Modern fashion curtains

A modern comfortable house without window decoration will not have a complete look. However, window textiles perform not only decorative, but also functional load. Beautiful, light curtains will help to shelter from sunlight and prying eyes. With their help, the interior of the room is completely transformed. Our article is devoted to modern fashionable curtains and current trends in the field of window decor.
Popular models
Fashion has an impact on all areas of our life: clothing, shoes, hats, furniture, dishes. Not left without attention and curtains. Every season we are offered a huge selection of new products - a variety of color recommendations, unusual types of fabrics, accessories.
And here there is no need to hurry and follow fashion trends in everything.Seek advice from experts. They will help to effectively transform the interior of your home with the help of fashionable products.
Selection of curtains for window decoration in a country house or city apartment is logical to start with the main components. This is the style of the product and color. We offer you to get acquainted with the most relevant styles and models of curtains and curtains today.
Regardless of the time, curtains in classic style always remain in demand and do not lose their relevance.
A special role is given to noble textiles and luxury accessories:
- lambrequins;
- various tapes (for decorating the edges of curtains);
- harnesses
Classic curtains, curtains, curtains have a length to the floor.
Austrian curtains differ from other types by combining the traditional features of French curtains and Roman curtains. This is an original combination of lush folds from the French trendsetters and a concise Roman mechanism, allowing to assemble the curtain in a horizontal plane. The curtains are decorated with heavy cords with beautiful tassels.
French curtains that came into fashion during the reign of Louis XIV outlived their creator.Today they are at the height of fashion - solemn, luxurious, elegant. In addition to restaurants, theaters and similar institutions, they are successfully used in the interior of houses. They differ from other products in structure (they rise in cascades) and equal in size festoons that are interconnected. The curtain fabric, folded into smooth semicircular bends in each festoon, introduces sublime strokes into the surroundings.
Frank "epigones" of classical Roman curtains are London curtains. Their modern look is almost identical to those products that were in vogue in the London salons several centuries ago. Today they are also in demand. These products are a type of lifting curtains. Their distinguishing feature is the presence of two types of draperies on one canvas - horizontal and vertical (scalloped and bantovy). Such a cut curtains gives her restrained coquetry.
This year one of the most popular types is Italian curtains. Today they are appropriate in any style of decoration of rooms. However, they look more noble and luxurious in classic interiors.The two vertical canvases that make up the Italian curtain are not fully moved apart. Thanks to the pickups located above the sill and fixing these panels, its two parts rise diagonally.
These curtains are easy to use: their canvases do not need to be moved or moved apart. During the day, they are tied up, dispersed at night, thereby closing the window.
Today, the eyes of trendsetters are increasingly directed toward the Land of the Rising Sun. Japanese interior style attracts designers with its brevity, naturalness and airiness. Japanese curtains give the environment subtle sophistication, spontaneity and pleasant originality. Japanese screens have only one drawback - form. Such curtains are only rectangular.
They have much more advantages:
- ease of care;
- curtains, unlike curtains with folds, practically do not collect dust;
- the multi-layered design allows you to quickly change the atmosphere in the room.
Advantages over other curtains have Chinese products, and deserved the attention of lovers of beautiful design windows.The ability to adjust the length, easily care for them, as well as the strength and high quality made these curtains the trend of this year. The design of this style is distinguished by the absence of luxury, but at the same time, expensive, and sometimes collectible translucent materials are used for these curtains.
Windows in which the sun's rays fall throughout the day need additional cover. Curtains, decorated with a kind of crossed drapes, will create a cozy twilight in the room. And today this type of curtains is very fashionable and relevant.
There are a lot of ways to drape curtains:
- an attractive “harmonica” version, which allows to create narrow vertical folds on the curtain, but has a small minus - a lot of fabric is needed
- the pinch option, which is a fan fold, is difficult to manufacture and requires scrupulous attention to various details (an accurate calculation of the width of each individual fold and the distance between them);
- drapes in the shape of a glass, etc.
This year has brought conciseness and refinement to the field of window decoration. Therefore, the curtain-screen (curtain with a narrow strip of streamers) today is quite in demand.The special design of such portieres makes the room simple and unique at the same time.
The best designers this year offer their customers roman blinds. The main advantage of this type of blinds, which brought them to the top of excellent products - the atmosphere of home comfort. They are a great alternative to curtains of the classic type. But do not forget that these curtains perform a more decorative function than protection from the penetration of bright sunlight. The design of these products is simple: smooth, divided into sections of equal size, canvas. You can adjust it (close or open) manually and using the remote control. For these curtains fit any fabric. They are compact and convenient to use.
Everyone wants to see their home not only comfortable and beautiful, but also safe. Fabric blinds, fashionable this year, perfectly cope with the diverse functionality - during the day they protect from heat and bright light, in the evening - from the view from the street. In addition, they look great on the window.
This year’s fashionable products have become curtains made from natural and environmentally friendlybamboo A popular trend today is increasingly being used by designers, creating a spectacular and unique interior. Proponents of a healthy lifestyle prefer to see bamboo curtains on their windows, all the more so that fenshui experts also recommend it. In their opinion, such curtains can neutralize unfavorable, negative energy. It develops such a blind control cord. You can mount it to the ceiling, in a window opening or to the wall.
A new direction in the field of window curtains today is the curtain-pleated. These products are made of materials that are safe for health and have different density and texture of fabric. The color scale is extensive, the design is diverse. Such constructions are installed both on ordinary windows, and on ceiling, French and others. Designed models of curtains that transmit light, but not heat.
Blinds have long enjoyed success in the market for window curtains for a private house, apartment or office. And if recently they performed a purely protective function, then today their value has changed. Products have become fashionable thanks to the variety of materials from which they are made, as well as unusual, original jewelry.
Completing the list of fashionable this year models of rope curtains.In some sources they are called curtains-threads. Coming from the East, they quickly took a leading place in the textile industry and became a fashionable element in decorating windows. Hundreds of threads reincarnate the interior, thanks to the unique play of light and shade, the variety of color palette and structure.
It is also worth mentioning that curtain netting is now in fashion. This is a versatile, stylish and practical option that fits perfectly, for example, in the room of a young man. Not bad such model will look and on a balcony, and in any other room. This year is rich in curtain styles. There are plenty to choose from, with which to combine, what to prefer. Not least in the design of the window is the color of products.
Here, the designers settled on three options:
- it is advisable to use lighter curtains than the basic color of the room;
- the second choice is directly opposite to the first, that is, the shade of the curtains may be darker than the color of the room;
- the color spot is a drape of a bright shade, which is almost absent in the interior.
Use in the interior
Each room in the house is endowed with certain functions, so much attention is paid to the design.And windows are no exception.
Living room
This room is significantly different from the rest. Here they receive guests, meet friends, celebrate important events. That is why the hall should combine the practical side and the design in all its details. Today, so-called 3D-curtains have appeared in the window decoration. It is fashionable, original, unusual. The living room is the most suitable room for this type of window decoration.
Specialty stores offer a huge selection of similar products. Curtains decorated with color prints, fruit, berries, and landscapes are a great success with consumers. Such a bright accent deserves attention. If the room is decorated with wallpaper with a pattern, use plain curtains. If the walls are plain, then it is advisable to choose curtains with an ornament.
The advantage of such curtains is simple and easy maintenance. Cleaning products - dry, but they can be washed. With proper care, they will serve for quite a long time, remaining luxurious, without losing their original appearance.
The kitchen is the place where real culinary works of art are prepared. Without inadvertent sprays, stains can not do.Therefore, the care of the curtain on the kitchen window is emphasized. However, one should not forget about beauty.
The best option for the kitchen this year is roman blinds. They are fashionable, practical, elegant, they are easy and simple to care for. If you prefer dry cleaning, use a vacuum cleaner. If wet - washing machine. What type of cleaning to choose - find out from the information about the material from which the curtains are made.
Intimate and the most peaceful corner in the whole house is the bedroom. Laconism here is an important element. Curtains in classic style will create an atmosphere of coziness and love in the room. Experts recommend to decorate the window to pick up the tulle with a delicate pattern and plain drapes. This will give the appearance of harmony and tidiness.
A small nuance in the approach to the design of the window: if the bedroom is at the disposal of one person, curtains with volumetric patterns will do. If the couple in the bedroom - curtains made in pastel colors, will be the best option.
This room speaks for itself - comfort and an atmosphere of joy reign here. Therefore, the stylish curtains here should be very attractive for their little inhabitants.This year for kids are offered unusual curtains with images of fabulous flowers, animals, characters. The smallest fit in a calm pastel range.
The older ones will be more attractive with motley, with different curtain patterns. To the choice of curtains can attract the child. And do not forget about the safety of both the materials from which the product is made, and the fastening elements of curtains.
Subtleties of design
Begin the window decoration process need to determine the overall style of the interior room and new products in the field of window curtains.
- Use curtain fabric in the window design of the room, the interior of which is designed in the style of minimalism. Curtain cloth will refresh the space.
- If your room is decorated in the direction of Provence, then the decoration of the window will be curtains with a color pattern and interesting tacks.
- Baroque and Empire styles will be complemented wonderfully with antique curtains with lambrequins.
- Spicy Kisey looks good in many variations.
- Roman curtains on the windows in a modern apartment will highlight the good taste of the owner.
- For country, a suitable option would be classic tulle, framed by curtains.
How to choose?
When choosing curtains, regardless of their style and fashion trends, Some criteria need to be taken into consideration:
- if the room has wallpaper with a bright pattern, stop on plain curtains and curtains of calm tones;
- frosted lanes will benefit in combination with silk drapes;
- drape with vertical stripes will visually enlarge the room, and horizontal stripes will expand the space;
- products with lambrequins will be lost in a room with a low ceiling.