining the original appearance for many years.
- Silicone. The main constituent element of this plaster is polymer resin, which creates the necessary level of protection for walls from moisture and sudden temperature changes.It can be used inside and outside the room, and also as a decor for stoves.
- Mineral For its manufacture are used components such as lime and concrete, which can be supplemented with sand, quartz or other minerals. It is made in powder form and requires additional dilution with water until a homogeneous mass is formed.
On the modern market there are different types of decorative plaster, each of which has its own characteristics. Among the big range there is both a liquid, and dry impressive mix. It can be volumetric, rolling or structural, as the textural composition of each type is developed individually. Textured plaster VGT, which is characterized by economical consumption and a high level of efficiency, is in great demand.
All textured blends are supplied in the form of a dry powder or a finished solution. The standard is considered to be packaging weighing 25 kg, but there are also other weight categories. Dry options are relatively cheaper in cost, and can also be stored in a closed container for a long time. Preparation of the solution with the desired consistency will not be difficult if you strictly follow the instructions.At the same time, it is much more difficult to transport these mixtures due to possible damage and inconvenience of packaging.
A more convenient option is considered to be textured plaster in the form of ready-made solutions. It is packed in special plastic containers, which are equipped with handles for convenient transportation. By weight, the most common container with a mixture of 25 and 16 kg. Products in this form are resistant to moisture, and their shelf life is 12 months.
For the correct and beautiful design of the space is important to carefully consider the choice of colors used in the process of finishing the room. It should be noted that textured plaster is represented on the world market in a wide variety of colors, among which there is both white and colored mixture. In the selection process, it is recommended to take into account the fact that the same color of the finish may look different on different textures.
Decorative plaster can have the following texture options:
- Matte. It creates a rough and finely porous surface, on which the texture color is equally beautifully displayed on all sides.
- Brilliant. The most smooth surface, the clarity of color which is visible only in one direction. From other angles, the color of the wall or ceiling will look somewhat distorted.
- Glossy. Differs in the presence of glare, which can affect the perception of the color range of the finish.
Professional designers recommend to take into account when choosing the fact that on an textured surface color will always be much darker than on a smooth texture.
Necessary tools and mixes
In order for a surface with a textured finish to be of high quality and durable, and also to have a presentable appearance, it is necessary to use in the process of work a full list of tools and high-quality compounds.
To complete the workflow you will need:
- textured mix;
- spatulas of different sizes;
- rollers, brushes and paint;
- trowel;
- grater;
- level and plumb;
- masking tape;
- additional devices for creating invoices.
All these tools and mixes will allow you to create the highest quality and beautiful surface with all the wishes and needs.
Style and design
Textured plaster is quite diverse.Depending on the design idea, with its help, you can create a beautiful background, support the overall style of the interior, or give a particular flavor to a particular area of the room. The versatility of this finishing material makes it widely demanded in the design of space.
With an textured texture, you can create:
- imitation of natural stone;
- beautiful reliefs, patterns and drawings;
- structure of wood, concrete, fabric, leather or paper;
- ideal base for painting walls;
- original wall panels.
The structure of the facade plaster is of the following types:
- "Lamb";
- "Bark beetle";
- "Fur coat";
- plaster paint.
The variety of this material contributes to its application in a variety of stylistic directions. Textured plaster with the effect of bark beetle or under a fur coat is most often used for finishing buildings outside. It is relatively coarse in appearance, therefore it is very rarely used indoors.
The wall or ceiling decor looks original with an imitation of Turkish leather, fabric, stone and natural wood. Pearl plaster, as well as decorative flowers and sea waves created with it, add elegance and romance to the room.
Very often textured plaster is applied in a loft style.As an ideal basis for painting it is actively used in the American and Scandinavian style. Also, this finishing material perfectly complements many other areas of design, making the interior more stylish and original.
Ways and options of drawing
For different types of premises there are certain options for finishing with textured plaster. Each option is able to transform the look of the interior, making it truly unique and inimitable.
There are two methods for creating decor using this material:
- Creating patterns using special tools. This option is less expensive and easy, and therefore in great demand.
- The application of the ornament with an textured roller. This technique allows you to create a clear and neat pattern with a uniform texture.
Also, in order to create a pattern on a certain surface, ready-made stamps are often used. Putting them to the plastered wall, you can get a very beautiful pattern or ornament. Immediately after the end of the process of applying the invoice, it needs to create conditions for complete drying, which lasts at least 24 hours.Only then can you remove excess plaster, prime and paint.
It must be remembered that in the process of creating such a decor you should not penetrate deep into the base of the wall. After all, after the plaster has completely dried, the created decorative elements can simply disappear.
In rooms that are subject to frequent mechanical stress, it is recommended to coat textured plaster with wax or colorless varnish. This will preserve the original quality of the material, its practicality and aesthetics.
In the kitchen
In order for the kitchen to be not only cozy, but also functional, you need to carefully consider the finishing of its walls and ceiling. Thanks to the excellent waterproofing and soundproofing qualities, as well as environmental friendliness and the absence of seams, textured plaster is the ideal solution for finishing this kind of premises. When making a kitchen interior using this finishing material The following recommendations from professional designers should be considered:
- Correctly select the color palette. It should be harmoniously combined with furniture, flooring and other accessories.
- Use plaster on one wall only. A great option for zoning space or focusing on a particular wall.
- Apply to finish the ceiling. A neat light ceiling will give the kitchen freshness and lightness.
For small kitchens, it is better to use fine-grained textured plaster, and in larger rooms it is recommended to use a mixture with a large relief. Ensure the durability and practicality of such a finish will help applied a protective layer of varnish or wax.
In the children's room
Due to its many positive features, textured plaster is considered to be an ideal material for finishing children's rooms. With this versatile material, you can create almost any surface that will perform not only an aesthetic function, but also a practical one. Using special stencils, it is possible to apply a variety of drawings on the walls or ceiling. The design in the form of sea waves, clouds, geometric patterns, cartoon characters and other interesting images enjoys great demand in children's rooms.
It is better to give preference to options with a high level of wear resistance. If you need to change the interior, simply repaint the walls and ceiling to get a completely new design. In some cases, textured plaster is used as a protective layer, which is applied to the surface of children's furniture. This approach contributes to the preservation of its pristine qualities over the years.
In the bedroom and office
Since textured plaster is sufficiently resistant to fading and delamination, it is actively used to decorate walls in bedrooms and offices. Its texture, color and thickness can be very different, depending on the wishes and preferences. Using this mixture and special tools, you can create a unique design in the bedroom, as well as hide any bumps or other flaws.
Starting the process of interior design in the bedroom, you must consider the volume of its space. In small rooms it is recommended to use light shades, and in larger ones dark shades would be appropriate in the form of certain accents. In the bedrooms with large volumes, a combination of several shades and types of textured plaster is allowed, which are harmoniously combined with each other, while maintaining the coziness of the atmosphere.
For the bedroom located on the north side, it is recommended to use beige, coffee, pink and orange tones. Rooms with good natural light are best decorated in green, blue, gray and red.
Carrying out the process of registration of the home office, it is necessary to adhere to a strict and discreet style. The design of the walls and ceiling should be combined with furniture and other interior items as much as possible. Stylishly and beautifully looks like an office with antique finish, concrete, brick and velvet. Each option is attractive in its own way and creates a favorable atmosphere for the workflow.
In the corridor
Registration of the corridor or hallway requires a special approach. After all, the corridor creates the first impression about the house, as well as its owners. It should be noted that here the walls are exposed to daily loads, which can cause the appearance of dirt, scuffs and chips. Therefore, when choosing textured plaster, it is recommended to give preference in favor of durable and most practical options.
With this decoration you can create a unique design of the corridor with a clearly defined relief surface, imitating natural wood, stone or other materials.It is easy enough to care for such a finish, which allows you to maintain its original appearance for many years. In addition, a stylish and neat corridor is able to make a good impression on guests and become a real visiting card at home.
Manufacturers and reviews
On the modern market a wide range of textured plaster from a variety of manufacturers. Each of these options has its own individual characteristics, and is also characterized by certain customer reviews.
The most popular manufacturers of such finishing materials include:
- Ceresit. German brand specializing in the production of universal plaster compositions. Their main advantages are complete environmental friendliness, as well as increased resistance to abrasion, mechanical stress and the formation of mold. Customers value this material for durability and affordable price.
- Knauf. German brand, which produces high-quality textured plaster, designed for indoor and outdoor use. Customer reviews indicate that such a finish dries quickly and perfectly hides obvious flaws on the surface of walls or ceilings.
- VGT. Russian manufacturer of plaster compositions, with which you can create a truly unique texture and make the interior more saturated. In their reviews, customers focus on an affordable price and a wide range of products.
- San Marco. Textured plaster made in Italy, which rightfully belongs to the premium segment. Its range consists of 30 varieties, each of which allows you to create a unique texture. Buyers appreciate the products of this brand for its excellent quality and wide color palette.
- Bayramix. Russian manufacturer of textured plaster, which includes marble chips. The material is considered a budget option, so it is in demand when finishing the premises, both inside and outside. In the assortment there are mixtures with different fractions and levels of elasticity.
- Parade. A well-known Russian manufacturer, who uses Spanish and German automated lines in the production process. One of the most popular areas of its activity is the Lakra brand. All products are presented in the form of ready-made mixtures, absolutely ready to use.Buyers note that the plaster of this brand is characterized by impeccable quality, affordable cost and economical consumption.
- Dufa. German brand, the range of which includes 18 varieties of textured plaster. Virtually all specimens are designed for indoor use. Buyers in their reviews emphasize the absence of an unpleasant odor in these compositions, as well as a variety of textures and ease of application.
- Bolix. Polish brand, whose products has 24 types of different plaster mixes. Buyers claim that this texture is ideal for finishing corridors, facades or ancillary facilities.
- Derula. German-Russian manufacturer, texture mixes of which are made on the basis of metallized pigments, due to which each variant has a special effect. Customer reviews say a large selection of textures and good quality products.
- Alpina. German trademark, textured plaster which is used for indoor and outdoor use. These solutions are characterized by resistance to adverse factors and durability.Buyers appreciate the texture of this brand for its practicality, functionality and high quality.
- "Bolars". Russian manufacturer, which produces high-quality textured plaster that meets the latest European standards. The range is 12 types of mixtures with different efficiency. In reviews, customers note an increased level of resistance to moisture, as well as simplicity during use.
- "Optimist". Russian brand, the range of which is 40 different texture compositions. All products are packaged in high-quality containers, which makes the application process as convenient as possible. Buyers note the impeccable quality of products, economical consumption and affordable cost.
All these manufacturers occupy high positions in the popularity rating. The products of each of them fully meet international standards and quality standards, so that is in great demand among buyers.
Tips and tricks
Textured plaster is the optimal solution for wall finishing both inside and outside the room. With its help, you can create almost any texture on a particular surface.
Starting to design the interior, you must consider the following tips and recommendations of professional experts:
- It is necessary to apply textured plaster on a slightly rough surface so that the mortar can adhere well.
- It is better to make a choice in favor of ready-to-use formulations. If there is a need for self-production of mixtures, then first of all you need to carefully study the instructions on the packaging and only then proceed to the process of making a solution.
- In the process of work, use only specially designed tools, rollers and brushes.
- After applying the plaster it should be left for 24 hours until completely dry.
By adhering to such simple recommendations, you can create a truly unique interior in a residential or public space based on personal wishes and preferences.
How to apply textured plaster, see the next video.