Key cabinets

Probably, everyone was faced with such a situation, when it is urgently necessary to leave the house, but it’s impossible to find the keys at all. This is very unpleasant and takes a lot of time and nerves. In order to prevent such circumstances, you just need to install in your hallway a closet for storing keys.
Thus, all the bundles will always be at hand, and you will not lose anything. Moreover, the wall key holder will become not only a functional addition to the room, but also its real decoration.
After all, modern designer models of lockers have a very original and beautiful appearance.
Special features
Today in the catalogs of shops you will find a variety of models of key keepers. They are divided into two main types and can be open and closed.Open key holders are ordinary hooks or other devices so that you can hang a key chain.
At the same time, the closed key constructions are a neat full locker that fits well and complements the interior. This model will help you not only to keep in order the keys to the apartment, the garage and the office, but also disguise the counters, wiring or other unattractive elements on the walls in the hallway.
Materials for production
Modern manufacturers use a huge amount of materials to create strong and unusual lockers. Here are the most common ones:
- Tree. Natural wood for many centuries remains the most common option for the manufacture of furniture and various accessories. Such material is characterized by incredible durability, the service life of a wooden cabinet is in the tens of years. In addition, natural raw materials are completely safe for humans and the environment.
A variety of colors and textures of wood allows you to create from this material very original and beautiful products.Particularly impressive are the key lockers, decorated with artistic carvings. Such designs will be the decoration of any interior.
- Metal. If you prefer incredibly durable structures, then the metal key hanger is perfect for you. Such a concise and durable material will reliably retain many keys. These models will successfully fit into the atmosphere of a modern loft-style apartment. By the way, metal key holders can be placed both at home and in commercial and municipal establishments.
- Plastic. This light and inexpensive material is very often used to make key lockers. A variety of color options for plastic products will delight any buyer. And the cost of the finished locker will be affordable for everyone. The main thing is to carefully check the quality of raw materials and not purchase low-grade products that can release harmful substances into the environment.
In addition to the listed basic materials, leather, textiles, decorative rhinestones or glass are used for the production of wall key holders. The quantity and quality of design options are not limited to absolutely nothing.
Only it should be remembered that the key house must necessarily fit into the overall style of the interior of the room and effectively complement it. But in any case not to violate the overall harmony of style.
The lineup
We list several original and beautiful models of key cabinets:
- Wooden cabinet with a chalk board. This model of key holder is suitable for absolutely any interior. It is a wooden frame in the shape of a house or a rectangle. Inside the box there are two rows of hooks on which all your keychains can easily fit.
But the most original element of the product is its door. It is made in the form of a black board on which you can write using chalk. Thus, households can leave messages to each other, want a good day. By purchasing such a structure, you can know for sure that you will never get tired of it. Since you can always change the picture or inscription on the facade, depending on your mood.
- Keyring with a clock. If you like the most functional furnishings, then this option is definitely for you. At first glance - this is an ordinary wall clock.But as soon as you open the outer door, they become a practical locker for storing keys.
The design, size and shape of the key holder can be very different. You can easily find the perfect option for your apartment.
- Case picture for placement of keys. This version of the product in its configuration is similar to the previous model of the key keeper. Only on the facade of the locker will be depicted a beautiful picture. It can be anything: a seascape, fascinating mountain peaks or a green forest. You can choose any version you like.
When choosing a suitable locker, rely not only on the overall style of the interior, but also on your own hobbies. For example, if you love the sea, get a locker in the form of a ship or sailing boat. For those who adore flowers and nature, lockers will be perfect, as they have flowering plants, trees and birds on their doors.
Modern designers create a wide variety of key holders, the choice is easy.
To learn how to make a housekeeper with your own hands, you can find out from the video below.