French curtains: luxurious interior detail

Recently, French curtains can most often be seen in kitchens, although they are also chosen for halls and halls. It is worth dwelling on what makes the models from France different from all the others.
Features, advantages and disadvantages
Many wonder what it is - French curtains. No wonder that the luxurious decorations of Renaissance palaces immediately come to mind. Indeed, the French curtains look pompous and solemn. The French curtain is a cloth gathered by folds, due to which beautiful draperies are formed.Depending on the model, such curtains can be either pulled up or left in a static position. Difficulties causes care for such curtains. They are hard to clean, as dust collects in the folds and eats into the fabric. And also the disadvantage is the huge consumption of fabric, due to which such a model is heavier than its counterparts, for example, Roman curtains.
There are a huge number of varieties of French curtains. They are divided by length, tape type, fabric density. However, the most important is the separation according to the way in which the curtains are attached. They are divided into two varieties.
- Stationary This refers to a model that can not be folded or lifted by pulling up the band. Such curtains are more suitable for rooms in which natural lighting is not welcome. And also this option is good for kitchens on the first floors, as it reliably protects the room from someone else's eyes. Blind curtains can be of different lengths, but most often either models are selected to the floor or to the middle of the window. In the second case, an optimal ratio is reached between the amount of transmitted light and the privacy of the environment.For the kitchen, the second option, sewn from tulle or other light fabric, is commonly used.
- Folding The blind-marquise is often equipped with a mechanism that allows you to pull it up at your discretion. It's all about the frame system, so it is almost impossible to make folding French curtains on your own. It is better to immediately purchase the finished version. If the French curtain is made of thick curtain fabric, it is desirable to equip it with an automatic lifting mechanism. This will greatly simplify the operation.
Choosing which curtain to hang - deaf or folding, you should focus on the practicality of the chosen option. If it is necessary to open a window from time to time, then it is advisable to hang a folding curtain. If you do not need to open the window, then the stationary option is more rational.
Fabrics and colors
If earlier the French curtains were sewn only from expensive luxury fabrics, today the choice is huge. Curtains are made from both natural and artificial materials, they can be both light and dense. They differ in price.Technologies such that not even the most expensive fabric can perfectly repel dust and at the same time look attractive. Depending on the room, both translucent flying materials and thick curtain fabrics can be used. The main condition is sufficient elasticity of the tissue, otherwise it will not be possible to create characteristic festoons. By the way, you should not take models for French curtains that have folds only on the bottom. The name of such curtains - Austrian curtains.
To date, the most commonly used materials are:
- tulle;
- organza;
- silk;
- batiste;
- wool;
- taffeta;
- velvet.
As for color, traditionally French curtains are made in pastel colors: white, ivory, beige. This statement is true for thick curtains, and for models of tulle. An interesting solution - bright French curtains. Maroon and emerald colors are perfect for heavy curtains. Sunny yellow color is chosen for kitchens. Blue or pink can be used both in the kitchen and in the nursery, provided that the curtains are made of flying materials.
The combination of colors may be different.Often, French curtains are complemented by lambrequins, which can be made of the same fabric as the main canvas, but in a different color scheme. For example, the following combinations are common:
- white + beige;
- yellow + golden;
- white + blue.
We select for the style of rooms
French curtains can be successfully entered into almost any interior, including such unimpressive options as country or rustic. Much depends on the length of the curtains, their type, as well as on the design features. For example, it is much more appropriate to choose deaf curtains of medium length made of bright chintz fabric rather than heavy curtains on the velvet floor for a kitchen with a country-style interior. First you need to decide for which room the French curtains are selected. Kitchen and bedroom options will vary. If the kitchen in the first place you need to pay attention to the functionality of the material, then in the bedroom you can pick up their curtains more brand, but pleasant to the touch fabric. It is also important to pay attention to whether the material is hypoallergenic, especially when buying French curtains for the nursery.
Currently, French curtains are most often chosen for the kitchen, so it makes sense to consider in detail the three most popular areas in which these rooms are furnished. So, you can often see modern dining areas, furnished in classic style or in rustic. All three options are universal, that is suitable for decoration of large kitchens, as well as for small ones. Depending on financial possibilities curtains are selected.
It would seem that acquiring French curtains for a modern interior is not entirely appropriate, but in reality everything turns out to be wrong. Depending on the fabric and the length of the curtains themselves, they may look less intricate and elegant than usual. A good option is natural fabrics, such as flax. Linen curtains slightly get dirty, but the fabric is well draped. A wide range of colors and patterns will allow you to choose the right model for each specific interior. The only negative is the price. Flax is an expensive fabric, especially with all sorts of additives that make it easier to care for.
And also in modern interiors one can often see tulle curtains with a length slightly below the window sill or to the middle of the window. The choice of this option has its advantages. For example, you can not worry that the room will be too dark. Tulle transmits light well, while protecting the room from prying eyes. True, to achieve complete privacy with the help of such curtains will not work.
In any case, for the modern interior is to choose the most simple options without a large number of decor. For example, do not need to look for curtains with lambrequins. It will be enough one tape around the edge, although most often you can do without it. And also the fabric should be with a simple elegant decor, without cheap gloss and modulations.
Harmonious curtains in the French style look exactly in the classic interiors. This also includes a more artsy baroque style, which differs from the classics by the presence of a huge amount of gilding, intricate details in the decoration and similar excesses. Accordingly, French curtains must fully meet the requirements of style.
- Need to pay attention to the fabric. The most commonly used combination curtains. On the one hand, French curtains can be made from tulle, and on top you can hang thick ordinary curtains. On the other hand, French curtains of thick fabric, for example, brocade or velvet, will also look appropriate, especially if there is additional decor: fringes, finishes and the like.
- Colors can be any, but most often solid colors are chosen: green, burgundy, blue. In a more modest setting, gray curtains with silver jacquard pattern will look good.
- Be sure to have lambrequins and other additional elements. Only under the condition of sufficient pompousness will the French curtains look truly elegant and solemn.
Important! This option is not suitable for the kitchen. If the kitchen area is decorated in a classic style, it is better to choose a different type of curtains.
Country music
It would seem that there is nothing more strange than the French curtains in the country room. In fact, everything is a little different. Such curtains, made of light bright fabric with a pattern, look quite appropriate and even emphasize the deliberate simplicity of the interior.The main thing is to choose the right length, colors and material. First of all, it is worth making a reservation that the French curtain in the country room should not fall below the middle of the window, because it is the open window that will make the curtains less official. If the window faces the sunny side and you want to lower the curtains from time to time, then you should choose a folding option. So, you can cover the curtains, if necessary, and after the sun has gone down, return the room to its original appearance.
Materials fit almost any, but it is important that they are not luxurious. Chintz fits well. But to make French curtains of tulle is not worth it, except to choose a mesh version with embroidery. Any fabric should look like it was made by hand, so the patchwork style is welcome. As for colors, bright colors and combinations will look good. Checkered curtains are classics of the genre, especially when it comes to the kitchen window. And also the curtains with a print a la applique and painted for patchwork will look good.
Care rules
The most problematic place of the French curtains - folds.The dust, settling in them, eats into the fabric, and it turns out to be extremely difficult to remove it. In case of minor contamination, ordinary vacuum cleaning will help, but in more serious situations dry cleaning will not be limited. Well, if you can completely wash the curtains. This can be done in a typewriter by setting it to a gentle mode. Then the curtains will not lose their appearance, and the dust can be eliminated.
If it is not possible to wash the curtains, it is worth trying to clean them gently by hand with a sponge. To do this, prepare a soap solution. It is better to use ordinary laundry soap. It can be grated, dissolved in water and wiped with a curtain several times with this solution. After that, you will need to gently walk several times in the same places with ordinary water.
Important! If the fabric for curtains is expensive, it is not recommended to try to clean them yourself. It is better to immediately contact a dry-cleaner, where professionals can quickly and efficiently clean the curtains or tulle without damaging the delicate material. This procedure will be much cheaper than buying new curtains of similar quality.
Examples of placement in the interior
Below is a gallery of examples of the use of French curtains in the interior.
Best of all "marquise" is suitable for classic interiors. Curtains native to France add chic to any setting, making the room more solemn and conducive to a pleasant pastime.
Modest monochrome French curtains with a minimum of decor are well suited for modern interiors. It is desirable that they be performed in a restrained color scheme. A few tones will be quite enough.
"Marquise" looks appropriate in the village rooms, as well as using the romantic style. Deliberate simplicity is diluted with interesting curtains, which makes the interior more interesting.
On how to care for the French curtains, see the following video.