Design wardrobe

Stylish, compact, ergonomic wardrobes relatively recently appeared in our life and immediately became an integral part of the interior in almost every apartment. Due to their spaciousness and versatility, they quickly crowded out bulky dressers, cabinets and walls.
Features and benefits
Unlike massive wardrobes and cabinet furniture, these cabinets make it possible to use every square centimeter of space as efficiently as possible.
With their help, you can quickly and efficiently organize living space, bring perfect order and create a cozy atmosphere in any home.
Sliding wardrobes can be built-in or have their own body. Cabinet furniture can be placed in the corner or along the wall. The built-in model “sinks” into a special niche. Externally built-in closet looks in the same plane with the wall, does not have its own ceiling and side walls. This option is suitable for spacious rooms.
Sliding wardrobe - the ideal solution for furnishing a small apartment. Its well-thought-out interior space allows you to easily store not only clothes, shoes, bed linen and other things, but also books, household appliances, suitcases, dishes, toys and other household items.
The integral, smooth surface of the facade serves as an excellent basis for the realization of the most diverse design fantasies. Therefore, such a cabinet is not only a functionally significant interior detail, but also a real decoration of it. Mirrored doors, stained glass, photo printing - only a small list of decorative elements that will help to make the interior beautiful and expressive.
Large mirrors also help visually expand the space of even the smallest room.
Another advantage of such furniture is the possibility of its production to order, based on their requirements and wishes. The number of compartments and shelves, their size and location can be planned, starting from the functional purpose of the wardrobe by an individual order.
What are the facades: materials and decor
By production of sliding wardrobes the most different materials are used. They must be distinguished by strength, durability, practicality, moisture resistance and decorative appeal.
Chipboard - the most popular and inexpensive option. It is characterized by high strength, durability and affordable price. The material does not require special care, is environmentally safe. Looks great in different color combinations and solutions, including, and imitating the shades of natural wood. Its minus is that it is not suitable for creating complex and elegant architectural forms. Usually it is a classic, clear lines and regular geometric shapes.
MDF. In contrast to particleboard, the chips included in it are smaller, and as their compound, not formaldehyde resin, but paraffin or lignite is used. The material is soft and pliable, so it is perfect for creating products of more complex and unusual shapes. Painted MDF looks great in the furniture, designed in classic or modern style.
A mirror is almost irreplaceable material, which is found in various combinations. A wardrobe with mirrored doors is, of course, more expensive than furniture made of chipboard, but it also looks much more attractive. The mirror is covered with a special film that protects it from mechanical damage, so it is safe for others. The unconditional advantages of the material include its decorative appeal, the possibility of visual expansion of the area. A cabinet with a mirror makes the room lighter and more spacious.
Natural wood is a material that is traditionally used to create the most diverse furniture for a home. Durable, reliable, environmentally friendly and safe wood helps to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in any home. The wooden wardrobe fits perfectly into a classic and modern design. The tree is perfectly combined with other finishing materials. It is very plastic, so it is often used to create complex models with thread.
Lakomat is a frosted glass, which closes the interior of the cabinet from prying eyes, but allows you to understand what is where. This option is ideal for a bedroom or a living room. Glass does not require such care as a regular mirror. Thanks to a rather restrained appearance, the wardrobe decorated with the help of a varnish will fit perfectly into the interior, designed in different stylistic directions.
Lakobel. This is also glass, one of the sides of which is covered with a layer of multi-colored varnish. The material becomes opaque, acquires a beautiful glossy shine and looks very elegant and sophisticated. Glass can be painted in any color, so this wardrobe will be harmoniously combined with other objects in the room.
Decoracryl is one of the most modern and beautiful ways to decorate the wardrobe. It is a combination of different materials of natural and artificial origin. Compositions made of bamboo, plants, stones, sea shells are fastened between transparent or opaque acrylic panels. Such furniture always looks very impressive. Most often it is made to order, it is a great opportunity to make an exclusive wardrobe according to your own design and pattern.
Very solid and expensive look cabinets with facades decorated with eco-leather. Such furniture will fit perfectly into the interior of the office or home library. Eco-leather can have a different pattern, color, texture, it is mounted on the panels of MDF or chipboard.
The traditional wardrobe has a rectangular shape. However, more original models are made in complex geometric shapes, as well as combinations of different materials. For example:
- Classic - chipboard + mirror. The most budget and practical of all options. Such furniture looks great in the hallway and living room, children's room and bedroom.
- Geometry. The doors consist of rectangles made of glass, mirrors and chipboard.
- Diagonal. The facade is divided diagonally by a metal profile.
- Wave. One of the most interesting and spectacular design options. The cabinet is made in semicircular shapes with soft transitions and smooth lines.
- Sector. Profiles divide the façade into several cells of different shapes and sizes, which are then made using different materials and textures.
Unusual door design
One of the most important points at the design stage of the future wardrobe is not only the design of the facade, but also the doors.
For doors and facades one of the most popular materials for decoration is a mirror or decorative glass. The surface can be simply a mirror or additionally decorated with any pattern. On the door with a mirror or glass pattern can be applied in different ways.
For example, an original ornament is applied on a frosted glass using a sandblaster. Such doors are often combined with mirror elements. As an ornament, flowers, climbing plants, butterflies, cityscapes, still lifes are chosen.
Etched mirror allows you to decorate the facade and doors intricate matte pattern. This design option allows you to create more complex and ornate patterns without the slightest mechanical impact on the glass. The surface remains smooth and even, which greatly simplifies the care of it.
Plastic doors - the most budget option, opening up great opportunities for combining and combining different materials. Plastic - unpretentious, lightweight, durable material that perfectly complements the mirror surface, metal, natural wood.It can be matte and glossy, translucent, color and shiny. The widest range of colors allows you to choose the perfect option for the design of any interior.
Lovers of natural and more exotic options in the design will love the cabinets using bamboo. Especially if the interior is designed in ethnic or oriental style. To create such a magnificent decor, chipboard or MDF sheets are used, on which the fabric is pre-attached, and bamboo strips are glued on top. They can be pasted in a horizontal, vertical or random order, they can have different widths and colors.
From the dried stalks of the tropical calamus, another excellent material is obtained that is used to create and finish furniture - rattan. Dried stems are intertwined in a special way and are mounted on sheets of MDF or chipboard. This environmentally friendly and safe material serves not one ten years. Wicker decor is perfect for the stylized interior of the hall or bedroom.
Photo printing is one of the fastest and easiest ways to effectively transform any interior. A photographic image can be any: from personal portraits to images of famous people, from a panoramic view of night Manhattan to magnificent Alpine landscapes, from the seashore to snow-covered mountain peaks. The selected photograph is transferred to the paper, which is mounted on the back side of the glass facade. The photo can be matte or have a glossy, mirror shine.
When choosing a photo print as an ornament, you must start from the interior features and dimensions of the room. A small room will become visually even smaller if the image is too large and saturated. The color scheme of the photo must also be combined with the color scheme of the interior, otherwise the finished wardrobe will not look very harmonious.
To decorate the wardrobe unusual and expensive will help multicolored stained glass windows. Such a decoration always looks very noble and subtle due to the fragility of glass, complex, unusual pattern and bright, rich colors. The cost of such furniture is high, but it is fully justified by high performance and impeccable exterior.
The color scale in which the wardrobes are executed is quite diverse. In many ways, the number of shades offered by manufacturers depends on the material that is taken as a basis. For example, plastic or MDF can be painted in almost all kinds of colors and shades.
However, the vast majority of buyers opt for a palette of natural shades of wood.
These are light and dark shades of beech and oak, rich tones of apple, pear and cherry, noble colors of maple and wenge.
This palette is presented in different shades of beige and brown colors of different intensity. Such furniture is ideally combined with other interior items and fits perfectly into any stylistic direction.
White cabinets look expensive and truly luxurious, which can also differ in the purity of color. This also includes vanilla, milky shades and ivory.
For people who prefer more modern solutions in the decoration and furnishing of the apartment, furniture is recommended, the color of which intersects with the color solution of the main interior. For example, the closet can be salmon, light yellow, pale green, sky blue or pale pink.
Sliding wardrobes can be carried out in monochrome version or in a combination of contrasting colors.
Interior design
Before buying or ordering a suitable option, it is necessary to determine its functional content. For example, the same closet bought for a bedroom and a corridor will vary greatly in its internal content.
The classic model can be divided into 3 parts:
- bottom shelf is designed for storing shoes;
- the middle part is the most spacious, there are clothes hangers and main shelves for clothes;
- the upper part (mezzanine) is suitable for storing hats, scarves and things that are not often used.
When creating a cabinet according to an individual sketch, the following points should be considered:
- The number of sections should ideally be equal to the number of sliding doors (if there are 2, then there should be 2 vertical compartments). Exceptions are wide doors that can close several compartments at once.
- The crossbar for clothes hangers should be of sufficient length (approximately 90 cm). Shelf length is usually 60 cm.
- The width of the opening should provide free and unhindered access to things.
- Large items are often stored on the top shelf, so its height should be in the range of 45-60 cm.
Depending on the purpose of the cabinet, its interior can be organized in different ways.
For the bedroom
The inner part provides for the placement and storage of bed linen, home and street clothes. The width of the cabinet is about 60 cm (the width of the working part is about half a meter).
The basic version of the organization of the internal space usually looks like this:
- pantograph (bar under the hanger, which can be lowered down using the handle);
- metal and plastic laundry baskets;
- end or conventional crossbar to accommodate the hangers;
- hooks for unremovable clothes;
- the sliding baskets located at different levels. They usually store various small things;
- hangers for ties, belts, belts;
- shoe shelves.
For the hallway
Corridors (especially in apartments Khrushchev) differ in modest overall dimensions and small width, therefore, the furniture here is selected as compact as possible. The width of the cabinet can be no more than 40 cm versus the standard 60 cm.
That is why in order to accommodate the standard hanger, the crossbeam unfolds perpendicular to the doors.
For storage of shoes is usually used wire basket, placed at an angle. For storage of brushes, shoe polish and other small items, small drawers are provided. For placement of bags, umbrellas, packages hooks are used.
The internal structure of the built-in models is practical and functional. Here you can use every square centimeter of space for placing and storing large and small things, dishes, books. This closet can be used as a separate dressing room or select a separate shelf for the TV.
How does it look in the interior of the rooms?
The wardrobe in the hallway should be quite compact and practical. Especially if you need to install it in a small hallway, a narrow corridor or under the stairs. As for its design, the classic version with a mirror is preferable.
The wardrobe in the living room or hall in addition to practicality and spaciousness should also be beautifully decorated. For example, using photo printing, sandblasted design or stained glass.For the living room, decorated in a classic style, perfect closet made of natural wood. For interiors in modern styles (minimalism, loft) furniture, decorated in a combination of plastic and glass, is perfect.
The model for the bedroom is practically unlimited in designs and materials. It can be chipboard, MDF, lakobel, wood and other materials. As a decor, photo printing with beautiful panoramic views or landscapes is used.
The wardrobe in the bathroom is an ideal place to store tubes with shampoos, gels, foams and other means for taking a shower and bath. The material for its creation must be absolutely waterproof, durable and practical in care.
How to choose?
In order not to be mistaken when choosing and buying just such a piece of furniture that is needed, you must follow simple rules:
- It is best to purchase the most spacious wardrobe, based on the size of the room and financial possibilities. The number of things and clothes is growing over time, so it is best to have a few shelves “in reserve”;
- You should definitely pay attention to the door opening mechanism. Usually two options are offered.The first is a metal frame, along which the door moves with the help of rollers. This option is not very reliable. A small object that has fallen into the groove is enough to limit the movement of the door. Such grooves must be constantly vacuumed. In addition, with a strong push the door may simply go beyond the groove.
- It is best to purchase models with a monorail. They cost more, but much more reliably - a special locking device will not allow the door to slide off the rail, and will also prevent foreign objects from getting inside;
- Do not forget about the material from which the profiles are made. Aluminum guides are more expensive, but less durable than their steel counterparts;
- Chassis rollers can be metal or plastic with a special coating of Teflon. If the wheels are made of pure plastic - such a model will not last long;
- the width of the sliding panels should not exceed 1 meter. Wider doors open heavily, which means that accessories will fail faster;
- The classic design option for any model is the mirror. It visually corrects the size of the room, making it lighter and more spacious.However, in some cases it is best to use not a clean mirror coating, but with some ornament or pattern. This model looks more original than usual.
Ideas in the interior
The classic version of the two-door wardrobe with mirror inserts. Inside there are compartments for placing clothes, shoes, large, dimensional things. The open corner rack will help you to arrange books, dishes and beautiful interior trifles beautifully and conveniently.
The original design option home wardrobe with a corner wardrobe. The interior is a spacious storage room. Beautifully decorated facade serves as a real decoration of the living room interior.