Glossy wardrobes

Sliding wardrobe - one of the most popular acquisitions for several decades. Due to its versatility, such furniture is in almost every home. The top position holds a glossy wardrobe, a worthy acquisition for any interior.
Features, Pros and Cons
The main feature of the gloss is its attractive appearance.. In addition, it is able to withstand sudden changes in temperature and direct sunlight. Modern technologies allow you to choose the gloss of a variety of colors. These cabinets look very rich and presentable.
The ability to reflect light is another big plus of gloss. Because of this, the room seems more light and spacious.Particularly luxurious look cabinets with lights, they even more illuminate the room. A surface made of quality materials usually lasts a very long time. It does not show signs of exploitation - scratches or scuffs.
Along with all the advantages of gloss has a number of significant drawbacks. The first of these is the presence of fingerprints on the cabinet doors. To avoid this, do not touch the valves when opening or set automatic ones that will open when approaching. The second drawback is that the dust is highly visible on the gloss. It is not recommended to purchase such wardrobes for families where there are kids, because fingerprints are guaranteed in this case.
There are several varieties of glossy wardrobes, but by convention they are all divided into two types.
Cabinet cases, as a rule, represent "box" where all necessary filling is located. The composition of the box is traditional - there is a base, walls, cover. Connecting together, the elements form a sturdy case. The advantage of cabinet cabinets is that they can be moved and transported. Among the minuses - the lack of space savings, high material consumption and high price.
Built-in wardrobe - the best solution for rooms of any size. He clearly takes the place that you have identified to him. You can place the furniture even in the most inconspicuous places. There is a drawback - after installation, the cabinet cannot be moved. If you still do this, then repair can not be avoided.
Glossy models are also distinguished by their shape - straight, angular and radial. Straight designs are the simplest, they are suitable for the interior in a classic style. The corner cabinet will save a lot of space, but due to the complex shape, costs can be somewhat higher. Radius models are quickly becoming popular due to their unusual shape. Unusual concave and asymmetrical products have only one drawback - the high price.
For the production of wardrobes with gloss used a variety of materials, excellent in their qualities. In total there are three:
The film, which is glued to the facade of MDF - the most democratic option. With the help of a vacuum, it fits snugly to the facade and is a shiny surface. The film is cheap, maintains an excellent appearance after cleaning, and is applied to different facades.But its service life is small - the material often exfoliates and does not withstand the long exposure to the sun. It is impossible to restore and restore her original appearance.
Pretty good type of material, often used for finishing cabinets. It is also applied to the chipboard or MDF panel. But unlike the film, which is glued to the joints, plastic fits only the front part. Because of this, the permeability of moisture increases, which in the coming years will ruin the furniture. Plastic scratches quickly, and does not tolerate detergents, but is subject to restoration.
High gloss enamel
Such enamel, obtained by mixing different materials, to this day remains the best option. Environmentally friendly, colorful and brilliant, it is able to withstand any external factors. The process of painting facades is time consuming, so the price will be high. However, excellent quality coupled with the possibility of restoration outweigh the disadvantages.
Colors and models
White gloss with a mirror - a spectacular solution for any apartment. All models with a mirror look elegant, but the white has a special chic. Such a cabinet will revive the room, visually enlarge and brighten it.
At the same time, another entourage can be free. Both the bright solid interior and bright accessories will look beautiful.
Black gloss looks no less elegant. It is a mistake to believe that such furniture is too gloomy, in a glossy version, it will sparkle with new colors.
Luxurious black cabinets are a stylish acquisition for large rooms. The depth of color and the ability to reflect the rays of the sun will not allow the room to visually decrease.
But do not put black models in the nursery and in narrow spaces.
At this range of colors is not limited. You can select models of various colors - blue, yellow, green, purple. In the case of color options, make sure that the color of the cabinet is in harmony with the entourage of the room, pick up accessories and bedding to match.
Internal filling
From what internal filling you choose, will depend on the practicality of your model. There must be at least two bars on which to hang clothes. At the same time one of them should be lower, so that it was convenient to place sweaters and blouses. The other is taller for outerwear such as long coats or fur coats.
The second necessary component - shelves for clothes. They form the outfits that you actively use. Shelves can be any number, the decision depends on you. It is better to pick a depth of at least 70 cm, and lower values are allowed in corner cabinets. The side shelves are very practical.
If your closet is in the bedroom, it is necessary to take into account the location of underwear. For this fit several drawers. They can be placed not only underwear, but also tights, socks and stockings. Cabinets in the hallway better equip shelf for shoes. Both closed and open models look equally good.
How to choose?
When buying a wardrobe in the hallway, consider several factors. Such cabinets should have maximum internal filling, especially if this is the only “pantry” in the house. Take care of the availability of shelves for clothes, shoes and household items.
It is recommended to choose a facade with a mirror in order to always be able to evaluate your appearance before going out.
In the bedroom, install both bright and bright wardrobes. If the room is small, the model along the part of the wall will be the best choice.Entourage complement the elegant table, bookshelves or a cozy chair. In large rooms, cabinets look good along the entire wall, as well as built-in models. Beautifully look glossy surfaces with a pattern.
In the children's wardrobe you need to choose bright colors. Familiar cartoon characters or a stylish ornament will appeal to any child. If the color of the room itself is bright, yellow, pink, lilac, blue tones will do. Darker colors will be beautifully shaded by a light beige or white cabinet.
It is recommended to stop the choice on case models, in fact over time the child can be bored by its situation.