Choosing lambrequins in the bedroom

The concept of "lambrequin" has long entered our lives. None of us represents the interior of our bedroom without curtains. It would be desirable, that the bedroom was not only protected from a daylight, but also delivered pleasant impressions.
Decorate your windows, or rather, highlight the beauty of curtains, help lambrequins, placed in front of the curtain. Such decorative drapery can not only decorate the room, but also “lift” the ceiling, which will make your room more spacious and elegant.
Special features
The word "lambrequin" (fr. Lambrequin) has French roots and came into use in the XV century, when the Renaissance or Renaissance reigned in the world. In those years, people tried to surround themselves with beautiful things, especially when it came to interior design. Initially, the pelmet looked like a piece of fabric, fixed above the bed, and was called a "canopy", designed to decorate a sleeping bed.
Later, the enterprising French began to decorate with lambrequins and window openings. True, then they were smooth, decorated with embroidery and fringe. When the baroque style later came into fashion, which translated from Italian meant “fancy”, windows in the rooms were decorated with various cords and bows, and gold fittings and bright color were welcomed.
Today, this decorative element necessary for windows amazes with its beauty, grace and a huge model range. Thanks to lambrequins made of various materials, even in a small bedroom with a low ceiling, you can create an atmosphere of luxury and harmony.
All lambrequins can be divided into several main types:
- Soft, made with different size folds or draperies. They are a canvas that falls in beautiful waves. This type of lambrequins is usually decorated with braid or fringe. Soft lambrequins are called “jabot” or “swag”, depending on the manner of manufacture.
- "Jabot" they are soft, corrugated folds, and “swag” is more like a garland. As a result of this kind of lambrequins, the window becomes airier and more spacious visually.
- Hard or "gang" made on a dense, rigid base, which is covered with a cloth or glued from the inside with dulerin. Such lambrequins are smooth, simple, without corrugated folds.
- Combined they are a “mix” of hard lambrequins with airy folds of soft tissues. Such lambrequins are multi-layered, decorated with all sorts of cords, a cascade, fringe.
- Simple - more like a frill.
When you want something incredible, different from the usual canons, you can opt for the asymmetric decoration of the bedroom - curtains on one side. Original lambrequins will help to multiply the effect of such bedroom decor. First of all, the lambrequin will help to achieve a multi-layered effect, and the curtains put away in one direction with the hanging, for example, lambrequin edge in the form of a tie will add a zest to decorating your bedroom.
Asymmetrical curtains with the same original lambrequins will allow to “correct” non-ideal proportions of the room.
Lambrequins with decorative elements will transform any room. You can use ties, jaboats (one-sided cascade that adorns the edge of the lambrequin), metal mold (textile element of the soft lambrequin, located in the center of the curtain).
In some cases, when the window size allows, lambrequins can be used without main curtains. Remember that if you chose curtains with lambrequins, then the eaves, on which the fabric is hung, should be located near the ceiling.
This is necessary in order not to close the window opening.
Types of curtains with lambrequin
The main requirement for all types of curtains is not to let in sunlight, especially in the bedroom. Choosing the option of curtains, we must remember about the harmonious combination of fabrics and their decor - lambrequin. It is clear that the more noble and more qualitative the fabric of the curtains, the more spectacular the window looks.
When choosing a fabric, think about whether your curtains will create a spectacular twilight, protect you from dust or help keep the room warm in cold weather.
Depending on the chosen fabric, you can modify the size of the window opening and the whole room too. Modern manufacturers offer a huge range of fabrics that can satisfy even the most capricious customer: density, color, quality, and, most importantly, the possibility of drapery.
Before buying meticulously inspect your premises - it is important to notice both the size and location: for example, your bedroom is on the sunny side of the house, and you prefer twilight. Then your curtains should be made of “heavy” fabric that darkens the window well, and the lambrequin should logically emphasize the luxury of curtains. In some cases even lining fabric is added.
By the way, both the basic and lining fabrics should be purchased at the same time to make sure that they match each other in color and texture.
So, choose the fabric:
- If you want the curtains not to give you much trouble, choose polyester, the most practical and lightweight material that is perfectly washable, dries quickly, the color remains almost pristine.
- With cotton curtains will have to tinker. Cotton is a soft material, but requires attention. He quickly fade in the sun, almost defenseless in front of the sun.
- Curtains made of viscose or taffeta do not let in sunlight, and in addition are easy to clean. It is from this fabric that beautifully decorated curtains are made, especially in combination with combined curtains.
- Many housewives choose linen curtains. Synthetic fabric is added to linen curtains, which makes them durable. Flax drapes beautifully, easy to wash.
- If you come up with an original decor for your bedroom that requires drapery, use organza. This lightweight, airy fabric is made of various threads of silk and viscose. The airiness gives it a special technology by which two threads are twisted in a special way. Organza is matte and glossy, monophonic or patterned, pressed and smooth. Very durable fabric, unpretentious, however, it is sometimes difficult to form the desired drapery. The only minus of the fabric is transparency. Organza also produces original lambrequins.
- It will look great in your bedroom tulle, light and transparent, semi-silk or cotton. Now it is very fashionable to use tulle curtains with the effect of "restlessness" or with linen inserts. Such curtains will give lightness to the interior and effectively dispel the sun's rays. Recently, designers offer to combine tulle with thread curtains (muslin). True, only in the bedrooms, where there is no need to darken the room.
- Silk lambrequins and organza curtains will make your bedroom unique. Suspended above a weightless tulle, fastened with the help of special curtain barrettes or grabs, such a pelmet will change all ideas about fashionable design.
Color solutions
The color scheme, in which the design of your room will be decorated, will make the bedroom room truly beautiful and comfortable. It must be remembered that each color and gamut of its shades can create an indescribable impression of the room, and your mood and spiritual balance will depend on the color gamut of your curtains.
We will listen to experts who recommend combining certain tones to avoid mistakes and feelings of discontent. As a color solution, you can not get hung up on a monotone scale. Selecting tulle delicate, cream-colored and low-contrast curtains, add lambrequins striped in the tone of the main textile.
Such a note will enliven the space and "soothe" the eye.
Often, pelmets pick up to match the upholstery of the furniture, you can "beat" and the color of the bedspread. Made to match the curtains and upholstery of the upholstered furniture make the room perfect. But not if the main color of your bedroom is crystal white. Registration should be easy, multi-layered.
Purple, lilac and emerald color of curtains and lambrequins fit perfectly into the Baroque or Art Deco style. Consider, if you want to experiment with contrasting pelmets, remember that one color should be neutral, pastel, and the second can be brighter.
If you have not yet decided on the main color of the bedroom, then note that turquoise, wine, gray and blue are in fashion now.
Design ideas and new items
Original curtains with bright lambrequins and accessories matched to the tone will create a bright design of your bedroom. According to the designers, everything that is natural is now fashionable: the fabric and colors of the curtains.Such material as flax, cotton, bamboo, jute will look great in a bedroom. With regard to natural colors, preference is given to natural shades: green, gray, nutty, blue.
Beautiful curtains are different styles of curtains in one room. For example, the concept of "eclecticism", that is, the mixing of curtains of different styles in one room, firmly entered the fashion world of interior and decor. Here you can roam the fantasy - leaves, exotic flowers, imitation of animal skin with harmoniously selected lambrequins can make a real paradise island or inviting thickets of jungle out of your bedroom.
Designers offer to decorate such curtains with a lambrequin, the print of which repeats their main color.
The novelty of the season are the curtains, the edge of which is trimmed with other material. Such a finish visually expands the space, and the colors that can be combined in this case does not limit the client's imagination.
Various podhvaty and fringe could not be relevant this year. They perfectly emphasize the sophistication of not only pelmets, but even strict Roman curtains.The variability of curtains, which is dominant in the design of today's interiors, offers a lot of interesting nuances in both color and material.
For example, white curtains decorated with black tulle are ideal for high-tech style. Choose a country style - you can use the curtains in the cage, and trim the pelmet with lace. Focus not on the main curtains, but on the transparent tulle: bright, with the addition of a gold thread, it will transform your bedroom.
Tips for choosing
Choosing curtains with lambrequin, remember the following rules:
- Lambrequins are used most often in a high room - the ceiling must be at least 2.5 meters. In the opposite case, you can visually "reduce" the size of the room.
- The colors of the lambrequin are matched to the tone of the main textile., and if your curtains have a color print, the lambrequin should repeat one of its shades.
- The number of folds also depends on the size of the room: if the bedroom is poorly lit, they should not be much. And vice versa, the windows of your bedroom face the lighted side, which means that the decor should be significant.
- Lambrequins require periodic cleaning: vacuuming, damp cloth.Soft lambrequins can be removed and washed no more than once every six months. Bando, that is, hard to not wet. If you wash a pelmet in a typewriter, they absolutely can not be squeezed dry, better hang them in a semi-moist form.
By the way, it is not at all necessary to buy a lambrequin in the store. Quite an interesting option can be done by hand. The detailed manufacturing process is described in the following video.