How to choose wooden curtains on the doorway?

If it is decided to design the doorways of the dwelling by means of wooden curtains, then the man in the street is often lost in a rich selection of products. It would be desirable, that curtains were not only unusual, but also emphasized a certain stylistic design and hinted at the delicate taste of the owners of the house. The material of this article will help to clarify the features of wooden curtains, so that the buyer can choose exactly what will fit his preferences in the light of current fashion trends.
Special features
Wooden curtains are extraordinary and spectacular curtains of various designs and methods of implementation.These are pieces of treated wood, located at regular intervals in a certain pattern, or the like of blinds, as well as threads. With seeming simplicity, they can be made of a large number of small elements strung on a strong thread, wire or fishing line. They look easy and elegant, despite the fact that they are made of durable wood with a beautiful texture.
Depending on the model, they differ in appearance, including color design. Their color range can be multifaceted, depending on the type of wood and how it is processed. It is the color of natural wood that allows you to make the design of the doorway harmonious. As a rule, such products are perfectly combined with furniture made of solid wood, lamps of different shapes and materials of manufacture and texture of wall cladding.
They are especially in tune with ethnic figurines. This allows you to make the design of doorways holistic, hinting at a certain historical focus or ethnic spirit. The width of the curtains can reach two meters.
The shape of the wooden elements themselves can be flat or volumetric. For example, the details may take the form of rhombuses, circles, beads, and other geometric shapes. Often, for greater expressiveness, wooden elements are painted, giving the curtains a special noble tone.
Functionality and style
These products primarily carry a decorative load: they decorate doorways of various shapes. At the same time, they are suitable for openings connecting rooms of different purposes. For example, they are relevant in the separation of the hallway and living room, hallway and kitchen, corridor and home library. They are different from other elements of the interior, they are quite an extraordinary accessory. Such curtains do not so much close the doorway as they emphasize the zoning of the spaces of two rooms. At the same time they make the openings elegant, unusual and do not prevent the flow of air, like closed doors. However, this type of decor can hardly be called universal. It is not suitable for every doorway.
For example, in addition to the ethnic direction, they harmoniously fit into the rustic style. Along with this, they are appropriate in such design styles as country, boho, retro.With a professional approach to the design they can be entered in the modern. However, the style that needs a demonstration of palace solemnity and a hint of chic and luxury, they are not suitable.
Advantages and disadvantages
Wood curtains themselves are environmentally friendly, do not emit toxic substances into the air, and therefore can be used in various stylistic solutions of the interior without harm to health. In the production process, they are treated with antibacterial and antiseptic impregnations, which increases the operational properties, as well as resistance to the effects of microorganisms, dust and dirt.
Such products are durable and easy to install. As a rule, it does not take much time, and any head of the family can cope with the installation. Wooden blinds are different forms of variation, which allows you to choose curtains in the same design with the decoration of furniture, lamps or other interior details. Other advantages include reasonable cost. Their purchase does not hit the budget, and the choice will please a variety of options.
It is worth noting the ability of such curtains to hide the flaws of the doorway. Such decor makes them invisible, paying attention to themselves.In addition, wooden curtains can be made independently at home. This is a creative process that allows you to develop your imagination, choosing the form and design in the same interior style.
However, when choosing a wooden curtain should take into account their disadvantages.
- Not every family member likes such products. Unlike cotton varieties, they are more difficult and can cause discomfort when it comes to passing from one room to another.
- It should be noted and their ability to darken the space of the room. They prevent the sun's rays from entering the room, which often makes it dark. Especially this factor affects the hallway, the light in which, in addition to artificial, is filled by the fact that it comes from the adjacent room.
- To some it may seem the main disadvantage of the fact that wooden curtains can not completely close the doorway, regardless of the frequency of weaving. Other disadvantages include the complexity of care.
- The tree cannot be soaked as it expands. In this case, color may suffer. Clean each element separately for a very long time, removing accumulated dust or other contaminants.Of course, you can try to use a vacuum cleaner, but this method of purification is not always effective.
- The disadvantage is the instability to fire, for which reason these curtains need to be purchased for rooms with the maximum distance from the source of fire.
Today, several types of curtains are classified as wooden curtains.
- For example, some of the popular types are bamboo curtainsthat weave into one tightly. They are not only aesthetically attractive, but also have the ability to retain heat in the cold season and cool in summer. You can hang them on different doorways (up to the balcony). Bamboo blinds differ in the small weight, they are hygienic, hypoallergenic. In addition, they are resistant to UV rays. On the shelves of shops such products are presented in two variations: the buyer can choose between blinds and Vietnamese blinds. In addition to the usual weaving and inserts of different shades, such curtains can have such decor as a variety of beads made of wood and not only shells and other decorations. However, the fibrous structure of bamboo well absorbs and accumulates odors.
Hanging such curtains is possible only in areas where there is adequate ventilation. In addition, they do not have any heat or sound insulation.
- In addition to bamboo, in the production of curtains made of wood, such types of wood are used as linden, oak, beech and some species of fruit trees.
- The best options for the design of doorways are articles on threads. Despite the fact that they do not protect against drafts, these are the most comfortable curtains among their counterparts. Of course, so that they do not hinder the passage at all, you need to select models that do not completely block the passage. Not everyone will like to constantly touch the threads and move them away. Of course, you can take care of pickups, but often such a design spoils the aesthetic appearance of products.
The nuances of choice
Choosing wooden curtains for the doorway, There are a number of factors to consider.
- One of the key requirements is safety and reliability. You need to buy options that are easier to attach to a wooden framework that has a different type of finish. Depending on the type of curtains themselves, it is necessary to consider the necessity of weighting the lower part. For example, it may be a decorative strip.
- Hanging wooden curtains on interior doors, using only nails, is undesirable. Even if the space above the opening itself is not enough, it is better to install the eaves on the ceiling. For arched openings should be bought curtains, suitable for flexible eaves. Roll-type products for the design of doorways are not suitable, regardless of the width and diameter of the roll. They are good for windows, but they are not suitable for these openings, because they create obstacles when passing from one room to another.
- When you want to decorate the doorway with wooden curtains, hangings, it is important to carefully consider the product. It should not have any marriage at all, since not only the durability of exploitation, but also the safety of the household will depend on it. It is not allowed to pierce the decor with sharp edges, all small elements must firmly hold on the threads.
- In order not to doubt the choice of the seller, it is necessary to give preference to a brand with a proven reputation. When buying, you need to pay attention not only to the manufacture of wood, but also to the density of curtains. The best models are those that are made of lightweight material and are not too heavy with an abundance of decor.When buying them, you need to take into account the degree of rustling, which is usually characteristic of these products.
- The rough and large decor, as a rule, weighs more. He can be beautiful, extraordinary. However, it is inconvenient to pick it up on the sides so that it does not interfere with the passage. In addition, the fastening of curved metal can not be called quality fittings curtains.
- With regards to the best form, everything is individual, although there are some nuances here. For example, it is more convenient to pass from room to room when elements of curtains are narrow or small. Firstly, they are easier to move away, and secondly, they do not cling to a person, thirdly, they look easier and more beautiful. Often, from small pieces of wood of this type create a variety of patterns, painting elements in different shades of the color palette.
The subtleties of the combination and reviews
When choosing a particular model, it is important to pay attention to the compatibility of its tone with the color of the details of the existing furniture of the two adjacent rooms. For example, when buying, you can rely on the materials used in the decoration of the room. It is important to consider not only the color, but also the texture. Selected at random curtains rarely look impressive because of the fact that without contrast texture wood will be lost in any interior.
For example, you can not hang wood curtains against the walls of wood color. Do not allow the abundance of wood in the interior composition of rooms. Unusual curtains can be supplemented with a relative shade of cushions, wicker furniture or a similar lamp. You should not pick up the tone as close as possible to the color of the floor or furniture: it is easier to create the effect of the versatility of the wood due to related shades.
Beautifully look soft interior curtains of bamboo. Outwardly, they resemble analogs on hinges, while they are translucent and do not create a feeling of heaviness. You can support them with a beautiful pot of a related color or vibrant greens. In addition, dry branches and grasses are a good addition to wooden curtains.
With regards to the combination of tones, it is worth noting: harmony can be achieved by combining wooden curtains with white, beige, a touch of light oak wenge, as well as the color of fresh green. Burgundy, red, black tone, coupled with wood curtains creates a sense of gravity of the interior.
Curtains made of wood are considered a kind of decor doorways. With all its diversity a considerable part of the comments left on the Internet,notes: this decor does not always look beautiful on the door, because it requires a special approach to the design of adjacent rooms. It is not enough just to buy and hang curtains: it is important to pick them up in tune with the overall concept of stylistics.
Of course, bamboo models are good for Eastern design directions. Those that are made on threads in the form of beads or geometric figures, more often resemble options for rustic styles. Buyers note that in order to make the curtains look modern and stylish, attention should be paid to the details of the interior. For example, due to the large number of small elements, you should pay attention to the fact that the interior was nothing extra.
From this video you will learn how to select and combine colors in the interior, what color saturation is and what role coloristics play in interior design.