How to choose putty on wood?

The modern building materials market offers a variety of different means for exterior and interior decoration, as well as for creating original designs. At the same time, natural raw materials at all times were valued above artificial. These natural materials include wood. It requires special treatment and treatment.

Why do you need putty?

Untreated wood very quickly falls into disrepair. Over time, it certainly appears cracks, and the natural color fades, becomes dark. In order to preserve the natural design, structure and quality of the tree, it must be processed by certain means. These include plaster.

Possessing excellent water-repellent properties, it protects the surface from negative external influences.It must be applied before painting. In this case, the coating will lie smoother and will last much longer. Also, the putty prevents the evaporation of the liquid and the drying of the wood itself. It allows you to get rid of small irregularities, knots and other defects.

Compositions for interior and exterior

It is necessary to handle objects and surfaces located both indoors and outdoors. It is logical to assume that the means for exterior and interior work must be different. In this case, both the composition must meet certain requirements.

In any case, the putty should have the following properties:

  • repel moisture;
  • prevent the wood from drying out;
  • mask minor irregularities and defects;
  • emphasize the natural texture;
  • have excellent adhesion (adhesion) with the surface;
  • improve the wood structure.

Manufacturers are trying to meet these requirements in the protection of wood. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to create a single universal remedy, equally well suited for interior and exterior use.

Different conditions of use have led to the fact that now there are several basic types of putty. Each of them has individual features.To understand which one is right for you, you need to figure out what they are.


Putties can be of the following types:


It belongs to the category of universal means. Suitable not only for wood, but also for the treatment of seams of chipboard sheets and ceramic tiles. The material is very plastic, so special skills when working with him is not required. With all the pros, there are also disadvantages: it does not close large defects, it can not be applied in a thick layer. The optimum is a thickness of 2-3 mm, although if thoroughly dried after each layer, it is acceptable to apply thicker layers.


A feature of this type of putty is a method for its use. Be sure to read the instructions before starting work. The fact is that it will be necessary to mix 2 components, as a result of which a chemical reaction will start. The resulting mixture hardens very quickly. The exact time will be indicated on the package.

The indisputable advantage is a very durable coating that forms after drying. Due to this, it can be safely used to repair and eliminate significant defects on various wooden products: windows,doors, plinths. Among the shortcomings can be identified the impossibility of applying various stains over this putty.


The traditional type of putty, which has long won the people's trust and love. This may seem strange, since in its technical properties it is significantly inferior to its counterparts. But he has one indisputable advantage - this is the price. If you need to process a large area, then the choice of expensive options can increase the cost of work by several times.

Putty on the basis of gypsum is afraid of moisture, for this reason it is contraindicated for outdoor use.


One of the most successful options for interior work. Finding obvious flaws is very difficult. The only thing that can keep you from buying is the relatively high cost of the product.

The indisputable advantages include the following:

  • environmental friendliness: completely safe and non-toxic;
  • quick drying (although slightly inferior to acrylic counterparts);
  • no sharp odor;
  • no shrinkage;
  • durability;
  • moisture resistance: can be used even in rooms with high humidity and for outdoor work;
  • makes heavy mechanical loads (can be used for floor and parquet);
  • elasticity: does not crack over time.

This type of putty is particularly popular due to its excellent performance properties and versatility.


It has long been known and proven form of putty. The main components here are linseed oil, glue, chalk. Used for interior work. The composition is easily distributed over the surface. After complete drying, the treated surface becomes much stronger.


This type is well suited for outdoor work. Moisture resistant putty, which, due to its properties, is excellent for outdoor use. Even after prolonged use, you will not notice cracks and fallings on the treated surface. Very few of her fellows can boast of such properties.

Regardless of whether you plan to paint the wood in the future or leave the natural texture, the putty will protect the product or surface from aggressive climatic vagaries and rapid aging.The stores offer a wide palette of colors and shades, so you can easily find the perfect option. In addition, it perfectly emphasizes the natural pattern of wood, without masking and not hiding it.

Starting or finishing: which one to choose?

Citing the classification of putty on the composition and type of work, we can not miss another important point. Will this treatment be only a preparatory stage for subsequent manipulations with wood, or is this the final layer. It all depends on the initial state of the surface and your ideas.

Starting putty incorporates larger particlesthat creates a denser layer. If necessary, it can be applied in several stages to achieve the desired result.

Finishing putty can be the first and only layer or applied on a previously prepared surface. It lays down a thin layer and makes the surface as even and smooth as possible.

Putty wood on their own hands

Every year, manufacturers are trying to improve the composition of their putty, so that they meet the requirements of consumers to the maximum.But even today it is possible to make quite high-quality wood putty yourself. It does not require any exclusive components or special devices.

The simplest recipe for preparing putty at home is the connection of PVA glue and chalk. Just chop the chalk and mix well in the glue. The consistency should resemble thick sour cream. The application technique is exactly the same as in the version with the purchased product. One has only to note that it will dry for at least 24 hours.

If there are serious defects, if the wood is old, we advise you to add very fine sawdust. This will hide all the flaws and give an aesthetic look.

It is possible to achieve the elasticity of the putty, if you take a water-soluble varnish as the basis. If necessary, as in the previous case, sawdust is added. The uniformity of the composition in this case can be achieved by combining the components and leaving the mixture overnight. Sawdust swell and become softer.

How to get the perfect result?

Even if you have already decided what kind of putty you need, It is worth listening to the recommendations of experts and their advice, so that the result will not disappoint you in the end:

  • Initially, try the putty on a separate segment of the surface or, if there is no such possibility, on an area that will not be visible. During work, pay attention to all the little things: how to putty putty, how to fill the cracks, how to grind after drying. Agree, if the result does not suit you, it is more profitable to buy another putty than throw away a piece of expensive wood or an old piece of furniture.
  • Even if you are confident in the quality of the composition and the future result, it is rarely possible to accurately predict the shade that will result in the application process. It depends on the manufacturer, and the characteristics of wood. In this case, you can buy several shades at once, or after processing the trial plot, go to the store after another. Often you have to manually mix several shades to achieve the perfect result.
  • Pay attention to the density. If you do not want to mask serious defects, then choose a more liquid composition: polymer or water. They will protect the tree and maximize its beauty. Solvent-based putties are more suitable for surfaces that require serious renovation.
  • Drying time also matters.If you want to seal the deep cracks, you will have to apply putty in several layers. And each of them should dry well before the next one is made. In this case, it is better to use a solvent based putty.
  • Perhaps, one of the most important conditions is to determine precisely for which works the putty will be used. The same composition is not suitable for internal and external works.

Wood is an unusually beautiful and eco-friendly material. Save its structure will help putty on wood. The main thing is to choose the one that fits your type of work and the initial state of the surface.

To learn how to make a putty for wood yourself, see the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.