Original and unusual models of curtains

Sometimes it seems to a sophisticated buyer to choose that there are many curtains on the shelves of the stores, but it is difficult to find truly unique ones. This is partly due to the fact that the buyer does not always know what exactly he needs, which products you can buy, and which products are made to order either with your own hands. Understand the intricacies of unusual curtains will help the material of this article.
Special features
Unusual can be called curtains, which have an extraordinary design, design, cut and decor. Some of them are included in this group due to the special design, others are not distinguished by cutting, but have an unusual decoration of panels.Still others are distinguished by the extraordinary material of the panels themselves. The fourth called the original for the method of registration, which differs from the standard. To understand the difference between different products, it is necessary to briefly indicate their features.
These products stand out for their extraordinary design; they are a panel of predominantly synthetic material wound evenly on the shaft. Depending on the type of cassette, the rollers can be located almost close to the glass surface of the windows or have a small gap. They open in one direction, depending on the variety can be controlled manually or automatically.
Suitable for vertical and inclined windows, including with opening doors, depending on the thickness of the material, the roll diameter can be 6-20 cm. You can use them in any interior style both independently and together with traditional curtains on the eaves.
These products are called corrugated curtains, apparently they are somewhat similar to blinds. Unlike the previous model, they can open in two directions (top down and bottom up).If necessary, you can open both side parts, leaving the center closed. The cost of these products is greater than that of roller analogues, due to the high price of the components themselves.
They are made exclusively on the production due to the special technology, so it is impossible to recreate such curtains at home. They look interesting: when folded, they form folds of identical width. The main drawback of such models is the impossibility of washing: folds do not stand it.
Japanese panels
Such options stand out due to their design and method of shifting. In fact, such curtains move along the plane of the walls; they do not need to be assembled and twisted into a roll. They are used for zoning space, choosing, in addition to the classic upper mounting, options with floor cornice. Products of this type, as well as pleated blinds, can be single-layered and multi-layered.
For their manufacture using special textiles, resistant to fading and accidental mechanical damage. These are tensioned products with bottom weights, which are controlled manually, by means of cord cords and electric drive.
Such curtains can be classified as unusual due to their ability to transform, changing the design. When opened, these canvases are virtually indistinguishable from standard squared panels, besides the fact that they have transformation ropes inside. When they are pulled over, the curtains take the form of festoons.
At the same time, the size and number of festoons can vary, and the number of panels varies per window opening. On small window openings often hang products consisting of one festoon.
Roman curtains - there is nothing like the canvas, consisting of several sections. They have horizontally arranged folds, and any section in them is reinforced by special elements. The lower edge of such curtains may have a weighting agent in the form of a plate. The folding mechanism of these models resembles the work of blinds: to lift the curtain, you need to pull the rope.
The lifting mechanism of the Roman blinds consists of a rod, a control rope and a ribbon. These are stylish and interesting exterior curtains, through which you can implement various design solutions. They differ in the method of manufacturing panels, the type of fixing rods and decorative elements.
This category includes curtains with lambrequins, designed for one side of a window or doorway. In most cases, such a curtain in a free state is no different from symmetrical counterparts. Asymmetrical design can be created using basic curtains and transparent tulle.
It will look beautiful curtain, picked up on one side, opening the translucent tulle. If someone wants a different design, you can use the initially bevelled cloth to decorate the window, laying uniform folds.
Despite the usual, seemingly shape, in the category of unusual curtains can be attributed, and the cloth of the classical type. In order to give an extraordinary look to the design, in this case, different ways of hanging panels are used, and they are also combined with special curtains (for example, rolshtor). Some stylists consider it appropriate to hang the ends of classic curtains on the decorative elements of ceiling lamps.
However, with all the desire, such a design is dangerous: it is better to hang the panel crosswise, rather than create a fire hazard situation.To give an unusual shape to traditional canvases, you can use a variety of clothespins, clips, brooches and even buckles from belts. Someone uses ties or butterflies instead of grabs, and even army belts.
With an unusual decor
This line of unusual curtains are mostly home-made products. Often the very basis of such curtains is regular textiles. At the same time, it is decorated, depending on the creative flight of fantasy, not only with embroidery, but also with ping-pong balls, pom-poms of various sizes and colors from knitting threads. Some people like macrame curtains, others prefer puffs, performing them in the upper part of the panels.
You can decorate the curtains with ropes and hemp rope, braid with tassels and pompoms, even hair elastics and stickers can be used. Sometimes plush toys are used for decoration: for example, they can be used to create hooks or even draperies.
This line includes products made of flexible bamboo, as well as pieces of wood of various shapes, including flat, three-dimensional and geometric. For such products and tiny saw cuts of trees of different species, including fruit.A variety of shades and shapes (up to the beads) allow you to make the appearance of the curtains not only extraordinary, but also noble. Of course, such products are not suitable for every design direction. However, if you pick up a similar support for them in the form of a flowerpot, figurines, or even wicker furniture, they can look fantastic.
How to choose?
Having dealt with a variety of options, the buyer is faced with the question regarding the best model that would be appropriate in his home. Before you give preference to a particular model, you need to take into account the features of the window itself. For example, skylights in most cases are oblique, less often - horizontally, since the walls in this case are the slopes of the roof. Almost horizontally, the windows have when the roof bevel is minimal.
For these windows need special curtains, as usual will hang strictly vertically. Suitable Roman, plisse, as well as options with the bottom bar, locking the window closed. For dwelling rooms, when choosing the right model, you need to take into account the style of the interior, the color of the furnishings, the texture of the furniture, the available upholstery textiles and wall cladding.In addition, it is impossible not to take into account the purpose of a particular room.
For example, asymmetric curtains on one side will be the original solution for the bedroom. They are especially relevant in rooms with a balcony door, since they leave open the passage to the balcony and back. They are also good for decorating the living room windows; you can also decorate them with a doorway. Adherents of classic curtains can recommend options for the usual cut, but with an unusual suspension. So, without changing the classics, you can add originality to the design of the room.
French curtains will look good in the hall and bedroom. However, the model itself gives the feminine. In the home of a bachelor she will look out of place. You can, of course, experiment with the color, shape and number of festoons, but this does not always give the desired effect. In the hall of modern style it is better to purchase special products on a roller mechanism or pleated blinds, Roman.
In the kitchen you can hang the original compact curtains. Of course, if the room is spacious, you can try to decorate the window openings and French curtains.To create the right mood, it is important to pay attention to the type of fabric: monochromatic models for one festoon from natural textiles and variants with a simple pattern of thin matter will look different. If you don't like French blinds, you can decorate the windows of the kitchen with roller analogues. They look stylish, modern and unusual.
If preference is given to Japanese models, it is important that they have a contrast. If the material does not have a contrasting color or pattern, the appearance of such curtains is simplified. Wooden curtains are selected very carefully so that they do not turn into banal folklore from a stylish decor. Choosing such products, one should not forget about the flow around elements, the large dimensions of parts and sharp edges are excluded: the curtain should not injure.
Look better in the interior of the product in soft and muted shades of color palette. The decor can be bright, however, if the curtains themselves will be rich, the highlight on them will be difficult to see.
In the next video you will find a review of fashion trends in the design of windows for 2018.