How to wash curtains?

Curtains - an integral part of the modern interior. They prevent the light from entering the room and protect it from prying eyes, and help to create a cozy atmosphere. Unfortunately, curtains and curtains accumulate dust over time, as a result of which they lose their original shade.
Washing curtains, at first glance, is a simple matter, but there are many nuances and rules that, if not followed, it is possible not only to damage the product, but even the washing machine.
Washing rules
In car
Thin fabrics - silk, veil, organza, require special care. Wash should be done at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees in a delicate mode.In addition, this material does not tolerate high temperature, so ironing is contraindicated.
Soaking the curtain beforehand is completely optional: the dirt is easily removed due to the small thickness of the fabric. Spin is also not worth it. After washing, wait until the water runs out, then straighten and hang the curtains on the cornice still wet. It is extremely desirable to wash such thin fabrics in a special fabric bag, and use delicate products for washing or just shampoo.
Products made of acrylic, taffeta, viscose should be washed at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees; it is advisable to use shampoo or special products for washing. Squeezing this material is also not worth it, it is better to wait until the excess water drains itself. It is necessary to make an ironing with use of damp fabric, on pile, at a temperature no more than 150 degrees. Polyester should be washed, using tools for delicate materials at temperatures up to 40 degrees. This will give the opportunity to prevent the occurrence of folds in the washing process.
Linen and cotton and curtains of them will easily transfer washing at a temperature of 40-60 degrees. These are quite unassuming materials, you can wash products from them with ordinary laundry detergent. Drying should be done without the use of heaters. Ironed curtains should be slightly wet.
If they are hung in the kitchen, that is, they are exposed to more intense contamination, then the high temperature of the wash should be set.
Velvet is considered to be a very capricious and expensive material, which is why it needs careful and careful care. Wash this type of curtains at home is not the best idea, as there are risks to spoil the product. But if it is necessary, then it is necessary to clean products from velvet in a delicate mode at a temperature not higher than 30 degrees. Also, turn them inside out. This process should be carried out as quickly as possible, setting the minimum time. Velvet reacts poorly to contact with water and may shrink. To dry the curtains must be vertically straightened.
First of all, you need to remove the canvas from the eaves, remove the slats from it, then roll the fabric and put it in a bag for washing. Further, depending on the material, the mode and time of washing is selected.After the rinsing process, the wet cloth is set in place.
They are very different in their properties, they are atypical curtains, and unfortunately it will not be possible to simply wash them. The problem lies in the special dust-repellent impregnation of the fabric. In the case of a small amount of pollution, it is realistic to use an ordinary eraser to erase a pencil; it will do a good job with this task. You can also remove the stain with wet wipes. In a situation where the cloth is heavily contaminated or the methods described above do not help, dry cleaning remains the only way out, in which case the dust-repellent properties of the product will not suffer.
Before the process of washing curtains of this type, “threads” should be tied with a rope in several places or be braided into a braid without tightening it. Washing should be done only in delicate mode, you can use spin. After washing, still wet curtains are hung on the eaves, the threads are straightened. Under their own weight, they will acquire their original appearance.
This type of curtains is the most practical in the care: washing can be done in any mode when using detergent.If ironing is not provided, then still slightly damp curtains should be immediately hung to the place where they themselves will finish.
On grommets
Eyelets are rings located in the upper part of the curtains, which are used as an alternative to classic hooks. Before the washing process, you just need to make sure that the grommets are of high quality and how firmly they are attached to the canvas. Often there is no need to remove them, in this case, washing curtains should be carried out in the bag. The same applies to curtains with decorative elements like beads or buttons.
If the grommets are made of brittle plastic, then these elements must be removed, if, of course, their design provides.
It is necessary to erase on the delicate mode, in an ordinary shampoo, the optimum temperature is 30 degrees. After the procedure, the curtains should be immediately hung to dry, as the rings can change color if they are metallic.
Do not worry too much about the washing machine. Even if the ring flies away from the attachment point, it will in no way fall outside the limits of the laundry bag, and therefore it will not damage the equipment.
Of course, any of the above materials can be washed by hand, but still manual washing is really necessary if the composition of the fabric is unknown, which is why automatic washing can damage and ruin the product, or if the fabric is so whimsical that it only needs to be washed by hand. It is desirable to wash the velvet products by hand, and linen ones can also be used in a typewriter machine.
When hand washing should follow the same conditions, but with some additions:
- before washing the cloth should be soaked in soapy water for a while;
- the most crucial step is rinsing, it should be done carefully, changing the water more often to get rid of the remaining detergent.
Chintz is one of those few materials that only requires hand washing. First you need to make a salt solution. 1-2 tablespoons of salt per liter is added to warm water. Instead of a detergent shampoo is perfect, it will not damage the delicate fabric. When rinsing you need to pour a spoonful of ordinary vinegar into the water.
The same goes for wool. For her, only hand wash in warm water using only shampoo is applicable.
Dry cleaning
Dry cleaning services should not be neglected, in rare cases there are simply no other options. Some materials require extremely delicate washing and can be simply damaged at home. Also, curtains of dense materials of large sizes can not get into the drum, and it will be impossible to wash them by hand with high quality. Then you should contact the dry cleaner.
Moreover, most companies offer for a small surcharge the impregnation of curtains with dust-repellent and protective compounds, which will make the material more resistant to ultraviolet and require fewer washes.
How often should wash curtains?
The interval between the washings of curtains will depend on their location. If the curtains are hanging in the living rooms, then they usually require washing it less than twice a year. The best will be a period of three months, during this period the curtains will not even have time to change color, gathering dust. If the curtains are located in the kitchen, where fat is deposited on them, then they should be washed more often, at least immediately after the appearance of visible dirt.
Every month there is no need to wash the curtains, as a last resort, you can shake them off the settled dust.
How to whiten the curtains?
Over time, the curtains lose their original appearance due to the dust, moisture and ultraviolet rays falling on them, and once bright white tulle becomes a fabric with shades of yellow or gray. There are ways to whiten the tulle with improvised means, and in most cases their effectiveness is enough. To wipe off the gray and make the products white will help soda ash. Soak the curtains in it before washing.
Hydrocarbon and hydrogen peroxide is a simple but effective bleaching option. Hydrogen peroxide must be mixed with ammonia in a ratio of 2: 1. To the resulting solution should be topped up with water temperature 60-65 degrees. After that, immerse the tulle in the solution and leave for half an hour. Then you should thoroughly rinse the canvas, let the excess water drain and hang the tulle to dry.
Cooking salt - the same simple, but proven method of bleaching with your own hands. For its implementation it is necessary to mix 3 tablespoons of salt in water and a small amount of laundry detergent. Having loaded there tulle, you should leave it for 10-12 hours, then you just need to wash the curtain.
Paradoxically, but brilliant green is a really good way to bleach, just follow the instructions. In the warm water of 300 ml you need to add 10-15 drops of a solution of greens, mix and leave for some time. If precipitate is present, the solution must be drained. Next, pour the solution into a basin with warm water of 10 liters and immerse in it the washed curtain for 5 minutes. All this time, tulle should be rotated and moved to the pelvis for complete and uniform soaking.
After removing the fabric from the solution, gently squeeze and let it dry, rinse it is not necessary. On a coarse grater, rub one piece of laundry soap, then pour the chips into the pan with water. Heat the mixture, bring to a boil, mix well. As soon as the solution becomes warm, you need to put tulle in it for 10-12 hours. After the time, the tulle will need to be washed and rinsed.
Modern technologies provide a wide choice of bleaches and stain removers for any materials. When using these tools follow the instructions and be sure to read the contraindications.You should not often use such tools, as they adversely affect the fabric and its structure.
Useful tips
- First, carefully read the label on the curtain. It may contain manufacturer's advice on care or contraindications to any process or means. If the curtains are drained after washing, it means that the water temperature was chosen incorrectly.
- Before washing the curtains be sure to carefully shake out. Due to this, all the dust accumulated on the surface will fly off, which will improve the quality of washing and reduce its duration. Also, the curtains can be vacuumed, which also relieves them of dust and facilitate further washing.
- In the washing machine curtains can be placed in a laundry bag. This will protect the material from damage, and the machine from damage, if the curtains have decorative elements in the form of beads, rings or nylon buttons.
- When washing curtains, only curtains should be placed in the washing machine drum, preferably one sheet at a time, since something else cannot be washed with delicate material.
- It is not necessary to fill the drum of the machine completely, because of this, the quality of washing will decrease, as a result of which soap stains will appear on the curtains.Therefore, it is necessary to leave 30-40% of the empty space.
- Too soiled curtains, it is desirable to soak in water with detergent for 10-12 hours. This way most of the surface dirt will remain in the water.
- Any tulle must be properly washed, not exceeding the temperature mark of water at 40 degrees. You can raise the temperature if you need to get rid of greasy stains.
- During hand washing do not exert great effort, but only slightly squeeze the material, just turning the canvas.
- It is advisable to refrain from ironing tulle at all, the wet canvas hangs on the cornice itself, but if ironing is necessary, it should be done at a minimum temperature, through a slightly damp cloth to avoid yellowing.
- If you don’t know the material, you don’t have to take a risk: in this case it is better to wash the product with your hands. Water should be warm, and wash curtains better in shampoo.
How to wash curtains and bleach tulle, see the next video.