Italian curtains: types and design features

Italian curtains are very beautiful, and at the same time they are very functional. Such unusual canvases are preferred by people who appreciate luxury and unique style. Disappointment in the Italian curtains is impossible even when you choose the most simple options. In any case, they will give the interior uniqueness and chic. Consider the types and design features of such models, the subtleties of their use.
Special features
Italian curtains began to be actively used in the XVIII century, but they appeared much earlier - even in ancient Rome. They were used to decorate doorways, arched windows in houses that belonged to the rich and noble people, as well as in castles and palaces.Similar cloths were a sign of good taste and the high status of the owner of the house earlier. Such curtains were mostly intended for decoration, and not to protect the premises from outside views.
The Italian curtains differ in a special design. These are two vertical canvases docked at the top (they can be abutting, overlapping, at a distance from each other). The bottom of these curtains is on the floor. Tacks are most often located closer to the top, and not below the window sill. Usually the curtains are fixed so that they rise diagonally in semicircular folds.
In some cases, the Italian curtains do 2 pickups on each side. They are both symmetrical and asymmetrical.
Italian curtains usually do not move. This means that most often you have to hang extra curtains on the windows, which will prevent sunlight from entering the room.
Classic Italian curtains look very elegant, aristocratic. The chic of similar models is often emphasized with accessories that match their style. For example, satin ribbons, fringe, large tassels, decorative cords and other similar elements.
Modern models
At the present time, priority is practicality and convenience, so today Italian curtains look a bit different from before.
Modern curtains have the following features.
- Cloths can be shorter, because it is not very convenient when the curtains are on the floor. Today, a variety of options are allowed, even up to the windowsill.
- Tiebacks, draperies, folds are often asymmetrically arranged.
- Cloths often cross, hang with a lumen, and do not have butt.
- Decorative elements on the Italian curtains are much smaller than before.
Fabrics and colors
Previously, heavy, dense, elite materials were used to create Italian curtains that were easy to drape. Usually these were silk, satin, brocade, velvet fabrics. At the present time, the options are much larger. Today fabrics for creating such curtains can be artificial, mixed. They are often made of cotton, flax. Now the curtains are not always heavy and thick.
At the present time, Italian curtains create even chiffon, organza, veils. Folds should be expressive, soft.To make the curtains look better, in some cases special weights are attached to the bottom of the canvases.
Patterns and colors are different. Classic canvases were most often brown, green, burgundy, blue. Now there are practically no restrictions. The choice depends on your personal preferences. There are even drawings on modern Italian curtains. Of course, the curtains should look indoors as harmoniously as possible.
You should not choose a large print, because it will “break” in the folds. It is better to stop the choice in small figure. The best option - floral motifs. Also suitable strip or small cell.
Classic Italian curtains are rather dark. To make the room not look too gloomy, you can dilute the atmosphere with lighter curtains, but their color tone should be the same.
What rooms are suitable for?
Italian curtains are best combined with classic style. In such an interior, these curtains will not be the usual decorative element, they will create an image. Similar curtains are well combined with Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles.These canvases are great for fairly large rooms that have narrow and tall windows. In such a room, the beauty of the Italian curtains will be fully revealed. If the windows and room are standard, you can choose short canvases just below the window sill.
Italian curtains look good in exhibition halls, theaters, museums, restaurants and other similar public spaces. If you are going to hang these canvases at home, you will need to create an indoor atmosphere that is associated with Italy. So the interior will be as harmonious as possible. If the room is small, it is better not to overload the space and give preference to curtains of light shades.
For kitchen premises you need to choose air, light materials. It is recommended to hang the tulle with a not very small pattern. Very good, if the curtains will be combined in color with pieces of furniture.
Curtains in the kitchen can be asymmetrical, but other similar items from the room is better to remove. If the room is low, you can hang the canvas on the ceiling moldings. So you can visually make the kitchen bigger.For the kitchen, it is necessary to choose curtains created from tulle, cotton, satin, thick silk, light jacquard. If the kitchen is monochromatic, bright, you can hang quite bright canvases.
Living room
Italian curtains will make the room festive, solemn. In some cases, these curtains complement, using lightweight tulle. Such cloths are suitable for the drawing rooms issued in the Dutch, classical, vintage, American style.
To decorate the hall is better to choose curtains in the floor. To give the room aristocracy, you can use pelmets, fluffy hooks, various folds. If the living room is small, it is better to avoid a large number of decorative elements on the curtains, numerous draperies. If the room is of considerable size, there is much more room for experiments with decorations. However, one should always remember the sense of proportion.
The room intended for rest and sleep with Italian curtains looks very cozy. Using such curtains, you can create an atmosphere of calmness, home comfort in the room (regardless of the style of the room).These paintings will give the interior the spirit of romance. It is better to choose colors that are not very bright, while the room will need to be further darkened. It is recommended to control the light flux with the help of Roman roller blinds.
The luxury of the materials from which high-quality Italian curtains are created will make the room uniquely chic. To make the bedroom filled with special charm, you can create fine folds on top of the canvas.
Examples in the interior
Italian curtains give the room a luxury, elegance.
To achieve the maximum effect, you need to carefully consider the overall interior of the room.
- A very good version is shown in this photo: all elements are wonderfully selected.
- One of the main features of such curtains is the presence of pickups, symmetrical folds.
- Together with the Italian curtains, many use additional blackout curtains.
- To make the room as lit as possible, you can use high hooks for curtains.
- Italian curtains make the bedroom more comfortable, give it an atmosphere of romance.
On how to choose the color of the curtains, see the following video.