The process of dismantling plaster
Plaster is a fairly resistant finishing material that can last for more than a dozen years, but only if all the technological requirements are met during plastering. There are a number of factors that lead to a violation of the layer of this type of finish. In such situations, its complete replacement is necessary.
The process of dismantling the plaster, at first glance, does not require special skills. However, to remove the putty, you have to arm yourself with certain knowledge.
Special features
Often in the process of repairing people think about how to remove the old layer of plaster from the walls, and whether it is worth it at all. In order to properly perform the necessary work, you should familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of this process.
Based on the nature of the deformations, all damage to the plaster is conditionally divided into two main types:
- Technological defects - those that appear as a result of non-compliance with the technology of preparation of the batch or if it is applied incorrectly.
- Operational defects occur during the period of operation. The reason is, as a rule, adverse conditions, various mechanical effects or long term use.
Depending on the situation, the dismantling of damaged plaster can be complete or partial. Full dismantling is carried out if the finish has become unusable from prolonged use, its appearance has deteriorated, and the layer of plaster began to crumble over the entire surface. Partial replacement is carried out only in some places where the layer has slightly crumbled if the bulk remained intact.
Figure out which areas need replacing easily enough. - previously plastered surface should be tapped with a hammer handle or other blunt object. In places where a dull sound is clearly audible (voids are present), repair is necessary.An obvious sign of replacement is also the presence of mold or fungal lesions.
If the coating included cement, then over time the surface may become covered with cracks, but this does not mean that the layer needs to be replaced. If finishing does not begin to crumble and collapse while knocking, then it is not necessary to replace plaster.
If more than 70% of the surface has peeled off and crumbled, then it is more expedient to completely repel the layer of the former plaster. The old coating layer must be stronger and heavier than the new one, otherwise the decoration will not be able to firmly fix and will eventually disappear.
Types of mixtures
Having decided on the need to remove the old finishing layer, the next step is to examine what methods of dismantling can be used. The latter depend on the type of the mixture applied earlier. In any case, first remove the weak areas of plaster over the entire surface using hand tools. After these manipulations, mechanized methods can be applied.
Gypsum plaster is especially easy to stray. This coating is quite loose, not too strong and unstable to moisture.Before removing the plaster finish, it is necessary to wet the walls well (20 minutes before the start of work). To make the material soft and loose in the water, it is desirable to add a small amount of acetic acid. The same method removes the plaster on a clay or lime base.
Decorative plaster is removed from gypsum quite simply, which is not the case with polymer (acrylic) or silicate compositions. The latter are highly durable, and removing them can be quite problematic. However, the advantage of such coatings is that they can be left intact, because they are a reliable basis for a new layer, regardless of its composition.
When dismantling a decorative or Venetian finish, the use of a perforator is unacceptable, since this coating has a very thin layer, and if it is not taken care of, the bases of the wall can be damaged.
It is undesirable to knock down such plaster, therefore it is better to remove it with an ordinary scraper or to clean it off with a grinding and peeling machine.
The process is much faster with the latest tool., and even the removal of textured plaster becomes simple and takes little time.It is enough just to “walk” several times with the sole of the turned on machine on the wall surface with a certain pressing force. The disadvantage of this method is only the need to purchase a rather expensive tool.
Removing concrete plaster from the walls is not easy. In some cases, it is difficult to do even with a perforator, since the coating is thick and durable. In such situations, you must use the grinder to cut the coating into squares the size of half a meter. After this dismantling process becomes easier.
Tools and equipment
Regardless of the method of dismantling, you need to “arm” with a certain set of tools:
- a respirator or protective mask to protect the respiratory tract and tight-fitting goggles to protect the organs of vision;
- construction gloves;
- wide brush and water tank or garden sprayer;
- a chisel for ease of operation (preferably with an extended handle);
- an ax, hammer, sledgehammer or pick;
- spatula, scraper, scraper;
- hand brushed metal;
- perforator with wide nozzles or a drill with a chipper;
- grinder with the corresponding disks;
- machine for cleaning plaster with large abrasiveness;
- dustpan, broom or broom, garbage bags.
Removal process
The process of plaster removal, in principle, is simple. Even a person who does not have any experience in construction can do it himself.
In this case, it is better to follow the step-by-step instructions:
- The general requirement for all types of plasters is not to start dismantling on a dry surface, the finish should be well moistened. This will help soften the layer and significantly reduce the formation of large amounts of dirt and dust.
- Before cleaning the old layer, carefully analyze the condition of the plaster on the surface. If replacement of the coating is not required, then it is not necessary to remove the entire layer; partial disassembly of weak fragments is sufficient.
- To determine the strength of adhesion of the plaster with the base of the wall or ceiling, you should tap the surface with a hammer or some other non-sharp metal object. In places of good grip, the sound of beats will be more intense.
- The first step is to break the integrity of the existing coating.This is done on weak areas of the surface, which are removed in small parts. Purified fragments allow you to reach the end of the layer.
- Under this layer, you need to drive a cycle, a steel spatula or a scraper and try to remove the coating. Each movement of the plaster under the action of the tool is a sign of weak adhesion to the base. Such fragments require mandatory removal.
- If the finish is held firmly enough and cannot be removed, you can use a chisel or a chisel and continue the beating, lightly tapping the tools with a hammer. It is necessary to hold the tool at an acute angle, this will protect the base of the wall from destruction.
- More durable compounds that can not be knocked down with a hammer, require the use of a puncher or impact drill. Be prepared for noise and a lot of dust. With concrete pavement, you must first use a grinder.
- Grinding machine is used to remove small pieces of the solution.
- If there is a brick wall under the plaster, then after removing the coating, it is necessary to knock down the remains of the finish from the brick and “walk” along the seams with a chisel.
Tips and tricks
After reviewing the steps for removing plaster, you can understand how important, but at the same time, unpleasant this process is.
Builders who are confronted daily with such situations give beginners some useful tips:
- Getting started, you should first determine the location of the wiring and, if necessary, turn off the power supply. Prepare in advance all the tools and materials, as well as the means necessary for personal safety.
- It is necessary to work as a punch carefully so as not to damage the base of the wall. It is better to remove the plaster a little longer than repair the damaged base again.
- A grinding machine is used on a small coating layer. If the layer exceeds 3 mm, a vibration grinder is used. Its distinctive feature is a different principle of movement of the work item.
- If the old finish layer partially remains on the surface, then the next layer must necessarily be slightly weaker. For example, cement-sand or polymer coating can be applied to any composition. On the lime layer will fall well plaster or clay solution.Gypsum is not able to withstand the cement layer, as it is heavier. And on top of clay plaster nothing can be applied at all, this composition can withstand only its own kind. But the clay-sand solution will stick on any surface.
- If the layer of plaster is on drywall or on shingles, then dismantling should be done carefully, avoiding strong blows. It is better to remove the coating manually with a spatula or scraper.
- When applying a new coating layer, experts advise using a more expensive composition. The basic thickness of the previous layer can be “picked up” with the same composition, and applied over it with a more expensive thin layer.
- In the process of dismantling, there is an acute problem of disposal of the removed plaster. In multi-storey buildings, it is necessary to immediately organize the process of removal of construction waste, since there is usually no place to store it. In private buildings, construction debris must be folded up under the shed (to hide from precipitation), because waste may increase in weight during rain, which will complicate the loading of waste.
It should be understood that the weight of the plaster in one square. a meter with a coating thickness of about 2 cm is about 20-30 kg,depending on the composition of the finish.
- In the process of dismantling you should not forget about the wetting of the treated surface. These manipulations will not only help loosen the old layer, but will allow you to work in the most clean conditions, without the formation of dust.
- It is better to scrape the plaster from the ceiling with a cycle or a spatula with a long handle. With these devices, you can remove the coating with both hands.
For possible errors when dismantling the plaster, see below.