How to build a goat shed?

In order to successfully breed domestic animals, such as goats, you need to create certain comfortable conditions. Kozlyatnik is simple in design, it can be made by repairing accordingly any small object that is already present on the site. Really build a barn with his own hands, it will cost inexpensive.
Requirements for the room
Breeding pets, first of all, you should think about how to properly maintain them. Creating a goat shed is technically easy, even with your own hands. It is important to follow certain rules and not to lose sight of the details.
In most cases, a goat shed is not much different from the rooms where it may contain:
- chickens and sheep;
- pigs and cows.
Cardinal differences here can not be found.
This has its advantages, you can create a "communal dwelling", where the most different domestic animals will be under the same roof. From an economic point of view, it is profitable, no extra costs will be needed to create "houses" for each type of animal. It will be enough only to make reliable partitions that will allow to differentiate each type of living creatures. In any business there are important details that should be considered. There are also certain nuances in the creation of a “dwelling” for goats.
First of all, the room should be:
- dry and have a sufficient amount of light, both daylight and electric;
- it must maintain a constant positive temperature and good air exchange;
- have an area for walking, if the room itself is large.
The peculiarity of the maintenance of goats lies in the fact that "boys" and "girls" live on the same territory. It will be necessary to make stalls of different sizes for young kids and adults.Such a device will make it possible to avoid conflicts that may arise between the younger generation and adult animals.
For the southern regions, where the winters are two months a year and the temperature does not fall below - 10-14 degrees, the cost of insulating the object will be minimal. For central Russia and more northern areas, the issue of warming will be complicated, and construction costs will need much more.
A draft of the goat shed project can be found on the Internet. There are many of them in the public domain, and among others you can choose the most suitable option. The scheme for building a goat shed includes a number of points. First, select the place where the construction site will be created. Next, the area must be cleaned and leveled. It is important to determine the level of occurrence of groundwater, it will depend on this: what foundation will you need to build. You should make a “pillow” of gravel to prevent water from entering the room.
If the "house" will be summer, then the insulation on the walls and roof will not be required. After this stage, carry out the planning of internal structures.
Need to determine:
- places for milking;
- the area where feeding will occur;
- area of premises for animal waste.
The size of the barn can be very different it depends:
- on the format of the plot;
- livestock numbers;
- the presence of other types of domestic animals or birds;
- height of the barn (it does not exceed three meters).
A place
It is important that the site is not deployed in lowlands or in marshy soil. If this is not possible to avoid, then you should think about the height of the “pillow”, an object will be placed on it. In this case, it is better to be safe and make the shed a little higher, so that there is a guarantee that moisture will not penetrate into the shed. Fine gravel is poured on the intended area. It is leveled, then a formwork is made on such a flat hill, it is reinforced and filled with concrete.
It is necessary to take into account the fact that goats are sensitive to different dampness, therefore, the insulation of the floor must be done very carefully. A waterproofing film is placed between the boards, the lags and the “cushion”; moisture from the ground should not get onto the boards in any case, otherwise after a few years you will have to repair the room.
From boards and timber are made:
- lags and floor;
- walls and rafters.
On the walls and floor will require slabs of technical wool, more PVC film will be needed.
The roof is better covered with slate.
Its advantages are as follows:
- is cheap;
- it is durable;
- requires minimal maintenance;
- has a long service life;
- He has a good thermal conductivity.
It is possible to make a roof from a professional sheet, but it will cost more to cost, each year it will need to be treated with a primer and tinted. You will also need a sealant, polyurethane foam for sealing joints and seams, a mixture of seals for wood and metal.
How to do it yourself?
Build a barn with your own hands can be without too much difficulty.
This will require the appropriate tool:
- two-meter sheer level;
- Bulgarian;
- screwdriver;
- hammer;
- saw;
- thread, screws, nails, metal corners;
- need building materials for walls, roofs, foundations.
When building a goat shed, the load on the ground is low, you can make a high-quality foundation by spending little money on it. Should take into account hygiene standards.
The stable should not be near:
- gutters;
- sanitary facilities;
- garbage dumps;
- hazardous industries;
- highways.
Neighborhood with such "points" the most negative impact on the well-being of animals, as well as the quality of milk and meat.
In the barn it is recommended to make a solid concrete floor, which will avoid moisture, which is contraindicated in goats. It is undesirable to build mud floors in the barn. Such a surface is considered too soft for animals, it can eventually cause diseases of the tendons. The foundation is tape or pile. The latter is four times more expensive, it does not require more time for its shrinkage, it is not inferior in strength to the strip foundation.
From pile supports, screw piles have proven themselves, they are easy to install into the ground and the warranty period of their operation is five decades. Often use concrete piles of small sizes. These structures are installed in excavated pits and filled with concrete. Pile foundation gives another advantage: a large space is formed under the floor, which is blown by the air. All this allows moisture not to accumulate, which means that the lifetime of the object increases significantly.Pile foundation can be made for a week of work to two people, if the area of the barn does not exceed 30 square meters.
With the help of a two-meter level and thread, it is easy to mark control points where the piles will be located. The distance between them should not exceed one meter. Dig holes, put a concrete mixer, prepare concrete. The posts (piles) are poured with mortar. After four days, it will be possible to mount a grillage on which the entire structure will be based.
Instead of a grillage, you can make a formwork, weld a “grid” of reinforcement and then make a pouring of concrete. If possible, then you can adjust the mixer to the object (5 cubic meters of concrete) and pour the intended area within twenty minutes. In this case, the concrete is not suitable for the highest quality, the object will weigh a little. In any case, it will be necessary to make logs from the bars inside the room and to lay the board floor.
Goats are not afraid of low temperatures, but to leave animals without litter on a bare concrete floor in winter is by no means impossible. It is necessary to lay chipboard boards or boards with a thickness of 2 cm. The coating is made at a certain angle so that the vital activity falls into a special drain.The clay floor is contraindicated, it is too amorphous, which can lead to damage in animal tendons after a while.
All wooden elements are necessarily processed with primers so that after two or three years they do not have to reshape the floor. Between the lags are placed plates of insulation and waterproofing. Floor boards must be treated with linseed and painted.
Goats are not afraid of cold weather, but drafts are contraindicated for them.
Walls can be made:
- from chipboard boards;
- boards;
- logs
The gaps are easy to close with technical wool using a sealant. If winter lasts more than six months a year, then it is best to use plates of 5 or 10 cm thick for insulation. The material can be PVC or technical cotton wool.
Advantages of insulation from plates:
- low price;
- environmental Safety;
- ease of installation;
- long service life.
Vertical guides are made of 15x15 cm timber, which are fastened with crossbars. Sheathed walls.
For this use:
- PVC lining;
- chipboard sheets;
- plywood;
- metallic profile.
In the walls make door and window openings. Doors must necessarily come off outside, then the room will have to spend less effort to maintain cleanliness.It is more reasonable to make windows from the sunny side, it will provide better air exchange. The windows must be located at least 1.6 meters from the floor level, then the animal will not be able to reach them.
The crib is covered with a sturdy gable roof (less often a single-slope, if the shed is an extension to the main building). Gable design has several advantages, the greater the angle of inclination, the less snow will accumulate. The whole structure will be subjected to less stress, which will extend its service life. With this layout, a small attic is formed in which you can store household supplies and food.
The roof is also insulated with heat plates, which can be selected the desired thickness. Usually used plates with a thickness of 2 cm and 5 cm. This is quite enough to reliably isolate the room from the penetration of cold; It is important in the process of insulation not to forget about the joints. The so-called cold bridges, in the period of frosts can become a big problem, the heat through them will evaporate into the outer space. Be sure to all the joints should "blow out" the mounting foam and cover with special mastic.Most often, slate is used as a roof, in rare cases metal. Practical slate is difficult to think of anything.
No living creature can fully be in the room, if there is no normal ventilation. Ammonia vapors from waste are toxic, they can cause diseases of individuals, therefore, the issue of air exchange should be solved correctly. Hoods are made in the roof in the form of two pipes of the same diameter. One pipe serves to supply fresh oxygen, the other to remove the exhaust air. The ends of the pipes must be protected with special shields to prevent precipitation from entering the room. Valves must be present to regulate the air flow.
Arrangement of paddock
It should equip the inner space, by building such important elements as:
- stalls;
- feeders;
- drinking bowls;
- nursery.
Especially important stalls and feeders. They should be installed correctly.
Natural lighting is provided by large windows 1 by 1.5 meters. The ratio of the area of the window to the floor is usually taken with a ratio of 1: 19 or 20. In winter, when the days are short and cloudy, electric lighting is actively used.Bulbs are hung at least two meters above the floor so that the goats cannot reach and burn themselves. At night, a little electric lighting is also necessary.
The stall should be made for each animal individually, which will lead to a decrease in conflict situations between individuals, and will increase the quality of milk production. The front panel of the stall is made as a small door that will be hinged. It makes sense to make a structure no more than a meter high. Fastening is carried out in the form of shields, boards are stitched onto bearing wooden supports. In the stall itself you can make a special feeder and drinker.
The parameters of this structure are:
- width more than two meters;
- length up to two meters, but not less than 1.5 m.
For males, the height of the partition should be more than a meter. Young individuals need only one square meter of space, more adults need two meters of square meters of habitat.
Goats are capricious animals, the food for them is a ritual. Sometimes there are cases when a goat gets to his favorite delicacy after turning over a huge haystack.A special container should be installed under the manger, the remnants of the meal will accumulate in it, after a short time they can be re-filled into the feeder. The manger must be hung at a height of 0.6 meters from the floor, then the animal will “dig” less in food in search of something tasty. The feeder is equipped with barriers that prevent the loss of feed. In the trough required capacity for salt and mineral additives. This is a prerequisite. Do not forget to install the drinker. Without this "little things" the life of the animal will not be a joy.
See how to build a goat shed in the next video.