Bamboo curtains

We all sometimes want to hide a little bit in their home away from the outside world. Make the music quieter, the lighting a little dimmer and enjoy the tranquility and tranquility. Recently bamboo has become a particularly popular type of curtain. They are not only in perfect harmony with home decor, but also ecologically natural in their composition. How are they arranged and what are the types of bamboo curtains? All this and not only you will learn further from this article.
Bamboo curtains are so called because of the plant from which they are made.Since bamboo is an endemic plant, it grows mainly in the tropical sector. Based on this, it is safe to call his house both Africa with Asia, and Australia with America.
Bamboo has been used in home decor since ancient times. In ancient times, bamboo was a kind of amulet that protects against dark forces. It is for this reason that in the settlements where they believed in otherworldly worlds, the door and window openings were tightly curtained with bamboo curtains. People believed that the curtains created from bamboo favorably affect the well-being in the house, and also are a sign of love and wealth.
In addition to the secret features, there was also the real use of such an invention, bamboo curtains tightly protected from the wind, as well as sunlight, while being a moisture-resistant canvas.
Advantages and disadvantages
Bamboo curtains have the following advantages:
- Bamboo leaf is a natural as well as environmentally friendly product. Such a product is absolutely harmless to the human body and, in particular, will suit those people who put a hygienically clean lifestyle in the first place.You rarely see dust on such a canvas, because of the lack of static external voltage, this type of canvas does not attract dust particles at all. These curtains can not be stained for a long period of time, moreover, for many years they keep their original, natural appearance. The bamboo leaf will not be a hindrance even for people with allergies;
- Since bamboo material is fairly lightweight in its properties, such a web has an extremely low weight. It will be an excellent solution for the transformation of window profiles with a complex structure or those in which the process of fastening standard eaves is extremely difficult. Bamboo curtains have excellent light protection. This fabric, although extremely thin in its thickness, nevertheless perfectly protects the room from excessive solar and moonlight; 44
- Bamboo is a very porous material and for this reason it provides excellent air circulation. This cycle of fresh and indoor air maintains a healthy microclimate in the room. Artists call these curtains multifunctional.They can combine absolutely any modern stylistics, with the exception of, perhaps, classical and empire, since in their case a luxurious atmosphere is assumed;
- Bamboo fabric can be hung anywhere - in the bedroom, living room, living room or children's room. It all depends on your imagination. In the application of bamboo is quite unpretentious. If the canvas is used for a very long time, then the most terrible thing that can be expected of it is a slight darkening of the original natural color. This darkening can even be attributed to a plus, because it gives the product a special charm.
These curtains are more than adequate. For example, the price of the Roman version, whose dimensions are 180x90 cm, will be about 800 rubles.
The disadvantages include the following points:
- Bamboo material absorbs, like a sponge, any odors. Therefore, if you decide to hang such curtains in the kitchen, take care of the availability of high-quality hoods. Connoisseurs of bright and challenging colors, bamboo products, more than likely do not like;
- Bamboo has an extremely small color palette., and in general, this type of canvas is represented mainly as a natural element;
- These curtains are very limited in size. The maximum width of the canvas may be about 180 cm, however, sometimes there are products with a width of 240 cm.
In total there are only two types of bamboo curtains: horizontal and vertical.
- Vertical canvas is designed for doors connecting room to each other. But in relation to the windows use a horizontal view. In turn, canvases of a horizontal type are divided into decorative roll and Roman subspecies.
- Cloth roll subspecies of bamboo material has a specific structure of the structure, which when raising the curtains going into a roll at the top of the window. A subspecies roll web has different types of lifting device, for example: a chain, a spring or an automatic lift. The dimensions of such a product hanging above the window, first of all, depend on the thickness of the canvas. If the curtains are thin in material, respectively, and the box is smaller.
The size of bamboo curtains are extremely limited, which is the reason for their not so popular use in spacious private homes with large window openings.They differ only in several sizes: 70x160, 80x160, 60x160 cm, and sometimes they can reach, as mentioned above, 240 cm, but this is rather an exception to the rule.
Colors and prints
Due to the presence of natural color palettes, suitable for sophisticated natural patterns, the canvas, created on the basis of bamboo, believably conveys the eastern atmosphere to any decor. The product looks very harmoniously in combination with components of fittings created from wood, as well as mainly with any types of flooring.
At the stage of manufacturing curtains use the following shades:
- coffee with milk;
- cherries;
- mahogany
If desired, the customer can modify the color, leaving the prevailing natural color at the base of the web.
As mentioned earlier, while using bamboo curtains, they can be rolled up to the side as well as up. By fitting the canvas, you can create exquisite pleats that create the effect of Roman curtains. To assemble the canvas, you will need to use a hanging regulator.
In addition, it is worth mentioning that in some variations there is a special spring mechanism placed on the side.Such a product will be an indispensable tool for those layouts when the curtain is located at a very high altitude.
If you want to install the device seamlessly and quickly, you must have free space above the window. It should be approximately 17-30 cm so that it is easy to install the mechanism, the dimensions of which depend on the type of curtains. In the absence of this space, you can install the product, fixing it on the ceiling or on the floor.
Room decoration features
Products made in a light shade look extremely noble and elegant. The canvas will be a real decoration of the room, equipped in the Mediterranean, Californian or even European style. The correct solution would be to install such a canvas in rooms where there is no likelihood of emergency situations. These rooms can be a living room, bedroom or hall.
Bamboo blind with a dark shade will harmonize perfectly with ethnic interiorthey will also become a pearl room in japanese style and great for urban style. You can experiment by combining bamboo canvas with other styles, resulting in wonderful compositions.
It is quite appropriate bamboo in harmony with natural fabrics, such as flax or cotton.
Bamboo is matched with silk, tulle or batiste, creating a gentle and romantic atmosphere in the interior.
Based on the foregoing, it is safe to say that a bamboo leaf will transform almost any interior, adding aesthetic beauty to the whole room. In order for such a variety of bamboo curtains to be combined indoors with style, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the interior in which the product will be installed.
It is imperative to focus on the abundance of natural elements. Curtains will be harmoniously combined with outdoor plants or fresh bamboo shoots. They look good on their background and woven straw construction in the image of small baskets. Home interior will be harmonious in the case when such curtains will be located not only on the windows, but also on the doors of the interior type. In addition, there is no need for two types of products to be in harmony with each other.
Bamboo canvas has recently become one of the fashion trends, for this reason, the number of reviews is quite small. However, approvals are primarily due to the eco-friendly properties and the natural color of the curtains. Some owners of bamboo curtains note the ease of use and cleaning of curtains. Also, buyers report that the room with bamboo linen looks particularly unusual and stylish. Not all buyers were ready for a natural and limited palette of colors, considering it pale.
Also, consumers say that the curtains are too special in their design: in harmony with other elements of the window, they are quite difficult. Although it is extremely difficult to attribute this fact to both positive and negative. For example, the minimalist style does not accept additional transformations or striking canvas on the windows. Together with minimalism, loft, constructivism, ecological style and contemporary style do not take additional incarnations.
How to install sun blinds on plastic windows?
First of all, you need to stock up on a level, then you need to draw a horizontal line and strictly fix the place where the fasteners will be installed.In structure, almost all fastening systems are identical and fairly universal. The difference may be in the length of the elements. Having completed the drawing, it will be necessary to try on the cassette unit in order to evaluate the properties of its fixation on the surface of the part of the wall located above the window.
Then you can mount the mechanism on the wall. Carrying out the fastening on the wall, which is located above the window block, it is necessary to foresee the presence of drilled holes. After installation, an anchor will be installed in the holes, to which the brackets will then be attached. If there is not enough free space above the window profile, individual varieties of bamboo products can be fixed directly to the ceiling. This mounting option is almost identical to the traditional one. The only difference may be that a certain amount of leveling linings may be required, in the case when the ceiling in some areas is not even with respect to the wall plane.
Having established a design, it is necessary to test it in business. If everything was done correctly, then the length of the canvas should be enough to completely cover the window space.
In more detail about installation of bamboo curtains it is told in the following video.
How to care?
Bamboo curtains do not require as close care as, for example, fabric curtains. But to clean such blinds need to be approached very carefully.
Wipe bamboo cloth should be only a dry cloth or special brushes for dust.
It is not prohibited to arrange these types of curtains and wet cleaning, but copiously soaked towels in this case will be unnecessary. The rag slightly moistened in warm water perfectly will approach.
Household cleaners wash bamboo curtains can not. As a result, they can be deformed or change color.
Ideas in the interior
Bamboo curtains in the form of a roll of horizontal type - this is the real analogue of metal, as well as plastic blinds. You can hang this type of curtains, as in the window profile itself, by placing windows on a small canvas covering the glazed space on each of the shutters, and completely a whole canvas on the balcony or in the hallway. However, if you suddenly want to open the window, it will be necessary to fully lift the curtain every time.
Moreover, in the assembled version, depending on the dimensions of the slats, the canvas can be up to 15-20 cm in diameter, therefore, it cannot be placed in the window opening, it will be a constant obstacle when opening the window, although it depends on preferences here. The whole curtain can be placed only on the eaves or fixed to the ceiling, as is done with ordinary curtains.