Corner wardrobes for the bedroom

Every year a person has more and more things. Clothes and shoes, accessories can be hidden in the closet. If possible, such furniture for the nursery and bedrooms usually choose different. Everyone would like the cabinets to be comfortable for different ages, roomy, beautiful, suitable in style. Many choose for the bedroom corner cabinets.
Advantages and disadvantages
What good is a corner cabinet:
- Allows you to save space, fits into a small space due to sliding doors and location on the two walls of the room. This option is especially convenient in narrow rooms.
- Allows you to save money. Where you would have to buy two cabinets, you buy one.
- Price variety. Finished corner wardrobe made of inexpensive materials will not be much more expensive than usual. However, anyone can purchase in finished form or to order and more expensive models of natural wood.
- Since the assortment is wide, you can choose an option for any interior.
- The capacity of this model is very significant. The cabinet is used in length, width and height.
- It is multifunctional. Due to the size, here can be placed both things, and books, and TV, and flowers.
- This option is reliable - due to the large number of walls and shelves, which fix each other on the side and rear walls.
- Saves material. If your corner cabinet is built in, then it doesn’t need walls and ceilings. This means that it will be more, but at the same time less materials will have to be spent on its production.
- Hides uneven walls and cornerfills a niche.
- Allows diverse content. When buying or making such a cabinet, you foresee the necessary number of shelves, rods for hangers, drawers and baskets.
- Due to multi-level shelves and drawers can zone the bedroom.
- Through the use of mirrors on the doors can visually increase the space. The light reflected from the mirrors will give additional lighting.
- Various designs, texture of materials, colors.
- Corner wardrobes custom made is originality and individual decision in the design of your bedroom.
Cons of such a cabinet:
- Due to the complex shape, one has to buy and buy a corner cabinet.
- A custom cabinet is definitely more expensive than a purchased one.
- Making a custom cabinet may take time, so it needs to be planned in advance.
- When moving such a closet may no longer fit the new dimensions of the room.
- A wardrobe made to order is unlikely to be corpus. When you move or move it will have to completely disassemble, and in a new place - to collect.
Even on this list you can see how much more advantages in such a cabinet. If you decide on such a purchase, you need to know what types of such cabinets are.
All corner cabinets are classified into several groups:
- installation method;
- facade shape;
- design features.
Depending on the method of installation, the cabinet can be built-in or cabinet.
The built-in model will almost certainly be made to order, because there are no standard sizes. These pieces of furniture may not have walls, a ceiling or a floor. Their role is played by a niche. It will be up to the owner whether it will be a closed closet or an open one, with shelves or only clothes bars. The undeniable advantage of such furniture is that it does not “steal” the space, on the contrary - the necessary cabinet will be built into a little-used space.
The only disadvantage of any built-in furniture is the inability to move to another location. To do this, the product will have to completely disassemble, and the niche will need to be subjected to redecoration.
You will avoid these problems if you choose cabinet furniture. This furniture has rear and side walls, bottom and roof. They can be bought in the store or made to order - for a special project.
Many buyers choose cabinet furniture precisely because it can be rearranged from place to place (in case of repairs) or transported to another dwelling. Such a cabinet, if necessary, can be both disassembled and assembled in a new place.
The disadvantages (compared with the built-in furniture) is a smaller usable area with the same externalsizes. Firstly, such a product cannot be placed close to the wall - due to the plinth and possible defects of the wall itself. Secondly, the side and rear walls "eat" a few centimeters.
However, the corner cabinet can be part of a modular bedroom set. In this case, the kit includes individual elements, made in the same style, which can be set based on your desires and room sizes. A wardrobe, bedside tables, a narrow cupboard can be attached to a small corner cabinet on one or two sides.
All pieces of furniture, in contact with each other, will be a multifunctional corner cabinet. In the event of a breakdown of one module, it will be sufficient to replace only it, and not the entire headset.
When you decide which installation method you choose, do not forget to carefully measure. This is especially important if you get cabinet furniture.
Options vary in shape of the facade. You can purchase a straight or rounded corner cabinet.
This choice depends on the overall design of the bedroom. If your ceiling is multi-tiered and with smooth curves - make the same.Radial (convex and concave) doors - this is beautiful and unusual. In addition, in the nursery such a facade will save your kids from bruises on sharp corners.
However, typical rectangular cabinets will also look great - with the appropriate design of the room.
Design features give the following options for corner cabinets:
- G-shaped: the whole angle is used;
- radius: offer interesting design moves and protect against bruises;
- trapezoidal: allow you to combine different elements of furniture into a single ensemble;
- triangular: contain a large number of things, but "eat up" space.
The choice of the size of the corner cabinet depends on the size of the room. There are no standards concerning dimensions, especially if you order furniture in size.
The average wardrobe-corner for an ordinary bedroom has a height of 2 to 2.5 m; depth - from 0.5 to 0.7 m; width on each wall - 0.7-2.4 m.
However, for a corner cabinet it is a very arbitrary size. Because it can be a mini version for toys, and a small closet for shoes, and a small closet in the hallway, and a large one for clothes, shoes and accessories.
The style of the cabinet will also depend on the size of the room, its design and the size of the piece of furniture itself. Modern styles make it possible to express themselves in the design of the room.
- Your avant-garde corner cabinet can be bright with a contrasting front., semicircular on one wall and rectangular - on another. Vanguard does not like standards. Mix is his favorite word.
- The kitsch style is very extravagant. Mocking at traditions and designer styles, rejecting the rules, kitsch lovers combine the incompatible. Wardrobe and furniture in general - absolutely any. A set of colors - unimaginable, and therefore very often tasteless.
- Constructivism is rationalism and logic. Here are inappropriate decorative elements and ornaments. The main thing is not the appearance of the furniture, but its practicality. The functionality of all products is what distinguishes this style. The use of modern technology is paramount. Clear straight lines, colors used - white, yellow, red, blue, black.
- Loft style is a combination of old and new. Very often, attic is used to decorate the premises in this style. This is a large space without partitions, so the corner cabinet here can be large. Perhaps it will be modular furniture, because the loft "loves" furniture on wheels.Primary colors - brick, shades of yellow, green.
- For minimalism characterized by a competent set of only necessary products. The furniture is simple, rectangular, with a slight bend. The colors are calm.
- The wardrobe in modern style is a combination of wood, glass, metal. Curved decorative elements will be appropriate here. They should correspond to the initial idea - smoothness and flexibility.
- Pop art is a style of shock. There are no rules, different combinations of furniture are allowed. The main color is white, but several bright colors and their shades must be present. In such a bedroom for a long time will be quite difficult.
- Techno style will make your wardrobe very unusual: from metal pipes and decorative ladders, with futuristic lighting and mezzanine platforms. Primary colors: shades of gray and burgundy, khaki, metallic silver, dirty orange. This can be a very interesting bedroom with equally interesting furniture.
- High-tech style is usually preferred by young people. Corner-wardrobe in this style is functional furniture with smooth surfaces, glass. Light colors, sand, beige, shades of gray - that's what "loves" high-tech.
We can distinguish not only modern styles, but others as well - they are no less popular.
- The furniture in classical style can be located both in a large and in a small room. Such cabinets can be strictly rectangular in shape, or they can be radial, semi-circular. Often choose brown and its shades. White cabinets look great with or without mirrors. Bright cabinets visually increase the space and give more light.
- Art Deco style is very diverse. It appeared as a result of mixing several completely different styles: Europe and Asia, Africa and India. There will be strict lines, and curved, bright colors and pastel shades. Manufacturers offer modular corner cabinets with an attached dresser and a mirrored facade.
- Natural, roughly treated wood of light shades - it will look like this wardrobe in country style. The facade is decorated with carvings, but no frills. Simple, but with a soul.
- Simplicity and elegance, light and conciseness - these are the words that characterize Provence style furniture. This light and cozy furniture will almost certainly be small or mini size. Perhaps someone in the village houses has such cabinets, only you did not know that they can be attributed to this style.
Now you know which colors match the selected style. It is necessary to understand what kind of mood creates a particular color. So it is - looking at your furniture, you can feel calm or irritated.
All colors can be divided into two large groups:
- cold (blue, purple and others);
- warm (yellow, orange and so on).
Some colors become cold or warm depending on the semitone: put the green color next to yellow, and it will become warm; give the black frame - and it will be cold.
To create a relaxing atmosphere, choose a closet with a yellow-green facade in your bedroom.
Yellow and orange are the colors of children's bedrooms. Solar mood and cheerfulness provided. From these colors, objects increase visually. They are very often used for the manufacture of furniture for children.
Many people joke about pink tones in the interior, but this is a light color that energizes. It is often used in the bedrooms of emotional women. Elegant, it will look very nice in a corner cabinet with a radial door of glass, covered with pink varnish.
Light blue classics cause drowsiness.Do not overdo it with color saturation, as the blue tones in the bedroom will overwhelm.
Red color in the bedroom should be used with caution, as this is the color of activity, aggression, increase of emotionality. It irritates the eyes, and in the bedroom it is not necessary. However, this color can be used to design certain elements of furniture.
Purple flowers on the lilac facade - a good combination for peace and a certain sexuality.
Brown color - the most familiar in the interior of the bedroom. The main thing is to correctly combine light and dark tones so that they do not seem “heavy”, but radiate heat. It is for the creation of comfort and warmth that furniture is used with the texture that imitates natural wood.
The favorite high-tech color is gray. It will be appropriate for the closet, and for the bedroom as a whole. Especially if you combine it with ultramarine or shades of yellow, beige.
To visually enlarge the space, always use white color. However, the usual white will definitely cause discomfort and anxiety, because it is associated with hospital premises. Let it be an addition to any other color or basic, but decorated with something.
Deep black is the color of aesthetes, it is very noble, but cold and disturbing.
If you have decided on the choice of style, have chosen the color scheme of your future corner cabinet - this means that it is time to think about what material the piece of furniture will be made of.
Facade materials and decor
Furniture should look light and elegant or massive and solid - depending on the chosen style. In addition, the style features will push you to the choice of cabinet from solid wood or MDF, chipboard. These materials are durable and practical, they are not afraid of sunlight. From such products will not be toxic substances.
The tree that has undergone minimal processing will be pleasant to smell. MDF and chipboard treated under the tree and give them the appearance of expensive materials.
To give the cabinet aesthetics, the facade can be additionally decorated: painted with acrylic paints, varnish to give a glossy effect. Decorative sprigs, threads, plastic figures can be glued to it. The facade may be glass, but the most popular element of the decor is the door with a mirror.
In a small room where the closet takes up a lot of space, a mirror will help to visually enlarge the space.If all front doors are decorated with mirrors, the room will always be illuminated from natural or artificial light.
The only thing that is not recommended to do is to install mirrors in front of the bed, so as not to be frightened at night after seeing your reflection.
Forms and types of doors
The next stage in the selection of the corner cabinet is the choice of the type of doors. According to the principle of opening the door are:
- Swing - The most common options for most. They are comfortable, do not require special care. Unfortunately, the quality of the loops does not always meet the requirements, and they often fail. Products with hinged doors are suitable for large bedrooms.
- Sliding doors associated with a coupe. So it got its name wardrobe. The main thing in installing such doors is a flat floor and careful installation. Runners should always be clean, and then use these doors will be a pleasure. Movement along the guide should be smooth, without jerks.
The main advantage of this type of door is space saving. Even if the wardrobe is very close to the bed, it will not interfere. The disadvantage is that such a model is not suitable for every style.What is suitable for the Art Nouveau style will not be very appropriate for Baroque. In addition, technically not always sliding doors can be installed in a corner cabinet.
- Radial doors are a modern option. Appearing quite recently, they have already gained popularity among buyers - it is stylish, beautiful, original. Doors made of frosted or corrugated glass will make the wardrobe unusual.
- Corner furniture can be supplied simultaneously with several types of doors - depending on the model. For example, in the L-shaped cabinet in the style of kitsch all three types of doors can be used: hinged and sliding (in the corner) and radius. In cabinets with radius doors, install the clothes bars - also semi-circular, in the shape of the door.
Such a cabinet is the smoothness of lines, it requires considerable material investments. The special shape of the furniture and the unusual shape of custom-made doors will make the room very interesting.
Variants of filling inside and additional elements
The next stage is the choice of content. “Storage” for clothes can be the most real private room inside the bedroom. It's about the dressing room. This is a special type of corner cabinet, it has a full entrance.The dressing room is distinguished by its size and allows you to fit a large number of things, accessories - and even an ironing board.
The principle is always the same. In the cabinets are (or may be):
- bars for clothes which need to be stored on a coat hanger;
- hangers for trousers and skirts;
- drawers with different types of handles (button, profile, ring, key);
- plastic, wicker or metal shoe baskets;
- sliding containers with partitions - for linen or small items;
- open shelves;
- shelves with doors for boxes;
- tie the girls.
Usually in the bedroom do not store outerwear and shoes. Since the corner cabinet is a large enough piece of furniture, it is quite possible that it will be fully utilized.
The cabinet is conventionally divided into three levels:
- a place for things that are used quite rarely - hats and hats, bags, boxes (they are stored on the upper shelves);
- medium storage area for constantly used items: casual wear, home and work, bedding, underwear, ties, belts, belts, shawls;
- bottom shelves and drawers - for shoes and heavy things.
Next to the corner cabinet there may be additional elements: a chest of drawers, a pencil case, a bedside table, a floor lamp, a separate mirror.As mentioned above, these may be separate headset modules, but it is also possible to simply select furniture according to the style. The main thing is to allow space to accommodate all things.
How to choose and how to arrange?
The choice of cabinet-angle should be done, focusing on four points:
- The size of the room and closet. Carefully calculate all possible options, taking into account the length of each wall, the distance to other pieces of furniture, the gap, which will have to be left because of baseboards and batteries. One of the accommodation options for a corner cabinet in a small bedroom is 14 sq. M. m can be attached to the wall. Such a lightweight cabinet does not reach the floor (about half a meter), due to which you can put bollards or ottomans on the floor. On the open shelves and clothes bars fit a large number of things and books.
- Material and style decision. Natural wood, chipboard or MDF. In the nursery, while your little artist is growing up, you can make a wardrobe with your own hands - from laminate, which can be easily washed.
- The presence and methods of opening doors. Your closet can be without doors at all, fully opening its contents for everyone to see.
Dressing room can be closed with a decorative curtain. The sliding wardrobe opens with a roller mechanism, which is made of steel or aluminum. Before use, carefully check the quality of the guide and the fixing of the door in the cabinet. If space permits, choose a model with hinged doors.
The color scheme of the closet should blend harmoniously into the bedroom interior. Pay attention not only to other furniture and wallpaper, but also to the flooring. Choose furniture that is lighter than the floor. If you do not want the cabinet to catch the eye at all, choose it to match the color of the wallpaper. The flooring of the floorboard or laminate - this means that the cabinet must be combined in tone with the floor.
The name “corner cabinet” itself suggests that the place for it is an angle. A triangular or five-wall cupboard will fit into a spacious room with symmetrical corners. For a small room suitable L-shaped or trapezoidal model. In a small room you can put a mini model.
One of the modules of your kit can be a bed or a desk. It will save space. The proximity of the bed and shelves with toys will create a cozy atmosphere for the child.
Choosing a corner cabinet, check again whether you have enough shelves, whether there are enough fasteners and latches. Choose high-quality accessories so that you don’t have to completely change it after a year - due to the breakage of one handle. Spare money on trifles, so you do not pay for a new wardrobe.
Beautiful interior design ideas
Use for the front door thick glass rugged. It can be transparent or matte. It can be applied to a drawing or ornament - from the outside. A photo of your favorite family member or landscape can be placed. The fully mirrored surface of the corner cabinet will give a very interesting visual illusion.
On the mirror surface, you can also apply a frosted pattern, which will even more attract the eye to your closet. Use a spotlight above the mirror, shelves, inside the dressing room.
Make the individual modules of your wardrobe multi-level. This will emphasize your originality and make the furniture more comfortable. Leave the shelves without the back wall, the wallpaper on the walls will become an additional decor for your furniture.
In corner cabinets it is important to use exactly the angle.Most often there are installed barbells, in some cases even in two tiers: for shirts and trousers.
In the attic room, the wardrobe can also be built under the ceiling at an angle. This will free up space and decorate the interior.
Russian manufacturers offer a large number of different cabinets, including corner ones. Whether you buy a ready-made version, order an individual project, or risk making a closet yourself - the choice is yours. In any case: convenience, beauty, functionality - this is what you should be guided by. When buying furniture, choose only reliable manufacturers: so you can avoid unpleasant surprises. The product must be of high quality, reliable, durable - and ideally suited to the interior of the room.
You can see more of the corner cabinets for the bedroom in the next video.