Tulle mesh: variations in the interior

Many different objects and techniques are used for the interior decoration, allowing not only to decorate the room, but also to save a significant amount of time. Sometimes even the usual details can be an incredibly stylish decoration of the room. Net tulle, which has not recently been so popular, is already enjoying incredible success, because with the right choice and combination with other decorative elements, it can become almost a highlight of the whole interior. Tulle mesh is now popular, variations in the interior can be seen very different.
Features and benefits
Tulle mesh has many advantages, thanks to which this material is a wonderful choice for decorating windows in rooms:
- First, it is very easy to care for such tulle. It is practically not wrinkled, and in the case of small creases it is quite simply smoothed out.
- Longer retains its original appearance, since it is much more difficult to leave a puff and much easier to remove.
- Possesses ventilating properties. Since tulle is a lightweight mesh fabric, air flows can freely circulate through small cells in the mesh.
- In addition, the tulle net makes it possible to further decorate the canvas, decorating it with various hanging and attached elements that can be easily fixed without damaging the fabric.
However, there are some features of tulle, which can be ranked as a number of disadvantages:
- The difficulty of processing the material in their own making.
- Mesh heavy fabric tulle tends to sag, and the cells (even the smallest ones) will stretch ugly.
- When measuring the height and fabrication of the canvas of the appropriate size, the final resultmay not converge.
The grid does not necessarily have to be a canvas in a small square. There are quite a few options for netting, and each is good in its own way. Let us consider in more detail the most unusual and beautiful varieties:
- Of course, cell - The most common type of tulle mesh, which is not surprising. The cell looks restrained - and at the same time refined. It fits perfectly into the framework of any interior style - depending on the size.
- Another mesh with geometric shape cells - rhombus. Such tulle looks no less beautiful, and even more refined.
- Very elegant and gentle look small cobwebwhich is well suited for the decoration of the window in the bedroom. In most cases, the cobweb is openwork, but sometimes it is made in the form of a microgrid.
- Tulle mesh with braided threads - this muslinShe looks more solemn and elegant than other options.
- Looks good large and fine mesh with embroidery. Small or large flower buds, various ornaments or patterns with curls can be embroidered on the surface of the canvas.
- In addition, there are many decorative types of mesh tulle: with rhinestones of different sizes, with lace and trimmed with laser thread.
The tulle net can be made of various fabrics, depending on which its appearance also changes.
For example, a tulle net made of flax looks rather rude and does not always look neat. This option is best suited for the kitchen, as well as for the design of windows in the country.
It looks more elegant tulle mesh of the most delicate organza. This canvas is perfect for decorating windows in the bedroom, hall or other rooms in the apartment. Net organza does not need additional decoration, since it itself has a very attractive and solemn appearance.
In addition, for the manufacture of mesh tulle very often use different versions of woven and pressed yarns. In such cases, a tracery decorative fabric is obtained.
Colors and prints
The variety of shades is so great that sometimes it is very difficult to choose a suitable canvas, which would become a decoration of the interior. It is necessary to carefully consider all the details and choose the most successful color combinations:
- Tulle will perfectly fit into a room with a classic light interior. shade of champagne. It will not only allow the light to quietly enter the room, but also emphasize the sophisticated design and luxury of other shades that are present in the interior.
- No less sophisticated, but brighter and more noticeable will be white variation of tulle mesh. Since white is a fairly saturated color, it is better not to use it for the decoration of windows in the bedroom, but it is quite suitable for a living or dining area.
- For country houses, tulle netting can also become a real find, which will help you correctly and beautifully decorate not only windows, but also doorways. For example, brown tulle with fine mesh quite suitable for protecting the doorway from insects.
- For the decoration of kitchen windows or a children's room any suitable bright stripes, the main thing is that the color of the tulle matches the color scheme of the interior (or at least successfully combined with it). As for the strip, its width can vary from barely noticeable to significant - about twenty or even thirty centimeters.
Depending on the country of the manufacturer, the composition of the fabric and its appearance also change. The tulle net is no exception and it also has many varieties of the same model, due to differences in production techniques.
Let us consider in more detail what technologies are used by one or another country, how it affects the appearance of the canvas:
- For example, greek grid it has rather large cells, which makes it look a little rough. But this option is most suitable for applying decorative laser embroidery, since the drawing is smooth, with clear contours.
- Chinese craftsmen are famous for producing much more fine and elegant mesh. And embroidery often has a slight fuzziness on the surface. All this is due to the fact that in the decoration of the tulle mesh is used "weed" - a kind of terry yarn with thin fibers.
- The most common among all tyuly (and also the most popular) is considered Turkish canvas.
All the tulles from this manufacturer are made of the highest quality materials, and in embroidery mother-of-pearl threads are used, thanks to which the canvas looks very elegant.
- Look great options and other manufacturers. For example, tenderness and grace is different french grid, and Germany can boast with the restraint and practicality of its canvases.
How to choose by style and purpose?
It is important not just to choose a tulle of excellent production and a pleasant shade, but also take into account all the features and correctly fit it into the interior. Let us consider in more detail how to choose an option that is suitable for the style for a particular room, how to combine products with more dense curtains and other decorative elements. For example, it is not at all necessary to select the finest delicate tulle for the kitchen, since this room does not even need to supplement its interior with thick, massive curtains. It is enough to choose a stylish model of mesh cotton or flax, with an unobtrusive floral print - and the kitchen will immediately become more comfortable. Designers recommendations:
- For the decoration of windows in the living room room and in the hall is best to choose something more elegant. Depending on the style of the whole interior, it can be a Chinese or Turkish mesh with elegant decorative embroidery.
- To design the windows in the bedroom It should be approached with the utmost seriousness, since this is a room for recreation, and the whole environment should be in order to do so. Perfect lightweight light tulle-mesh with a decor in the form of lace and ruches.
In addition, it should be borne in mind that in the daytime tulle should not prevent the penetration of sunlight into the room, so it is best to choose light shades.
How beautiful to hang?
Even the most beautiful tulle will look sloppy and ruin any situation if it is wrong and ugly to hang. Few people thought about this detail, hanging curtains and tulle “in the old fashioned way”, as their grandmothers and great-grandmothers taught, but there are quite a few interesting ways to hang tulle beautifully.
First you need to choose a suitable cornice. If you also decorate the window with thick, fairly massive curtains, it is best to opt for the ceiling moldings, since their fastenings are more reliable.
For light curtains or tulle (in a single version), the cornice with fastening in the wall is also quite suitable. The most simple (and at the same time elegant) way to hang tulle is the classic straight. It will take a fairly large number of hooks to the distance between them was no more than ten centimeters. As a result, you get light, neat, and most importantly - uniform waves on the mesh surface.
It looks beautiful when two tulle fabrics are used for window decoration. In such cases, you can very successfully supplement them with special magnetic holders with beautiful decor; you just need to fasten them along the inner edges of the tulle, forming a smooth drop-down element.
The windows are very elegant, decorated with thin mesh material in several layers, as well as tulle, the decoration of which was carried out with the help of various ties, buttons, buttons and other elements.
Netting Tulle Care
Various materials need good care. Tulle mesh is no exception and requires even more careful treatment than any other option:
- The first and most important item in the list of features for the care of net tulle is Careful handling while hanging and removing the canvas. Since cells can be quite fragile, care must be taken to ensure that the web does not cling to or damage anything.
- The second item is obligatory delicate washing. Ideally - manually.
If there is no such possibility, you should set the appropriate mode on the washing machine with the minimum number of turns and low water temperature.It is best to use special products for washing.
- Drying the net is best in a horizontal position., spreading it on a smooth surface so that the material would never cling. The fact is that when wet, the fabric becomes heavier, so the risk of sagging elements increases.
- Ironing net almost does not need, but if necessary, you can lightly walk along the surface of the tulle with a otparivatel.
Variants of window decoration in the interior
The following interesting options can be distinguished:
- Beautiful tulle-net soft pink shade, fastened with elegant beads at the bottom, will be an unusual and very fresh addition to the usual interior.
- Light mesh tulle perfectly complements the room in soft, muted colors.
- The corner kitchen window is very well complemented by two types of tulle mesh: a smaller grid of a light shade and a larger one - dark brown, serving as curtains.
How and with what to combine a tulle grid, look in the following video.