Ceilings in the form of a starry sky in the interior

Beautiful, harmoniously decorated interior makes any home truly cozy and homely. There are a huge number of various ways to diversify the design of the house, but you can make it more beautiful and unusual with the help of stretch ceilings. And even more so if it is a ceiling in the form of a starry sky, which simply fascinates with its beauty. This interesting and extraordinarily luxurious ceiling will bring magic to any room, be it a residential apartment or a private house or a restaurant and beauty salon.
Special features
The first ceiling in the heavenly style was created in America by the artist and just a very creative person - Bill Witherspoon.Once he needed urgent help from a dentist. He could not pay for the services with money, and proposed to issue the ceiling of the cabinet in heavenly style. Clients who came to see a doctor were completely delighted with the unusual ceiling with a beautiful sky, which they could enjoy sitting in the dentist’s chair. After a while, this design began to gain more and more popularity around the world.
Stretch ceilings have a lot of advantages over other design options for ceiling coating:
- durability in use;
- protection against leakage of water from the upper floors;
- environmental friendliness and safety of materials;
- high aesthetic characteristics.
Scientists have proven that a deep, immense image of the starry sky has the most beneficial effect on the psychological state of man. It charms with its beauty, distracts from the problems and fuss, gives a person inner and peace of mind. The view of the cosmos relaxes and allows you to fully relax. Such ceilings, installed in bedrooms, well help people with insomnia.
Previously, it took a lot of time, effort, and special materials to create a ceiling imitating the sky overhead. Now this process has become much easier.Only metal profiles and drywall are required. And modern lighting capabilities allow you to achieve maximum realism and beauty of the ceiling.
Mainly used two options for installing ceilings in the style of "starry sky." They differ only in the nature of the structures (single-level and multi-level) and the kind of lighting for which you can use either fiber or LED strip. Naturally, these options differ financially.
The first option is very effective, but expensive. It consists of a fiber-optic system and a tension fabric (fabric or film). However, the second variation is also impressive for its beauty.
"Starry heaven" is a whole system that can be controlled. The visibility of flashing stars and a moving galaxy is created using projectors (autogenerators). They are installed LED or halogen lamps with all kinds of light filters, creating the appearance of movement and flickering colors.
With the help of animated light generators, equipped with special programs, you can easily change the visibility of the night sky.It is also possible to create your own programs. They can change the image of the starry sky in the way you program it yourself. All this is monitored by a controller with up to twenty outputs, each of which has the ability to connect to itself up to two hundred stars.
The light filters are silent in the projector. They are responsible for the play of lights, colors and shadows. The speeds with which they spin, vary with the help of software. In the projectors more expensive there is the possibility of remote control. Lighting cheaper connects to the outlet. One design of the "starry sky" can involve a couple of projectors.
The main element of the "starry sky" is the optical fiber. This thread, transmitting a stream of light. With their help, the effect of glowing the tips of the fibers is created.
Professionals of the business use one trick: they touch the tip of the optical fiber with a hot soldering iron after it is installed. This is done so that the “stars” have different magnitudes. You can simply buy fibers with different diameters, which creates exactly the same effect.However, the selection of fibers is a very long process, so many often use the first method with a soldering iron.
To enhance the effect, install special diffusers.
To date, there are a lot of different options for the design of the "star" ceiling: hinged structures with optical fibers, LEDs, large format printing, a combination of various finishing materials, as well as new appliances and so on.
Speaking about space, several main types of ceiling stand out:
- Dynamic - an expressive variation that uses dynamic effects and various programs to control the brightness, the overflow of color, and the intensity of the glow.
This option of the starry sky gives a festive atmosphere and is perfect for decorating the living room or kitchen.
- Static - not a sharp, calm imitation of stars. She is fascinated by its natural shimmer.
This decor is for relaxation and is well suited for a bedroom or children's room.
The most common way to create "space" in your home is a suspended ceiling with the starry sky depicted on it.It is very simple and very beautiful. The real photo of quality space is applied on a opaque film. With the help of conventional lighting creates a natural dim light.
Thanks to the extensive modern possibilities, designers without stopping offer the most incredible ideas of decor. Particularly fantastic is the two-level ceiling, which shows some planet and uses all the same photo printing.
The decor of the "heavenly" ceiling can be absolutely any. On a dark background, the stars seem brighter and more mysterious, but this does not mean that you can not choose canvases of pink or blue shades. This sky looks very gentle and beautiful. You can adjust the intensity of the image, the intensity of flicker, the brightness of the glow.
When creating "space" in the apartment, it is not necessary to be limited to two or three technicians. However, there are quite worthy and interesting monocompositions.
Pay special attention to photo prints.that are performed by fluorescent paint. This is the easiest and most affordable way to decorate almost any room.At night, the outlines of stars shine well and are clearly visible. However, in the afternoon, there is no similar effect. The ceiling in daylight remains completely normal.
For greater effect, the stretch ceiling in the "cosmic" style is complemented by a bright image that allows you to admire it during the daytime, while the lights on the optical fiber will take care of the beautiful scenery at night. It is possible to mount a glass lamp in the form of a month into the ceiling covering.
If desired, the space view with luminous stars can be recreated absolutely in any format. In order for the decor to come out beautiful and magical, you need to properly adjust the intensity of the image, the power of the glow and the brightness of the lights. You can safely experiment with modes, characteristics. In the lighting, you can use, for example, only light dots or only colored elements. You can also change the color of the entire ceiling lighting, the intensity of illumination can be adjusted from a smooth tan to sharp.
"Space" above the head is the perfect solution for any interior. It remains only to choose the right design and appropriate technology for each case.
How to do it yourself?
There are plenty of options for creating your own "starry sky" in your apartment or house. These methods differ from each other by the visual effect, the technique of execution, the materials used and the total cost.
Consider a few of them:
- stickers;
- ready panel;
- glowing wallpaper;
- fluorescent paints and varnishes;
- Swarovski crystals;
- fiber optics;
- LEDs in tension or suspension structures.
Stickers and ready panels - one of the easiest and cheapest options. Finished stickers are sold in stationery stores. Phosphorus stars are glued to the surface. They can be both paper and plastic.
Decorate the room in the style of "space" will also help glowing wallpaper or film. In the daytime it will be the usual wallpaper, but at night they will shine and glow. It will look very impressive and unusual. The trick of this wallpaper is that a special pigment is applied to the contours of the pattern, thanks to which the wallpaper shines. Such coverage is with the 3D effect. It is unreal beautiful and not so expensive.
Drawing on the film can be created using graphic editors or in 3D.When choosing this design option, you should not save on the quality of the film, since the final result will directly depend on this.
The main advantages of film design are:
- material strength;
- perfect reproduction of the color palette;
- easy installation
But it is necessary to take into account that the maximum width of such films reaches two meters. Therefore, it is worth counting in advance. You may have to divide the picture into several parts. Then it is necessary to glue with special care and attentively so that the joints do not stand out or irregularities turn out.
However, pasting is very simple. The protective tape is removed from the back side of the film, and in the process, so that air bubbles do not appear under the film, a sponge or a rag should be carried along the surface.
By the way, for a start, you can pre-print a small piece of the picture and see if the finished gamut meets your expectations. It may be necessary to slightly adjust the necessary shades of gamma. This trick is used already experienced masters.
Another inexpensive option is to make a “starry sky” on the ceiling: apply an image with luminous paint or varnish.However, this technique requires a responsible approach. Before applying the drawing, the surface of the ceiling should be carefully leveled with a putty or plaster. But there is also a minus. As in the case of wallpaper, during the day the ceiling will be white and the picture will not be remarkable.
For a more spectacular and impressive ceiling covering Swarovski crystals are perfect. Nozzles with faceted crystals are put on the ends of the fiber optic strands. With the help of the individual shape of the faces, a unique picture of the diffused glow is created. The crystals are fixed on the canvas with the help of reinforcing rings.
During the day, each such figure illuminates an area of ten to thirty cm2. But do not place too many crystals, as they will “light up” small objects. Twenty squares will be enough five crystals. In a special way magically crystals look on suede surfaces of cloths and on dense matte PVC film of dark shades. Especially if the backlight changes its color.
Fiber optic filaments are designed to transmit a stream of light. It creates a glow effect at the tips of the fibers.When mounting threads in the canvas, holes are made, and the wires and the light generator are hidden between the ceiling and the canvas. The diameter of the tiniest points of light is 0.25 mm. All threads are cut at the level of the canvas or at a distance not exceeding 2 mm from the outer edge of the canvas.
When mounting with LEDs, they also drill holes, pass wires, glue LEDs that are connected to the controller. The diodes themselves are monochromatic and made using RGB technology. With the help of modern remote controllers, you can change the light intensity and color palette. There are also programming options, making management more comfortable.
LEDs have a lot of advantages:
- remote and programmed control;
- economical energy consumption;
- heating of light sources is excluded;
- life LEDs is about fifty thousand hours;
- elements resistant to mechanical stress;
- it is possible to connect to musical equipment and create color music accompaniment.
Placement tips
Most ceilings, made in this style, are suitable for a bedroom or children's room.But the choice of a room depends only on the imagination and the desire of the owner of the dwelling itself. Such ceilings will look great in the kitchen, in the halls or in the bathroom. Also, the cosmic sky perfectly complement the atmosphere of many institutions. For example, it is suitable for hookah, restaurants, concert halls, etc.
"Heavenly" ceilings rivet the eyes and create an unearthly, fantastic setting.
Beautiful examples in the interior
There are lots of interesting examples of star ceilings. For example, the "sky map" in dark blue is the original way to decorate a teenager's room. And the sky of soft pink tones will turn the girl's room into a fabulous one. Also in the teenage bedroom it would be ideal to look bright stretched canvas with bright lined neon threads.
For the bedroom, an excellent solution would be the ceiling with black glossy canvas. A scattering of stars can be supplemented with an image of a planet.
The living room will look gorgeous multi-level ceiling with a heavenly body in the middle. Especially if you pick a dark purple color of the canvas. With such a ceiling, the interior will sparkle with new colors.
If you live in a private house in which there is a swimming pool, the spectacular ceiling with luminous rings of Saturn perfectly focuses attention on the bathing area.
Stretch ceilings "space" themes are increasingly penetrating into apartments and various institutions. This is evidenced by numerous customer reviews posted on the net. Ceilings increase the space visually and create a special, truly magical atmosphere that attracts the eye. If you want to make your interior mysterious and extraordinarily beautiful, then stretch ceilings with space images - this is what you need.
From the following video you can learn more about ceilings in the form of a starry sky.