Septic tanks "Biotank": advantages and disadvantages

In a country house everything should be convenient and comfortable. Therefore not to do without autonomous sewer system. “Biotank” is a septic tank model developed using modern technologies.
The manufacturer is the well-known company LLC Triton Plastic (Moscow). It produces and supplies environmentally safe sanitary equipment to the domestic market, which is certified and fits European standards. We will consistently consider a number of advantages and disadvantages of the septic tank "Biotank".To do this, first we will study all possible technical aspects of this installation, purpose, installation, principle of operation, features of operation, maintenance.
The installation of a septic tank makes it possible to use the treated domestic sewage for technical needs. It is used for the complete cleaning of domestic and sewage biological means (treatment with bacteria that decompose organic matter in the effluent).
General information
The station design is hermetic, consists of a cast body with reinforced stiffening ribs. Inside there are partitions that divide the body into chambers. Each of the four chambers has its own technical purpose. For the manufacture of elements of the vessel used propylene or polyethylene. These materials are resistant to stress and corrosion. Depending on the modification of the septic tank, water is forced to be forced by a pump or by gravity. Daily flow of wastewater to the installation is uneven.
To choose the right model of septic tank "Biotank" for your country house or cottage, you must take into account the number of people living on the site.According to the sanitary norms and rules, the discharge of sewage drains per person is 200 liters.
Biotank 4:
- vertical version;
- length is 1200 mm, width is 1000 mm, height - 2105 mm;
- forced discharge of wastewater and gravity;
- installation volume (working volume) is 1200 liters;
- performance - 800 liters per day;
- provides a family of one to four people;
- weight - 110 kg.
Biotank 6:
- vertical version;
- length is 1200 mm, width is 1000 mm, height is 2415 mm;
- forced discharge of wastewater and gravity;
- installation volume is 1600 liters;
- capacity about 1,200 liters per day;
- provides a family of up to six people;
- weight is 130 kg.
"Biotank 8":
- vertical version;
- dimensions 1500 x 1000 x 2415 mm;
- forced discharge of wastewater and gravity;
- installation volume (working volume) is equal to 2000 liters;
- capacity is 1600 liters per day;
- provides a family of up to eight people;
- weight is 150 kg.
Good reviews of the owners have the device "3 CAM" and "5 PR". Their difference with “Universal” is insignificant, the description and the scheme of work are similar.
Type of accommodation
The location of the septic tank may be different:
- horizontal (for elevated groundwater);
- vertical (for areas limited by area).
Station performance will increase with the installation of two additional tanks. The main unit of the installation is a compressor.
Principle of operation
The principle of operation is based on the cleaning of mechanical, chemical and biological.
- In the receiving chamber sewage drains settle, they are mechanically separated. Under its own weight, the large fraction settles to the bottom. The mineral sediment is processed by anaerobic bacteria.
- Second main the working chamber (nitrification) is intended for aerobic sewage treatment. It contains a special area, separated by a biological film. It has an aerator installed (forcibly injects air). Due to this, the oxidative process of ammonium nitrogen to nitrates and nitrites.
- Next camera separates sewage into sediment and purified water. Sediment pump septic tank (airlift) returns to the receiving section. The fourth chamber - the biofilter (treated with special bacteria) performs the function of a hydraulic cyclone, from which water is discharged into the ground. The effluent treatment efficiency is 98%.
You must initially select a place to install the system. It should be far from trees (roots can damage the hull) or behind the plot, away from the road (constant vibrations can damage the ground). Next, inspect the hull for leak tightness. After carry out the digging of the pit (it is advisable to use an excavator).
Its dimensions should be greater than the size of a septic tank by 50-60 centimeters in width and length. The depth is selected depending on the height of the sewer leaving the house. The slope is a couple of centimeters per linear meter of pipe. After perform:
- leveling the bottom of the pit with a sand pad of 35 centimeters;
- installation of a septic tank and its alignment;
- connection to sewage and branch pipes, filling with water;
- filling (gradual filling) with a mixture of sand and cement in the ratio of 5: 1.
The level of the mixture to be filled should be 15 centimeters higher than the roof of the installation. After laying on top of the coating insulation (foam), then a layer of soil. It remains to connect the system and test run.
When installing, you should consider a few simple rules.
- From a natural water bodies to the station should be a distance of at least thirty meters.
- Need a margin of five meters from residential and commercial buildings.
- The road and trees must be at least four meters away.
- The source of water supply may be at a distance of at least twenty meters, if the ground is sandy - up to fifty meters.
- Installation of a septic tank without meeting the level may lead to incorrect operation of the station.
Features of operation
For smooth operation, you must follow the manufacturer's instructions. The compressor station is used for forcing air. For other gases it is not used, placed only on the surface of the liquid. Septic "Biotank" - volatile installation.
When de-energized (emergency power off), the station can operate within 24 hours. This reduces the degree of purification to 80%.
Such water cannot be dumped into the ground. This is true for installations with forced drainage. Self-flowing drainage is more universal. During operation, the septic tank should not be dumped into the local sewage rags, bags made of polyethylene,as well as other garbage (this station will not recycle). When using reliable and high-quality materials, the guarantee for a septic tank is 50 years.
Once a year it is necessary to pump the solid particles of accumulated sediment in the receiving chamber of the installation, as they are pressed and make it difficult to clean. The compressor air filter is cleaned twice a year. With the same frequency replace the membrane.
Preservation of the station for the winter period takes place in several stages.
- It is necessary to disconnect the septic tank from the power supply.
- After that, it is necessary to pump out the wastewater in the receiving room and the secondary settling of the chambers with the help of an aspenisation machine. It is prohibited to pump out wastewater from the nutrient in order to avoid disruption of the biological load.
- After you need to clean the air-lift, injectors, receiving chamber.
- Then the capacity of the station should be filled with 75% clean water. Inside have to swim loads with sand.
- It is necessary to remove the compressor, to store better in heat.
- After it is worth insulating the lid of a septic tank.
The lineup of the model range offered by the manufacturer allows you to choose from a compact septic tank for three people to a more productive station.The compact version of the station is appropriate in any area with a different area. The design of the septic tank is simple, which eliminates its breakage. She stands:
- swelling of the ground outside;
- load drains from the inside;
- the weight of the soil itself.
During the operation of the biological complex there is no specific smell of sewage. Used biofilter complete with airlift made in Japan, the compressor can serve up to 15 years. It may be noted a number of advantages.
- Sealed septic tank eliminates the possibility of soil contamination with untreated sewage.
- There is no overflow of chambers during simultaneous operation of a washing machine, taking a shower, washing dishes.
- No consumables required.
- Selection of a station for soil features with forced drainage by means of a pump (for a soil that does not absorb water well).
- There is no need for a well for additional filtration of the effluent; they are biologically safe.
- The relatively small weight of the station allows manual installation without the participation of construction equipment.
- The rectangular shape of the housing saves building materials during installation.
- A mixture of sand and cement serves to protect the hull from groundwater.
- The ingress of organic matter into the system, toilet paper, detergents and dishwashing does not affect the performance of the septic tank.
- Disconnection of electrical energy does not affect the work of sewage, it continues to operate in a stable mode for a day without reducing the degree of purification. For volatile installations this is a big plus.
- Rather simple installation installation, rare maintenance.
- The possibility of preservation of a septic tank for the winter. After a long idle station for a couple of hours can enter into working mode.
- The structure recycles not only sewage, but also storm sewage.
- Power is supplied from the mains, the voltage drops are not important.
- Universality to the structure of the soil: septic tank is applicable in clay soil and soil with the presence of groundwater.
- In the production of bioseptic use advanced technology.
- The use of plastic in the manufacture of stations meets European standards.
- Availability of appropriate certificates for products and materials used.
- The quality level is high, the septic tank is characterized by the factory technology of seamless monolithic blocks, the tightness of the structure.
- The walls and internal equipment of the septic tank are resistant to temperature extremes, the influence of aggressive media, and corrosion.
According to positive reviews of consumers, the Biotank installation is universal, it can be installed on plots with any soil. The station without difficult electronics, has rather big service life. It is attractive in size, for installation of a fairly small area and a shallow pit. After power supply, it quickly goes into operation.
During the work there are no foreign smells. Water obtained as a result of cleaning is used for irrigation. The contents of the effluent is processed into sludge, used in fertilizer soil.
It is necessary to identify and disadvantages. These include the high cost of products and dependence on electricity. There are other cons.
- The accumulated sediment in the receiver must be disposed of by calling the vacuum trucks and the collecting machine (additional costs).
- Replacing the main working body (compressor) is required twice a year.
- Acquisition of a biological preparation for the need to replenish colonies of microorganisms. Long-term equipment downtime and discharge of chlorine-containing drains can lead to the death of bacteria.
- Additional installation is required for the treatment of wastewater (need infiltrator).
- Installation of an additional cleaning well is possible.
Negative points are the need to dispose of mineral sediment, as well as the mandatory use of assenizatorskoy machine.
Septic tanks "Biotank" for a country house or cottage with accommodation for up to 10 people - the best solution. All costs for the purchase, installation, maintenance will pay off due to the long service life and proper operation of the station.
Septic tanks of this brand are an alternative to the cesspool. They are distinguished by the absence of sewage odor and the processing of large volumes of effluent. They can be used at the dacha for irrigation (the residue is applicable as a fertilizer). Eliminates the possibility of sewage waste in the ground, groundwater, well. Septic tanks "Biotank" - the best option for arranging a sewage country house.
How to install a septic tank "BIOTANK" with your own hands, see the next video.