Mirror ceiling in interior design

In the modern world of design innovations are constantly appearing, attracting the attention of people engaged in interior design. Mirror ceiling is the most modern way to decorate the ceiling space in an original and beautiful way. Today, this method of finishing is not only stylish, but also a practical design solution. It does not require special care, is relatively unpretentious in operation. It is enough to wipe it occasionally with a dry cloth and special means for cleaning windows and mirrors.
Basically, such a cardinal decision is chosen by lovers of exclusive techniques in interior design. This is a fairly expensive part of the repair, which requires careful study of the details of installation, surface treatment, if necessary, and even possibly additional fixing of the plasterboard surface, as well as the selection of the necessary lighting fixtures.
Special features
The choice of material depends on the installation conditions and the amount of money resources of the customer, since the mirror ceiling does not always mean the installation of the mirror itself. The cost of such ceilings will vary depending on the price and quality of the materials used in their production.
The features of the installation include the absence of the need for installation on an absolutely flat surface. Some minor flaws on the surface with the help of such design techniques can be hidden, and especially carefully mask the flaws of the PVC film. Mirror glass plates will require a more thorough surface treatment, and sometimes it is even possible to pre-mount the plasterboard construction.
With the help of such an original idea, you can realize all your most intricate and, at first glance, impracticable ideas.Such ceilings can be either a single canvas, or individual small tiles with framing chamfers. It all depends on your imagination or on the experience and professionalism of the specialist-designer involved in the repair.
The color of the canvas or tile may vary depending on the preferences of the customer and in accordance with the design project. Shades can be very different: from gray-blue to bronze or salad. It also depends on the designer’s literacy and customer preferences.
Another feature can be considered fairly simple care of such surfaces. It would seem that this surface needs to be cleaned with special care, but in this case, on the contrary, it is enough to pass on it occasionally with a dry cloth or to clean it with the help of special glass cleaner. To do this, you can use a ladder or mop. In general, care is no more difficult than for stretch structures made of PVC film.
A positive feature of this design solution is the ability of this surface to increase the illumination of the room. Even with a small power of lighting devices such reflective surfaces can transform the space into a fairly bright room,increasing the reflection of rays and transmitting light to the room as much as possible.
Despite the complexity of such installation work, a tile of glass with a reflective surface provides for the possibility of installing recessed spotlights. In this case, the tiles must be mounted on a plasterboard construction to hide the supplied electrics and fixtures for fixtures. Lamps look great in such mirror tiles, built-in flush. Installation in plastic, aluminum, lath or stretch ceilings is much easier.
A fairly simple installation method and the absence of dirty work when installing these structures makes them attractive even for those who make repairs on their own, without the involvement of specialists.
The negative features of mirrored ceilings should be attributed to their relatively high cost and relatively high fragility. This applies, of course, the classic types of glass, but for a stretch ceiling made of PVC film, this problem does not exist. But the latter should note some other unpleasant features, for example, a rather low environmental friendliness of this material.
Another unpleasant feature is the fact that not all mirrored ceilings are recommended to be installed in the bathroom due to incompatibility of the microclimate and high humidity in this room. Condensation may form on the mirror surface without improving the appearance of such ceilings.
Classification of mirror ceilings is carried out according to the types of material from which they are made. Some variants are installed with a whole canvas, others with fragments, for example, 600x600 mm.
Stretch ceilings made of PVC films are a complete panel the size of the whole room. This view can not be called a fully mirrored ceiling, but it is still able to reflect some of the objects. Basically, the reflection in such a ceiling is blurred and fuzzy. This is perhaps the only type of mirrored ceilings that can be placed in the bathroom. This material is not afraid of humidity in the room and there is almost no trace of condensate and limescale on it.
Mirror polystyrene plates on a glue base are considered as the next type. They are made and sold in rolls.Before installation, they must be straightened and allowed to rest. Among them are also found species intended for installation in wet areas. Attach them to the surface without the participation of professionals on their own. At the same time in the room does not appear a lot of dirt or construction dust, usually, fixing such ceilings does not create special problems.
Another type of mirrored ceilings can be considered aluminum or slatted. They are fastened with a special frame made of profiles. They look quite aesthetically pleasing, but somewhat cheaper compared to classic types.
The classic mirror ceiling is made from a single piece of glass. This is a rather heavy construction that requires special knowledge and experience during installation. Therefore, it is better to entrust its installation to professionals. Without special experience and knowledge, it is quite difficult to mount such structures, especially for beginners. Such a ceiling looks the most expensive, spectacular, original and stylish.
For self-installation of a glass ceiling, a ceiling made of mirror polystyrene plates on a glue base is most suitable.On the reverse side of such plates there is an adhesive base, which is attached directly to the surface of the ceiling or to the drywall. They are quite easy, so installation is not particularly difficult. The installation can be handled by a layman or even a beginner.
You can make the ceiling out of acrylic - this solution allows you to create not just a monochromatic surface, but also decorate the “mirror” with a pattern. The walls must be neutral.
Design options
Design options using a mirrored ceiling can be very diverse. It is not necessary to cover the entire surface above the head with plates, you can make them separate islands or sockets, framing the fixture of the chandelier. This solution looks very attractive even in a small room. Islands of mirror plates can be geometric shapes, like rectangles, squares, circles or hexagons.
Acrylic based ceilings also allow the creation of a pattern on the ceiling. In most cases, the mirror effect would interfere with the perception of the image, but the starry sky or a custom horoscope with black inserts look very stylish, even in gloss.
Application area
The scope is primarily due to practicality.Mirror surfaces will be appropriate in any room of the apartment or house, not to mention the corridors and hallways. Especially well they look in the kitchen and in the bedroom. Today they are quite relevant, and the fashion for them is only gaining momentum. Very appropriately they will look in the premises of hairdressers and beauty salons, some shops and shopping centers, cafes and restaurants.
At the same time, there are situations when mirror ceilings are irrelevant due to the likelihood of spoiling the design. First of all, this happens in large rooms - the reflection on the ceiling will further increase the space, making it uncomfortable. On the contrary: in too cramped rooms, mirrored ceilings not only look appropriate, but are literally necessary for a visual increase in the room.
Useful tips
Before installing structures from individual polystyrene or glass plates, it is necessary to clean the surface of the ceiling from paint and varnish residues. This will allow reflective tiles to adhere well to such a ceiling. Paint residues can contribute to poor adhesion of ceiling mirror plates.
When installing fixtures in ceilings on a PVC base, it is necessary to take into account that such fixtures should not heat up too much.
If polystyrene or glass plates do not have their own adhesive base, they must be glued with special adhesive solutions. It is necessary to give the glue solution to grab, so the master, pressing the tile to the ceiling, holds it for a while in that position, without releasing it. After installation of such plates, it is necessary to walk on them with a roller for the final alignment and more thorough gluing.
If the ceiling is too hard to align, you can use drywall. It must be mounted before sticking mirror tiles. On such a surface, the tile is glued very simply, usually with this no longer arises. Additional leveling drywall is not required.
The choice of the color of the mirror tiles for ceilings should be carried out even with the approval of the design project - so you will not have the opportunity during the repair to make mistakes with shades.
Rack mirror ceilings are much easier to install, on aluminum profiles,but the result looks much cheaper than classic mirrored ceilings. However, recessed luminaires can easily be installed in such ceilings.
Beautiful examples in the interior
One of the most relevant and beautiful examples of the expansion of space with the use of mirrored ceilings is their use in apartments, "Khrushchev". Even a small, inconspicuous, unpretentious room or kitchen can be revived with a design technique such as a reflective surface. He visually enlarges and pulls the space in height. It is not necessary to finish the whole ceiling in this way - a small rosette framing the place of fixing the chandelier on the ceiling, made of mirror tiles in the form of honeycombs or hexagons, looks no less original and attracts the attention of guests and hosts. This technique is inexpensive because of the small number of tiles involved.
The mirror ceiling will decorate any kitchen, especially - if it is small and with a low ceiling. This effect increases the space and pulls the height of the room. The main thing - do not forget when installing a mirrored ceiling in the kitchen to install another hood,which minimizes fatty contamination on the ceiling.
When using a mirrored ceiling is often used multi-level design. This technique complicates the design, makes it interesting and original. Particularly relevant now is the highlight of the ceiling with LED tape from the second level. It looks simply amazing and unusual, moreover, such a backlight can perform the role of night lighting.
Review of mirror ceiling with LED tape, you can see in the next video.