Niche for curtains: types, optimal sizes and examples in the interior

The niche for curtains solves a problem with eaves. Having made repairs, it is necessary to find the eaves corresponding to the style of the interior. A niche allows you to support any design theme, while the canvas can be mounted on ordinary strings, and the impression is created as if the curtains are floating in the air.
What is a niche
Creating a false ceiling of plasterboard, leaving a niche between the wall and the ceiling. Its size will depend on the configuration of the window textiles. If it is intended to draw the entire wall with curtains, the opening is formed of the appropriate size.For curtains that cover only the window, the niche will slightly exceed its width. The depth of the opening also depends on the model of window decoration. In the kitchen, you can do with one curtain and leave for it a small gap between the wall and the ceiling, but enough to easily remove the curtains. In the hall there can be several types of curtains at the same time, as well as tulle, lambrequin. It turns out a massive structure that should be considered when creating an opening under it.
Niches can be used to hide the electric drive and lifting mechanisms of curtains. Apertures vary in size, location, structure, they can hide not only classic curtains, but also designs for roller, Japanese, Austrian curtains. For a traditional window device, in a niche they hide strings (or a suspension bar), fasteners (hooks, clips), leaving only the curtain web, lambrequin, tulle, etc., in sight.
The niche is part of the design project, it is made in advance, during the repair.
If it is difficult to decide on a similar opening in your ceiling, you should familiarize yourself with the advantages of this design:
- all fastenings on which the curtain keeps and all the mechanisms with whose help it moves are hidden in the ceiling;
- the appearance of curtains flowing from above without visible support is magnificent;
- if the room has a glossy ceiling, flowing curtains look twice as long and seem to stretch the room, making it visually higher;
- A niche will suit any style; you should only choose the right textile for the windows;
- such types of curtains as roll, Roman, Austrian, Japanese, screens, falling, become at the same level with the wall and create the impression of a single whole;
- in the niche you can hide the LED lighting, thanks to which, the curtains will acquire fabulous charm.
Types of niches
A niche is not just a gap in the ceiling, it is a pre-prepared construction of plasterboard.
Consider what niches are.
- Most often they build a box along the wall adjacent to the window. It can be narrow or wide. A wide variation is used to accommodate spotlights.
- In some cases, the niche box is not formed along the entire wall, but above the window, often using wide ceiling baguettes.
- Sometimes the box passes around the perimeter of the entire room, creating an opening above the window.
- To preserve the integrity of the stretch ceiling, a niche for curtains is made without a visible box at all. Portieres, as if descending from a stretched canvas.
- In very wide niches, you can place the rotary cornices, if you need to slightly turn the edge of the curtain.
- To create an opening instead of a massive box, a ceiling baguette is used.
- With the help of drywall, the configuration of the ceiling is made round or oval, its rounded shape is repeated by openings for curtains and hidden cornices.
Installation of a niche in a plasterboard ceiling
Owners who independently make repairs in their apartments can cope with the creation of a niche, there are no special difficulties in installation.
It should slowly, in stages, to perform the following work provided.
- Before proceeding with the installation, it is necessary to make a sketch and calculation of the upcoming design. When calculating the depth of the aperture, the volume of the mechanism for roller blinds, the number of rows of the cornice (curtains, tulle, pelmet, curtain), the size of the recess for moving Japanese curtains and everything that is equipped with a window are taken into account. The calculations include the dimensions of the window sill and the radiator, curtains from them must be defended by at least 2 centimeters.
- It is necessary to prepare a place where the niche will be placed. The ceiling should be thoroughly cleaned from old wallpaper, crumbling plaster, etc.You can treat with antifungal, then putty flaws, apply primer. After drying - paint the surface.
- To create a niche in advance, you should prepare sheets of drywall, metal profile, cornice, perforator, screwdriver, metal shears, screws, dowels, fasteners.
- The easiest option for arranging a niche, will be the opening in the ceiling of plasterboard. The calculations made are transferred to the ceiling itself, i.e., markings are made on the upper ceiling.
- According to the sketch set aluminum profile, which is the frame of the box. It is fixed by screws to the upper ceiling.
- The frame, with the help of screws, sheathe plasterboard, putty all joints and seams, painted in tone to the ceiling.
- In the finished box is installed and fixed eaves. If desired, you can stretch the strings.
Niche in the stretch ceiling
Stretch ceilings can not be installed independently due to the lack of special equipment.
This is a responsible job, so the niche must be performed with special scrupulousness, observing the sequence of assembly actions.
- In order not to be mistaken with the future boundaries of the aperture, the eaves are fixed on the ceiling and covered with polyethylene; This will save him from possible damage during further work.
- Then, stepping back a little from the eaves, install a wooden beam, which will be the support of the stretch ceiling. In this case, the lower line of the beam and the tension fabric must match. The hinged beam is mounted on the entire wall.
- Installation of stretch ceiling should begin with the installation of the profile on the side of the beam. Then the profile will be refueled tensioning fabric, forming a ceiling structure with a barely noticeable niche. The curtains flowing from such aperture seem to come down straight from the ceiling.
Non-standard niche options
These include the design of curtains dormer windows. Because of the sloping ceilings, it is difficult to use the traditional cornice, so they create openings in which the curtains will be fixed. The recessed niches of the windows allow not only to hang curtains successfully, but also to form a cozy bed, or even an unusual mini-room. Ceiling niches are placed around the bed if there is a need for a canopy. They are made in any configuration: rectangular, square, even round.
Particularly beautiful filament curtains (Kisey), rain falling from the ceiling. The highlight hidden in the niche completes this amazing image of the romantic bedroom. It is possible to zone a room with the help of apertures for curtains not only at the bed, they allocate any part of the room. Curtains "cut off" the working area of the dwelling. They can share one room per room and bedroom.
As we see, the hidden eaves can be located anywhere and bear not only functional, but also aesthetic load.
Creating a niche, you can make it more attractive, taking advantage of some tips.
- Peculiar look curtains, illuminated by LED tape. With the help of a special remote control, the lighting changes color, creating an emotional mood for each individual moment.
- More effectively a niche looks collected along the entire wall. But if you select only the window, you can save on building materials.
- The curtain opening does not have to be an imperceptible gap in the ceiling, it can itself be a decorative element of the interior. It is distinguished by color, revetted with mirrors, decorated with molding, wide ceiling baguette.
- It is impossible to err in the calculations of the niche, it can squeeze and deform the curtain line too narrow, and the wide one can gap a hole in the ceiling space.
- Spaces separated by ceiling curtains for portieres can be zoned not only by soft curtains; The best division of space are Japanese curtains.
Beautiful examples of ceiling niches
Impeccable curtains are always a spectacular completion of interior design.
A significant role in the design of the window is played successfully niches.
- In the living room windows are located on several walls. The beautifully shaped plasterboard ceiling contains niches for curtains along the walls around the perimeter of the room.
- Non-standard solution of the bed.
- Girl's bedroom. The complex stretch ceiling with a glossy canvas makes the room two-story. Saturated colors and intricate bends of lines form fabulous chambers. Not the last role in this image is played by curtains falling from the ceiling and, at the same time, going up in a glossy reflection.
- Registration of bay windows. Filament curtains with soft lighting create a romantic image of rain.
- The opening is located directly above the window. Lambrequin beautifully expands the space, going beyond the possibilities of a niche.
In the design of the room, an invisible niche plays an important role in the window decoration with textiles. Sometimes it can itself be a decorative element, to have not only practical value, but also to decorate the interior.
How to make a niche for curtains with your own hands, see the next video.