Corner wardrobes in the nursery

The nursery is a special space in the house, the organization of the interior of which must be approached with particular care. After all, the interior of this room has a direct impact on the mood of its little tenant, the formation of his personality.
One of the most important items of children's interior is the wardrobe. What it should be depends on the size of the room, the style of the interior, the age of the child, his hobbies, the amount of things that should be kept in the closet.
Quite often, corner cabinets are used in the design of children's room space.
Features, advantages and disadvantages
Corner closet, located in the corner of the room, allows you to extremely effectively organize the space of the room for the child, without losing precious centimeters and freeing up space for games in the center of the room. It is possible to store a sufficiently large amount of things in it, ranging from toys and ending with children's clothes and shoes.
The design of such a cabinet ensures maximum safety for the child due to:
- mounting to the wall;
- lack of angles, sharp protrusions, glass inserts, mirrors;
- the location of the drawers at the bottom, and the crossbar in - the top;
- use of eco-friendly materials.
The main disadvantage of such furniture is their higher cost compared to conventional cabinets of direct configuration.
Today you can buy a variety of corner cabinets for a child's room.
If parents are faced with the issue of arranging a teenager's room, for which appearance plays a huge role in communicating with peers, the most appropriate solution would be to install a wardrobe that can accommodate both summer and winter clothes, as well as shoes, hats, underwear and bedding.An excellent option for such purposes can be a wardrobe, which can be embedded in any angle. The roof and sides of such furniture are missing. In addition, using the wardrobe, you can hide various pipes, beams, columns. Inside you can place shelves for clothes, shoes, hangers and rods for outerwear, sliding laundry baskets.
For smaller children, who still have play in their lead activities, it is better to choose a closet with compartments for clothes and toys.
Quite often in the design of the nursery use a variety of furniture designs:
- Bed + corner cupboard. Corner wardrobe can be located downstairs (attic bed above it) or on the side of the bed. This package may include additional lockers or shelves located above the bed or on the side of the cabinet;
- Desk + wardrobe + bed. The berth is usually on the second level, on the side is the storage space (cabinet), on the lower level is the workplace. This set is quite functional and takes up little space. It is convenient to use in small rooms;
- Children's wall. It can be a high pencil case, or it can be with drawers or with a chest of drawers, or a combination of these two options.
Corner cabinets in form can be:
- Trapezoidal. This type is a series of straight cabinets connected by a diagonal element. A swing door is installed in the diagonal element. In direct cabinets doors can be sliding;
- With a right angle. These are two or more straight cabinets, connected at a 90 degree angle. The space hidden in the corner is filled with wall shelves.
Also in the interior of the nursery in the absence of free space on the floor wall corner cabinets can be used. They can store various things of the child, which he does not use very often, for example, old toys, books, bed linen.
Choosing a closet, you should pay attention to its dimensions, which must necessarily correspond to the size of the room and the free space allocated for the installation of the cabinet. If the room is small, then this piece of furniture should also be small.
It is also necessary to take into account the growth of the child, whether he can reach the highest shelf, whether it is convenient for him to use drawers.
It is best to order furniture for the nursery directly under the size of the room, the child’s age, its stylistic and functional features.
Any furniture for the nursery should be made of high-quality eco-friendly materials. Best of all, if it is an array of birch, oak or ash.
But not every family has the opportunity to purchase such furniture for their child, no matter how much they love him. In this case, come to the aid materials such as MDF and particleboard. The main thing is that the production of furniture is not used formaldehyde.
Furniture made of natural wood has a large weight, durability and demanding care. Furniture made of chipboard and MDF is easy to install, but less durable.
The color of the furniture for the nursery is of no small importance. The classic version is white. Psychologists believe that this color in the interior can help to relax and has a mild sedative effect on the emotional state of a person. Alternatively, you can use beige color, which also has all the above characteristics. But we should not allow the child to have only white in the room. It must be diluted.
For this perfect fit:
- Red - to give confidence and cheerfulness;
- Orange - increases creativity, maintains a sense of comfort, promotes appetite. The corner cabinet can be orange in color or it can contain a pattern in orange tones;
- Yellow - improves concentration of attention, promotes good mood. Yellow can be the walls or doors of the cabinet;
- Green is a natural color that promotes calm and peace. You can decorate the closet in shades of green to help the child calm down and relax;
- Blue - improves sleep. It is good if the part of the closet that adjoins the recreation area is framed in blue shades;
- Purple is the color of creative nature. But if, when purchasing a wardrobe for a child, the choice stops at purple, then psychologists recommend choosing the lightest shade of this color.
In any case, before choosing the color of the cabinet, you should consult with the child, because he will be the main user of this piece of furniture, and not one year. If the color chosen by the child is strictly disliked by the parents, you can try to focus on the light shade of this color.
How to choose?
On how correctly the furniture will be chosen in the nursery and how rationally the space will be organized in it, depends both on the general mood of the child and the development of certain traits of his character. Therefore, when choosing a closet, it is necessary to focus on gender, age, and behavior of your child.
If parents buy a wardrobe for a girl, then it is better to give preference to delicate tones (white, beige, muted lime), more refined style, pay attention to details, decorations. After all, many girls want to feel like princesses.
Cabinet for the boy should be more concise design in muted colors (blue, green, orange). Cabinet doors can be decorated with images of your favorite characters from cartoons, games, famous people or cars.
If the task is to choose furniture for two children, then it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in the closet you have to store twice as many things, it means that it should be more spacious and functional.
The furniture in the room for children-fidget should be in harmony with each other and be concise. This will calm the child and make it more balanced.The emancipation of a closed and not very sociable child will be promoted by brighter furniture with active play details.
If a child has a permanent mess in the room, then a closet with an abundance of hangers, drawers and shelves will help instill in the child a love of cleanliness. The need to fill these spaces will force the child to gently put things in their places.
When buying a cabinet, be sure to pay attention to the quality of the product, having carefully examined it. Paint on all surfaces should lie flat, there should be no scratches, peeling, improper gluing. All mechanisms (hinges, drawers) should work, and the doors should hang exactly.
How to care?
Caring for a corner cabinet is no different from caring for other furniture. But before purchasing such a product, you should ask the seller if there are any special rules and conditions of operation. Some furniture coatings react poorly to excess sunlight, so they should initially be placed away from window openings.
Wood, MDF, chipboard - materials used in the manufacture of furniture that absorb moisture well.Therefore, with sudden changes in humidity, the furniture may be deformed due to swelling or drying out. This can be detected through poorly retractable drawers, doors that do not close completely. Cracks and scratches may also appear on the surface of the furniture. Therefore, it is important to ensure the proper care of furniture.
The basic rules for the care of a corner cabinet are as follows:
- Cabinets should not be placed in close proximity with heating appliances;
- To maintain furniture in good condition, it is necessary that the temperature at the place of operation is not lower than +15, and the humidity is 55-75%;
- Furniture should be assembled exactly according to the scheme or entrust this process to a professional furniture assembler;
- Furniture surfaces, structural elements and fittings should be protected from mechanical damage;
- It is necessary to regularly wipe furniture from dust with a damp microfiber cloth;
- When stains appear, they are wiped with soap and rubbed dry;
- Glasses in the corner cabinet (if available) are cleaned with a special glass solution;
- You should not make excessive efforts when opening drawers and doors;
- To ensure good performance of moving parts, it is necessary to regularly lubricate the hinges and guide rails with paraffin;
- Do not overload boxes and shelves, otherwise they will fail and need to be repaired;
- Wet rags should not be left on the cabinet surface to avoid deformations;
- It is necessary to protect furniture from spilling liquid. It must immediately wipe with a cloth;
- Raise the furniture follows its strongest part. If it is necessary to move the cabinet to another place, do not pull it by the legs (this can weaken their mounting);
- It is necessary to transport furniture only in the sorted state.
Beautiful ideas of children's interior design
- Corner wall with a sleeping place in milky colors for a girl.
- Room for a boy with a corner cupboard combined with a workplace.
- Corner group for a large nursery.
- Corner wardrobe with built-in lifting bed.
In this video you can see a corner closet for a child's room.