Putties "miners": types and their characteristics

Various mixtures for leveling surfaces constitute a significant part of the building materials market. Among the best products of this category for many years now is the putty "Miners" from the Russian manufacturer, which successfully combines high technical characteristics with availability and ease of use.
Special features
Putty "miners" - a domestic product with European quality.The recipe for leveling mixes is based on time-tested standards combined with the latest modern developments.
Modern putty from this manufacturer have the following specifications:
- working temperature - from +5 to + 30 ° С;
- consumption (with a layer thickness of 1 mm) - 1.1 kg / m2;
- mixing ratio - 0.3-0.36 l / kg;
- the viability of the diluted mixture - from 1.5 to 24 hours (depending on the type of solution);
- adhesion - not less than 0.25 MPa;
- frost resistance - 30-35 cycles.
Indicators may vary slightly depending on the type of mixture, but always meet the highest requirements and standards.
The composition of putties from "miners" (also depending on the variety) includes:
- plain or mostly white cement;
- natural fillers;
- polymeric and modifying additives;
- reinforcing fibers;
- antiseptic.
Due to its composition, the putty of this manufacturer differ:
- Plasticity. They are easily applied with a uniform and thin layer on the surface of the base. In this case, the solutions "do not slip" and do not form rough edges.
- Good adhesion to non-primed surfaces.
- Water resistant.This is possible due to the fact that when dry, the putty does not form pores.
- Eco-friendly. The material is completely safe and does not emit toxins even when heated and burned.
- Universality. It can be used both for interior decoration and for leveling facade walls. It fits nicely on the foundation of stone, wood, brick and other materials.
- Resistance to external negative factors, including natural phenomena and ultraviolet.
- Ability to dry quickly. At t about 20 ° C, the putty dries no longer than a day.
At the same time, even a thick layer of material does not crack after drying and does not shrink. Thanks to this feature, it can be used to level significant flaws and falls on the walls.
In addition, this putty is easy to sand, after which a perfectly smooth surface is obtained.
The composition is realized in strong Kraft bags of 20 kg, bags of 5 kg or in plastic buckets of 7 and 15 kg. In buckets, putty is ready, in bags - in the form of a dry powder that must be diluted with water according to the instructions.The shelf life of the mixture is 12 months from the date of manufacture.
Types of putty and their composition
Currently, the market offers a wide variety of putty mixtures "miners", which experts are divided into several categories:
- basic;
- polymer;
- gypsum.
In each category there are several options for mixtures, which allows you to choose the most suitable option for each individual case.
To date, the assortment of "miners" are:
"Superfinishing puttying"
The finished composition is white, based on polymeric binders and finely ground fillers (fraction up to 60 microns). As additives, reinforcing fibers, modifying additives and antiseptic substances are used.
Such a putty can be used in indoor areas with normal humidity. It is applied on walls and shelves, covered with plaster plaster, gypsum plasterboard or fiberglass.
Forms a flat surface on which it is possible to apply a coloring coating or wallpaper.
"A mixture of facade and finish"
Cement putty, supplemented with natural filler and all sorts of modifying additives.
Suitable for exterior and interior work in rooms with different humidity with surfaces of concrete and reinforced concrete. Apply evenly to plastered walls and ceilings.
It can be used for painting, decorative plaster, various types of wallpaper.
Consists of white cement in combination with modifying additives. It has a light beige color.
White facade plaster is designed for interior and exterior use. and can level the surfaces of various concrete foundations (aerated concrete, foam concrete and others), be used on masonry and cement plaster.
It has increased frost resistance - up to 50 cycles and is applied with a layer up to 10 mm.
As a kind of this type of mixture in the company's assortment, a gray facade putty is presented. The latter differs solely in color - for all other parameters, these types of building materials are identical.
Base white and base gray
For option mix, which consists of cement and all sorts of chemical additives, giving the putty improved performance.
It is used for finishing facades and interiors with any degree of humidity.It is equally easy and qualitatively placed on plaster, brick, concrete, reinforced concrete, and cellular concrete blocks. Suitable for leveling vertical and horizontal surfaces for almost any finish.
"Finishing - quick setting smoothing compound"
Consisting of gypsum and modified additives. It is used in internal rooms with ceilings and walls made of concrete, reinforced concrete, plasterboard, as well as on plaster and cement plaster.
Not suitable for wet rooms.
"Finishing KR"
Fine natural filler in combination with modern polymer additives allows the use of putty for interior walls and ceilings in rooms with normal humidity. It is best placed on drywall and gypsum plaster, but it can also be used on concrete and reinforced concrete foundations.
As a finish, texture and thin wallpaper or paint can be applied to such a coating.
"Finishing Plus moisture resistant"
Polymer-cement version of the leveling mixture, which forms a smooth coating with a thickness of 0.3 to 3 mm. It is used both outdoors and in rooms of any degree of humidity.Provides high quality leveling of concrete and plasterboard walls, as well as plasterboard surfaces.
"Gypsum leveling"
Used for the preparation of concrete, brick or plastered walls and ceilings for painting and pasting. With its help, it is easy to close the joints between gypsum boards, scratches and cracks on drywall, fill the joints of precast concrete structures and elements.
In the row of putties from the company “Starateli” there is a ready-made composition based on PVA in packages of 15 kg each. This composition is suitable for any surfaces, preparing for pasting or painting. Can only be used in indoor dry areas.
Preparation and application technique
Before you putty base, it must be thoroughly dried and prepared. You should not even try to putty on old paint or wallpaper - such repairs will not last long. In order for everything to be done qualitatively and without unnecessary losses (both time and finance), it is necessary to strip all the old trim. After that, the base is cleaned of dirt, dust and degreased. The walls and ceilings are made of highly absorbent materials, it is necessary to additionally primed.
No matter how good the leveling mixtures are, the final quality of work depends on the correctness of their preparation and application. The main rule here is to observe the precise proportions indicated by the manufacturer and the kneading technique.
Professionals recommend diluting the formulations in plastic cylindrical containers with a smooth inner surface (buckets work well for this purpose). Such a container will be easy to clean before you dilute the next portion of putty in it.
Small amounts of leveling solution can be mixed by hand. However, it will be much more efficient to use a mixer. Especially when it comes to large volumes, which are unlikely to be mixed without special equipment.
When mixing the dry mixture is poured into the water, but not vice versa!
The amount of the solution should be calculated based on the amount of work that the repairman will have time to complete in an hour and a half.
Important! Putty should be kneaded twice. The first time it is stirred, when they pour the dry mixture into the water. It is necessary to mix everything so that all dry lumps are well soaked. After that, the composition is left for 3-5 minutes, and then mixed again.
Another important point is the application technique. This is especially true for beginners who do not have experience with putty mixtures.
Everything will be much easier if you follow certain rules:
- In the work it is necessary to use two spatulas, one for setting the mixture, the other for the main work on the distribution of putty. To capture the composition of the tank using a narrow tool width of 80-100 mm. As for the wide trowel, its size should correspond to the area of the putty surface.
- In order for the mixture to lie down as smoothly as possible, it is necessary to choose the right combination of putty thickness, angle of inclination of the working tool and pressing force.
- Most putty mixes are applied in two layers. In this case, the second is put only after the first has dried. At normal humidity, the drying process takes up to 24 hours. Before re-applying the putty, the surface should be re-primed.
After all the work is completed, you need to sand the walls (ceiling) and you can proceed to the finish.
On the high quality of putty mixes from the company "Miners" say many positive reviews of professionalbuilders and those who, without building skills, independently made repairs.
Buyers note the optimal combination of price and quality. This is very important, given that in addition to the putty for repairs, it is necessary to purchase a large number of different building materials. In addition, professionals note that when diluted powders with water, they do not form dry lumps, cement particles are not felt in them and do not interfere in creating even coatings.
Those who undertake repairs for the first time prefer finished putties and note their easy application, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the time for repairs.
In this video you will find a master class on breeding putty "Miners".