Vetonit hard putty: features and scope of application

Putty is one of the most popular finishing materials. On sale there are products of various brands. Putty Vetonit, features and scope, which will be discussed below, is considered one of the most popular.
Special features
Vetonit is a brand that is well known to both professional builders and repairmen, as well as ordinary customers. The high quality of the putty, the rich assortment and the affordable price make it one of the most demanded types of coatings on the modern construction market. You can buy products of this brand both in specialized retail stores, and in large building supermarkets or on the official website of the company.
Putty Vetonit designed for finishing finishing work in dry areas. It has a completely natural, environmentally safe composition.
Due to the unique powdery structure, this material is not only convenient in operation, but also allows you to make any surface perfectly flat and smooth. During operation, the putty is easily applied and distributed without any visible effort.
Finishing works using this material are performed quickly. It can be applied to the work surface either manually or mechanically. In the sale of products comes in strong packages weighing 5 or 25 kg.
The brand assortment presents various types of putty., which allows you to choose the finishing finishing material for any work in various conditions. Vetonit is ideal for preparing walls for applying decorative plaster, for sticking wallpaper and for simple painting. The scope of its application is quite extensive, it cannot be used only for leveling floor coverings.
By applying this topcoat, you can make perfectly flat walls and ceilings, both inside any building and outside.The main thing is to choose the appropriate type of putty and use it correctly.
Types and characteristics
Manufacturer Weber Vetonit made sure that in the line of its products, each customer could choose for himself exactly the putty that will fully meet his needs. Each type has its own unique technical characteristics, knowing that it is easy to choose a putty suitable for achieving your specific goal.
- LR + - it is polymer finishing putty, which is specifically designed to align the walls before gluing wallpaper. It has a white color, because finely ground marble acts as a filler, and dries within 24 hours after application. In a ready-to-use form, the mixture diluted with water can be stored for 24 hours in a closed container. The temperature of the composition during operation should not be below 10 degrees, the maximum allowable layer thickness with full alignment is 3 mm, with partial alignment it can reach 5 mm.
- lr Silk - the best polymer-based putty in Russia. It has a rich white color and an ideal level of plasticity.It is intended for finishing walls and ceilings before painting or wallpapering. It belongs to the category of non-waterproof finishing materials, is stored in finished form for up to two days in a closed container and dries at room temperature for a day. The maximum thickness of the layer - 4 mm, the temperature during application and during the drying of the putty should be above 20 degrees.
- Vetonit kr - putty, having the same technical characteristics as the previous two. The difference is that it is made on the basis of a special organic glue. The mixture is designed for finishing the walls and ceiling indoors. Before using it, Weber Vetonit base plaster should be applied to the work surface. The layer should not be thicker than 6 mm, it is recommended that the temperature of the working mixture is not lower than 12 degrees above zero, the temperature for the putty drying reaches about 25 degrees.
- Js - It is a universal finishing mixture. Suitable for leveling already painted walls, can be used for sealing gaps between gypsum sheets. This product has special protection against cracking.The thickness of one layer reaches 5 mm, the optimum ambient temperature at work is 20 degrees.
- Js plus - This is an improved finishing paste. It differs from the previous type of increased strength and ductility. With its help, you can align the surface, once pasted with wallpaper or painted, to close up the cracks or create a beautiful decorative finish. Layer thickness and temperature should be the same as in the previous case.
- Vetonit Vh - This is a cement facade finish grout. It is used to perform exterior and interior work, can be applied on any type of concrete or brick surfaces. The mixture is used for finishing the walls and ceilings before carrying out any further finishing operations and has two varieties:
- Fine it is intended for use only in dry rooms and it is put with a layer no more than 3 mm;
- VH gray - universal putty, which is specially created for application to cement, plaster and plastered surfaces inside and outside buildings.
- Putty TT - this is the starting cement mixture with a high level of moisture resistance. Suitable for use on surfaces of any type, can be used outdoors and indoors.The maximum allowable layer thickness is 4-5 mm, the optimum temperature for work is from 20 to 35 degrees.
The consumption rate of putty is calculated on 1 m2. This indicator is calculated not only for each type of it separately, but also for the performance of different works. It is also necessary to take into account the condition of the working surface and the material from which it is made.
With the right choice of putty, suitable for working with a particular surface, the rate of its consumption is 1, 2 kg / 1 m2. The amount of water in this case will be 0, 4 liters. It should be borne in mind that 1, 2 kg is the amount of dry mix.
In order to seal the gaps between the gypsum sheets, it will already need 0.6 kg / 1 m2, the amount of water in this case is regulated at individual discretion. This amount of putty consumption is approximate given the application of the mixture with a thickness of not more than 6 mm.
How to choose?
The key to a quality result using Vetonit putty is its correct choice.
When purchasing this topcoat, you must remember a number of conditions:
- For wet walls it is necessary to purchase only a moisture-resistant cement-based mixture. It is also perfect for cement works.
- It is necessary to select the type of this finishing material, depending on the raw materials from which the working surface is created. If it is a concrete or brick construction, then the putty should be designed specifically for work on such surfaces.
- It is necessary to take into account the very purpose of putty. If it is intended for sealing gaps or for partial priming of the working surface, then it is not recommended to apply it on the whole wall.
- When choosing, be sure to take into account the temperature at which it is permissible to use this finishing finish, and the temperature at which it should dry. Failure to comply with these conditions will lead to the fact that the putty will not be able to fully fulfill its purpose, and the working surface will be damaged.
- Choose Vetonit putty depending on the place of its use. If you need to finish the walls outside the building, then you should choose the type of coating that was developed by the manufacturer specifically for these purposes.
- Pay attention to the maximum allowable thickness of the applied layer. Do not exceed the recommendations of the manufacturer.Therefore, if the recommended thickness does not allow to solve the existing problems with leveling the surface, it is better to plaster it, and only then putty.
Guided by the purchase of these criteria, you can get a really high-quality putty that can solve all the problems with the final decoration of the walls and ceiling.
To obtain an objective assessment of the quality of this finishing coating, it is necessary to consider both reviews of ordinary customers using it in living conditions, as well as reviews of specialists who work with it constantly.
Ordinary buyers respond to the Vetonit putty only positively. For many, it is important that with its help almost any surface can be leveled perfectly and quickly, without having special skills to work with such a coating and complex tools at hand. Affordable price, high quality and durability of the result are the most important advantages of the products of this company.
Professional builders and masters of finishing work recognize that today Vetonit putty is one of the best.It is easy to use, economically spent, has a completely safe composition and efficiently copes with the tasks. According to them, the quality of products is much higher than its price.
The big plus is that such high-quality and professional putty is available to all people due to its low cost. Its economical consumption allows you to complete finishing work quickly and efficiently.
How to properly align the walls using putty Vetonit, you will see in the next video.