Interior curtains - a spectacular solution instead of doors

Even in antiquity, people used the skins of animals to protect the entrance to the cave from the penetration of cold wind and bad weather. Since then, doors have appeared, and various fabrics traditionally serve as curtains. But the world does not stand still, design solutions - a great many. In rooms where a tightly closed door is not so necessary, you can use interior curtains.
In what cases are appropriate?
In modern society, it is accepted that decorative curtains are used in order to limit the passage of excess light into the room, for the visual separation of space, and just for beauty. There are situations in which the doorway can not be crowned with an ordinary interior door.
There are several reasons for this.
- The space is too large to install the door structure, and if you install it, the door will look too massive.
- Fabric curtains are much cheaper than doors, which allows them to be used as a temporary solution for financial problems of a family. And almost every person will be able to make curtains and sew curtains on their own.
- Not all rooms in an apartment or house require the installation of the door: dressing room, living room, dining room. All these rooms can be beautifully framed with curtains, then it will be easy to enter and exit, as well as bring various objects into the room. For a child's room, you can also use curtains instead of doors so that parents can hear what their kid is doing.
- If a room is divided between two people, for example, a child, then it can be divided into two zones with a curtain, which will be easily removed if necessary.
- In the end, the taste is different for everyone, and the aesthetic side of the question is beyond doubt: the beautiful fabric that borders the doorway will advantageously emphasize the interior in a classic style.
With the help of interior curtains the doorway can be given a different geometry: arch shape, triangular, etc.
What functions perform?
Curtains between rooms are sometimes the only suitable solution in the interior.
In addition to visual aesthetics, they have several other functions:
- create comfort and emphasize the style of the room;
- give the opportunity to hide from prying eyes;
- indispensable for studio apartments and rooms for several people as the only possible alternative to ordinary doors;
- increase the usable space of the room; ordinary doors require space for closing / opening, unlike curtains;
- visually can increase the openings both in height and in width, which will make the appearance of the room more advantageous;
- save from sunlight without blocking the flow of fresh air from neighboring rooms;
- can carry out anti-mosquito function, and also rescue from other flying insects;
- Do not allow excessive penetration of dust.
We can say that interior curtains are a universal interior decoration, which also has utilitarian qualities.
At present, a great number of new interesting fabrics and materials have been put into use, which can serve for the manufacture of curtains between rooms. Here is a partial list of them.
- Fabrics For curtains use both synthetic and natural raw materials. The first can be attributed to materials such as acrylic, nylon, polyester. The main advantage of these materials is the absence of allergies, as well as the curtains of such a plan are less wrinkled and easier to iron. Natural fabrics include flax, cotton, wool and silk. Such curtains will be noticeably more expensive, but richer in appearance and more pleasant to the touch. Flax is often used to create an interior in a rustic style. Currently, there are also mixed fabrics of two types of raw materials.
- Tree. To create a covered passage, instead of doors, different curtains are used from wooden beads or other elements created from this raw material. To create a Japanese corner in the house, you can make a curtain of reeds and bamboo stalks.
- Plastic and silicone. Similar to wood products, designs made of synthetic materials are made from composing decorative elements. They will serve well in rooms with a high possibility of pollution and high humidity. This is a great option for the bathroom, pool, kitchen, garage.
- Glass. Lovers of elegance and vintage style such decoration will not leave indifferent. The curtain is made from large beads and other elements of various shapes.
- Pressed paper or cardboard. This is a cheap, short-lived, but at the same time very original and beautiful option for interior curtains. If finances do not allow to buy something more serious or temporarily do not put the door, this material will be the best choice.
How to choose?
- Before going to the store, you need to decide on the size. To do this, measure the estimated height at which the curtain for curtains will be located, and the desired width. The wider the material, the more folds it will form. For non-woven curtains made of wood, plastic or glass, the frequency of the segments from which the curtain is made is important.
- It is also necessary to decide in which room will be interior curtains.
If they will improve the doorway, for example, between the living room and the corridor, then the material can be selected any, in accordance with the taste of the buyer. For a dressing room and bedroom, as well as a dividing curtain in the room, it is better to choose a breathable material, rather than a dense one.
The air flow will be constantly updated, which means that the ventilation of the room will not deteriorate. If the curtain will be used for a kitchen or other room with possible contaminants, it is better to purchase an easily washable and non-marking material. If the room is dark, it is better to use light material.
If you want to increase the space, then the pattern on the curtains need to look vertical.
- The next step in the selection of curtains will be the choice of curtain style, suitable to the interior of the rest of the room. It is necessary to choose a color that is already present in the surrounding objects. So everything will look cozy and harmonious.
- Then you need to purchase accessories for curtains: curtain rods, curtains and tacks.
It is better not to save on them, as these elements of poor quality very quickly lose their beautiful appearance. Choose curtains for frequently used rooms, for example, a wardrobe or household pantry, better on the grommet. They are simple and easy to use.
About what curtains will decorate the door or doorway, see the following video.