Finishing putty: subtleties of choice and use
Finishing hard putty is a dry white mix of small fraction or ready solution on its basis. It serves as a basis for decorative painting and decorating such as painting, wallpapering and others. “Superfinishing” putty is created for leveling minor scratches and chips formed during the process of applying the finishing finish with working tools. Before you buy, you must familiarize yourself with the main criteria for choosing this building material.
Special features
Finishing putty can itself be the final decorative finish.
Its immediate purpose is:
- final leveling of the surface;
- elimination of minor flaws in the wall or ceiling;
- strengthening the protective properties of the treated surface: water resistance, frost and heat resistance, resistance to mechanical stress and vibration, and the like;
- giving the necessary performance qualities to the base layer, for example, plasticity, to avoid the formation of cracks.
- improvement of the quality of the working surface after the previous coarser treatment and its preparation for further finishing;
- making the surface aesthetic appearance, uniform color.
Quality standards
To understand what to expect from putty mixes, you first need to know what requirements are put forward to them from a professional point of view.
For high-quality finishing putty characterized by such features:
- when mixing dry mixes, there should be no lumps in the solution;
- high adhesion - strong connection with the surface material at the molecular level;
- finally aligns the surface to a flat plane;
- easy to apply;
- the solution does not slip down the wall;
- after the solution hardens, no cracks are formed;
- easy to sand;
- it is painted in uniform white color on all area of drawing.
What is different from the usual?
When finishing walls and ceilings, various types of putty mixtures and mortars are used: starting, finishing and universal, as a replacement for the previous two.
Finishing putty has a number of properties that fundamentally distinguish it from the starting one, including:
- consists of fine powder of a maximum of 0.7 mm in diameter, and the starting powder is of a large fraction;
- it is intended for the final leveling of the prepared surface, the starting mixture is for substantial correction of the plane and sealing of large holes;
- the frozen layer is relatively smooth, the starting layer is rough;
- must be plastic, cracks in the finish layer are unacceptable;
- easier to grind than the starting lineup on the same basis;
- has an aesthetic uniform color throughout the plane.
It can be noted that the difference between these mixtures is quite significant.
Finishing putties are divided according to two main criteria: the state of readiness and composition. They can also be divided by application into those used for external and those used for internal work.
Finishes "Finish" on the state of readiness are divided into two types:
- Dry mixes. For the use of such putty materials, the acquired skills of puttying are necessary, in particular, the skill of kneading the mortar.If improperly mixed, the mixture will contain lumps that will necessarily appear on the frozen layer. In skilled hands, the material gives a good surface, often used as a base for sticking wallpaper.
In not mixed form can be stored for a long time without loss of quality. All dry mixes are cheaper than mixed analogues.
- Diluted solution. Implemented in ready-to-use form. Simple and easy to use, for use does not require additional skills. Gives a smooth and smooth lump-free surface. It is used to create a base surface for painting, decorating and other purposes.
Divorced species are popular among fans of doing their own repairs. In terms of price, such mixtures are more expensive, including due to additional additives, some brands have a long shelf life.
Putty "Multifinish" is made from various substances in their properties. Each species has unique characteristics, its own strengths and weaknesses, both in terms of performance, and financially, as well as in the characteristics of application,types of suitable surfaces and other aspects.
Depending on the components, finishing putty is of the following types:
- gypsum;
- cement based;
- polymer: acrylic and latex;
- water dispersion.
A common type of finishing materials, widely used in the processing of cement surfaces and drywall. Ease of use has made gypsum plastering the main choice for novice professionals and people who do not have serious experience in filling.
Characteristic features are:
- relative ease of kneading dry mixes;
- fits well on the surface of the wall;
- short term drying layer;
- no unpleasant construction odor;
- minimal shrinkage;
- no cracks form on the frozen layer;
- the resulting surface has good smoothness and evenness;
- easy to sand;
- one of the best bases for coloring;
- it contains only natural ingredients, as a result of which microparticles do not provoke allergic reactions;
- low moisture resistance makes ineffective the use of gypsum putty in rooms such as bathrooms or kitchens;
- non-flammable;
- enhances the thermal insulation properties of the surface;
- in dry form can be stored for long periods without deterioration;
- fragile, easily deformed by vibration and mechanical loads, it is impractical to apply in places of increased human activity, where contact with the walls is a regular phenomenon;
- relatively inexpensive.
Cement based
The main part of such a mixture is cement, sand and water are used for mixing. It stands out for its low price and is the main working option when it is necessary to perform large amounts of puttying work.
Distinctive features of cement fillers are:
- rigor to applied sand and water, sand should be coarse fraction (from 1.5 to 2.5 millimeters), the added water should have a temperature of about +20 degrees Celsius, otherwise cracks in the dried layer are guaranteed;
- the rate of solidification of the kneaded solution ranges from 5 to 24 hours, depending on the specific manufacturer;
- cement mix shrinks, reapplication is common;
- the appearance of cracks is possible even under the technical process;
- high moisture resistance;
- good frost resistance;
- high strength;
- relatively hard to grind;
- not used on wooden surfaces;
- standard cement putty when cured becomes an unremarkable gray color, if you plan to stick thin wallpaper, then varieties with coloring additives of white and “super-white” color are used. Dyes increase the price of the mixture from 240 to 660 rubles for 20 kg.
A heterogeneous group of putty materials based on polymeric substances, the most common are latex and acrylic. Possess a number of similar properties, however, have different properties.
Polymer fillers are characterized by such qualities:
- good smooth and even surface of the frozen layer, regardless of the severity of the surface flaws;
- produced in the form of dry mixes and ready diluted solutions; Mixed putty due to ease of use and ease of obtaining a good result, are in great demand among inexperienced builders and people doing repairs with their own hands;
- excellent base surface for decorative finishing;
- improves the soundproofing quality of the surface;
- high vapor permeability provides "breathing" of the surface, as a result of which the room does not dampen, and the air circulates normally;
- good moisture resistance determines the choice of polymer putty for finishing wet rooms, for example, bathrooms, steam rooms, kitchens, etc .;
- the composition is biologically inert, mold does not grow on it, and fungi do not reproduce, which is especially characteristic of a bathroom;
- does not have a characteristic building odor;
- for the price - this is a premium class;
- Acrylic-based mixtures can be used both for exterior and interior applications, have a strong resistance to atmospheric conditions: snow, low and high temperatures, rain, durable structure effectively protects against mechanical damage;
- Putties, which contain latex, are used exclusively for indoor work due to low resistance to low temperatures, do not shrink, are highly plastic and at the same time resistant to mechanical stress, durable.
Water dispersion
Such filler mixtures are realized as ready-to-apply water-dispersion compositions based on acrylic.
Received widespread due to the large number of positive qualities, including:
- fits well on various types of coatings: concrete, brick, wood, drywall and others;
- strong adhesion - good “grip” with the surface material;
- have a slight shrinkage of about 2%;
- good moisture resistance, such compositions are often used for finishing works in bathrooms and kitchens;
- not afraid of temperature changes;
- It is possible to improve the mixture by adding synthetic resins that improve performance: they accelerate drying, increase ductility and strength;
- fit well on the surface;
- amenable to grinding;
- financially inexpensive;
- solidified composition may be diluted with a small amount of water;
- do not exude sharp odors;
- fireproof.
Which is better?
In order to choose the best type of finishing putty, first of all you need to determine for what purposes it is selected.
Possible criteria for selection are:
- Place of work. The putty for exterior work is very different from the inside, especially in terms of resistance to atmospheric phenomena.
- The surface that will be putty. Some types of putty fit well on different types of surface, for example, water dispersion, others have limitations, for example, cement putty is not used on wood.
- The desired qualities, for example, plasticity, adhesiveness or flexibility of grinding. In many ways, their list is due to the plan for further finishing work.
- Protective properties, such as moisture resistance, resistance to temperature extremes, resistance to mechanical stress, acid resistance and others. Finishing putty with the addition of synthetic additives with pronounced protective properties, belong to the group of "special" putties. Used for decoration in rooms with a specific aggressive environment.
- Under what further finishing work is chosen finishing putty. If it becomes the front surface of the wall, the so-called superfinishing putty will help to give an excellent appearance.
- The shelf life, especially for ready-made solutions without special additives, such mixtures are strictly limited in time of use. Dry mixes generally have long shelf life.
- Budget.Not always the best qualities are proportional to the price. So, water-dispersed putty, which is slightly inferior to polymeric, costs much less, but is not biologically inert, which can be a key point when choosing.
Possible options for the use of different types of fillers under different conditions:
- For facades, large and unheated rooms, rooms with high humidity such as bathrooms, showers, twin rooms, cement-based putty is a good solution, especially considering its low price.
- For residential areas with low humidity, it is advisable to use plaster putty, it will be a good basis for painting, sticking thin wallpaper. It can be used for decorative finishing works, it will well hide the flaws from the previous processing.
- If it is necessary to obtain an ideal surface for a decorative finish, polymer putty will be suitable. If the base surface is of high quality, then its consumption will be negligible.
- Depending on the budget, there are 2 good options for a bathroom. The best is polymer putty, although cement and not inferior to her in moisture resistance,but on the polymer composition does not grow mold and does not breed fungus, which is not to say about cement that absorbs water well. An alternative with a more modest price is a water-dispersion mixture, which also resists moisture well.
Improper use is:
- The use of cement formulations as a base for painting or thin wallpaper, the texture of this putty is rough and difficult to grind, when opened with paint, the flaws will become obvious, over time the cement will crack and lose its normal appearance, dark stains will appear from under the wallpaper (not thick).
- The use of plaster putty in the bathroom or kitchen, despite the pleasant aesthetic appearance, such a surface will quickly become worthless.
- The use of polymer blends to cover large areas or fix an unsuccessful base coating, this putty will pour into a serious amount.
An important subtlety is the choice of finishing materials from one manufacturer. The interaction between their components is guaranteed by testing and laboratory research. If a certain brand is used for plaster and base layer, for example, Knauf, then it is better to take the final putty for their production.
The consumption of putty per 1 m2 depends on many different factors: the thickness of the applied layer, the specific brand, the type of work performed, etc.
First of all, the consumption of the mixture is determined by the type of work for which the final putty is used and it is approximately like this:
- 0.5 kg of the mixture per 1 square. m. consumed with a strong gluing on the layer of finishing plaster wooden elements.
- 0.9 kg per 1 square. m. to eliminate the gaps between the two drywall sheets.
- 1.1 kg per 1 square. m. when aligning the walls for painting or wallpaper glue.
- 1.2 kg per 1 square. m is used in the alignment of internal walls.
- 1.7 kg per 1 square. m. when finishing the facade walls.
For an example of the consumption of finishing putty, consider products from several specific manufacturers:
- Ceresit 225 ST consumption 1.8 kg per 1 square. The cement-based mixture is applied over the base layer as the final part of the filler. The resulting surface is distinguished by its evenness, smoothness and aesthetic snow-white color. Also contains additives that enhance frost resistance, the composition includes reinforcing fibers, waterproof.
- Vetonit VH mixture consumption 1.2 kg per 1 square. m. It consists of limestone and cement with a white coloring additive.Applied by spraying, moisture resistant, used for both indoor and outdoor work.
Usage tips
Perhaps the first thing to remember is the conditions in which it is better to carry out finishing puttying. Humidity in the room should be no more than 60%, at an air temperature in the range from 15 to 30 degrees Celsius. Without compliance with these conditions, it will become difficult to work with the solution, even if all other prescriptions are followed.
For high-quality finishing putty you need to adhere to the proven method of application, consisting of three main stages:
- priming of the stiffened basic layer;
- putting putty on the wall;
- grinding the frozen layer.
Before starting work, it is necessary to clean the surface from dust, dirt and other foreign elements. This can be done with a damp cloth, solvent, degreaser and other means.
Priming is used to enhance adhesion and remove moisture from the coating. Thus, the finishing putty will be better applied and firmly stay on the plane after drying. For this purpose, for example, an acrylic primer can be used, which is applied to the wall with a roller immediately before the finishing putty.
To apply the mixture on the surface, we need the following tools: spatulas, narrow for the solution set and its distribution, wide for stretching the mixture along the plane and angular for processing the joints of the walls and the ceiling, level, plumb, mixer. In order for the resulting solution to comply with the standard, the proportions indicated on the label should be strictly observed.
Before mixing the entire volume, you can try a dilution of a small amount of dry mix, determining the proportion to obtain the desired consistency. To thoroughly knead the solution, you need a mixer or a drill with a nozzle for stirring. Manually bring the mixture to complete homogeneity will be difficult. The mixture from the bucket is superimposed on a wide spatula using a narrow (about 10 cm) rubber.
On the wall is smeared with a metal spatula, over the surface of which the mixture is distributed. With gentle movements, putting the tool to the surface, first, the trowel is held along the vertical axis, and then along the horizontal axis, carefully stretching the mixture over the entire plane. The edge of the tool for finishing putty must be in perfect condition, any defect (dirt, burrs, rust) will spoil the uniformity of the surface of the grooves.
The last stage is grinding.It can be carried out both in a dry, and in a wet kind by means of the moistened sponge or an emery paper or an abrasive skin. To check the resulting surface using a directional beam of light, preferably from a flashlight. It is sent to the plane at different angles to identify the shadow, any of which indicates the presence of irregularities. The problem area is subjected to re-grinding.
The process of filling consists of many small nuances, here are some of them:
- There is no uniform standard for the applied volume of the finishing putty; it is determined after evaluating the base coat.
- Most of the finishing putty is applied with a layer no thicker than 2 millimeters, otherwise cracks and peeling of the mixture after drying are likely.
- During the mixture rubbing on the wall, it is better to hold the spatula at an angle of 20 degrees.
- It is necessary to regularly clean the spatula with a damp sponge from adhering pieces of the mixture, otherwise, accumulating, they will leave the grooves.
- To control the flatness of the surface, apply a level and plumb.
- The rate of solidification of the finishing putty ranges from 10 to 15 minutes.
- Before sanding, the layer is allowed to dry for about 12 hours (the term varies depending on the composition of the putty).
- Grinding mixtures based on polymers and gypsum, grinding cement is useless.
- If painting is planned, the grinding should be especially thorough and scrupulous, the paint will reveal all defects. If you plan to glue the wallpaper, it is enough to moderately treat the surface.
- It is better to grind the finishing putty with your hands, measured with circular movements until the spatula marks disappear completely.
- Optimum emery grit in the range from 220 to 280P.
- Holding the spatula over the surface overlaps eliminates transitions and irregularities from the excess mixture.
Depending on the further finishing works, finishing puttying is carried out with the application of a different number of layers of the mixture:
- under the sticking of thick wallpaper on non-woven fabric or vinyl, a base from one layer of putty is suitable; if thin, two or more are glued;
- for a base surface for coloring with acrylic and polymeric paints, a base of two or three layers is created;
- when dyeing: the lighter the dye, the more snow-white finishing putty should be applied, applied in a thin layer, when using light tones, a “super-finish” polymer putty is used.
In the process of puttying the surface for dyeing, you should follow these rules:
- the thickness of the applied layer should not exceed 2-3 millimeters, otherwise delamination is possible;
- The new layer is not applied immediately, but only on the completely dried out previous one;
- the total thickness of the layer applied for painting depends on the color of the future coating: the lighter the dye, the thicker the layer;
- it is necessary to begin grinding after the final drying of the final layer, this moment begins in the period from 6 to 48 hours after application;
- at the end of polishing, before further finishing from the surface, it is necessary to remove dust or it will affect the quality of adhesion of materials;
- Before painting, the filled surface must be primed.
Depending on the type of finishing putty in composition, the time of hardening of the mixture varies:
- cement mortar begins to harden, 5 hours after application to the wall;
- plaster putty seizes after 1.5 hours, you should not dilute it in large volumes;
- polymeric compositions without additives, accelerating this process, harden, after 24 hours.
It is better to choose a mixture that dries for a short time.So you speed up your repair a bit.
Finishing putty is presented today by a large number of brands from various producers. We present to your attention the rating of the most famous and popular manufacturers.
Among the quality mixes are the following products:
Knauf HP Finish
Gypsum putty from the German manufacturer, is implemented as a dry mix. The composition includes additives that improve the smoothness and facilitate leveling layer. The solution fits well on various types of surfaces: concrete, cement, drywall.
The maximum thickness of deposition is no more than 3 millimeters. Used for plastering in dry rooms, moisture resistance is low. Packaging Knauf HP Finish Super 20 kg.
Other features:
- final hardening of the layer after 15-24 hours;
- the diluted mixture begins to set after 2 hours;
- approximate consumption with a layer thickness of 1 millimeter - 0.9 kg per 1 sq. km. m
"Eunice Premium"
Dry polymer blend for interior use. Used for work on such types of surfaces as concrete, cement, gypsum, gypsum cardboard and gypsum fiber. Creates a smooth white surface with a “mirror” effect.
Excellent base for painting and decorating. The maximum thickness of the applied layer should not exceed 3 millimeters.
Also characteristic of this mixture:
- fast full drying: from 3 to 6 hours;
- in diluted form, the solution is suitable for about 16 hours;
- at a layer thickness of 1 millimeter, the consumption ranges from 1.1 to 1.5 kg per 1 square meter. m
Vetonit LR +
Dry polymer blend used to work on concrete, drywall and gypsum fiber. Forms a high-quality white coating, well suited for painting. The working thickness of the layer is from 1 to 5 millimeters.
Also the following qualities are characteristic of the “Vetonit LR +” putty:
- full hardening occurs in the period from 24 to 48 hours;
- after cultivation keeps working properties about 24 hours;
- with a layer thickness of 1 millimeter, 1.2 kg per 1 square meter is consumed. m
Sheetrock super finish
Diluted polymer vinyl based solution. It is applied to most surfaces, when cured it gives an excellent smooth surface, it is easy to apply. The coating is durable and very moisture resistant.
Also, this mixture has the following parameters:
- the solution sets after 5 hours;
- consumed at a thickness of 1 millimeter at 0.7 kg per 1 square. m
Among the popular manufacturers can also highlight the company "Hercules", "Bolars", "found".
As for the reviews of the finishing putty, it all depends on the brand of the specific manufacturer:
- Weber Vetonit LR +. The advantages of this product, buyers include ease of use and evenness of the finishing layer. Putty is quickly mixed, easy to lay on the surface, dries quickly. However, some buyers are talking about the high fragility of the material: it crumbles when ground. If you do not follow the instructions for use and dilute the product too much, then it may shrink and the coating will crack.
- Knauf HP Finish. The material is easy to use, easy to knead, quickly set, there is no unpleasant smell, it is well polished. This putty is perfect for processing not only the walls, but also the floor. Disadvantages of this product is practically not observed.
- Sheetrock Super Finish. The advantages of this product include excellent frost resistance, high strength, plasticity, ease of application. The only drawback, according to buyers, is the rather high cost of the material.
For information on how to choose a finishing putty, see the following video.